

Cuando yo era latino me “picaba la mosca” con gran intensidad. Las hormonas apretaban lo suyo sin remedio y a mí me daba pena de mí mismo. Tenía poluciones nocturnas y un día al ir al baño sin querer tuve mi primera eyaculación. Fue un acto involuntario deleite solitario. El semen venía pidiendo paso. Bienvenido a la vida.

 Tales desventuras fueron para mí causa de no poca zozobra. Me veía de patitas en el infierno. Acudí al rector que era un hombre de gran talante castellano viejo don Julián García Hernando que hizo una confesión de parte:

─Hijo, a mí a tu edad a mí me pasaba lo mismo pero conseguí vencer la carnalidad.

─ ¿Cómo, su reverencia?

─Duchas de agua fría, mortificación de la vista, del olfato, del tacto y devoción a la Virgen María y ya sabes lo que aconsejan los santos padres al respecto. Si la dejas un día ella te dejará un mes y si un mes un año y si un año toda la vida.

Creo que el padre espiritual decía verdad porque era lo que se entendía por un santo. Muy humano, se hizo cargo de su larga familia de Campaspero (Segovia) era un gran escritorista, gran orador y conocedor de la historia de España en Iberoamérica. 

Sus clases magistrales influyeron en mi modo de ver el catolicismo y la gran obra mesiánica de los españoles durante la cristianización del gran continente. De esas ideas que me marcaron el camino no abdicaré nunca como tampoco de mi amor a la Iglesia Católica y es que don Julián un verdadero santo no le daba demasiada importancia a las cuestiones del sexto mandamiento que nos trajo por la calle de la amargura durante los años de la Gloriosa.

Sin embargo, yo pobre adolescente de dieciséis abriles ni las duchas de agua fría ni la lechuga, buen remedio para la continencia a decir de los padres del yermo, que devoraba ni el cilicio o las disciplinas con que me sacudía todas las noches conseguían que “bajase aquello”. Antes bien se enervaba de lo lindo. Algunos se frotaban el miembro con ortigas. Uno no llegó a tanto pero fue una de las razones por las cuales abandoné el seminario un año antes de empezar la teología con gran pesar de mi pobre madre que del disgusto por poco se muere.

Andando el tiempo me daría cuenta que esta obsesión por el sexo en los internados de aquel entonces era algo morboso. Una simple exigencia de la naturaleza que los poco avisados pretendían convertir en epicentro de nuestra religión. Los más sesudos teólogos al abordar el tema pasan sobre él como de puntillas. Hoy para mí ya un abuelo setentón constituye parvedad de materia. Son cosa pequeña si se siguen las normas de la concupiscencia. No se puede matar el amor, es ir contra la vida. Por el contrario el sexo puede abocar a pecados colaterales como el crimen por celos, el adulterio, la violación, la pederastia y otros apartados que muy explícita y condena el Derecho Canónico. Desgraciadamente hay que concluir que aquella falta educación sentimental fue el principio de falsas conductas y desvíos. Traumas que dejaron séquelas de por vida. Sigo creyendo que el coito entre hombre y mujer está en función de la conservación de la especie, que es sagrado el amor como es la vida y un crimen imperdonable el aborto o la eutanasia aunque reconozco que de los seminarios salieron muchos curas capones y no pocos garañones. La literatura castellana refleja los estragos y escándalos causados por los malos sacerdotes católicos. En mi experiencia son pocos los que consiguieron la observancia del celibato y transigieron con venustas inclinaciones poco edificantes que se hubieran evitado si los sacerdotes pudieran casarse tener mujer e hijos y alimentar a una familia como ocurre en Rusia.

Fernández de Samaniego 1745-1801 ha pasado a la historia por sus fabulas antropomórficas como la “Cigarra y la Hormiga” “la Raposa y las uvas” pero como fue habitual entre los enciclopedistas del siglo XVIII pone en evidencia a los curas y a los frailes por su hipocresía sexual. Cuyo es el poema  “El voto de los benitos”. Aquellos buenos monjes benedictinos que practicaban el “ora et labora” de su fundador y observaban cada uno de los artículos de la Regla no pudieron sofrenar el duende del priapismo.se establecieron rogativas, aumentaron las mortificaciones, algunos se arrojaban desnudos a un almiar lleno de ulagas. Sin remedio “pues debajo del hábito más abultaba el bulto”. El abad entonces llamó a la comunidad a capítulo. Ninguno aportó solución al caso excepto el hermano portero que dijo que todas las semanas venía a visitarlo una lavandera que lo dejaba nuevo y limpio. “Y de tal manera lo mío me sacude que en tda la semana no se me alborota mi tramontana”. Oyó el abad mitrado el consejo y decretó que se añadiese a las reglas del convento que ningún fraile ni profeso ni donado pudiera vivir sin lavandera. Y concluye Samaniego:

El abad dejó al punto aquel voto establecido con presteza

Y a los monjes alzando la cabeza


El señor nos ha oído

Cuando así remedia

Nuestras desgracias

Cantemos pues:

Agimus tibi gratias

Omnipotens Deus


el fin de la era merkel

 Die eigentliche Regierungserfahrung, die liegt bei Armin Laschet“

Die scheidende CDU-Vorsitzende bestätigt im F.A.Z.-Interview, dass in der CDU über ein vorzeitiges Ende der Ära Merkel diskutiert wurde, nennt ihre Erfolge an der Parteispitze – und spricht sich indirekt für einen der Kandidaten um den CDU-Vorsitz aus.

7 Min.

Wie schauen Sie auf Ihre Zeit als CDU-Vorsitzende zurück, Frau Kramp-Karrenbauer: mit Genugtuung, mit Reue, mit Ärger?

Jasper von Altenbockum

Verantwortlicher Redakteur für Innenpolitik.

Eckart Lohse

Leiter der Parlamentsredaktion in Berlin.

Die zwei Jahre als Parteivorsitzende waren eine spannende und außergewöhnliche Zeit, schon wegen Corona. Es war nicht immer einfach. Aber wenn ich mir überlege, wo wir 2018 gestartet sind, wie angespannt unser Verhältnis zur CSU war, wie schlecht unsere Umfragewerte, wie groß unsere programmatischen Lücken waren, dann haben der Vorstand und ich mehr erreicht, als das vielfach wahrgenommen wird.

Sie haben Ihr Amt als Ministerpräsidentin aufgegeben, um Generalsekretärin der Bundes-CDU zu werden. Sagen Sie sich heute: Wäre ich mal Regierungschefin geblieben, dann hätte ich mich auch besser in das Amt der CDU-Vorsitzenden finden können?

BORIS acusa a los chinos de la pandemia segun el Mail


UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson blames Chinese for coronavirus pandemic telling world leaders it was triggered by 'demented' people who 'grind up the scales of a pangolin' in bid to become more 'potent'

  • He made the remarks in a virtual speech to the One Planet Summit yesterday
  • Pangolins are heavily-trafficked scaly anteater-like creatures found across Asia
  • Endangered species blamed for transmitting the virus from bats to humans

Boris Johnson launched a blistering attack on China, blaming its 'demented' traditional medical practices for the coronavirus pandemic.

In a speech to world leaders yesterday he attacked people who 'grind up the scales of a pangolin' in a bid to become more 'potent'.

He made the remarks, which risk a furious diplomatic row - in a speech to the One Planet Summit, hosted by France's President Macron.

Pangolins are heavily-trafficked scaly anteater-like creatures, which have been blamed for transmitting the virus from bats to humans.

The first documented cases of the Covid-19 were in the Chinese city of Wuhan, with a wet market trading in exotic animals being seen as the probable source.

In comments that are likely to risk fury from Beijing, Mr Johnson said: 'Obviously it's right to focus on climate change, obviously it's right to cut CO2 emissions, but we won't achieve a real balance with our planet unless we protect nature as well. 

'One final thought, don't forget that the coronavirus pandemic was the product of an imbalance in man's relationship with the natural world.

'Like the original plague which struck the Greeks I seem to remember in book one of the Iliad, it is a zoonotic disease. 

'It originates from bats or pangolins, from the demented belief that if you grind up the scales of a pangolin you will somehow become more potent or whatever it is people believe, it originates from this collision between mankind and the natural world and we've got to stop it.'

But China has warned claims against the country will not be tolerated, Bloomberg reported. Today Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said: 'We've said many times that origin tracing is a scientific matter.

'There is no room, no place, for people making speculations, hyping up - otherwise it will only disrupt international co-operation.' 

In a speech to world leaders yesterday Mr Johnson (pictured)  attacked people who 'grind up the scales of a pangolin' in a bid to become more 'potent'

In a speech to world leaders yesterday Mr Johnson (pictured)  attacked people who 'grind up the scales of a pangolin' in a bid to become more 'potent'

More than 13,000 animal carcasses including pangolins seized by police in China last year

More than 13,000 animal carcasses including pangolins seized by police in China last year

Pangolins are heavily-trafficked scaly anteater-like creatures, which have been blamed for transmitting the virus from bats to humans

Pangolins are heavily-trafficked scaly anteater-like creatures, which have been blamed for transmitting the virus from bats to humans

Boris blames China's 'demented' traditional medicine for covid
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Is Covid-19 a bat disease spread by wild food markets or lab accident gone wrong?

Debate about the source of the Covid-19 outbreak that has rocked the world and led to the deaths of two million people - including 80,000 Britons - has been fierce.

The majority of scientists believe it originated in the Chinese city of Wuhan, most likely in its 'wet market'.

These are open air food markets and often include meat from animals slaughtered on site. 'Wet' is used to signify it sells fresh produce, as opposed to 'dry' goods that can be anything from durable foods to electronics. 

Some - a few - sell captured wild animals and their meat, and this is believed to be how the disease was able to pass from bats to humans. 

Investigations by scientists have discovered that pangolins - a valuable illegal commodity in China - could be immune to Covid 19.

This would allow them to act as an unharmed vector carrying the virus from bats deep in the wild, where they live, to public markets where the scaly creatures are illicitly traded. 

The black market trade in the creature has also been previously implicated in oubreaks of bird flu. 

World Health Organization experts will visit the city of Wuhan, where the coronavirus was first detected in late 2019, on Thursday at the start of their investigation into the origins of the pandemic, Chinese authorities have said.

China has denied that the market - or pangolins - are involved in the spread of the virus, and its authoritarian regime has blamed other countries such as India for the outbreak. 

Another theory is that the  virus was engineered in a Chinese lab.

One of America's most senior government officials last week claimed this was the most 'credible' origin theory.

Matthew Pottinger, president Donald Trump's Deputy National Security Adviser, told politicians from around the world that even China's leaders now openly admit their previous claims that the virus originated in a Wuhan market are false.

Mr Pottinger said that the latest intelligence points to the virus leaking from the top-secret Wuhan Institute of Virology, 11 miles from the market, saying: 'There is a growing body of evidence that the lab is likely the most credible source of the virus.'

In a zoom call with UK MPs he claimed the pathogen may have escaped through a 'leak or an accident', adding: 'Even establishment figures in Beijing have openly dismissed the wet market story.' 

Like the wet markets, China has denied the lab having anything to do with the outbreak. 

The visit to Wuhan by the WHO team is already mired in controversy after it published terms of reference revealing it will not investigate the Wuhan institute – the only laboratory in China with the highest international bio-security grading – as a possible source of Covid-19.

Pangolins inhabit tropical forests in India, China, south-east Asia and parts of Africa.

Out of the eight existing sub-species, three are critically endangered, and all of them are protected by international treaty.

The general hunting and trading of pangolins have been banned in China since the late 1980s, but the exotic mammals are still trafficked by the thousands for their perceived nutritional value.

Their scales are deemed as a previous ingredient by believers of traditional Chinese medicine and its than 123 tons were sold in 2019 on the black market.

People also eat their meat for the supposed health benefits and the animals' blood is seen as a healing tonic.

China has previously denied they are a vector for moving the virus from bats to humans.

Last year researchers in the Communist state found that the animals are indeed natural hosts for various coronaviruses, but do not appear to be the direct source of Covid-19.

In November a different team from the Chinese Academy of Sciences claimed the virus likely originated in India in summer 2019 - jumping from animals to humans via contaminated water - before travelling unnoticed to Wuhan, where it was first detected. 

Mr Johnson has previously called for greater protection for pangolins.

In 2018 he wrote a newspaper article calling for greater efforts to track down on hunting and smuggling the mammal.

He wrote: 'As we get older we human beings are capable of all manner of self-deception. We go under the knife in the hope of looking younger. We take pills and potions of dubious efficacity.

'But in the annals of human folly there is surely nothing more delusional than the belief still prevalent in large parts of Asia that a man can somehow rectify his waning virility by grinding and eating the scales of a pangolin.

'And yet that is what they do. The tragedy is that all eight species of pangolin are now endangered, two of them critically so.

'We are losing them to poachers at a rate of 100,000 a year. They are smuggled, butchered and cooked – all for the sake of their mythical medicinal qualities.' 

Mr Johnson gathered Cabinet today amid fears lockdown could be tightened within days unless coronavirus numbers ease.

The PM has been holding a virtual meeting with his senior team as they consider the next move in the crisis wreaking havoc on the country.

Ministers have been desperately pleading with Britons to limit their contacts as the NHS struggles to cope with the volume of Covid patients, as police ramp up enforcement of the brutal restrictions.

But the government has made clear it is ready to get even tougher, with leading figures on SAGE pushing for a three metre social rule distancing rule and threats to axe the loophole allowing people to exercise with a friend from another household.

Other options thought to have been considered include making all shopping click and collect, and closing more workplaces.

Matt Hancock hinted at a crackdown on exercising with one other person at a Downing Street briefing last night, saying the exception was being abused to socialise.

In another ominous sign this morning, Mr Johnson tweeted saying that 'meeting others from outside your household or support bubble puts you and others at risk of serious disease'.

However, in a round of interviews policing minister Kit Malthouse risked muddying the message by saying a 70-mile cycle ride would count as 'staying local' under the lockdown rules.