
una teoría sobre la conspiración que vive el planeta segun el "Guardian". El articulista nos da la razón a los que laboramos en este blog

“I remember reading about Final Fantasy VII, a movie I was really looking forward to. My initial reaction was disappointment that it was two years away – because by then we’d be under military control.” It was 2004, and Matthew Elliott was in deep. Elliott, from San Antonio, Texas, had first been drawn to conspiracy theories when he was 19, in the aftermath of 9/11. “It seemed unfathomable that we could be attacked,” he says today. In his quest to make sense of what had happened he came across the notorious “truther” movement, a current of opinion that lays blame for the atrocities at the door of the US government.
“The way most conspiracy theories are laid out, one thing always leads to another, so from there I became convinced that a ruling group called the New World Order orchestrated everything. This would all lead to martial law and a complete removal of our freedoms,” he says. A decade later, Elliott, now 34, is a “recovering” conspiracy theorist, having turned his back on a worldview that always posits some covert, powerful force acting against the interests of ordinary people. The change came gradually, but he thinks very differently now. “You can’t even get many of the 50 states to agree on things. Good luck convincing Europeans and Asians to get on board.”
Elliott’s reaction to the trauma of 9/11 was far from unusual. The attacks were so unprecedented, so devastating, that many of us struggled to make sense of them. Early reports were confused or contradictory: as a result some treated the official version of events with scepticism. A proportion of those in turn plumped for an explanation that would require fakery and coordination on a massive scale.
This shouldn’t surprise us: it’s a pattern that is repeated after every global shock, and in the aftermath of the Paris attacks, it has reared its head again. Within a day of the terrorist attacks on the French capital, blogs had been published arguing that they were the work of the government – a so-called “false flag” operation. The claims rest on the idea that Isis is the deliberate creation of western governments. More recently, the lawyer for the family of Syed Farook, one of the San Bernardino shooters, fuelled conspiratorial speculation when he said: “There’s a lot of motivation at this time to emphasise or create incidents that will cause gun control or prejudice or hatred towards the Muslim community.”
Round-the-clock coverage of global events means there is a constant supply of crisis and chaos for us to interpret. Stories of strings being pulled by hidden hands are a staple of our entertainment, from Spectre’s Blofeld to the baroque conspiracy of London Spy, one of the most acclaimed British dramas of the year, which unravelled in a spectacular example of the paranoid style. It’s not that belief in conspiracy theories is becoming more widespread, says Viren Swami, professor of social psychology at Anglia Ruskin university: while the research hasn’t been done yet, he tells me, there’s lots of anecdotal evidence to suggest that belief in conspiracies has remained fairly stable for the last half-century or so. What has changed, however, is the speed with which new theories are formed. “It’s a symptom of a much more integrated world,” he says. The internet speeds everything up, allowing conspiracy-minded individuals to connect and formulate their ideas. In contrast, it took months for theories about Pearl Harbor to develop.

Karen Douglas, another social psychologist, echoes this point. “People’s communication patterns have changed quite a lot over the last few years. It’s just so much easier for people to get access to conspiracy information even if they have a little seed of doubt about an official story. It’s very easy to go online and find other people who feel the same way as you.”
Is everyone prone to this kind of thinking, or is it the preserve of an extreme fringe? Douglas reckons it’s more common than most of us realise. “Recent research has shown that about half of Americans believe at least one conspiracy theory,” she says. “You’re looking at average people; people you might come across on the street.”
That’s also the view of Rob Brotherton, whose new book, Suspicious Minds, explores the traits that predispose us to belief in conspiracies. He cautions against sitting in judgment, since all of us have suspicious minds – and for good reason. Identifying patterns and being sensitive to possible threats is what has helped us survive in a world where nature often is out to get you. “Conspiracy theory books tend to come at it from the point of view of debunking them. I wanted to take a different approach, to sidestep the whole issue of whether the theories are true or false and come at it from the perspective of psychology,” he says. “The intentionality bias, the proportionality bias, confirmation bias. We have these quirks built into our minds that can lead us to believe weird things without realising that’s why we believe them.”
Ben Whishaw London Spy
Ben Whishaw in London Spy, one of the most acclaimed British dramas of the year, which unravelled in a spectacular example of the paranoid style. Photograph: BBC/WTTV
“Whenever anything ambiguous happens, we have this bias towards assuming that it was intended – that somebody planned it, that there was some kind of purpose or agency behind it, rather than thinking it was just an accident, or chaos, or an unintended consequence of something.” This intentionality bias, Brotherton says, can be detected from early childhood. “If you ask a young kid why somebody sneezed, the kid thinks that they did it on purpose, that the person must really enjoy sneezing. It’s only after about the age of four or five that we begin to learn that not everything that everybody does is intended. We’re able to override that automatic judgment. But research shows that it still stays with us even into adulthood.”
For example, studies have shown that when people drink alcohol, they are more likely to interpret ambiguous actions as having been deliberate. “So if you’re at the pub and somebody jostles you and spills your drink, if it’s your first drink, you might write it off as an innocent mistake. But if you’re a few drinks in, then you’re more likely to think they did it on purpose, that it was an aggressive act.”
Like most personality traits, proneness to intentionality bias varies across the population. “Some people are more susceptible to it than others.” And, Brotherton explains, there is a small but reliable correlation between that susceptibility and belief in conspiracy theories.
External factors also play a part, of course. For Ryan, who asked that I omit his last name, the influence of a single charismatic individual was crucial. It was Johnny, a friend and bandmate, who showed him books and CDs about world government and “served as a guru of sorts”. At the same time as inducting him into the truther movement, “he was introducing me to music I’d never heard and really loved”. At the height of his involvement, Ryan says he believed a broad range of conspiracy theories, including “chemtrails” – the idea that the trails left by planes contain noxious chemicals intended to subdue or poison people; that Aids and Ebola were introduced by governments to control population; that the moon landings were faked; that a substance extracted from apricots called laetrile was an effective cure for cancer, but had been banned by the FDA and dismissed as quackery to protect the interests of Big Pharma. “I strained my relationships with my family badly. It’s always the ones you love the most that you want to ‘wake up’. I ended up in hugely embarrassing debates and arguments,” he says.
But beyond the anguish it caused for those close to him, were Ryan’s unorthodox beliefs harmful? Karen Douglas is wary of rubbishing all conspiracy theorising as dangerous. “Thinking in that way, it must have some positive consequences. If everybody went around just accepting what they were told by governments, officials, pharmaceutical companies, whoever, then we would be a bunch of sheep, really”. On the other hand, the effects of certain theories on behaviour can be damaging. Douglas’s own research [pdf download] has shown that exposure to the idea that the British government was involved in the death of Princess Diana reduced people’s intention to engage in politics. Similarly, subjects who read a text stating that climate change was a hoax by scientists seeking funding were less likely to want to take action to reduce their carbon footprint. And anti-vaccine conspiracy narratives make people less likely to vaccinate their children, a clear public health risk.
Should we try to stamp conspiracy theories out, then? Part of Brotherton’s argument is that they’re a natural consequence of the way our brains have evolved. Not only that, but trying to disprove them can backfire. “Any time you start trying to debunk conspiracy theories, for the people who really believe, that’s exactly what they would expect if the conspiracy were real,” he says.
Swami sees things differently. “Experimental work that we’ve done shows that it’s possible to reduce conspiracist ideation.” How? Swami found that people who had been encouraged to think analytically during a verbal task were less likely to accept conspiracy theories afterwards. For him, this hints at an important potential role for education. “The best way is, at a societal level, to promote analytical thinking, to teach critical thinking skills.” But that’s not all. When people have faith in their representatives, understand what they are doing and trust that they are not corrupt, they are less likely to believe in coverups. That’s why political transparency ought to be bolstered wherever possible – and corporate transparency, too. “A lot of people have trouble accepting a big organisation’s or government’s narratives of an event, because they’re seen as untrustworthy, they’re seen as liars,” argues Swami.
Improved teaching and changes in political and business culture would undoubtedly help. But conspiracy theories can be rejected for personal reasons, too. Ryan’s view changed with loss of his “guru”.
“I kinda dropped out of contact with Johnny after he got married and had a baby,” he says. “He was getting further and further into it, and I just couldn’t keep up with the mental gymnastics involved.” He started to look for alternative explanations – less exciting, but more plausible ones. “I looked at the people debating on the national level, for the presidency and such. No way these guys speaking in platitudes and generalisations could really be behind a global conspiracy to enslave or kill me. They weren’t doing a particularly good job of it either, considering how happy I was living my life.
“That was the epiphany, really. I was free. I was happy. None of the doom and gloom predicted and promised ever came.” For Ryan, by then 27, the bizarre ride was over. A world that pitted him against the forces of evil had all the appeal of a spy drama. But real life was less like a story – and in some ways more depressing. What does he think are the forces that really shape things? “Most of what is wrong in the world nowadays – well, I would put it down to incompetence and greed. A lack of compassion.”


una buena noticia ern nochebuena

The faithfull attend a Christmas Eve mass at the Syriac Catholic Church of Saint Ephrem in Paris, on December 24, 2015

French Muslims Guard Church for Christmas Mass (VIDEO)

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French Muslims took guard at a church in France's Calais during Christmas mass, as the country's government advises caution in case of terrorist attacks.

French Muslims in the northern French city of Lens made a show of solidarity with the city's Christians, volunteering as guards at the local Catholic Church Christmas mass, French media reported.
The Muslims decided to guard the church after France's Interior Ministry said that "particular vigilance" should be practiced during Christmas mass.
"Before the Mass, we invited them to meals we share with people who live alone. And in the end, we will give them the light of Bethlehem, which we received from scouts," Lens Pastor Lemble said, calling the initiative "superb."
The head of the Union of Muslim Citizens of Pas-de-Calais, Abdelkader Aoussedj, said that he made the gesture after remembering how Egyptian Muslims defended Coptic Christian churches from fundamentalists in 2013.
"We would have liked this to happen everywhere else, especially at a time when Muslims are stigmatized. That is the true Islam, it has nothing to do with these fools, these bad apples," Aoussedj said.
The nearby city of Calais has been a focus of ethnic tension in recent months, as refugees, primarily Muslim, are often stuck in the city while attempting to get to Britain.

Read more: http://sputniknews.com/europe/20151225/1032306236/french-muslims-church-christmas.html#ixzz3vOzGN7i2



Eugenio o la proclamación de la primavera; tuve la suerte de conocer a los falangistas de la última hornada, los auténticos y García Serrano además de majete y buena persona era un falangista cabal. Eugenio era mi director cuando yo servía a España en tierra de infieles y de transfugas rodeado de cañones enemigos que preparaban el contubernio. Carecía de desenfilada y tenía que recurrir a mi valor personal para poner en ridiculo a aquellos "democratas" que acudían al Té de la Embajada.
 A punto estuve de sacar los puños que no las pistolas por él cuando un mindudi de Cuenca me estampó ante mis propias narices:

▬Vosotros los fachas no sabeis escribir

▬¿Cómo? Repite eso que dijiste.
El tal Martinez se volvió atrás.
Mi interlocutor no se atrevió a insultar a mi "dire". Nos miramos el uno al otro con ojos alataneros llenos de desprecio. El tal Martinez trabajaba para un periódico dirigido por un falangista que era hijo de Concha Espina y luchó contra los comunistas en el Blau. Sin falangistas no hubiera habido Escuelas de Periodismo y ellos se hubieran quedado sin profesión. Estos que tanto difaman han crecido y medrado a la sombra de la herencia que les legó el Caudillo.

Fuese y no hubo nada pero aquel sujeto larga melena y pantalones campana moda de los sesenta dios los cría y ellos se juntan y de la abundancia del corazón habla la boca ha desaparecido del estadillo y su nombre no figura ni en las hemerotecas aunque gozara de cargos y enchufes, vera imagen del perfecto gilipollas... Eran tiempos en que  cada uno defendía a su señorito, estaba de moda, menudo eran los de “Pueblo”. Yo vi a Raul del Pozo casi romperle, por meterse con Emilio Romero, de un botellazo la cabeza al pobre Federico Abascal el corresponsal de La Vanguardia que ejercía por entonces de “rojo”.
Eramos demasiado exaltados lo reconozco pero no me arrpentí de nada ni me arrepiento (sólo me arrepiento de aquella chinita que hacía frufru cuando la hacía el amor en Hong Kong) y es mi estilo sacar la cara por alguien ante el insulto y la provocación.
Si lo que llevas dentro es bilis y serrín, irás vomitando reconcomios por las esquinas en perenne borrachera. 
España empezó a llenarse de resentidos.
Aquel día en la reunión de la embajada me di cuenta de que hay dos Españas irreconciliables. Yo pertenecía a la de Eugenio o la proclamación de la primavera, era la España verdadera, la otra es un sucedaneo, un “Ersatz” como los de Podemos. Los americanos que controlan la SER y gran parte de los medios se han sacado un conejo de la chistera, un conejo con coleta, veremos a ver lo que dura.
Sin embargo, por aquellas calendas defendíamos los garbanzos a nuestra manera.
Hoy como los sueldos y las pensiones están asegurados por el momento el personal no protesta. No te pases que diría el Goyo Gonzalez, aquel tipo siniestro, un machacante de cierta agencia que cortaba el teletipo y ahora tiene un hijo en la Cope Herrera en la Onda; pues bueno. 
Él también me insultó y estuve a punto de tirarlo por las escaleras. Entonces como ahora, estaba solo, rodeado de viejos fantasmas del pasado que hacen difícil la convivencia, atalajada con frases rimbombantes, Y DE LLAMADAS A LOS PACTOS Y AL CONSENSO, que esconden un odio ancestral. España y yo somos así, señora, y la Patria no se negocia. 

Yo leía los libros de mi director “La ventana daba al rio”, “La fiel infantería” “Plaza del Castillo” en mis viajes de largo recorrido dentro del tubo londinense dejando que otros se ocupasen de Kafka de Proust y toda esa clase de literatura disolvente y dirimente que pusieron en órbita los “pseudo demócratas” y globales que copan actualmente las editoriales y ejercen de comisarios del pensamiento.

Nunca, hay que decirlo por mucho que les duela, se produjo en nuestras letras un reventón literario tan importante como durante el franquismo con y a pesar de la censura. Fue una floración mucho más importantes que las generaciones del 27 y del 98 sólo igualable a la efervescencia que hubieron las letras castellanas en el siglo de oro. García Serrano demostraba estar en poder de una prosa inimitable.

La fiel infantería , con todo y eso, no pasó la censura ni tampoco “La Colmena” sus autores dos falangistas que nada tenían que ver con la Santa Casa.

El primado de Toledo aquel catalán bajito calvorota lentes redondos de concha un tipo avieso represor y reprimido que se llamaba Pla y Daniel mandó recoger la obra alegando que en el libro se decían demasiadas palabrotas. “examinada serena y objetivamente –dice el decreto “obstat” de don Enrique Pla y Daniel otorgado en Toledo a 15 enero 1944- la novela del sr García Serrano resulta

1) que se proponen como necesarios e inevitables los pecados de lujuria de la juventud (págs. 195 y 302); describiéndose escenas de cabarets y de prostíbulo

Que está salpicada toda la novela de expresiones obscenas e indecorosas

2) aun cuando varios personajes de la novela manifiestan sentimientos religiosos aparecen éstos como algo rutinario con añadidos de sabor escéptico anticlerical  y volteriano aun en labios de soldados nacionales. (¡Pero qué cosas dice su Eminencia Reverendísima, si aquellos guripas peleando en el frente no sabían quien era Voltaire, algunos no habíkan cumplido con la escuela cuando fueron llamados a filas!)

3) decretamos pues que este libro nocivo a nuestra juventud sea prohibido por atentar contra la moral y las buenas costumbres y lo denunciamos públicamente cumpliendo con nuestros deberes pastorales”

La fiel  infantería aparecería años más tarde en una edición de 1964 alcanzando tiradas casi millonarias en la Editorial Planeta.
He aquí un libro que haría rico al editor pero no a su autor el pobre Rafa que moriría, si no pobre como una rata, en su piso de la prolongación del general Mola, aferrado a sus banderas de falange.

Don Marcelino Oreja, otro meapilas del contubernio vasco, el pequeño Marcelino aquel ministro cabezón que ocupó la cancillería de Exteriores y llegó a dar con su rotunda cabeza en un pesebre, cerró la agencia Pyresa y dejó a mi director sin indemnización y sin subsidios. 
A mi ex director le visité varias veces y hasta me concedió una entrevista al ser galardonado con el premio Espejo de España.

Era el mismo de siempre talante alegre los bigotes caídos de alabardero. Publicaba una columna en el Alcázar su único medio de subsistencia algunos de sus artículos pueden calificarse de antológicos y de lectura obligada en las clases de redacción y de la historia de periodismo. Rafael García Serrano era un español de casta bonancible y de gran cosecha de la añada de 1918, tenía una vocecita de clarisa que contrastaba con la virilidad robusta de sus libros, escritor macho que no machista.

Su personalidad nada tenía que ver con la agresividad y aspecto de comecocos el sambenito que le endosaron sus enemigos. Tenía la voz atiplada ya digo y aspecto de viejo soldado de los tercios de don Juan de Austria, que, recogidas sus banderas, se retiró a escribir y a cuidar de su extensa familia, algunos fueron musicólogos y folkloristas acumulando la gran tradición de canción popular instaurada por la Sección Femenina y el más pequeño Eduardo García Serrano es hoy uno de los periodistas con más gancho en el mundo de la Radio.

Su tertulia es de las pocas que merezcan (todo gran trabajo tendrá sus mermas no siempre estoy de acuerdo con sus puntos de vista)   escucharse. Es más elegante y más florido que su padre pero tan ocurrente y pugnaz como él. Un valiente. Se refugió y casi fue el punta de lanza de la Inter aquella emisora fundada por Serrano Suñer siguiendo las normas de la Rundfunk germana. 
Aquellos humildes soldados de la Fiel Infantería que refleja este libro en los campos de Brunete el Jarama la Universitaria o el Ebro por una vez plantaron cara al monstruo de siete cabezas y lo derrotaron.  No `perdamos la esperanza. Semejante proeza humillando a los señores del mundo es algo  que no nos perdonarán nunca y ahí está la maula. He ahí el quid de la cuestión. ¿Podemos o no Podemos? Sea lo que Dios quiera. 

Es ahí donde ha de hallarse la grandeza de este gran libro prohibido escrito en el ardor de la juventud. No estamos ante una gran novela sino ante un cuadro de costumbres que relata las penalidades de unos soldados que soportaron la dureza de las trincheras con alegría y estoicismo. No alcanza los grandes registros de “Madrid de Corte a Checa” o “División 250” y “Cabo de Vara” o “Cuerda de presos”.  Pero es el libro más alegre y más simpatico de cuantos se escribieron en la década de los cuarenta.
Foxá y Salvador fueron los grandes prosistas, y García serrano el mejor cronista porque Eugenio fue un periodista a rajatabla que proclamó la primavera hasta la muerte, de aquella gran generación que fueron la gloria de España, luchando contra viento y marea. En medio de cruel aventura de salvar a su Patria y a quienes la democracia descataloga ahora y niega el pan y la sal.
Con la iglesia hemos topado Sancho.