
españa que hermosa eres estás en paz pero que se vaya pedro sanchez con sus feminas al infierno que estan descubriendo el andao palante. de sevilla a compostela pasando por iria flavia el museo maravilloso de cela levante iglesia de la peregrina en pontecedra estatua de valle inflan casa natalhermosura catolique nada tiene que ver con los judios de soros y pedro sanchez no queremos comulgar con ruedas de molino que se vayan con su mesías zelenski y los nazis de schsolz todos cachorros hitleriano y su puta madre




Lucifer tiene ALMORRANAS el diablo cojuelo muermo Satanás ladillas. Almorranas y muermo liendre y ladillas su mujer se las quita con tenacillas.

Regreso mis pasos perdidos lecturas encantadas — uno se rejuvenece y parece que vive más a través de sus libros — a esta obra simpar cuyo registro de cubierta pone fecha que lo compré en Nueva York el 21 de mayo de 1978[1].

 En mi texto titulado “El Doctor Laguna autor del Lazarillo” obvié tratar este primoroso arranque de la literatura picaresca al no hallar en Luis Vélez de Guevara la furia del converso. El Cojuelo carece del pesimismo derrotista de gran parte del género y en sus trancos o capítulos crece la esperanza, el regocijo y el sentido del humor dentro de lo que cabe.

El de Ecija debía de ser cristiano viejo, apaniguado de la Casa de Osuna. La novela es un retablo crítico del Madrid de su tiempo. El Pateta coge en volandas a Zambullo el protagonista y lo lleva a la torre del Salvador que era el sitio más empinado y verdadera atalaya del Madrid de los Austrias. Sus dotes mágicas y sus artes birlibirloque alzando tejados y voladizos penetrando por los balcones y dando aires a las alcobas.

Atraviesa los cuerpos opacos y goza del don de la invisibilidad. Contempla lo que está pasando una noche de verano, hace calor y los madrileños toman el fresco amenizados por cantes y pasacalles y aliviados en su sed por el pitorro de un botijo: una fulana pare un niño y el marido solicito la atiende en el parto y jalea al rorro recibiendo en el mundo a un hijo que no es suyo.

Más allá a otro le fuerzan la dama dos soldados de los tercios viejos  mientras ronca. Mira ese lindo que duerme con bigotera para que no se le destiñesen los mostachos.

Una hechicera  machaca hierbas en un almirez para dorar la píldora al objeto de remendar el virgo de una “doncella” que se casa mañana con un viejo.

Hay junta de brujas en cierta parte que murmuran oraciones en un aposentillo. Dos hombres pelean más borrachos que la cuba de Sahagún contemplados por la tabernera de Guadalajara que agua el vino del mesón, es rica, ha fundado dos capellanías de veinte mil ducados para que se lo digan de misas y tenga cuando se muera funeral de primera. Piensa la buena señora ir al cielo. En el Madrid de los Austrias a la luz de las Siete Cabrillas hay alquimistas que buscan la piedra filosofal estudiando los libros de Raimundo Lulio y con quien vengo, vengo, pasan los embajadores del Gran Turco escoltados por su guardia de jenízaros con sus alfanjes y luciendo el tocado de almalafa (turbante) en la testa. Pasan soldados, pasan estudiantes y licenciados de Alcalá un ir y venir constante en busca de prestameras y favores de la corte.

 Llegan venecianos con sus alforjas que son el talego del oro del mundo. El rey de Castilla Felipe IV es exorcista, echa demonios; por eso el diablo de  Don Cleofás se guarda de visitar palacio donde multitud de gentes llegadas de todas las provincias del imperio buscan aposento y una mayordomía siquiera sea en las caballerizas. El de Francia cura las almorranas por privilegio divino.

 Se canta y se baila a todas las horas. Por las calles de la Villa suenan los acordes de la zarabanda, el déligo, la chacona, el guirigay, el zambapalo, jácaras y pandorgas. Aquel Madrid olía mal por lo del agua va pero sonaba bien gracias a los maestros de capilla y la música coral de palacio.

Sumirse en las páginas de esta novela, que rezuma mala sombra y optimismo, es darse un atracón de donaire y de españolía.

Vélez de Guevara maneja la pluma como un espadachín que hace maravillas con el florete del idioma y la gramática, penetrado, muy penetrado, del duende de la literatura y bien perdigado y dispuesto para transmitirnos en detalle la descripción de la vida cortesana, las luchas por la poesía de los que quieren beber en las fuentes de la fama. Todos pretenden subir pero a la mayoría les toca bajar. Quedan perdidos. Los laureles pasan de largo. Las casquivanas musas se largan con otro. 

Y por ahí van los poetas chirles arrastrando su fracaso y sus cuernos. Es dura la vida literaria tan misteriosa e inasequible como el amor. Las fuentes del Buen Retiro corrían una vez al año en medio del jolgorio de toros y cañas el Día de San Luis.

 Narrando cada uno de los trancos con mucho despejo haciendo gala de ese donaire del que adolecen los escritores y novelistas de hoy incluso los más encumbrados y petulantes como el Pérez Reverte.

Con este librito de la austral que compré en una librería española del Lower Manhattan por unos dólares he recorrido las siete partidas y sorbí los siete valles como aquel que dice hechizado por la magia de la escritura.

Los escritores somos hijos del Céfiro como los caballos andaluces. En las dehesas cordobesas las yeguas quedan preñadas por el viento. Ya es hora sin embargo de tender la raspa y cerrar este capitulo dedicado a uno de nuestros más donosos ingenios: Luis Vélez de Guevara (Ecija 1579, Madrid 1644).

Mañana más

[1]  Acostumbraba yo a visitar una librería en el BJO Manhattan donde adquirí no pocos titulos de literatura castellana. Tenía yo 35 años y ya apuntaba mi dedicación inquebrantable de dedicarme al periodismo combinado con las bellas letras


Божественная литургия 23 ноября 2022, Казанский кафедральный собор, г. С...






Kiev, November 22, 2022

Photo: tsn.uaPhoto: tsn.ua    

The Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) began a “counterintelligence” search of the Holy Dormition-Kiev Caves Lavra and other monasteries of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church this morning.

The SBU, together with the National Police and National Guard are searching the Lavra for weapons and sabotage and reconnaissance groups, reports the Ukrainian outlet Strana.

The search comes just a week after the SBU opened criminal proceedings after a group of women sang a song about the spiritual rebirth of Holy Rus’ in one of the churches of the Lavra.

Photo: spzh.newsPhoto: spzh.news    

According to the SBU’s official Telegram channel, the search is being carried out “to counter the subversive activities of the Russian special services in Ukraine,” and “in order to prevent the Lavra being used as a center of the ‘Russian World.’”

Reporting the search of the Lavra, the SBU claims that it “adheres to the principle of impartiality to the activities of any religious denomination and respects the right of every citizen to freedom of worldview and religion, as defined by the constitution of Ukraine.”

And in the Rivne Province, the SBU is conducting similar searches at Holy Trinity Monastery in Korets, the Convent of the Volyn Icon of the Mother of God in the village of Serniki, and on the territory of the Sarny-Polesia Diocese of the canonical UOC, reports the Telegram channel On the Church and People.

The SBU has also searched the home and diocesan administration of His Eminence Metropolitan Jonathan of Tulchin, accusing him of justifying Russian aggression against Ukraine. The hierarch denies all charges, characterizing himself as a Ukrainian patriot.





On November 8/21 the Orthodox Church celebrates the feast of the holy Archangel Michael and the entire Heavenly Host. This celebration has great significance not only for Orthodox Christians, but for all of mankind. How is that?

First of all, this celebration teaches us how to view correctly the question of equality and inequality. Mankind, especially from the beginning of the twentieth century, is fervently searching for a certain equality which supposedly may be established on earth. Russia became the primary victim of this idea, followed by other countries. The promised equality was of course never established, but traditional forms of government were destroyed. Orthodox monarchy, which was the last mighty bulwark of universal Orthodoxy, was destroyed in Russia, and countless victims were sacrificed on the bloody altar of imaginary equality.

How does this tie in with the feast of the Heavenly Host? Very directly. If mankind were less attracted to transient earthly ideas, but instead, more often gazed upward, it would notice that even in heaven, among the holy angels, there is no senseless equality over which the godless rave so madly. In the world of the angels, as everywhere in God’s creation, there exists a definite hierarchy established by God. This hierarchical subordination and this blessed inequality cement the entire structure. If they were taken out, the structure would collapse.

In the case of the angels, a partial destruction of their heavenly assembly occurred after the insurrection provoked by the highest and most powerful angel, Lucifer—who from that time on became the father of all those fighters for equality who actually fight against God.

If Lucifer had not fallen, then the Church would probably have established a feast in his honor, as it did in honor of the holy Archangel Michael. But Lucifer did not wish to subordinate himself to God. He dreamed of becoming equal to Him and lured away part of the angels to follow him in his struggle against God. Thus, the brightest angel became the blackest devil—satan.

Against Satan’s army there arose the Archangel Michael, one of the highest angels who had remained faithful to the Creator. Going into battle at the head of the bright angels, the Archangel cried out: “Who else but God?” thereby denouncing proud Satan and all the future godless.

The angels of God vanquished the dark forces of the first rebels, and Satan, together with the other demons, fell like lightning into the netherworld.

From that time on, the Archangel Michael became the head of the entire heavenly host. He is honored by the Church even to this day for his zeal in working for God.

However, the demonic forces continue their battle against the followers of Christ. God allows this, in order for us to be able to exhibit spiritual steadfastness and fealty to the Trinity.

We are surrounded by danger everywhere. But in this daily and hourly struggle we are provided by God with great defenders and helpers—the holy angels, headed by the seven highest archangels; their names are Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Salaphiel, Jegudiel, Barachiel.

We have already spoken of the Archangel Michael. Archangel Gabriel has been entrusted with the service of being messenger to mankind. He came with the Lord’s tidings of forthcoming miraculous events to the parents of St. John the Baptist, to the parents of the Holy Virgin Mary, and also to the Mother of God Herself and Righteous Joseph. Archangel Gabriel is the messenger of God’s Providence, the attendant of miracles and divine Mysteries. When we are overcome with doubts, when it seems to us that we have been abandoned by everyone and there is no help from anywhere, let us pray to Archangel Gabriel, that by his prayers the Lord would reveal to us His most holy will and would set our life upon the course of salvation.

Archangel Raphael is a merciful healer, sent by God to comfort the sick and the sorrowing. From the Holy Scripture we know that Archangel Raphael expelled demons from a woman. And how many people there are nowadays who are possessed by demons…. Alas, both they and their relatives often turn for help to sorcerers who nowadays hide behind the pseudo-scientific name of “psychics.” But will sorcerers, these servants of the devil, expel demons? Obviously not. The power to expel demons and heal those who are possessed by them belongs to the holy angels and particularly to Archangel Raphael. Let us ask him to intercede for us before the Lord, the Giver of all good things.

The name of Archangel Uriel means the light or the fire of God. This archangel enlightens the minds and the hearts of the faithful with the light of divine truth and the fire of divine love. All those who embark upon the study of knowledge can and should pray to this archangel to enlighten their minds and hearts, in order to avoid a destructive chasm between knowledge and faith.

Archangel Salaphiel is the patron of prayer. He is even depicted so on icons: with eyes gazing downward, with hands crossed on his chest, and an air of humility and deep inner concentration. He is our primary teacher of prayer. Prayer is the most difficult thing to achieve, and one must be instructed in it. Unfortunately, some people assiduously study various worldly subjects, but disdain the study of the most important subject in the world—the Jesus prayer. Let us pray to Archangel Salaphiel for the Lord to grant us this gift of divine prayer.

Archangel Jegudiel is the patron, defender and helper of all those who toil. And we must all be such, for we have been commanded to eat our bread in the sweat of our brow. We toil not only physically, to earn our daily bread, but also spiritually, in order to perfect ourselves. Archangel Jegudiel is depicted on icons with a crown of victory in his hands. Such crowns will be earned by those of us who will endure to the very end, who will worthily bear the light yoke of Christ. We are faced with a complex task, so let us ask Archangel Jegudiel for help in our daily lives.

Archangel Barachiel is the angel of God’s blessings. While asking God to bless all our good efforts, let us also appeal to Archangel Barachiel for help. However, we must accept the Lord’s blessing not only for prosperity but also for our cross, i.e., the sorrows without which there is no salvation. And may Archangel Barachiel give us strength to carry our blessed crosses.

In celebrating the feast of the angelic Hosts, let us not forget the most important thing, and that is the faithfulness to God exhibited by the holy angels together with Archangel Michael. May the Lord help us also be ready to sacrifice ourselves for Christ.

Following the example of the angels’ fealty, let us also remain faithful to true Orthodoxy. And nowadays this is more important than ever before, because Orthodoxy is being attacked from all sides by the adherents of other religions and by the unfaithful, who demand that very same infamous equality, this time among all religions. We can never agree to such an equalization of Orthodoxy with religions that have distorted the true worship of God, because we know that there is no salvation outside of Orthodoxy. Let us appreciate our Orthodox faith, which teaches us true knowledge and true worship of God, for which, eons ago, the archangel of God Michael and his entire heavenly host battled in the heavens.

Monk Vsevolod (Filippov)

Orthodox Russia, Vol. 22, 1999


See also