
 14 de mayo de 2000




His Holiness J.Paul II seems to be luckier than those poor Spanish citizens who over the years have been targets to the bandits of ETA, the last one a journalist, J.Calle, one colleague of mine. Like him, we have a long black list which include policemen, civil guards, housewives, students, city councellors. All of them innocents, elected at random by barbarians behind the scenes. The macabre roll has been increased infamously, day by day, year after year, to reach the numbers o nearly three thousand anonymous names, all shorn by the big Birch of the Hydra of the new times.

The pope is judge and party of the system. That is why, in spite of his big does and happenings, tiaras, speeches and long journeys through the world (his comparecences, travelling, populated masses recited in the explanades all over the world, congregate millions) we continue the same or even worse. The situation ahead looms apocalyptical, but all the endeavour of this pontiff has been to deny the very essence of apocalypsis.

They say he is a bit of a gaffe. His only presence brings bad luck. The 13th of May 2000 while he was at Fatima canonising the two famous shepherds of the apparitions, a whole firework plant in Endschebe (Holland) exploded. We had pirotechnics that night in TV. When he first came to New York in the autummn 1979, and I went to see him in Harlem, I got mugged on the tube on my way back, and when I reached home I discovered my wife who had just given birth to our third dauhgter, in a pool of blood. She had died if we  with the help of the neighbours did not rush her to hospital. 

There was no mercy for those victims of terrorism while he stays put, gets away with murder. In any case, the one who arrogates for himself the title of vicar of God on earth enjoyed acquittal from Heaven at the hand of Ali Agca, his merciful gunman.

To speak pontifically means to act as a bridge between the Olympus and poor mortals. It is a job only for arrogants, and it is a reflux of the heathen tides, reminiscence of the superstitious romans and his cult full of syncretism.

Those poor victims of terror did not have as a shield the finger of Our Lady from Fatima. As they did not have sponsors over the heights, there destiny was written, and they had to die, so stupidily. Could be God whimsical, moody, or prejudiced against some one?  The bullets went there, harbingers of death. They did their job.

Ali Agca, apart from the worse of marksmen, aimed really to do the Pope in with two shots? Or was he a hoax? Cant you tell him an anticlimax? A warning or rather a real attempt to the life of the bishop of Rome? Who was behind that gunman:the Bulgarian Connection, the Circus,the CIA, the KGB, the mossads?

None had explained. To me seems the subject so obscure and intriguing as the Third Secret of Fátima. The Vatican ought to shed some light on that arcanum.

The archives of the See of saint Peter in this matter so scurrilous and impermeable as ever won´t clarify our confused minds.

However, even the so called Myteries of Fátima in three parts as a serial of Apocalypsis in programme, a bar code extracted from Nostradamus for simpletons even in the unpolished style in which are drafted, show certain preferences toward America, the big capital and the jews.

That is not fair play.

On the other hand they are biased against Russia, the land of Christ.

They seem, furthermore, to oblitarate the reason why the Czar and his family were assesinated by a certain Abraham Lewinski or Liwosky- the surname leaves scarse doubts of the social extraction of the character who perpetrated such a sacrilege- commanding a squad of drunken foreign mercenaries, since no Russian could participate in such a ferocity, obeying orders from Lenin.

This Lewinski of infamous memory was perhaps an ancesstor od a certain call girl by name Monica who did naughty things with the penis of the jewish pressident in the oval room in the White House? The father of the atom bomb, Albert Einstein, belonged as well to the “elected people” and his letal invention was proved and texted in New Mexico, before they dropped it over Hirsohima and Nagasaki.

No one talks now, God bless America. over the barbarian act of the “Enola Gay”. Human memory is so fragile especially for those events out of programm!

I find cogency among all these events mentioned: the crucifixion of Christ by the deicide mob, the assesination of Nikolai II, monarch absolute, his emissary on earth, the opening of the seventh seal of Fatima, the Theology of the Shoah and the postponement of the Truth of Redemtion in the Mount Golgotha, implemented by the reigning Pope.

It is heressy, apart from a revulsion, to pretend the conversion of our Credo, to ax the Cross to put in its place the Menorah. Nobody denies he has ambition, that he is clever and audacious, but I think he has gone over the line, superseding his function of bishop to become an statesman or minister of the Trilateral. And his forgivings are going to be hindrance for catholics in the near future. Bur “apres moi le deluge” might think the Pope Sun, the new Luis XIV of the papacy. Wojtyla  turned our whole religion upside down.

One wonder whether his whole mission consisted in bringing the force of change to appease the minds of those who put the head of Our Lord in a block prompting the substitution of the Crucifixion by the Holocaust.  He quietened down the clangours of the deicidium (“crucify Him, let be that his blood may fall over us and over our children”) transforming them into the deification of the jews. Very clever. Only a demoniacal mind could have orchrestrated such a plan, but the polish pope helped by his cronies in the Curia, the mafia from Cracow and the Cia,has arranged it.The motto of the whole pontificate has been:rub the memory of the Church.

That´s the venon who pervades the whole philosophy of the Holocaust: an intention to efface the memory of the Crucifixion of our Lord.

The real holocaust took place in Russia. There nearly thirty million people died struggling agains the nazis. Hitler was an invention of the Rothschilds, an scapegoat of the jews from Vienna. A trump card or dingdong disposable to use in their intentions of world domination.  Nazis and zionits. Birds of the same feather fly together.

That letter “z” appartaining to the word zionism and nazism is deletereous, both had the same origin and a certain ressemblance.  We hear them constantly all over again, like a cry of avengers, the muted and morbid call of the isofar. There seems not to be other subject these days in our Press. We feel at the pillory of the concentration camps.

Those names-Auschwitz,Mathausen,etc- are pointed, like a dagger, aiming at our heart and to the heart of Russia, who was the real victim of thar war. Someone has to stop them, otherwise with that z we are doomed to a inminent catastrophe. And that shall be an holocaust for real, and global.

And it is written in the Protocols. The snake will creep back East to suffocate the neck of the world. There she will be strangled by a man of God. A real primus pater of the faith, a pope, but not Pope.  The roman bishop is only an usurper o f the Holy Cross.

It is also an affront to the second person of the Holy Trinity receiving all the papal blessings. Holocaust,yes. Resurrection, no. The revolution of this pope turns over that axis.

It seems to me that in the moment of his death, when  priest in Roma say for the relief of his soul the “novenalia”, he had to give account in the tribunal of divine justice, although I doubt that “His Holiness” believes in God and afterlife, for many of his crimes. He is staunchly pitched to this terrenal life. One hardly sees any emanatism in his homilies and perfomances. Everything is now and here (hic et nunc) no trascendence at all. Like the saduceans he does not believe in resurrection Hardly talks about death, but he is a god politician.

 As a jew, he is a master of the double talk. As a priest, he does not believe in what he preaches. As a Pole, he is sttuborn like a mule.

But he is the only responsible of his  apostasies and the sin of scandal pervading the rank and file of his flock. If the master chose the way of abnegaion, selfdenial and contradiction to the mundane flatters, the servant preferes the glory and adulation of the great enemies of the Cross of Christ.

There had been many a rumour in Rome that he has made pact with the devil.

His face is rough, never seen with a smile, his voice coarse reveals a man without tenderness, somewhat obstinate, haughty, implacable. He prefers to be feared rather than to be loved. That phrase that runs “J.Pablo II te quiere todo el mundo” is only a slogan.

He had been elected by the Americans and jews to appease their own ill feeelings, their crimes against humanity. Remember Hiroshima, six million people dead, Dresde with its 300000 casualities in a night of bombardements, Almagordo, Los Alamos, the napalm bombs of Mayalai, the expulsion of the Palestinians from Cisjordania, the war of Kosovo.

The polish pope did not move a wrinkle of his big face to condemn the aggression by Turks, helped by strawmen like Solana, chief of NATO, against Methopia. During the war of aggression against Yugoslavia in the Spring of 1999, masterminded by that jewish Secretary of state, Magdalene Albright, kept and uncomfortable and guilty silence. Said nothing when old churches, craddle of the old orthodox faith preached by Cyrilus and Methodius, burned, or were destroyed entire towns inhabited by serbians, and monasteries crushed, his monks evicted or their nuns violated by the muslimic hordes.

In the name of God Allmighty, all these “trifles” must weigh over his conscience, although I doubt that Wojtyla had any. He is a man of guts but  unscrupulous, and his machiavelian profile makes one think of those popes or the Renaisance, the cruel Borgias, the incredulous Julius II, the warrior, the one who said: “The Evangelium, that fable, has made us rich”.

Looking at what he has done during his extremely long and tedious 22 years of power one thinks that Lutero was right when he saw in Rome the see of the devil and called the pope antichrist.

 He has been a hurricane, certainly, but his mandate has not opened the doors to the flood of grace and the wind of the Spirit. He is nothing but the breeze abreast of Satan.

Thanks God that the Holy Spirit blows in other parts and the essence of our faith is preserved by the good orthodox christian of Moscow, Nicosia, Athos, Constantinople. The russians are really converted to the face of our lord Jesus Christ. However, at this side of the waters we have blasfemy, fornication, atheism, apostasy, revenge, protervia and obstination.  The West has ceased to be christian, Holy Father. The churches are empty or closed, or stink to cat dejections.

In Spain the gates are open for the invasions of the moors. Then it was a libelaticus bishop by name don Opas. Now is the jewish pope the perpetrator of high treason.

Lord Jesus Christ forgive this pope. A great forsaker.  He had led the catholic believers into the shadows of error, manipulating everything, even the spirit and letter of the Message of Fatima. Beware of the false prophets. He is the prototype of the bad pastor. A good pastor gives his life for the security of his folk. But, a real wolf in desguise of lamb, John Paul has made a deal, being the pope of the big consensus, with the forces of Hell. “E  per guardare la sede perde la fede”. He has a good precedent in Pius VI, who surrendered himself to Napoleon. He lost the faith but he kept the job at  the cathedral of Saint Peter. In his heart there is a lot of evil. This son of excomunication and abomination “sit anathema”and for all eternity let him to roast in hell.

A bad man from Katowice arrived in Rome. He did not follow the wise advice “when in Rome do what the romans do”. He just and turned the whole thing upside down.     


     Ixθuωσ. Xρistoσ αηεσti εx ηεkρωη



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