




I love USA but I dislike Obama. I love Israel but I hate Zionism. They say that this assert is a contradiction, but I don’t give a farthing to that. Kiss my ass.

I love Jews individually but I mistrust them as a bulk. They could become a dangerous lot.

I love the Islam because Islam, the Coram is very poetic book with good teachings I love the good and humble Muslim but I hate fanatics and, off course, I hate Bin Laden and Alcaida but I don’t know what they are. That who-is-who perplexes me.

Propaganda, do you mean?

I love Democracy but I hate certain democrats. On their tolerance they disguise intolerance.

I love Christ but some priests who use His teachings and the Gospel as a commodity are a pain on the neck.

About Popes let us talk, neither of the inquisition nor of the king. Del rey y de la inquisición chitón

I love the Church but a few of churchgoers are not my cup of tea.

I love Russia but I hate imperialism and communism. Russia is the pattern of a big enigma forged in the odd mould of counterpoint.

I love freedom and I hate gaols.

Freedom and freethinking has been part of me because I love life and I hate death. Love of life is one of the legacies of Judaism. Jewish always play chest and read. That is why they are so good at Maths.

The people of the Bible— the chosen ones— who abide by the rule of God’s word but the Bible the Talmud the Alcoran don’t guarantee preposterousness. We must be tolerant.

I loved also Mohammed Ali. He was the greatest

I love Germany (Deutsche Sprache perfection is) but I cant get rid of my misgivings towards Frau Merkel -they call her the German roach, too much power and the Deutsch as a mass can also become dangerous but they suffered too much in the Fall of Berlin… what a contradiction they lost the war and now they have beating their all rivals in technology, modernity, progress journalism television- and the possibility of a clash between German and Russian frightens me.

Drums of war I hear sounding in that classical enmity between the two greatest countries of the continent. ¡Bloody awful!

It is the old tactic: obscure forces used Hitler as a warhead arming Germany to the teeth against Europe, and here we go again with exaltation of Russian militarism.  We hear an old tune and watch worn out clichés.

There is a double language, amphibology of terms in that sentence. What they mean when Moscow talks about Nazism? Where are the Nazis nowdays?

In the Pentagon?

A confrontation in Europe could afford benefits to warmongers.

I love Billy Gates as much as I loved Mohammed Ali. They are good Americans. Writers owe him our gratitude but I hate people who use the Net in a bad way (extortions, pornography, vulgarity, mind control, mental shit)

Let me assert that I love life and I hate death, and life means peace for me. Yes, the wandering Jew, that I am, loves peace but I travel only through the rows and aisles of my Bibliotheca.

Books were my Jacobs staff, the golden steps of my ladder, and the spiritual walks of the staircase of my mind.

“Un libro Viejo quiero yo en mis lares y un amigo… leña seca que quemar libros viejos que leer y vino añejo a ser posible un jarro de tintorro mojando mis labios” and, off course, my good old pipe.

Puffing and reading always make me happy… ande yo caliente riase la gente. Gongora big nose bad priest and a little bit of a “puff” queer (maricón) was my poet, that Jewish priest (converso) who became a canon at Cordoba Cathedral and chanted with negligence,  even fell to sleep, during high Mass on his seat at the choir. He wrote:

—Cordoba ciudad bravia más de cien tabernas y una sola librería.

Neither pubs nor bookshops nowdays in Cordoba in Sevilla in Madrid, what pity. No milk today… my love is far away

The closing of libraries means for me a calamity.   

I love Spain but I hate the stupidity ignorance meekness of the Spaniards especially during electoral campaigns, the candidates big loud mouths shout too much.

My countrymen live in oblivion of the greatness of our country. We were a nation of giants and we became dwarfs, cynical idiots.  We are back to the wall. The rain in Spain… falls mainly in the plain. Mi país es un trabalenguas

Here they are my adversatives and my conditionals, if… but.

I am a melting pot of contradictions.

Oh Lord forgive my sins and long life to Mohammed Ali.

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