




Spain is the only country that declared war on the Americans. It is true that we lost Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines through the Yankee strategy of supporting the

subversion of the malvises and the outbreak of "Maine" which was a self-coup. The gringos have been masters ever since in the tricks of dirty warfare, disinformation, buying wills and the caesarean formula of divide and conquer to defeat the enemy. Spain threw the remains to the last man, the last peseta. And all that heroism was sculpted in history. Many Spaniards have forgotten or want to forget that deed carried out by our little soldiers dressed in stripes for little pay fighting not only against Martí's insurgents but also against fever, shortages or typhus. Doña María Cristina of Augsburg and Lorena reigned as a very discreet and austere woman, one of the best queens the monarchy had after Isabel la Católica and Carlos III. Among the Bourbons they are the only two that are saved because the current one perfumes praises to the enemy and is sponsored by the North Americans who are undone in flattery to the more than doubtful beauty of Doña Leticia who is nothing more than a figurehead. Another strategy of Freemasonry. Such a surrender to national values ​​could ultimately mean the end of the Bourbon dynasty, the balkanization of our country and a return to cantonalism: the Taifa. The person who writes this is not a monarchist or anti-monarchist, but I love my country and fed up with the outrages and extravagances of the Princess of Asturias awards ceremony, a media debacle where all adulation and lameculism had a seat, I am going to offer a crown of flowers to the monument to those who died in the war in Cuba. In this beautiful Cantabrian town, the feat of Commander Villaamil, Admiral Cervera's second in command, who gave his life for Spain and its queen on July 3, 1898, still unfolds. His frigate the "Furor" was shelled by the Yankee squadron that It blocked the bay of Santiago de Cuba. He died with the name of his queen María Cristina and long live Spain. I hope that this monument will not be demolished by all those rabble that are dedicated to knocking down statues, knocking down crosses and removing tombstones from the fallen.

Maria Cristina of Habsburg, related to the House of Austria and a descendant of Emperor Leopold, had to bear not only the loss of the Spanish overseas colonies. Added to this was the pain of seeing the Austro-Hungarian Empire perish in the First World War. She was born in Brno on the border with Romania in 1858 (she spoke German, Czech, Hungarian and Romanian and thanks to her linguistic faculties she managed to express herself in Spanish without an accent)

She was going to be a nun and Emperor Franz Joseph appointed her abbess of a convent in Vienna. While in these, the request for the hand of King Alfonso XII arrived, who had just lost his first wife, Queen Merceditas, who died of consumptive (her name was popularized by the simple people and the girls invoked her name in the songs of the circle… where are you going Alfonso XII where you are sad about you) were married in the Atocha basilica in 1859. Their marriage was not happy, he had to repress his jealousy due to the womanizing excesses Alfonso XII who, as a good Bourbon, there was no actress or singer of course who did not know pass it through the stone.

From him she conceived three children, two infants who died in childbirth and Alfonso XII who was pregnant when her husband died of hemoptysis. She was sworn in as regent until Alfonso XIII came of age, she mourned him all her life. She was always loved and admired by the people for her integrity of character and austere morals. She was the bastion of the Restoration of the monarchy. General Martínez Campos was the architect of it. Cristina always relied more on the military than on politicians. Weyler, Polavieja, Martinez Campos. As prime ministers, the tornantes Cánovas and Sagasta were two great statesmen, although Sagasta had the misfortune of having to submit to the tragala of the Treaty of Paris by signing the delivery of Cuba and the Philippines to the North Americans. When a queen like her is moderate in her customs, her people admire her and acquire from her. She was the one who promoted the urban beauty of the new Madrid El Prado, the Gran Via, the palaces and monuments, the Salamanca district, this Czechoslovak turned out to be a great Spaniard who was at the head of the government in traumatic times for the world and for Spain . She ended her regency at the conclusion of the minority of the third child of her Alfonso XIII. During the First World War she felt Germanophile but thanks to her influence Spain did not align with either side, which saved many lives and provided a time of prosperity for the state coffers. This afternoon in R

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