

antonio parra

these are tough times. The twelve nights await. Saturno enters the scene while the unsuspecting staff gobbles up their shortbread and dusts their teeth with the nougat. How do you want it hard or soft? This one of candied fruits. The pateta follows the footsteps in the snow of the grapnels running to the slipstream of Santa Claus. Ho Ho Ho

 At this time people become a little sentimental or foolish and the strike goes down and there are Christmas Eve dinners that end in hell because there is a brother who cannot see us or an unbearable sister-in-law or the mother who was never a mother to you but rather a stepmother I already say Ho..Ho..Ho. In this time of relaxation and dissipation, the Carthusians redouble their fasts and the night vigils of the divine office are more intense in the joy that the redeemer of the world has arrived and those who are still reluctant to accept it and make a wedge of dissipation to our veneration. Christ arouses hatred of the globals. Najatil exclaimed the dervishes of Russian Orthodoxy, a sect known as the jumpers. Has arrived. The Word dwells among us and Don Cierva spoke the other day with great inchoative strength and artillery of data - that man is an arsenal at 82 years old - of Freemasonry, taking great care to insert in his speech the prefix indicated, the one that is needed. Because the lodge and the synagogue and the churches of Satan work for consumption. Actually, it is the Judeo-Masonic term that so frightened Franco. You can't do one without the other. Everything goes together. Don Cierva is an oracle and it was a pleasure to hear him and between jokes and truthfully he released an interesting piece of news that the Bushes are parishioners of a dangerous Yankee Judeo-Masonic conventicle and that Obama is the same as a canvas. Clinton was the first Jewish president of the United States and now Doña Hilaria, her mistress, is going to be Secretary of State. The strong man of the Imbombo administration will be an Israeli émigré Cohen. We're all here? Najatil. Has arrived. The messiah or the envoy of darkness? The gospel tells us that many will believe in him, that he will perform miracles. The economy sinks. Clouds of anguish. Anguish and pressura gentium. Najatil has arrived. Millenarianism or "schiliasmos" (meaning open up) is the abacadabra, a kind of vade mecum or style book to move around the house when the last days are approaching and the Holy Advent is foreseen. Those of us who believe in NSJ are not afraid of such moves. I am not afraid, sir priest of Canillas. I do not change nor am I from Opus nor am I in a sect. I subscribe to the principles of the total church immanent in the evolutionary and random essence in the accident. There are those who say that this is the Chiliasmos that will last a thousand years - great technical inventions, computer power and advances in medicine in physics in surgery - before the resurrection of the flesh and shortly before the bugles of fear sound , the kettledrums of the Dies Irae AND THE SEPARATION in the heavenly sheepfolds of the goats and the lambs. The scriptures state that the chiliasmic cycle will be duturnus[1] et crasus[2]. Saint Methodius at least defines it that way, indicating that before the Second Coming, humanity will live a time of messianic expectation of regeneration in hope. Saint Augustine who in his time when he studied the stars with the Manichaeans advocated millenarianism. Then he would give up on the idea. Saint Jerome explains the chiliamos as the restoration of the kingdom of Israel even in the material sense of the word. The Jews will return to the promised land, to the rivers and fountains flowing with milk and honey. This version is not accepted by other fathers such as Saint Irenaeus who comments that being a Christian means carrying the cross of Christ and his reign and his triumph will not be physical but moral: a victory over sin and satanic forces. Chiliasm likewise opposes the Platonic concept of the eternity of the world. Jesus tells us emphatically that the lights of the firmament will go out and the sun will stop shining. Then the consummation of the centuries will have come. However, the chiliamos does not refer precisely to that consummation but to a renewal or purification before the arrival of the Just Judge. All these things involve darkness, contradictions and inconsistencies. It is not for nothing that eschatology is one of the most difficult parts of soteriology to understand. The economy of salvation is therefore not a neat science. another detail: the Christ who will come will not be the humble one who was incarnated in Nazareth but a triumphant glorious Christ and will be preceded by signs that are these:

◘ signa in coelo or great activity of the meteors.

◘Times of abundance combined with times of scarcity

◘inversions of all kinds: the left in the right, the top down, the man/woman and the woman/male eye to those who invoke the change of sex. It's a sign of apocalypse

■ persecution of the righteous

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