

The fourth decade of Alonso de Palencia detractor and chronicler of Enrique IV Worthy of a detective novel is the adventures of the manuscript of the fourth decade of the Gesta Hispaniorum by Alonso de Palencia since it was written by an Italian clerk who "shot" his Latin because the minutes were collected by ear until they entered the archives of the Academia de la Historia located in the Palacio del Nuevo Rezado, that mansion on Calle del León, one of the arteries of old Madrid where the great fish market of the Maragatos opened its doors and there were several bookstores near where Cervantes and Lope and Tirso de Molina had his convent. In it a few years ago I once met my art teacher, Azcarate, and invited him to a glass of gin in a seedy tavern that must have alarmed the old professor and he ran off. If it had been Don Marcelino Menéndez y Pelayo, among whose passions the mountain pomace and anise appeared after the books, perhaps such contempt would not have been made to me, but it is that one is a bit wanderer of the stars and my voyages through the sea of ​​the truth and science lead me to ethyl oceans. Books are company and loneliness, but thanks to these navigators of literature, libraries, archives and the stalls of lance booksellers - the most unique that of Riudavets in Moyano at the time that I have lived - among whom I I tell the vulgar may have certain news of problems in the history of Spain that have not yet been solved. For me, this manuscript is much more of a novel of intrigue than the D'Avinci code itself. During the War of Independence, the annals of Alonso de Palencia went to the Montserrat monastery and the Benedictines kept it there until the confiscation of Mendizábal when the folios arrived in Madrid. The lucky knocker was knocking on the door. During the second part of the 19th century, the writings of Alonso de Palencia were subject to a deep controversy over their authenticity and whether it was convenient to put them into Castilian from Latin, taking into account the atrocities against an august Spanish monarch that are grafted onto its pages. To the first question the scholars said that in view of the antiquity of the paper and the humanist gothic letter they said yes, but the scribe who composed it at the dictation of the author himself was anonymous and to the second some said no and others yes. The monstrosity to this day remains untranslated. He was one of the few who was saved from the burning. Other works by this same author who was a compulsive writer such as some parts of his War of Granada were lost. The Decades were a bit the jewel in the crown of the learned institution along with the Gesta Roderici Campodoci or Poema del Cid. Don Enrique IV lived only half a century but the fifty years of his existence from 1425 to 1474 when he died in Madrid was a very interesting time in Spanish annals because they represent a time of change that marks the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of The modern. Few figures of the Castilian monarchy on the other hand have made so much ink flow from waving pens being so vilified at the same time. We have already pointed out above what could be the reason for so much impairment and one of them being the enemy of the chosen people as a result of the excesses that occurred in Burgos reigning his grandfather and those of Segovia in 1410 with the sacrilegious theft of the fourteen hosts. It seems that there were no riots or assaults on the aljama in Segovia, unlike Burgos. Everything was left in Eucharistic reparations and the institution of the devout processions to which my countrymen so inclined. Who came spellbound to listen to the apocalyptic and anti-Semitic sermons delivered by Saint Vicente Ferrer in the church of Cristo del Mercado. He spoke in Valencian and his listeners understood him in Spanish. In these tirades against Judeans, God must have performed a miracle. The most notable incidents were in this order: - Taking of the Plaza de Gibraltar (1462) that would cost hard work and many deaths. The memory of the assault on Gibraltar and the Archidona fort would determine in his personality as bon vivant an inclination to pacts and consensus. Enrique IV, if he had lived in the post-Franco regime, he might have joined the UCD. He disliked shedding blood, he did not like extremes and in the face of infamy and frontal attack a constant is observed in him: the escape. - The first uprising in Catalonia instigated by the French is recorded, but there the one who was to be his in-law brother Fernando de Aragón spins fine and buys the will of the people of Barcelona so that they do not separate from the Crown of Aragon and in 1463 the peace with Luis. - Conflict with Portugal and Navarra. The monarch ca

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