


Жемчуг уличных фонарей


Жемчуг уличных фонарей

(К 80-летию Иосифа Бродского)

Поэт Иосиф Бродский родился 24 мая, в День славянской письменности и культуры. Символично. Может быть поэтому, несмотря на аресты, ссылки и изгнание, любовь к слову и изучению языков он пронес через всю жизнь. В год 80-летия автора предлагаем вниманию читателей поэтические наблюдения на примере светового образа фонаря.

Элемент одежды, растение, спутник, лекарство, знак препинания… С чем еще сравнивает этот осветительный прибор Иосиф Бродский?


Источник света

В первую очередь, фонарь традиционно представлен в лирике в качестве источника электрического света, освещающего темное пустое пространство:  


Неужели не я,

освещенный тремя фонарями,

столько лет в темноте

по осколкам бежал пустырями…

(«От окраины к центру»)



верней, безлюден перекресток. Рота

матросов с фонарем идет из бани.

(«С февраля по апрель»)


И, непременный,

Горит фонарь под окнами в ночи.

Свет фонаря касается трубы.

И больше ничего здесь от судьбы

действительной, от времени, от века.

(«На титульном листе»)


На пустыре, где в ночи горят

два фонаря и гниют вагоны…

(«Письмо генералу Z»)



«На одежде» мира

По мнению автора, фонарь – это еще и способ украшения пространства. «На одежде» мира мы видим декоративные пуговицы:


Фонари на улице, точно пуговицы

У расстегнутой на груди рубашки.

(«Колыбельная Трескового мыса»)


Река – как блузка,

на фонари расстегнутая…

(«С февраля по апрель»)


В другом случае это цветок:


ночной фонарик нелюдимый,

на розу желтую похожий…

(«Рождественский романс»)


Мельтешат фонари – по цветочку…

(«От окраины к центру»)


А в «Венецианских строфах» находим замечательное сравнение с жемчугом:

…оставляя нетронутым желтый

бесплатный жемчуг

уличных фонарей.


Фонарь может указывать на местоположение и служить украшением одновременно. Как, например, в стихотворении «Посвящается Ялте»:


Ливадия? Она вон там. Да-да,

та группа фонарей. Шикарно, правда?


Мед огней вечерних

Свет фонаря обретает лечебное свойство. Поэт сравнивает его с «таблетками от памяти» и «медом». Лирический герой хотя бы на время забывает о боли и горе:


и льется мед огней вечерних…

(«Рождественский романс»)


Глаз, мигая, заглатывает, погружаясь в сырые

сумерки, как таблетки от памяти, фонари…

(«Декабрь во Флоренции»)


Спутник поэта

В некоторых случаях фонарь становится «одушевленным». Это знак близости живой души, спутник поэта, его ночных блужданий:


Я дважды пробуждался этой ночью

и брел к окну, и фонари в окне,

обрывок фразы, сказанной во сне,

сводя на нет, подобно многоточью,

не приносили утешенья мне.



Знак ночи

Кроме того, фонарь – это знак, предупреждающий о приходе темноты. По мнению поэта, восклицательный. Перевернутый знак перевернутого ночного мира:


И мы опять играем временами

в больших амфитеатрах одиночеств,

и фонари горят над нами,

как восклицательные знаки ночи.

(«Через два года»)


Фонарь в лирике Бродского выполняет несколько функций. Это не просто осветительный прибор или деталь уличного интерьера. Его свет обретает лечебное свойство, украшает пространство, предупреждает о приходе ночи, заменяет собой собеседника. Фонарь создает вокруг себя мини-мир, рождает новые образы, изменяет пространство и преображается сам.




Теги: Иосиф Бродский , Бродскому 80 , Мария Бегишева , лирика , поэзия , поэтика , фонари



Una vez más sobre el albaricoque ...


Una vez más sobre el albaricoque ...
Pintura de M. Saryan "Harvesting", 1940

Prúnus armeníaca, o tsiranapoh, también conocido como albaricoque



En la ladera de una pintoresca montaña cerca del pueblo de Bjni, en solo cinco o seis años, ha crecido todo un pueblo de cabañas de verano, protegido por rocas inexpugnables y los restos de una muralla de fortaleza.

El orgullo de todos sus habitantes era, por supuesto, la trama del tío Mukuch, no porque fuera mejor o más, sino porque era un ejemplo de lo que se puede lograr con amor y trabajo duro.

Estas áreas montañosas difícilmente pueden llamarse tierras de trabajo, están completamente amontonadas con piedras de diferentes formas y tamaños. Habiéndose jubilado, el tío Mukuch se dedicó por completo a este terreno achaparrado: día tras día limpió cuidadosamente el sitio de piedras que él mismo trabajó, colocando los cimientos de la futura casa, y desde lo tallado comenzó a erigir muros. Le gustaba repetirse a sí mismo: "La mejor carne está en los huesos y las hierbas están en las piedras".

Dios está con ellos, con hierbas ... ¿Qué es un sitio sin árboles? Y el tío Mukuch decidió plantar un albaricoquero. ¿Por qué albaricoque? Él mismo no lo sabía realmente. Quizás porque un día escuchó una canción sobre cómo un albaricoquero tirado al suelo brotaría hasta el cielo.

Plantó una plántula en el suelo pedregoso y luego, mirando hacia la cima de la montaña rocosa, donde se eleva la antigua iglesia de Astvatsatsin, dedicada a la Madre de Dios, susurró algo. Todos los días, se acercaba repetidamente a su creciente fuerza, arbolito, acariciaba su tronco nudoso, estirando sus antiestéticas ramas hacia el sol, similar a las viejas manos nervudas del propio Mukuch. Parecía haber escuchado esa canción sobre un albaricoquero que crece hacia el cielo, una vez tocada tímidamente al tacto en el duduk, como si fuera un niño pequeño. 

Durante mucho tiempo y con terquedad cuidó la plántula. A veces incluso bajaba a la fuente, traía agua mineral, la vertía, nunca se sabe, de repente ayudaba. El árbol, absorbiendo el sudor de un trabajador y el agua de un río de montaña, crecía ante nuestros ojos, regocijándose con el sol, la primavera y el suave viento. Y parecía, a su vez, que protegía a Mukuch, de dolencias y malos pensamientos.

El albaricoque es una rareza en estas partes. “Le encanta el sol ardiente y despiadado”, le dijeron los aldeanos a Mukuch, “y tenemos montañas a nuestro alrededor. Nuestro sol no calienta los árboles. Es poco probable que su albaricoque florezca ".

Pero el tío Mukuch no escuchó a los aldeanos omniscientes:

- Tendré el mejor albaricoque de Armenia. No hay nada más hermoso en el mundo que un albaricoquero en flor de primavera. Entonces lo miras, y querrás vivir para siempre, vivir y disfrutar la vida, amar a la gente, hacer el bien a todos, y que toda la tierra se cubra con el mismo hervor blanco ...

Los aldeanos y residentes de verano, sonriendo, sacudieron la cabeza:

- ¡Este árbol te fue dado! El mercado está lleno de albaricoques del Valle de Ararat.

- Sí, pero los albaricoques de este año son una pasión, que son caros, pero aquí son los suyos, - intervino la esposa de Vazgen, un vecino del país.

El arbolito no escuchó estas conversaciones, y si lo hizo, fingió no entender. Ya tenía las primeras hojitas que emitían un aroma dulce, e incluso cogollos. La alegría del tío Mukuch no conocía límites. Ahora los nietos corrían por la mañana a mirar el riñón, que se hinchaba todos los días.

Los vecinos ya no hablaban del tío Mukucha, pero estaban orgullosos de él, como estaban orgullosos de su montaña: aunque nuestra tierra es rocosa, da frutos.

Un buen día, el capullo, habiendo rechazado la cáscara ya innecesaria, se convirtió en una flor hermosa y delicada. Al tío Mukuch le pareció que su olor se estaba extendiendo por toda el área.

Todos esperaban ansiosos que finalmente apareciera la fruta. Nació de alguna manera inesperadamente, pequeño, verdoso, del tamaño de un guisante. Poco a poco, llenándose del amarilleo del sol de la montaña, tomó la forma de un albaricoque armenio.

El tío Mukuch detuvo a casi todos los transeúntes y les contó, contó, le contó sobre su albaricoque, el único en la montaña rocosa.

Se acercaba el día tan esperado cuando el tío Mukuch tuvo que recoger el albaricoque que había cultivado. Pero siguió postergando este día, caminando alrededor del árbol y persuadiéndose a sí mismo: “Todavía es temprano, déjelo madurar, déjelo empapar un poco más de sol. Si mis nietos vienen el domingo, lo recogeré ".

El domingo fui a ver al tío Mukuchu. Con la cabeza inclinada, se sentó en el suelo debajo de un albaricoquero.

- ¡Hola, tío Mukuch! ¿Cómo está tu albaricoque?

“Sin albaricoque”, respondió con voz perdida, “arrancaron un albaricoque ... Me levanté esta mañana, vi - sin albaricoque ... Sin albaricoque”, repitió, mirando tristemente al suelo.

- ¿Por qué estás de duelo, Mukuch? - llamó a su vecino.

"Alguien recogió un albaricoque ayer", respondí en su lugar.

- ¿Por qué estás, Mukuch, llorando por un albaricoque? Bueno, mi Albertik se lo comió. Piensa, un desafortunado albaricoque - dijo la esposa de Vazgen con desdén. - En el mercado a granel, te regalamos un montón de albaricoques de una pieza.

Y con estas palabras, fue al establo, arrastró una enorme canasta llena de albaricoques y la tiró.

Grandes albaricoques amarillos, que han absorbido el calor y la generosidad del sol armenio, fruto de manos trabajadoras pero extrañas, rodaron por la pendiente del terreno del tío Mukuch.

Y luego, aparentemente, recordó que solo desde las raíces de un albaricoquero especial se puede cortar un duduk con un cálido sonido mágico y tembloroso. "Espero que su hueso sepa amargo", dijo, sin mirar a Albertik, que se había acercado a él y se calmó. Y fue a por la pala.



Was ist gefährlicher als der Wirklichkeitsverlust auf Querdenker-Demos? Der Pseudoexperte, der sein akademisches Ticket für Desinformation missbraucht. VON JOACHIM MÜLLER-JUNG-AKTUALISIERT AM 17.08.2020-13:00 MERKEN 113 52 5 Min. Angesichts von ungebrochen siebzig, achtzig oder neunzig Prozent Zustimmung in hiesigen Repräsentativumfragen zum Coronamanagement, verbietet es sich, die Stimmungsbilder, die das bösartige Geraune auf Twitter liefert, überzubewerten. Und doch lassen sich in den Attacken gegen seriöse Wissenschaftler und Politiker plötzlich Muster erkennen, die schon den Klimawandeldiskurs immer wieder in Schieflage gebracht haben. Der Ausnahmezustand wird für die ohnehin angekratzte Krisenkommunikation zur schweren Bürde. Joachim Müller-Jung Joachim Müller-Jung Redakteur im Feuilleton, zuständig für das Ressort „Natur und Wissenschaft“. F.A.Z. Twitter Fast schon karikierend war das in den vergangenen Tagen in einem Tweet zum Ausdruck gekommen, in dem der weltweit angesehene, aber politisch auch nicht zimperliche Potsdamer Paläoklimatologe Stefan Rahmstorf mit ironischen Anführungszeichen als „Klimaforscher“ gedemütigt und abfällig zum Chef-Aktivisten erklärt wurde. Der Versuch konnte nur scheitern. Dafür hatte die Nuhr-Affäre ein Nachspiel. Die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft sah sich, nachdem sie den gegen Klima- und Coronaexperten gerne frotzelnden Satiriker Dieter Nuhr für ihre Videokampagne #fürdasWissen als Reaktion auf Hunderte Twitterproteste vorschnell ausgeladen und dann aus Gründen der Meinungsfreiheit wieder aufgenommen hat, den Vorwürfen frustrierter Wissenschaftler ausgesetzt, die den Shitstorm ausgelöst hatten und den Spottvogel Nuhr als Repräsentanten für die Wissenschaften als schlechten Scherz betrachteten. Ein Repräsentant zwischen Anführungszeichen sozusagen.






Mensajes en la botella


escrito tu futuro está en el cristal


que voy a misa

gente medrosa y atajada de abulia

horas y horas en el reclinatorio

de la televisión

comunión en la mano

el cura larga el sermón de la Cananea

que vengan emigrantes

danos y danos

Cristo dijo no se puede quitar el pan de

la boca de los hijos

para dárselo a los perros

El Vaticano es un banco

vira el rumbo a conveniencia

veleta que ausculta

de donde sopla el viento


el mensaje en la botella

la verdad del vino


tugurios y buenos modales

súbete las bragas, corazón

y no temas

a la conformidad

que aporta desaliento

el sexo del morueco

la oveja también tiene derecho a ser cubierta

parirá luego el silencio de los corderos




Royal Navy is called in to help Border Force police the Channel for the first time this year as more than 1,000 migrants cross in 10 days

  • More than 1,000 people have crossed to the UK from France in the past 10 days 
  • The Royal Navy has not intervened to stop migrant crossings since January 2019
  • Around a dozen officers will plan and organise operations with Border Force  
  • Priti Patel says people flee France for England as they think it's a 'racist country'

The Royal Navy has been called in to help Border Force police the Channel for the first time this year as 1,000 migrants crossed into England in 10 days.

On Saturday evening the Ministry of Defence announced that it was sending a specialist team to provide support for 'the daily running of Border Force operations' after another 90 people made the crossing on Friday.

The Royal Navy has not been employed to help stop such crossings since January 2019.

The deployment comes after 10 consecutive days of landings, with refugees seen possing for selfies as they wait to be picked up in the English Channel. 

A task-force of around a dozen officers will help to plan and organise operations while working alongside Border Force officials, according to The Sunday Telegraph

After more than 1,000 people crossed the Channel into England in just 10 days, Royal Navy officials are setting up a task force to intervene

After more than 1,000 people crossed the Channel into England in just 10 days, Royal Navy officials are setting up a task force to intervene

Migrants were seen posing for selfies as they waited to be picked up in an overloaded dinghy on Tuesday

Migrants were seen posing for selfies as they waited to be picked up in an overloaded dinghy on Tuesday

'Civilian authorities are not used to fast paced, large scale and constantly changing situations in the same way as the military. That's what we do,' an MoD source told the newspaper.

The Government has been facing mounting pressure to address the large numbers of people arriving on UK shores across the channel.

So far, this year has seen 4,500 people have made the dangerous journey this year. In contrast, the whole last year saw 1,800 people cross, and fewer than 400 in 2018.

Border Force patrol boats pick up dinghies off the Dover coast as they cope with an influx of crossings

Border Force patrol boats pick up dinghies off the Dover coast as they cope with an influx of crossings

As migrants continued to cross this week, Home Secretary Priti Patel has said migrants are leaving France as they believe it is a 'racist country,' where they may be 'tortured'

As migrants continued to cross this week, Home Secretary Priti Patel has said migrants are leaving France as they believe it is a 'racist country,' where they may be 'tortured'

Home Secretary Priti Patel has said migrants are crossing the Channel to Britain because they believe France is a 'racist country' where they may be 'tortured'. 

According to reports, Ms Patel made her comments in a conference call with Conservative MPs concerned about the recent upsurge in numbers attempting the dangerous voyage in small boats.

Government sources said she had made clear that she did not share those views and was simply explaining the 'pull factors' which led so many migrants to risk their lives in this way.

One MP on the call told The Sun on Sunday: 'Priti was asked why the migrants are so desperate to leave France and come here. She told us some believe racism to be an issue.

'They claim they feel discriminated against when, for example, looking for work in France. Others claimed they feared being tortured if they stayed in France or Germany.

'Priti stressed that she didn't believe any of this to be true. She was merely trying to explain the pull factors.'

The news comes after immigration minister Chris Philp promised a 'new, comprehensive action plan' to stem the latest surge in crossings after talks with French officials in Paris on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) responded to the Home Office's formal request for help by sending in RAF planes.

Three have been sent up into the skies above the Channel this week so far to carry out surveillance and help the coastguard and Border Force spot emerging crossing attempts.

Defence Secretary Ben Wallace initially authorised the use of the Atlas A-400M on Monday and since approved flights by a Shadow R1 on Tuesday and Thursday while a P-8 Poseidon was enlisted on Wednesday.

The costs of the operations and decisions on whether to provide any other support are still being finalised, the MoD said.

It comes after Calais mayor Natacha Bouchart described sending in the navy to French broadcasters as a 'declaration of maritime war'.

Home Secretary Priti Patel last year pledged that the migrant crossings would be an 'infrequent phenomenon' by now and has since insisted she is working to make the route 'completely unviable'.


Priti Patel in racist French storm: Home Secretary enrages Paris by telling Tory MPs migrants want to cross Channel to escape prejudice 

By Brendan Carlin and Abul Taher for the Mail on Sunday

Priti Patel sparked a diplomatic row last night by claiming migrants were crossing the Channel to escape 'racist' France, where they feared they would be tortured.

The Home Secretary's inflammatory remarks, in a private meeting with Tory MPs, infuriated French politicians. One blasted: 'Madam Patel is not a politician who does much thinking.'

But the row came as Europe's top judges condemned France for 'degrading and inhumane' treatment of asylum seekers in forcing them to sleep rough for months in 'constant fear of being attacked or robbed'. 

Tory MPs taking part in the Zoom conference call with Ms Patel also said she claimed to have been frustrated in her efforts to crack down on the Channel migrant crisis by No 10 – although both sides denied that last night. 

The private web chat with the Home Secretary came amid mounting anger on the Tory backbenches over how the Government was handling the migrant crisis. One MP claimed Ms Patel had told them: 'France is a racist country. They would rather come to England.'

Last night, Government sources strongly denied that, insisting that the Home Secretary had only been passing on what migrants had been saying about France.

One stressed: 'Priti made clear these were migrants' views – not hers', adding that the Home Secretary thought claims of possible torture if they returned to France were nonsense, pushed by activist lawyers.

British Home Secretary Priti Patel, pictured visiting Dover on Monday, has sparked a diplomatic row with France by claiming that migrants were crossing the Channel to escape ‘racist’ France, where they feared they would be tortured

British Home Secretary Priti Patel, pictured visiting Dover on Monday, has sparked a diplomatic row with France by claiming that migrants were crossing the Channel to escape 'racist' France, where they feared they would be tortured

One MP on the call told The Sun on Sunday: 'Priti was asked why the migrants are so desperate to leave France and come here. She told us some believe racism to be an issue.

'They claim they feel discriminated against when, for example, looking for work in France. Others claimed they feared being tortured if they stayed in France or Germany.

'Priti stressed that she didn't believe any of this to be true. She was merely trying to explain the pull factors.'

However, another MP on the call was quoted as saying that she had left an impression that she did believe the French were racist.

'She was calling them racist and she is right. They are more racist than us,' the MP told The Sunday Times.

But an MP from France's opposition Republicans party raged: 'Madam Patel has caused a lot of upset already with absurd and untrue claims about our forces not stopping immigrant boats. Wherever these latest claims about racism came from, Madam Patel should not be spreading them in such a callous manner.' 

A politician from President Emmanuel Macron's ruling LREM party said: 'Hateful claims are not a healthy part of politics, but this woman seems to spread them all the time.'

But the French MPs' comments come after the European Court of Human Rights ordered the Paris government to pay a total of £32,000 compensation to three asylum seekers for failing to provide them with basics like food and shelter. 

Charity workers have said that French riot police regularly raid migrants' camps, slash their tents with knives and confiscate their belongings and medicine. Refugees say police regularly assault them, and video footage of officers dragging migrants off buses has been posted online.

Away from the 'racism' row, one MP on the Zoom chat said Ms Patel expressed frustration that she was being hampered in tackling the migrant crisis. She is said to have told MPs: 'I could see this coming. 

I have been on about this since I was appointed last summer' – but claimed the issue had not been given priority. 'I said around the Cabinet table we should be sitting through the summer recess to get legislation done,' she is said to have told MPs . 'And I was in a minority.'

Pictured: A group of people thought to be migrants are brought into Dover, Kent, by Border Force officers following a number of small boat incidents in the Channel, August 15, 2020. New figures show that more than 1,000 migrants crossed to the UK in just ten days this month

Pictured: A group of people thought to be migrants are brought into Dover, Kent, by Border Force officers following a number of small boat incidents in the Channel, August 15, 2020. New figures show that more than 1,000 migrants crossed to the UK in just ten days this month

Priti Patel visits Dover as migrant crossing crisis continues
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The Home Secretary also reportedly said she had been thwarted in a bid to give more publicity to repatriation flights, which would send out the message the Government was getting tough on illegal migrants. 

She is said to have given the impression it was either Boris Johnson or his top aide, Dominic Cummings, who had stood in her way. However, Government sources insisted Ms Patel was expressing frustration with legal constraints.

One MP suggested Ms Patel was 'covering herself' as she was getting a 'hard time' from colleagues over the crisis.

The backbencher complained: 'It looks incompetent and is incompetent that we can't stop rubber dinghies coming across the Channel when people are being told they can't go on holiday to Spain.' 

Last week Ms Patel is understood to have told France they would not get the extra £30 million they sought to tackle the migrant problem unless they performed better.

The MP said there was also concern about asylum seekers being sent to hotels around the country. Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage has said he will today release a video on Twitter which will 'embarrass Priti Patel' by showing asylum seekers being housed in a hotel in her Essex constituency.

Last night, the Home Office said: 'The Home Secretary is clearly frustrated by the increasing number of small boats crossing the Channel' and said that, by the end of the Brexit transition period, the right legislation would be in place.


Mystery British kingpin known as 'The Banker' controls multi-million pound cross-Channel people smuggling ring

By Max Aitchison, Abul Taher and Tim Finan for the Mail on Sunday  

A multi-million-pound cross-Channel smuggling racket is being masterminded by a UK-based criminal known as 'The Banker'.

Details of the shadowy Godfather figure emerged during the French trial of a gang of Afghans who smuggled migrants into Britain on small boats and in the back of lorries. The revelation comes as new analysis showed more than 1,000 migrants crossed the Channel in the ten days up to last Thursday.

A court in Boulogne-sur-Mer heard how three smugglers, who charged an average of £3,000 for each 'passenger', were part of a sophisticated operation that used encrypted mobile-phone apps to pass information and collect payment.

Janmeer Ahmadzai, 28, his brother Amadjai Shanawaz, 29, and Kochai Juma Gul, 25 were in constant contact with associates in Britain, including an unidentified kingpin known as 'Le Banquier', the court was told.

In total, 1,004 migrants were brought ashore by the Border Force between August 4 and August 13, talking the total this year to 4,511

In total, 1,004 migrants were brought ashore by the Border Force between August 4 and August 13, talking the total this year to 4,511

Judge Vincent Naegelin said orders to cram boats and lorries with migrants arrived by phone from 'Le Banquier' and evidence showed he controlled the gang's finances.

The French national police conducted a year-long investigation into the Calais-based gang, secretly tracking their movements, photographing them and bugging their mobile phones. They arrested the men last month at a car park near the city's main hospital, close to the notorious Jungle migrant camp.

The three men were found guilty of aiding illegal immigration into Britain. Gul was given a five-year prison sentence, Ahmadzai was jailed for four years and his brother for one year. Details of the case emerged as at least five more boatloads of migrants, including a reportedly pregnant woman and a child, arrived in Dover yesterday.

Another dinghy carrying six migrants was intercepted by a Border Force vessel about 1,000 yards off the coast before being escorted to Dover.

Boat carrying Syrian migrants to UK seen bailing out water
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Throughout yesterday morning, dozens of migrants wearing lifejackets and wrapped in pale blue blankets were processed by officials wearing masks and gloves. Each had their temperature taken as part of checks for coronavirus. One frail, elderly man was seen leaving a Border Force vessel using a cane before the deck was sprayed with disinfectant.

In total, 1,004 migrants were brought ashore by the Border Force between August 4 and August 13, talking the total this year to 4,511.

That figure does not include those who were detained on shore or those who evaded capture and is more than twice the 1,900 seized during the whole of last year. Another 48 migrants were detained on Friday. Among them was a group of 11, including a distressed woman and a teenager who appeared to be her son, who were stopped by police on the busy A20 near the port.

The RNLI tow a small boat into Dover, Kent, following a number of small boat incidents in the Channel earlier today

The RNLI tow a small boat into Dover, Kent, following a number of small boat incidents in the Channel earlier today

It later emerged that Tony Benson, a British expat living in Lens, about 60 miles from Calais, may have provided the boat they used for their crossing.

Posting on Facebook, he wrote: 'Yes, I gave it to them and wished them luck, and do you know why? I am well off, my kids and grandkids don't go without, they have a house, a family, a school to go to, and I don't have to worry about whether or not they will come home to find they don't have one.'

Yesterday, a series of seemingly new inflatable rubber dinghies were seen being towed into Dover harbour after the Border Force had picked up their passengers. At least one was missing its outboard motor. Migrants often remove them when they are in sight of the English coast, so they cannot be turned back to France.

Favourable weather in the Channel and a crackdown by the French authorities on the migrant camps has encouraged more people to make the journey, despite Home Secretary Priti Patel's vow to make the route 'unviable'.

Royal Navy called in to help Border Force police the Channel for the first time this year

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