
GRANMA "el odio sólo será vencido con Amor"


Foto: Obra Mar de las Antillas, de Flora Fong, premio nacional de Artes Plásticas 2022.

De Martí aprendimos que solo el amor engendra melodías; de Silvio, que la maravilla también es obra del sentimiento mayor. Hoy sabemos que para vencer el odio no hay mejor antídoto que la savia del amor.

Cuba, su proyecto de país, sus altos sueños y su destino socialista –único camino posible para aniquilar las injusticias sociales– tiene un alma sagrada. Su alma es su cultura, su cultura es amor.

Embestir por todas las vías posibles su economía, su prestigio y el de sus mejores hijos, la tranquilidad de su pueblo, procurando desconciertos, desánimos y distorsiones es palabra de orden para las fuerzas del mal, alentadas por un imperio que sabe de su bravura, y tiene sobradas pruebas de sus sanas contumacias.

De esos ataques no se libra la cultura, como tampoco ella cede, respondiendo a las líneas directrices del país, a bajar sus banderas. Serias porfías tiene en Cuba la cultura, consciente de que sus creadores son «responsables» de esa dicha del espíritu, que se nutre de una canción, una obra escultural, una puesta escénica, un buen libro, un concierto o una danza. 

Para que no se detengan los pasos que hacen posible vivir en una isla animada por el arte, capaz de dejar boquiabiertos a no pocos foráneos ante la masividad que adquieren en nuestros predios los sucesos culturales, no dejan de seguirse los acuerdos de un Congreso –el IX de la Uneac–, celebrado hace poco más de tres años, como no se quedaron las instituciones culturales cruzadas de brazos durante los dos años de pandemia. La alternativa virtual ganó espacio, salió el sol por donde pudo, pero las luces de la cultura, lejos de atenuarse, hallaron nuevos escenarios para llegar a sus públicos.

Marcado por el vencimiento rotundo sobre la pandemia –sin que ello signifique descuidar la responsabilidad para continuar disfrutando la indiscutible victoria del país– el año 2022 ha estado asediado por intimidaciones colonizadoras que procuran llegar a los recintos de la cultura. La provocación ha tenido respuestas.

En torno a estas actitudes y a lo que necesariamente habrá que seguir haciendo, Miguel Díaz-Canel, Primer Secretario del Comité Central del Partido y Presidente de la República, en el II Consejo Nacional de la Uneac, avaló que «nuestra vanguardia artística y cultural se distingue por haber librado siempre una larga y profunda batalla contra la colonización cultural», y aseguró que si bien «la histórica selectividad de la Uneac ha sido un filtro purificador de rechazo al consumo cultural acrítico, banal y empobrecedor», no basta cerrarle la puerta, sino que «es preciso crear, mostrar, viralizar la genuina y poderosa cultura cubana y también universal, en todos los ámbitos, para ganarle la pelea a la mediocridad».

En la ocasión, el Presidente cubano ponderaba –entre otras– algunas propuestas televisivas como Duaba. La Odisea del Honor; Lucha contra bandidos; Entrega y Calendario (esta última del presente año, una serie cuya realización significó una verdadera proeza dado el contexto en que se llevó a cabo), y considerando el auge que ha ido tomando la producción audiovisual y dramatizada, el cine y el teatro, aludía a la fuerza con que llegaban al cubano las obras cuando tienen calidad y la capacidad para despertar los más bellos

Ni Cuba ni su cultura se han amilanado frente a embates vergonzosos destinados a triturarla. A pesar de los tantos pesares, este 2022 cubano quedará en la historia mundial como un año engalanado con verdaderas epopeyas en las arenas del arte.

La 30 Feria Internacional del Libro de La Habana; la 3ra. Bienal de Diseño de La Habana; la 14 Bienal de La Habana (en su etapa conclusiva); la 25 Feria Internacional Cubadisco; el 27 Festival Internacional del Ballet de La Habana Alicia Alonso; el 43 Festival de Cine y la 24 Feria Internacional de Artesanía y de Regalos, son solo algunos de los más visibles espectáculos presenciados en este archipiélago alegre que protagoniza, con las puertas abiertas, su cultura. Celebraciones como el centenario de la Radio cubana y los 50 años del Movimiento de la Nueva Trova, por solo citar algunas, fueron fechas agasajadas durante todo el año. 

Hacia finales de enero de 2023, justo del 24 al 28, tendrá lugar en La Habana la v Conferencia Internacional por el Equilibrio del Mundo, Con todos y para el bien de todos, Diálogo de Civilizaciones. En el año en que se celebra el aniversario 170 del natalicio de José Martí, cada nueva batalla cultural tendrá sus luces y su pensamiento. 

El hombre de La Edad de Oro, el poeta de encendidos versos, el autor de un ensayo como Nuestra América, el antimperialista cabal será revisitado por las instituciones culturales cubanas, y será recordado en el mundo, por cuyo equilibrio ofrendó sus mejores energías.

Cuba, que en la nobleza de sus objetivos lleva la estrella martiana, resiste, disfruta y vence con las aladas fuerzas que la conforman. Su historia la sostiene; su cultura la vivifica.




‘I was a nobody’: Boris Becker gives first interview since leaving UK prison

Former Wimbledon champion tells German broadcaster he learned a hard lesson and experience was ‘worthwhile’

Boris Becker before he was jailed in April this year for concealing £2.5m of assets to avoid paying debts.
Boris Becker before he was jailed in April this year for concealing £2.5m of assets to avoid paying debts. Photograph: Kirsty O’Connor/PA

Boris Becker has given his first interview since leaving prison in the UK and being deported back to Germany earlier this week, telling German viewers: “In prison I was a nobody.”

The former Wimbledon champion, appearing slimmed down and sporting a new hair colour and style, told the broadcaster Sat 1 that as an inmate he was not called by his first name, and “no one gave a shit” about his champion status.

But he said he had used his 231 days in prison to reflect on his life, and had rediscovered the “mensch” or human side to himself.

In excerpts published in the tabloid Bild, the tennis legend, who was jailed in April for two and a half years for concealing £2.5m of assets to avoid paying debts after he had been declared bankrupt, said the food in Wandsworth prison in London, where he had spent the first weeks, was bad and the portions too small, while leisure activities were few and far between. He also said there had been a lot of violence.

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The interview is to be broadcast this evening over two and a quarter hours from 8.15pm local time (1915 GMT).

Becker, 55, dressed in a black jacket and black T-shirt, said: “In prison you are a nobody. You are only a number. Mine was A2923EV. I wasn’t called Boris, I was a number. And nobody gives a shit who you are.”

Becker was transferred from Wandsworth to Huntercombe prison near Nuffield, Oxfordshire, in May.

Bild’s reporter said he cut a humbled figure, who had changed his hair colour and lost weight. He described him as surprisingly composed.

“I believe I rediscovered the human in me, the person I once was,” he told the interviewer Steven Gätjen. “I’ve learnt a hard lesson. A very expensive one. A very painful one. But the whole thing has taught me something very important and worthwhile. And some things happen for a good reason.”

Asked about his excitement to be finally leaving the prison and coming home last Thursday, Becker said: “From six o’clock that morning I sat on the edge of my bed, and hoped that the cell door would open. They came to get me at 7.30am, unlocked the door and asked: ‘Are you ready?’ I said: ‘Let’s go!’ I had already packed everything beforehand.”

While in Huntercombe, which is low-security and used to detain criminals from abroad before their deportation, Becker was reported by Bild to have trained regularly in the prison gym and to have worked as an assistant alongside the prison coach, helping with other inmates’ fitness and psychology, drawing on his experience as a former world No 1 tennis champion.

Becker’s son is still living in the UK. But under the terms of his release as a non-British citizen Becker himself has been banned from visiting the country for the next decade.

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guardian the love of old books


He gave me a battered copy of a book I already owned, and I felt I’d come home – the Christmas present I’ll never forget

Afters years of expectation, hope and disappointment, all it took was one simple, heartfelt gift to show me he was the one

Daisy Buchanan’s first edition of The Pursuit of Love by Nancy Mitford
Well read … Daisy Buchanan’s first edition of The Pursuit of Love by Nancy Mitford

Ihave an embarrassing secret. I love getting presents. I know it is supposed to be more blessed to give than to receive. I know that 50% of all Christmas gifts are grudging Secret Santa purchases, and 100% of those are always the third item in a Boots 3-for-2 special – a Soap & Glory shower puff. And I know I’m too old and too ugly for stockings and surprises. First, I’m at a truly privileged point in my life where I already have everything I already need. Second, my top gift from Christmas 2021 was a high-sided sauté pan. I’m not going to wake up on 25 December and find a shiny bicycle under the tree.

And yet I live in hope. I long for the romance of surprise. The bar has been set high. At Christmas 2012, my husband presented me with one of the most romantic and surprising gifts I have ever received. It wasn’t set with diamonds, and it didn’t come with a shiny bell and basket. It was an old book, long separated from its dustjacket. A book I already owned.

When I was 12, I read The Pursuit of Love by Nancy Mitford for the very first time. It’s the story of Linda and her complicated romantic life, as narrated by her cousin Fanny. It’s a comedy about class, family, sex and death, and it affected me deeply. The book brought me comfort and joy. Every time I had an adolescent wobble, I’d reach for it and read it all over again. Mitford’s descriptions of longing and learning resonated keenly with me. No, I wasn’t the aristocratic daughter of an eccentric landowner who refused to educate me properly – but otherwise I was convinced that I was Linda in every way, craving love for love’s sake, and certain that satisfying the craving would lead me to adventures.

Daisy Buchanan and her husband
Daisy Buchanan and her husband

Like Linda, I kept making romantic mistakes well into adulthood. I’d throw myself into a brand-new relationship, and hope would triumph over experience every single time. “I think he might be the one,” I’d say, cheerfully ignoring a semaphore alphabet’s worth of red flags. Then Christmas would come around.

I never expected extravagant gifts. All I hoped for was something thoughtful – a present that indicated that the person I had been sleeping with on a regular basis for the past few months had been listening during one of our conversations. Failing that, I would have been delighted with a very small Diptyque candle.

A very sporty boyfriend presented me with tickets to Twickenham, suggesting that I make the next year “the one where you get into rugby”. (I tried to look enthusiastic. I failed. He said he’d take his cousin.) A very posh boyfriend gave me a battered box containing magnolia hand soap and matching moisturiser. I recognised it from his mother’s emergency present cupboard. There was the inevitable red, rash-rousing underwear, the T-shirt promoting protein supplements, and the Michael Bolton CD, which was an inside joke. With a different girlfriend.

I tried to get over it, telling myself I was spoiled, silly and selfish. I should be a modern independent woman! I could buy my own scented candles!

Still, I couldn’t rid myself of the belief that a Christmas gift from your lover could – and should – be romantic. I wanted to be with someone who cared enough to try to make me gasp when I opened their present. After all, that was the energy I was bringing to my Christmas gift-giving. No one was getting socks on my watch.

Christmas 2011 came, and the man I was seeing sent me a slightly disappointing token of his esteem – a text message. At the beginning of 2012, I decided things had to change.

At that point, every Christmas present I had ever been given by a boyfriend had been exactly what I deserved. I had tried so hard to present myself as a cool, casual girl who was not overly troubled by emotions. I had dissembled, because I believed that you had to be cool and casual in order to trick someone into loving you. I didn’t think anyone was going to fancy the real me – a nerdy, passionate, intense bookworm with too many feelings. I’d been lying, and what do liars get? Magnolia soap.

I promised myself that I was going to stop dating in Cool Girl drag, and start showing up exactly as I was, even if no one was interested. Within days of making that decision, I met the man I would marry.

When I lent him my copy of Molly Keane’s dark comedy Good Behaviour, it was a dare. Love me, love my book. It’s the story of a girl with no chill. I thought it might scare him off before things got too serious. Instead, he responded with alacrity – and with Angus Wilson and PG Wodehouse. We bonded over books, and we made each other’s lives and libraries bigger and brighter.

Daisy Buchanan’s first edition of The Pursuit of Love by Nancy Mitford
Daisy Buchanan’s first edition of The Pursuit of Love by Nancy Mitford

Still, when Christmas came, I wasn’t sure what to expect. Maybe he would give me a book I had never heard of – something he had loved and wanted me to love too. Maybe he would mutter something about “not really doing Christmas” before handing me a badly wrapped box of Matchmakers. Whatever! It wasn’t a big deal. I was cool.

So when he handed me my present, I forced my face into a pre-emptive smile. Then I saw the look in his eyes. The vulnerability, and the hope. This was just a boy, standing in front of a girl, wanting her to know she had inspired him. He had been listening. He had gathered his resources and searched in all the places that Google would allow. It didn’t matter what was in the package. All that mattered is that he had tried, for me.

I tore open the silver paper. He had given me a small, worn, cloth-bound blue book. Old gold words were embossed on the spine: “The Pursuit of Love – Nancy Mitford”. It was a first edition of my favourite book. He hadn’t chosen a gift that was about his tastes, his interests. He wasn’t trying to make me more like him. He knew me, and he knew who I was. What I loved. I had spent my formative years reading that book and searching for answers, running between relationships and struggling to find a way to love with an open, honest heart. Finally, I had come hom