




Antonio Parra Galindo

Priests at Cencillo Requiem mass on Tuesday and there was a whole set of them, should not have worn the mulberry chasuble for  the Defunct, but the red one of the martyrs. On my view we were attending the glorification of a witness of the Faith. Father Cencillo an ex priest who never abandoned the Church neither his parish nor his priesthood though he exerted it another way attending the poor and listing to the sufferers (depression, oblivion, incomprehension, abandon and anonymity and torture of modern life) and preaching to them in askance. A councillor he was who adapted the Gospel to the common man of nowadays. The envied him, the mediocre, and they surrounded him with an iron curtain of silence. He was martyr of silence and he became an exile in his own country in his own cassock. The saints of today, the confessor of the Faith are invisible. I remembered a Christmas message by the archbishop of Canterbury and he made that point of the invisibility sainthood, which is not scandalous or thriving in thaumaturgy of the middle ages. Because mysterious are His ways and His ways are not our ways and His words are not our words. The Hoy Spirit moves with surprising and paradoxical methods.  Et ubi vult spirat. Don Luis was martyr a modern saint full of wisdom. I perceived it at his funeral with the third eye that lets people see what is not in appearance. He took his cross and he carried it through the via Dolorosa of this Spain, apparently, free but alienated with fear and prejudices. Political incorrect amounts to insurrection. People don’t want to know. Don’t want to think. That is why there are so many traumas. And the good professor and ex Jesuit was a healers of minds and hearts. But the democrats of the new age sent him into exile. They ostracised him and he died poor in the hospital of San Juan de dios, the good Teatines who in XVII century attended in Madrid the deprived and the derelict. He was heroic in his life in his thought and his death and practiced virtue beyond the regular established patterns. With heroism and that is sanctity. I was convinced that he will make miracles the three miracles necessary to climb to the altars and to be proclaimed saint. The church shall canonise this incredible and unconventional priest. It will be a good way to say sorry. I think that the most painful thorn at his heart that caused him very strenuous moral pain was the silence and lack of interests by his own companions. The hierarchy didn’t want to know. He was a hot potato for the bishops.  He spoke his mind in this day and age when everybody was trying to compromise with the devil secular forces. No room for a spiritual, a mystic, a pure among unbelievers and corrupted. The silence covering the death and last year of this great man is a cry of j´accuse. This democracy is guilty. Is it democracy or Totalitarianism under disguise of freedom? They just did not want to know. The Church crucified him. The external and apparent church. They deal with esoteric, immanent episodes, politics, the temporal and that church has nothing to do, as he is fruit of the conjuncture. They are the outsiders of the inner circle. The esoteric church the real one founded by our Lord Jesus Christ of whom he gave testimony. All those who have suffered the same traumas, identical incomprehension, similar cruelties, the scorn and the stare of the supercilious all those of us who have navigated in the same boat as Father Cencillo we are comforted by the example of dignity and stamina he gave us with a life of sacrifice dedicated to writing and preaching. One day this elegant Spaniard who spoke more than five languages shall be glorified. Here is light to guide the new generations out of darkness. Burrows nowadays don’t carry axes on their hands nor pillory but they administer torture, psychological torture and slander with more subtle ways but of course there are martyrs at this juncture. Father Cencillo as candid as a dove was then surrendered by wolves, tigers and hyenas with mortal paws. The scions of modern times are more treacherous than their predecessors who inferred tortured  Christians in the gallows of Rome or Byzantium. Still they make martyrs whose names are written like Father Luis in a hidden list.


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