

I do not like to speak ill of those who die, quia de mortuis nisi bene, but today the world takes a deep breath knowing that Don Henry handed over the spoon. He had turned one hundred years old. These zionists last longer than uracel batteries. During my time as a correspondent in London I remember a brief meeting at the Claridge Hotel to ask him what the State Department's policy would be after Franco. The Secretary of State looked good. Tanned, he looked at me with his piercing eyes that I considered the sarcastic look of the Talmud. He didn't say anything, he smiled and left surrounded by his gorillas who almost knocked me down to make way for the almighty Minister of Foreign Affairs. A few days after that meeting he went to Madrid and what we Spaniards call the embrace of death occurred. Admiral Carrero Blanco was neither attentive nor persistent in considering himself a friend of the Americans. The next day, having just left the Jesuits' mass, his car flew almost fifty meters. With him the Franco regime flew. His “step by step” policy has had serious consequences for Europe, today fragmented and divided. He managed to blur the historical and humanistic sense of the old Europe of the homelands transformed into the homelands of the markets, genuflexing before the slogans of Freemasonry and the Pentagon. Everything that was cruel about him (two million dead in Vietnam, one hundred thousand Americans) was clever and jovial. He was a nice guy whose German accent was noticeable, his deep and enigmatic voice at press conferences. He liked soccer, he smoked American-flavored tobacco, I managed to photograph him leaving a soccer game at the Metropolitan Stadium in '82 and his wife Nancy photographed him when he was taking an elevator at the Ritz. He would be moved to tears like a good Jew if someone accused him of being a butterflier. Then he used the Auschwitz argument. He had been born in Germany and came as an interpreter with General Eisenhower's troops. He served as a Nazi hunter. He merciless to the Germans. Returning to Washington sponsored by Rockefeller he belonged to the band the Whitkizs. A series of characters all the same with brainwashing, good looks, tailored suits and a discreet and concentrated speech. Biden is one of the last of that streak. His elegant appearance however hides from him his black and cruel soul. They are capable of pressing the nuclear button. Kissinger's step by step by step, step by step, you have to go little by little without haste but without pause to win, for many countries, has been the path to hell, the disintegration of it; what we are experiencing in the Middle East and Ukraine, those of us who live in Yugoslavia, Gaza, Iraq and Afghanistan, the massacres in Africa. Kissinger, as an incentive to his global policy, supported ETA's terrorism and demanded an independent state for Catalonia when these whizkids know how to use the ruse as a false flag argument, attributing to the enemy the evil that they perpetrate. Well, I have survived this butter-pulling ogre, thank God. Let's break out the champagne and toast the death of the tyrant. With the disappearance of this Jewish-German, the world today can be calmer. Crime doesn't pay. Crime does not pay. May God settle the score

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