


The plutocrats accuse him of being Putin's altar boy and a thousand other infamies in which the torticeros and sons of infamy show themselves to be consummate experts. There is a whole world campaign mounted against him and against Russia because this ecclesiastic who officiates with a clear and wonderful voice the Byzantine liturgy with his troparians with the sung reading of the epistle and the gospel (the deacons, the proto-deacons) every time I tune in on youtube they make me go to heaven, he is a man of peace, a bishop of God, the only defender of the faith in these anti-Christian times.

Well, he has challenged his detractors to an in-depth debate on the attitude of the Russian church in the Ukrainian war, his enemies were called andana. They don't want to face his wisdom. The church is the people of God and must defend the people from it.

Bergoglio is the antithesis of this archimandrite. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Kiril reminds me of another great patriarch of the Moscow church: Pimen, the one who resisted the communist persecution and the hubbub of atheism, the destruction of hundreds of churches and monasteries, the murder of nearly twenty thousand priests, a complete crucifixion.

Mutatis mutandis, the persecution to which he is the object is similar to that of his predecessor, only with white gloves, wolves in sheep's clothing who say they call themselves democrats, supporting a corrupt assassin like Zelensky and putting at his service all the machinery of Western propaganda.

With the same and wishing to know if my surnames are Jewish, I enter a Jewish Facebook portal because I have for me that my grandparents were baptized in the fifteenth century, renouncing the old law, but preserving some of its characteristics: the irrevocable resolution, the curiosity because resilience and endurance surround us.

A wise rabbi tries to exorcise my ignorance by saying that the Hebrews who converted out of comfort, fear or the desire to prosper lost their identity. Most of the Spanish bishops and ecclesiastics had that origin and I demonstrate it with the case of the primate Carranza that readers can consult on my blog, Pablo de Santa María bishop of Cartagena and many others.

 I think I am an expert in conversational literature.

The guide was written by a Segovian Jew, Guzmán de Alfarache, Mateo Alemán, Fray Luis de León, Saint John of the Cross Teresa the Jewish convert another book of mine belonged to the guild.

 I maintain before this good priest of Israel that the dichotomy between goim (gentiles) and children of Abraham seems to me to be racist nonsense because we are all children of God and he alleges that the offspring of children of Abraham goes to the Jewish genes when faith is renounced mosaica this is annulled.

However, "Christ told the Pharisees out of these stones I can make children of Abraham," he replied. Then an Argentine lady Silvia Noemí, I don't know if she had the intention of sending me to the crematorium oven, she shouted:

- I disappeared, you are an anti-Semite

- I am not anti-Semite, I know many Jews who are wonderful people, they helped me and I have respect for them. They did not crucify the Lord but the Sanhedrin, the politicians and now we are overwhelmed by politics.

Many good Israelites cannot see the forest for the trees.

They kick me out of the chat go for God. It is a constant in my life: I am expelled from all the synagogues, but I continue to polish the diamond of truth like Baruch Spinozza, a true genius of Judaism and world philosophy. With these things I feel satisfied with myself.

I averted the waves of the hurricane, I don't know if with my wisdom or my many years in this trade.

I love the debate on discernment following the unbeatable maxim of Thomism "ex discussione lux".

Now I understand why the bad guys resist a face-to-face with Patriarch Cyril.

 Because they fear the truth. Unfortunately the gospel says so: the children of darkness in this bitter hour through which the world is passing are more audacious than those of light.

In Spain we are suffering from a wave of submissive rams that leads Perico, the altar boy of Soros, to the slaughterhouse. The herd patiently resigns.

Therefore, sanchismo has so many dangers. There is no protest, only submission, and we all want to walk the path of political correctness. I do not


November 19, 2022

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