




I retrace my steps, I treasure my readings. I have already spoken about “Lausana Andalusa” in my book about tricks and about Doctor Laguna as its secret author.

The same goes for Delicate Baeza. A converted Jewish clergyman who became a priest took holy orders and went to Rome. 1481, the day the Inquisition was founded. Surviving and lying, exaggerating, complaining is a historical tactic. There is a metaphorical saying in Spanish that confirms this: “You cry more than a Jew.” I say this, outraged by the blasphemy that has just emerged in the “Dirty World” - THE DEVIL COMES HOME FOR CHRISTMAS the capital's press organ, which makes Easter bitter for us Spaniards by saying that Jesus of Nazareth is a fiction, a fable, a scientific fantasy film in the horror chamber of history. Well, that's it. Well, the left and the right dominate. The Jews returned to Spain and, under the guise of the fat asses of the Bourbons and the fruit lovers, farted politicians like La Lozana, who said: "I have become a whore for wine and fruit" and "Show me the cereal." There are in the Madrid newspapers there is a Kohen, who, like Rampin, is the pimp of this beautiful woman from Cordoba, and a Mohel (one who performs circumcision in the religion of Moses), a specialist in cutting off extreme flesh and restructuring virgins. So: “Beauty in whore and strength in roughness, that's crap.” These are expressions that are firmly anchored in the religion Spanish language, in which two sicalyptic expressions are on everyone's lips, namely: pussy and fuck. The king had three daughters and he threw them in the river, damn, damn, damn. This priest, apparently born in Martos, knew a lot, as he often referred to the Martos group of love arts. What a villain. I wonder if he gained his knowledge of sins against the sixth commandment during confession?

    I read this work in my youth and didn't lose faith, but it made me laugh.

    Despite everything, the book in question has a moralizing aspect, as it describes life in Rome since Leo's enthronement.

Delicado explains that this is the biblical punishment for the lust indulged in by cardinals, bishops, archbishops, miter abbots, etc. in 1526. And from my readings I learned the lesson that the Vatican has always been dominated by the Jewish mafia.

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