
Встреча Почаевской иконы Божией Матери

Документально-исторический телефильм "Портрет на фоне эпох. Схиархимандр...

Divna Ljubojevic i Melodi - Aksion esti

Belen Maria Ostiz.flv

Всенощное бдение 22 марта 2025 года, Храм Христа Спасителя г. Москва



Prada uno de los novelistas del sistema malo y farragoso se declara católico. Bueno va y ello me obliga a responder que yo soy católico en el primigenio sentido del termino “katolikós” voz griega que significa universal y universal y multifaria la quería Cristo en su fundación. Los vaticanos torticeros que divinizan a un tipo tan lamentable como Bergoglio ahí está no quiere subirse a la barca de Queronte (pactó con Satanás) opino que resulta una comunión con la herejía y la apostasía. Con su ego estridente profanan el Evangelio. El verdadero Cristo está en Moscú no en Roma. Es el Cristo que sufre y es perseguido y escupido por abrazar la verdad y la justicia. Don Pancho se unió a los Iskariotes sionistas (Trump. Natanyahu, Zelenski, Macron, Scholze, la bruja Von der Leyen) que tratan de poner a Jesús en el madero, lo escupen, lo insultan. Panda de raza de víboras y de sepulcros blanqueados

sábado, 22 de marzo de 2025



Prada uno de los novelistas del sistema malo y farragoso se declara católico. Bueno va y ello me obliga a responder que yo soy católico en el primigenio sentido del termino “katolikós” voz griega que significa universal y universal y multifaria  - de muchas formas y vicisitudes-la quería Cristo en su fundación. Los vaticanos torticeros que divinizan a un tipo tan lamentable como Bergoglio ahí está no quiere subirse a la barca de Queronte (pactó con Satanás) opino que resulta una comunión con la herejía y la apostasía. Von dsu ego estridente profanan el Evangelio. El verdadero Cristo estçá en Moscú no en Roma. Es el Cristo que sufre y es perseguido y escupido por abrazar la verdad y la justicia. Don Pancho se unió a los Iskariotes sionistas (Trump. Natanyahu, Zelenski, Macron, Scholze, la bruja Von der Leyen) que tratan de poner a Jesús en el madero, lo escupen, lo insultan. Panda de raza de víboras y de sepulcros blanqueados

sábado, 22 de marzo de 2025



Всенощное бдение 22 марта 2025 года, Свято-Духов кафедральный собор, г. ...


A nostalgic look back at Hull pubs in the nineties and noughties

Take a trip down memory lane to the daily goings-on in a few city pubs, some of which remain, some are sadly no more

The Big Night Out paid a Thursday evening visit in October, 1999, to the popular Crown pub, in Holderness Road, with (from left) staff Rob Clark, John Green, soon to depart for Australia, Sue Lickiss, Martin Chapman and Kerry Wilson
The Big Night Out paid a Thursday evening visit in October, 1999, to the popular Crown pub, in Holderness Road, with (from left) staff Rob Clark, John Green, soon to depart for Australia, Sue Lickiss, Martin Chapman and Kerry Wilson

Going down the pub for a quiet pint doesn’t appear to have been on the cards when most of these pictures were taken by the Hull Daily Mail down the years.

There have been gatherings for ferret racing and busy Big Nights Out, all captured on camera. Hull’s first Belgian beer festival was recorded, as well as one Hull pub bringing home the glory of winning the Music Pub of the Year award.

You might have been a regular at one pub when a particular brand of beer was on sale to mark Remembrance Sunday. Perhaps you reserved a table at another that was – and continues to be – popular for lunches?

Have a browse through these archive images and see if they bring back any memories…

READ MORE: Looking back at the flagship Hull hotel that formed the centrepiece to city’s marina development

 ere is a short but beautiful walk through the stunning grounds of an estate and you can finish with a drink or two.

South Dalton Hall is set in acres of rolling fields and woodland while the large house stands on higher ground.

Read more: I went down a secret snicket and found one of East Yorkshire's most beautiful forgotten waterways

But while the likes of Burton Constable, Burton Agnes and Wassand Hall have been opened to the public, South Dalton remains stubbornly private. However, there is a public highway running through the grounds which provides a gentle but lovely walk.

The road is gated on one side with a cattle grid on the other. To the casual observer you would not know the road is public. Read more below and view the scenery you can enjoy on the walk.

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