Se supo de las hazañas cometidas durante el traslado organizado de tropas a la RPD.
Los pilotos, tripulaciones de obuses y tripulaciones de T-90 tienen una misión especial que, por cierto, celebra hoy el Día del Tankman. Se supo de las hazañas durante la operación de reagrupamiento. Recuerde que el sábado 10 de septiembre, el Ministerio de Defensa informó que durante tres días el grupo de tropas Izyum-Balakley fue reducido y trasladado al territorio de la RPD. Esto se hizo para aumentar los esfuerzos en la dirección de Donetsk.
Sobre los combatientes que se distinguieron durante la operación, en la historia de Dmitry Tolmachev.
Las Fuerzas Armadas de Ucrania infligen ataques dirigidos a los sistemas de energía, la central nuclear de Zaporozhye se encuentra entre los objetivos
Golpes poderosos a la infraestructura, principalmente a la energía. Los mensajes provienen de la región de Kherson, Zaporozhye y Donbass. Las Fuerzas Armadas de Ucrania están atacando los sistemas de energía. No solo deshabilitar, destruir. Organizar un bloqueo energético para las personas.
En Novaya Kakhovka, se disparan cohetes contra una central hidroeléctrica. La planta de energía nuclear de Zaporozhye está siendo bombardeada cada vez más intensamente. La última, sexta unidad de potencia tuvo que detenerse allí. Líneas eléctricas dañadas, de las que depende directamente el modo de operación de la estación.
Al mismo tiempo, incluso con el cierre total de la central nuclear, persiste la amenaza de una catástrofe nuclear debido a los ataques de las Fuerzas Armadas de Ucrania. Las instalaciones de almacenamiento con residuos radiactivos están en peligro. En caso de peor desarrollo de los acontecimientos, toda Europa corre peligro. Pero incluso en las reuniones del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU, los representantes de los países occidentales no nombraron al culpable de esta situación.
Lo mismo está en el informe del OIEA, solo el reconocimiento del hecho del bombardeo, pero lo principal, quién es responsable, no lo es. ¿Porqué es eso? Aquí está la respuesta: la música se ordena en Washington. Ante ellos, en todo caso, la radiación no llegará.
“Estados Unidos controla la ONU. Esto es evidente en la situación con Irán, que, como sigue diciendo la inteligencia, no está trabajando en armas nucleares. Pero no aprenderá esto del OIEA. Peor aún con Zaporozhye. Allí se encuentra la central nuclear más grande de Europa. ¿Quién está bombardeando Zaporozhye? Para creer que los rusos están haciendo esto, tienes que creer que se están disparando a sí mismos. Y, sin embargo, la ONU, el OIEA, incluso bajo el fuego del otro lado del río, no pueden decir que son los ucranianos quienes están llevando a cabo un bombardeo muy peligroso de Zaporozhye ”, comenta el exanalista de la CIA Raymond McGovern sobre la situación.
Estamos hablando de las provocaciones que dispuso Kyiv para que la misión del OIEA no llegara a la central nuclear. 1 de septiembre, cuando la delegación se dirigía a la estación, un poderoso ataque de drones ucranianos en la administración de Energodar. Luego algunos intentos más.
Los saboteadores intentaron aterrizar en la costa del embalse de Kakhovka, al lado de la planta de energía nuclear. En particular, dos barcazas venían de Nikopol. En la misma noche, sabotaje nuevamente según el mismo escenario: los militantes, escondidos detrás de los inspectores del OIEA, querían aterrizar en la costa en botes y botes. Gracias a las acciones del ejército ruso, se impidieron todas las provocaciones. Los saboteadores han sido destruidos.
Toda la literatura rusa incluso
la escrita en tiempos revolucionarios tiene alma. A mí me impresionó la lectura
del general Krasnov ruso blanco fusilado por Stalin. Su novela COMPRENDER ES
PERDONAR es un cuadro de lo que tuvo que padecer la población rusa desde el año
17: el hambre, la guerra, el hacinamiento a causa de la escasez habitacional.
Los muchísimos soldados caídos de ambos bandos, el regreso de las tropas
derrotadas de las trincheras alemanes lo que desencadenaría la revolución de
octubre. Ahora me topo como la relectura de LA FABRICA DE HOMBRES NUEVOS
escrita por Maria Rajmaninova.
Aborda el amor libres, las tragedias de de los embarazos no deseados (los
orfanatos de la Rusia de Stalin se llenaron de niños expósitos, crecería la
población pero muchas de aquellas criaturas serian después carne de cañón en la
confrontación con las tropeas
hitlerianas en el Este.
Trama: Tania una joven de la
nobleza es obligada a trabajar como mecanógrafa em la oficina del partido. El comisario
un tal Vladimirov abusa de ella en su despacho. La joven era la prometida de un
profesor que la amaba platónicamente. He ahí el nudo de la cuestión. Se produce
lo que los psicólogos denominan síndrome de Estocolmo y Tamara que queda
encinta se enamora perdidamente hasta la locura del hombre que la forzó y
desdeña al profesor prometiendo dedicar su vida a la salvación de Vladimorov. Son contrastes y
sinsentidos del alma rusa que yo defino como el código de un enigma. A su vez
el cuadro costumbrista da ocasión a la autora que escribió este libro en alemán
y no vivió en Rusia para bosquejar un retablo de la realidad. Los soviets
modernistas tratando de liberar a la muer pusieron nuevas cadenas y grilletes
feministas. Era un mundo dirigido por hombres. No encontraremos ninguna fémina
en el politburó según el dictamen bíblico. Los judíos siempre relegaron a la
mujer a los niños. A la cocina y a la sinagoga. Y la revolución marxista desde
Engels, Marx, Nadia la mujer de Lenin y Kamaniev el inventor de la checa eran
de ls misma raza que el ucraniano Zelinsky y Gorbachev el destructor de la URSS…
El GPU muy activa manda a la cárcel a los disidentes. El amante platónico de la
protagonista muere en la celda inundada de agua o mar de hielo. Fueron muy
exquisitos en la invención de torturas. El sexo para los machistas bolcheviques
no tenía mayor importancia que tomarse un vaso de agua. Por lo que se ve han
regresado estos bolcheviques, dominadores de la pornografía de la red. El
divorcio y el asesinato de los no nacidos son las armas con que pretenden
destruir a la civilización cristiana de la cual se declaran enemigos. En su
libro “La fábrica de hombres nuevos”
una utopía Alia Rachmanova vuelve
por donde solía. La edición en español Zaragoza ed. Cronos data de 1944. Hace setenta
y ocho años
Ukrainian forces go on strong offensive in Kharkiv region
The Armed Forces of Ukraine try to attack the positions of the Russian army south of the city of Izyum in the Kharkiv region. Military correspondent Alexander Kots reported a few details of what has been happening on the battlefield lately.

On his Telegram channel, the correspondent said that on Wednesday, September 7, he was told that "mercenary infantry" fighting on the side of Ukraine — 20-30 people without military hardware — tried to attack a Russian company, but the Russian servicemen successfully repulsed the attack and did not give up their positions.
"The power of the mercenaries was growing, and 18-20-year-old guys voluntarily ran out on foot from neighboring positions (…) to meet them. Those (…) people smashed all the attackers to pieces, and they retreated. We had one wounded — he got his skin burnt against a fragment when he was lying down on the ground,” Kots wrote and explained that the mercenaries were recognized as such by their foreign speech.
On September 8, it became known that at about eight o'clock in the morning, six enemy tanks, more than 10 armored personnel carriers (APCs) and other vehicles, as well as about 150-200 infantrymen, attacked the soldiers of the Russian Armed Forces.
"Our men fought back … in different observation posts. Plus, our artillery was working very well. Buba with (…) fighters was in the most heated direction. They repulsed the mercenaries, but a tank came out to them and started shelling them," the journalist said.
According to the correspondent, four people were killed in the battle. Sergeant Buba, a volunteer from Vologda, had his legs broken in the fight, but he continued to lead the battle to the end. The serviceman ordered the young subordinate to move away and said on the radio:
"Goodbye fellows, honoured to have served with you." Afterwards, the Russian artillery struck the enemy.
As one of the wounded later said, Buba blew himself up.
The Armed Forces of Ukraine launched an offensive in the Kharkiv region towards the cities of Balakleya, Izyum and Kupyansk. The forces of the Ukrainian army tried to break into the settlements on the move, but were stopped by units of the Russian National Guard. Ukraine continued the offensive in a detour: the Armed Forces of Ukraine took control of a part of the road between Balakleya and Kupyansk, having taken the settlement of Volkhov Yar.
See more at https://english.pravda.ru/news/hotspots/153927-ukraine_offensive_kharkiv/
Russian Forces eliminate up to 300 Ukrainian servicemen near Kharkov
MOSCOW, September 10. /TASS/. Russian Aerospace Forces hit Ukrainian National Guard 5th Brigade headquarters, as well as deployment locations of Ukrainian Armed Forces and the Kraken nationalist battalion near Balakleya and Chuguyev with precision air-based weapons, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Lieutenant General Igor Konashenkov said Saturday.
"Russian Aerospace Forces hit Ukrainian National Guard 5th Brigade headquarters, as well as temporary accommodation locations of the 92nd Mechanized Brigade and the Kraken nationalist militia near Balakleya and Chuguyev, Kharkov Region," Konashenkov said.
According to the spokesman, Russian forces also eliminated the command post of the 54th Mechanized Brigade near Ray-Aleksandrovka, DPR.
"Up to 300 Ukrainian servicemen and up to 15 military vehicles were destroyed," he added.
Russian forces hit seven Ukrainian Armed Forces command posts in DPR and Nikolayev Region, as well as 48 enemy artillery units in 178 districts, Konashenkov said.
"In the past 24 hours, a total of 7 UAF command posts were hit near settlements of Rozovka, Ocheretino, Vodyanoye, Novomikhaylovka and Ugledar (DPR), near Snigiryovka and Novonikolayevka (Nikolayev Region), in addition to 48 artillery units, personnel and military vehicles in 178 districts," he said.
Ukrainian drones
Russian Air Defense systems downed 13 Ukrainian drones and intercepted 5 HIMARS rockets, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman said.
"Air defenses downed 13 drones near settlements of Chkalovo and Belyayevka (Kherson Region), Krasnoye (Kharkov Region), Smeloye, Staromlynovka and Novoukrainskoye (Zaporozhye Region), as well as near Novoandreyevka, Valeryanovka, Kirillovka and Panteleymonovka (DPR). Five HIMARS multiple launch rocket system missiles were destroyed in-flight near Novaya Kakhovka, Kherson Region," the spokesman said.
Russian Armed Forces eliminated six rocket artillery weapons and ammunition depots in DPR, Dnepropetrovsk and Zaporozhye Regions, Konashenkov said.
"A total of six rocket artillery weapons and ammunition depots were eliminated near settlements of Kurakhovo, Konstantinovka and Seversk, DPR, Dnepr and Radushnoye (Dnepropetrovsk Region), Gulyay Pole (Zaporozhye Region)," Konashenkov said.
Russian Armed Forces suppressed two Ukrainian rocket artillery squads and five field artillery squads in DPR, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman said.
"Two reactive artillery squads and five field artillery squads were eliminated during counter-battery fight near settlements of Georgiyevka, Krasnogorovka, Antonovka, Romanovka, Ocheretino, Novgorodskoye and Novosyolovka, DPR," he said.
Furthermore, a US-made M777 howitzer was destroyed near the settlement of Novosyolovka-1.
Russian Armed Forces destroyed a Ukrainian radar near Kaluga, Nikolayev Region, in the past 24 hours, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Lieutenant General Igor Konashenkov said Saturday.
"An air target detection and tracking radar was destroyed near the settlement of Kaluga, Nikolayev Region," Konashenkov said.
When I went to England for the second time in October 1966, the whole country
was in celebration and ephemeredes of the founder of English monarchy, Edward
III the Confessor.
I arrived late to the school where I was supposed to teach Spanish in two
secondary schools one was run by the state and the other was catholic an it was
first there I me the philistine Paul Preston; he was my pupil in the sixth form
a sort of very thick bloke but very conceited as an assistant four days late. I
nearly got the sack.
The headmaster was mad for my lack of punctuality. Oh boy these Spaniards
always siesta drinking sangria, thinking of sex, eating olives and oil and
riding donkeys. Hull up north by the Humber was the dullest town an
inhospitable of my whole life. What a grotty place! Also I starved.
The grant I received from the Government was insufficient: if I paid the rent,
I did not eat, and if I ate I was always in arrears with my grudging landlady
who was an old bird who spend all her days looking through the windows panes at
the traffic of Beverley road very scarce on those days. All her meagre pension
went, as she was an animal lover and member of the Society of cat lovers, and
feeding seven cats one of them was a civet cat big and fat it was castrated,
randy sort of devil who went courting and womanizing in the freezing January
nights and got involved in fights with rival males, received scratches and one
love-quarrel left him one-eyed.
It seems that the poor eunuch was the favourite. Its name was Persha and she
talked to it as it the poor fleecy feline was her baby.
Miss Simpson was lonely and quiet very thin and grudging she left written notes
and posted them underneath the threshold door. Always complaining of the
misdemeanour of tenants.
One day she passed away. I think she starved herself. Her budget was much in
fags, and little in solid food, I think she only ate biscuits. We had to find
other abodes. The house was close on her decease.
She had lung cancer and heard her suspicious cough many a night downstairs. The
England I encountered had nothing to do with the old merry England I dreamt ad
learnt in books: cathedrals, cottages, nice pubs and songs, Shakespeare.
There was no cathedral in Hull a town which had been destroyed by the Luftwaffe
bombers during the blitz: the harbour was horrid and still in ruins. I never
have been in such grotty places. Hull held the record for the ugliest women of
the world and most horripilate tarts in the whole planet. You smelled poverty
every where.
Most of the men were on the dole and still there was rationing.
In Beverly a mile away there was a Minster but the cathedrals in England had
nothing to do with the idea I preconceived from them. They were monuments to
British patriotism. Britannia was a religion.
I realized that since God is an Englishman. Anglicanism became a sort of
religion based on the Bible and the hatred to the pope. The Beatles blasted
their songs. English wives ran away with the milkman. Mr Harold Wilson lived in
number ten Downing Street and there were strikes and Trade Unions. And sittings
in and anti Vietnam War demos. Make love not war. Those were the sixties. Where
was Edward the Third? No where. People stopped going to church and parsons
preached to empty congregations.
I bought myself a transistor and heard my favourite programme Ten of the pops.
Girls dressed mini skirts and there was black and white TV. There was David
Frost with that was the week that was, Alf Garnet and the Two Ronnies.
I understood the congenial English but could not follow the conversation in the
Yorkshires dialect. We are blunt and down to earth you know. Where was Edward
the confessor? Where the old merry England of my dreams? I had read many books
on Medieval England but even the British medievalists they drive on the left
and they had their own peculiar ideas and won’t tolerate a foreigner to tell
them what to do and things are they are. I was looking for Edward the Confessor
and I found Perfidious and fastidious Albion. And milk ´goat. The Brits are
milks goats. They don’t mix with anything. Good insulars. Abroad they hold on
the balance of power and they don’t have friends but interests. That’s it
British interests. Pride and prejudice that was a rule in the character of
those northerners and they are proud and prejudiced and they could become nasty
and xenophobic. In the staff room the other masters looked at me with a chip on
their shoulder. Oh dear I never could become an English. What disillusionment.
I never shall become one of hem.
At the doldrums, I spent half of the time reading since all half my allowance
went to the book shops and the other half in beer and chasing the mini skirts.
Without boasting the thought I was an Italian and they got romantic and sang to
me the song oh Antonio selling good lollipops and ice cream. Your lodgings or
mine that was the question on the Saturday night. And we tossed a tanner in the
air and it was love at first sight. Please not the whole way. I am not in the
pill. A dissipated life I lead and I sinner I was those days but it was easy to
score in those days of the swinging sixties looking Italian speaking good
English and without being too handsome having feeling. On their arms I felt
like a gigolo. A man object I felt. And the one of the first words I learned
was wily. How is your wily, mate? Ready for Virginia, then. Let’s go. Come on.
Your place. My place.
Hull and London girls liked Latin lovers. They used me like a disposable nappy.
Mea culpa. Mea culpa.
But where was old the confessor? That year was the ninth centenary of the
battle of Hastings. The British defeated the Danish.
King Edward the confessor 1004-1066 lived in the dark middle ages when the
bishop of Rome died by poison. He tried to raise the standards of English
Christendom. He built the abbey of Westminster. It was the time of the
investitures. His personality has come to us shrouded in the mist of myths and
All we know for certain is that he defeated the Vikings and had to suffer exile
and the misunderstand of her mother- terrible shortcoming, the king had to put
up with his maternal ingratitude and became a saint by means of tolerance and
patience- who married Knut his best enemy who plundered with the Vikings all
the coast of East Anglia.
Edward descendant of Alfred the Great spent most of his live in the exile in
France and was crowned in the abbey of Westminster.
He married another saint and queen Sancta Edita.
In my apartment of Beverley road, damp with falling wall paper and with a gas
heater which cost me a fortune you had to keep patenting shillings in the slit
and hardly and went that terrible winter of 56 without electricity for lack of
payment, I meditated shivering underneath my craggy blankets and half starving
about this mysterious king.
He was a kind o of anticlimax. I thought that the confessor of the Faith was
only in my head. He did not exist.
Nearly naked or in rags like most of poor students, I bought clothes at pawn
shops and dowdies.
I smoked woodbine and N.6 horrid cigarettes and mean and down to earth like the
Northerners I came across. They made you cough and no wonder they gave lung
cancer to my good landlady. I was a regular at the Bull a rough pub at the
intersection of Beverley and Nottingham road. My teaching was a disaster.
I had a fight with that Paul Preston because of Franco. He is now a very
renowned historian of the Spanish Civil war. Preston hated Spaniards. I could
not stand him.
In spite of that I saved my pennies for tickets at local pubs and the dancing
halls. There was one dancing called the Locarno I remember well... There I met
nymphomaniacs. They liked quickies in the street alleys too call or on the back
of a car.
But where was Edward the confessor? Not in Hull the dull. That king was a sort
of fiasco. All England was a kind of fiasco. I learnt the language and I
learned love and the facts of life the hard way.
Of course England had me in a way but it was tough and very disappointed in
those bad old days.
Tuesday, 14 October 2008