


Arthur Koestler THE GREAT JEW


Antonio Parra.


To interview Arthur Koestler (Darkness at noon; Yogui & the Commisar, Dart in the blue) was one of the scoops of my career, a real achievement of which I have been propud through all my life as a reporter and Foreign Correspondent. The task was not kind of easy considering his background: a former member of the Kommitern, a real workhorse in the apparatus, skilful propagandist of communism, the brain in the shadow of the militant agit prop, dexterous journalist and a convinced Zionist, then a renagade. He loathed the Americans as a diehard European, as much as he detested stalin. A man of action and thought, his fight was against dictatorship. But, a convicted spy, was sentenced to death in Seville by Qeuipo de Llano, indicted for aiding the rebellion. In the last moment his execution postponed, he was exchanged in a swapping prisoners with the aristocratic wife of a wellknown Spanish pilot, Captain Haya  with the Nationals. She had been taken hostage by the Reds.

I was at that juncture London Correspondent for the Falange Daily Arriba. I had written to Mr. Koestler several times. He always answered even I keep one of his letter posted in the South of France, but he procrastinated the interview. At last Mr Koestler who was reluctant to have anything to do with Franco Regime and as a matter of fact he always made the Dictatorship blank of his attacks along the weekly pieces he usually wrote for The Observer conceded me ten minutes only for a session of photographs. The ten minutes agreed became an hour past. He was an extraordinary human being, ful,l of kindness with that characteristic jewish compassion I have come across in other personages of my acquantnace    

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