


Bulgakov the white guard.

Through the pages of "Belaia Kvard" the horses of the Apocalypse gallop open the seventh seal converging two planes the ideal and the real, the past and the future in a sheaf of great phrases withering words. Here is another prophetic Ukrainian. 1918 terrible year great famines in the Ukraine civil war the ghost of famine in some villages the muzhiks ate the bark of their birch covers and cases of anthropophagy occurred. Michael Bulgakov was a White Russian son of a priest. His writing was admired by stalin. The conspiring Jews wanted to send him to Siberia and there were many of them in the politburo. He was a meth, an internal exile in the country of the soviets, taking into account his Christian origins perhaps determined the persecution he was subjected to after having written "the teacher and margarita" and after being the author who had the most works on the poster in Petersburg 1930s. Fashionable high boots flattened caps engineering cadets pass... watermelons cannot be roasted with soap▬absurdity is part of our reality▬ that the Americans won and it is not possible to sit on a hedgehog. Bulgakov the new Gogol who, being Ukrainian to the core, wrote in Russian in this enigmatic novel makes a song to the world that disappeared to the elegant hussars dolman crossed to the velvet chest and a feather in the river to break the hearts of the damsels. The White Guard was made up of the cream of the cream of the military aristocracy, the Preobrazhensky Regiment. The hetman mounts the horse draws his saber and shouts to his sentnia hurray boys. Mikhail Bulgakov relives the experiences of his golden childhood in Kiev the Saint. His family lived on the slope of the Aleseyski slope, pretending to hide behind the little curtains of his sanctuary. From the garden you can see the golden domes of the Saint Sophia Cathedral. This novel made me relive the pain I felt from my love for Russia and Ukraine. I did not understand the postulates of the orange revolution. Did Soros put his paw into the barn of Europe, the black lands? Ukraine always had a problem with Semitism? the third angel poured out the bowl on the rivers and on the fountains and they turned into blood. Long live Russia, long live the autocracy I fell in love on May 1918 but she didn't love me I was fat and ugly. The Germans were cowardly and supported the outlaw Petliura. The First World War brought lice, famine and gonorrhea to Ukraine. Miguel Bulgakov consulted Moscow patients with syphilis, a disease that he contracted God knows where and from which he died as a cocaine addict. The great geniuses of Russian and perhaps universal literature were unfortunate. Everything happens but he had to see the fall of tsarism drowned in a sea of ​​trickery and corruption... journalists from Moscow arrived, avid and cowardly venal people. Cocotas. Honorable ladies with aristocratic surnames and passive young pederasts (bardajes and buharro the one). Three to four princes arrived, poets and lenders, gendarmes and actresses from imperial theaters who moved in alarm about the electric future of humanity. It is resounding and prophetic Bulgakov. His tactic is repetition and page breaks like the troparians of Byzantine diaconal chant. He sticks out his hand in spite of himself to attack the foolishness and pretentiousness of his contemporaries and opens the low bellows of his cantor's voice to sing the truths of the boatman. A Jew was preaching the revolution next to the church of San Vladimiro and then the bandits entered in praise and I left. This is the cynical and lyrical vision of an eyewitness to the October revolution that was revived almost a century later in the orange revolution in holy Kiev. As a good Ukrainian, Bulgakov is very skillful with the words he wields in his double semantic interpretation of the two great Slavic languages. He was a teacher for me since I read the white guard translated by the brother of Lain Entralgo. He got ahead of Kafka. Large-scale modern novel.

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