


For me, the God of Israel is the god of freedom, prophecy, the covenant, the spiritual alliance, mystery, Love and compassion, the arcane that keeps the secrets of man's relationship with God among the miseries of the human condition.

He is the god of compassion and hope. For this reason, because of the war in the Ukraine, he suffered greatly because of the hundreds, perhaps thousands, who fell in combat between dead and missing.

The son of the Lvov tailor is hard-headed and opposes capitulation. He is a headless puppet run by dark forces. thirsty for blood

 Observing through the informative winder (it is a war that the world is seeing live on the Networks and newscasts) in Spain a version is given. I humbly compare the two, that of kyiv and Moscow.

The Russian seems more professional to me. Her soldiers are more disciplined, perhaps somewhat saddened by the task of having to attack a sister nation.

Meanwhile, the Ukrainians seem to me to be guerrilla fighters, undisciplined, anarchists, full of patriotic ardor under the orders of an officer that paradoxically trained at the Frunze Military Academy where Russian cadets were trained during the Soviet Union.

They are brave and brave, yes. Their morale is weak but they seem willing to give their lives for their country to the cry of "Slava Ucraina".

I feel pain and sadness as a Slavophile, because for many years I listened to the broadcasts of Radio kyiv and Radio Moscow. I captured and have recorded on tape the parts of the Chernobyl disaster. Was that ghastly accident the prelude to this confrontation? Many suspected that it was sabotage to BLOW UP THE USSR APPARATUS WITH GORBACHEV'S SURRENDER TO REAGAN IN 1989.

 Ukraine, the largest nation in Europe, was the laboratory where Soviet scientists investigated atomic weapons and after independence, subsequently, according to the Russians, tests on bacteriological weapons were carried out. The Covid created in an American company run by Biden's son could be one of those monstrosities.

Indeed, Ukraine is a tragic country during the Russian revolution, then the German occupation and the Baby Yar massacres, hundreds of sacrificed Jews to whom the poet Yevtuchenko dedicated one of his best collections of poems.

 This is Biden's war. I humbly think that it is not Putin's.

It started on the Maidan in 2014 and not on St. Matthias this year. The Western media fed up with propaganda and anti-Putin rage are not telling the truth of this misfortune.

Beneath such campaigns there are economic interests that are difficult to clarify because the breadbasket of the world is found in the Ukrainian black lands.

I trust that we will not be punished for proclaiming the truth by accusing us of being anti-Semites.

 I hope I don't end my days on the gallows in Wandsworth jail like that Irish journalist they called Lord How-How who hurled swearwords at the English from the antennas of Radio Berlin.

Where is the freedom and the right of interruption and reply? Neither. Anti-Semitism is a historical evil that humanity suffers, but the inquisitorial action against those who do not think the same seems to me to be the same and goes against the God of Israel, who is the sumum bonum of beauty, love, compassion and freedom. .

 Lord Howhow like Jesus Christ and so many other martyrs were hanged for proclaiming the truth.

 There is peace. look. look.

It is a beautiful Slavic word both in Russian and in Ukrainian, which is a language that is similar to Catalan due to intonation.

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