

 Ayuda "Pravmir" Fondo

Para orar por el alma de una persona, debemos recordar su nombre. Pero la oración a menudo también es muy útil al menos alguna información sobre el difunto: es más fácil para nosotros orar por alguien que conocemos al menos un poco. Creemos que las fotografías de la tripulación del submarino Kursk ayudarán a nuestros lectores a ofrecer sus oraciones por el reposo de los marineros fallecidos hace 21 años.

Sede de marcha

Capitán de primer rango  Bagryantsev Vladimir Tikhonovich  - jefe de personal de una división de submarinos, nacido en 1958, ChVVMU, VMA im. N.G. Kuznetsova

Bagryantsev Vladimir Tikhonovi

Bagryantsev Vladimir Tikhonovich

Capitán de segundo rango  Viktor Mikhailovich Belogun  - Adjunto NEMS, nacido en 1960, SVVMIU

Belogun Viktor Mikhailovich

Belogun Viktor Mikhailovich

Capitán de segundo rango  Yuri Tikhonovich Shchepetnov  - ingeniero de misiles insignia, nacido en 1964, ChVVMU

Shchepetnov Yuri Tikhonovich

Shchepetnov Yuri Tikhonovich

Capitán de segundo rango  Vasily Sergeevich Isaenko  - asistente NEMS, nacido en 1961, SVVMIU

Isaenko Vasily Sergeevich

Capitán de tercer rango  Baigarin Murat Ikhtiyarovich  - Minero insignia interino, nacido en 1964, VVMUPP

Baigarin Murat Ikhtiyarovich

Baigarin Murat Ikhtiyarovich


Mando de barco

Capitán de primer rango  Lyachin Gennady Petrovich -  comandante del submarino nuclear, nacido en 1955, VVMUPP

Lyachin Gennady Petrovich

Lyachin Gennady Petrovich

Capitán de segundo rango  Sergey Vladimirovich Dudko -  Asistente principal del comandante, nacido en 1969, VVMURE

Dudko Sergey Vladimirovich

Dudko Sergey Vladimirovich

Capitán de segundo rango  Shubin Alexander Anatolyevich  - Subcomandante para el trabajo educativo, 1959, SVVMIU

Alexander A. Shubin

Alexander A. Shubin

Teniente comandante  Dmitry Repnikov  - comandante asistente, nacido en 1973, VVMUPP

Repnikov Dmitry Alekseevich

Repnikov Dmitry Alekseevich


Teniente-comandante  Maksim Anatolyevich Safonov  - comandante del BC-1, nacido en 1974, VVMUPP

Safonov Maxim Anatolievich

Safonov Maxim Anatolievich

Teniente  Tylik Sergey Nikolaevich  - comandante de ENG, nacido en 1975, VVMUPP

Tylik Sergey Nikolaevich

Tylik Sergey Nikolaevich

Teniente mayor  Vadim Yaroslavovich Bubniv  - ingeniero ENG, nacido en 1977, San Petersburgo VMI

Bubniv Vadim Yaroslavovich

Bubniv Vadim Yaroslavovich

Suboficial superior  Ruzlev Alexander Vladimirovich  - contramaestre superior, 1976, p. Vidyaevo

Ruzlev Alexander Vladimirovich

Ruzlev Alexander Vladimirovich

Suboficial superior  Fesak Vladimir Vasilievich  - técnico ENG, nacido en 1962, región de Donetsk, Shakhtersk

Fesak Vladimir Vasilievich

Fesak Vladimir Vasilievich

Suboficial  Kozyrev Konstantin Vladimirovich  - técnico ENG, nacido en 1976, v. Vidyaevo

Kozyrev Konstantin Vladimirovich

Kozyrev Konstantin Vladimirovich

Suboficial  Polyansky Andrey Nikolaevich  - técnico ENG, 1974, Tikhoretsky

Polyansky Andrey Nikolaevich

Polyansky Andrey Nikolaevich

Suboficial del segundo artículo del contrato de servicio  Leonov Dmitry Anatolyevich  - comandante del escuadrón de timonel, nacido en 1979, región de Moscú, Yakhroma

Dmitry Leonov

Dmitry Leonov

Sailor  Mirtov Dmitry Sergeevich  - señalizador de dirección, nacido en 1981, República de Komi, Ukhta

Mirtov Dmitry Sergeevich

Mirtov Dmitry Sergeevich


Capitán de tercer rango  Andrey Borisovich Silogava  - Comandante del BC-2, nacido en 1970, KVVMU

Silogava Andrey Borisovich

Silogava Andrey Borisovich

Teniente-comandante  Alexey Vladimirovich Shevchuk  - comandante de la Dirección Principal, nacido en 1974, VVMUPP

Alexey Shevchuk

Alexey Shevchuk

Teniente senior  Panarin Andrey Vladimirovich  - ingeniero de la Universidad Estatal, nacido en 1975, S-Pb VMI

Panarin Andrey Vladimirovich

Panarin Andrey Vladimirovich

Teniente-comandante  Boris Vladimirovich Geletin  - Comandante de la GS, nacido en 1975, KVVMU

Geletin Boris Vladimirovich

Geletin Boris Vladimirovich

Teniente mayor  Uzkiy Sergei Vasilievich  - comandante de la Administración Central Principal, nacido en 1977, S-Pb VMI

Uzkiy Sergey Vasilievich

Uzkiy Sergey Vasilievich

Suboficial  Vishnyakov Maksim Igorevich  - técnico del Departamento Central Principal, nacido en 1977, Krivoy Rog

Vishnyakov Maxim Igorevich

Vishnyakov Maxim Igorevich

Suboficial  Kislinsky Sergey Alexandrovich  - técnico SG, 1974, región de Kostroma, pueblo de Tarecha

Kislinsky Sergey Alexandrovich

Kislinsky Sergey Alexandrovich

Suboficial del segundo artículo del contrato de servicio  Anenkov Yuri Anatolyevich  - mecánico, nacido en 1979, región de Kursk, pueblo Podazovka

Anenkov Yuri Anatolievich

Anenkov Yuri Anatolievich

Sailor  Kotkov Dmitry Anatolyevich  - mecánico, nacido en 1981, región de Vologda, pueblo de Novinki

Dmitry A. Koshkov

Dmitry Kotkov

Sailor  Pavlov Nikolay Vladimirovich  - mecánico, nacido en 1980, región de Voronezh, p. Leskovo

Nikolay Pavlov

Nikolay Pavlov


Teniente senior  Ivanov-Pavlov Alexey Alexandrovich  - comandante de la ojiva-3, nacido en 1977, S-Pb VMI

Ivanov-Pavlov Alexey Alexandrovich

Ivanov-Pavlov Alexey Alexandrovich

Suboficial superior  Ildarov Abdulkadyr Mirzaevich  - capataz del equipo de torpedos, nacido en 1960, República de Daguestán, p. Hoochney

Ildarov Abdulkadyr Mirzaevich

Ildarov Abdulkadyr Mirzaevich

Sailor  Ivan Nikolaevich Nefedkov  - comandante del escuadrón de torpedos, nacido en 1980, región de Sverdlovsk, p. Montaña roja

Nefedkov Ivan Nikolaevich

Nefedkov Ivan Nikolaevich

Sailor  Borzhov Maxim Nikolaevich  - operador de torpedos, nacido en 1981, región de Vladimir, Murom

Borisov Maxim Nikolaevich

Borzhov Maxim Nikolaevich


Capitán de tercer rango  Andrei Anatolyevich Rudakov  - Comandante del BC-4, nacido en 1968, TOVVMU

Rudakov Andrey Anatolievich

Rudakov Andrey Anatolievich

Teniente  Comandante Sergei Fiterer  - Comandante del GKS, nacido en 1976, KVVMU

Fiterer Sergei Gennadievich

Fiterer Sergei Gennadievich

Teniente  comandante Oleg Iosifovich Nasikovsky  - comandante del GZAS, nacido en 1971, KVVMU

Oleg Nasikovsky

Oleg Nasikovsky

Suboficial superior  Sergei Serafimovich Chernyshev  - técnico de GKS, nacido en 1968, Sebastopol

Chernyshev Sergey Serafimovich

Chernyshev Sergey Serafimovich

Suboficial superior  Kalinin Sergey Alekseevich  - técnico de la gasolinera, nacido en 1970, región de Kiev, p. Lilyaki

Kalinin Sergey Alekseevich

Kalinin Sergey Alekseevich

Suboficial superior  Svechkarev Vladimir Vladimirovich -  técnico de GZAS, nacido en 1973, Nizhny Novgorod

Svechkarev Vladimir Vladimirovich

Svechkarev Vladimir Vladimirovich


Capitán de segundo rango  Sablin Yuri Borisovich  - Comandante del BC-5, nacido en 1966, SVVMIU

Sablin Yuri Borisovich

Sablin Yuri Borisovich

Capitán de tercer rango  Dmitry Borisovich Murachev  - comandante del DD, nacido en 1969, SVVMIU

Murachev Dmitry Borisovich

Murachev Dmitry Borisovich

Teniente comandante  Dmitry Kolesnikov  - Comandante del TG DD, nacido en 1973, VVMIU

Dmitry Kolesnikov

Dmitry Kolesnikov

Teniente Comandante  Andrey Evgenievich Vasiliev  - Comandante de Aviación Civil DD, nacido en 1972, VVMIU

Vasiliev Andrey Evgenievich

Vasiliev Andrey Evgenievich

Teniente mayor  Alexey Vladimirovich Miglyaev  - Ingeniero de aviación civil DD, nacido en 1977, S-Pb VMII

Alexey Miglyaev

Alexey Miglyaev

Teniente-comandante  Denis Stanislavovich Pshenichnikov  - comandante del GDU-1, nacido en 1974, VVMIU

Pshenichnikov Denis Stanislavovich

Pshenichnikov Denis Stanislavovich

Teniente-comandante  Sergey Lyubushkin  - comandante del GDU-2, nacido en 1972, VVMIU

Lyubushkin Sergey Nikolaevich

Lyubushkin Sergey Nikolaevich

Teniente comandante  Sadilenko Sergei Vladimirovich  - Ingeniero GDU-1, nacido en 1975, VVMIU

Sadilenko Sergey Vladimirovich

Sadilenko Sergey Vladimirovich

Teniente mayor  Brazhkin Alexander Vladimirovich  - Ingeniero GDU-2, nacido en 1977, VVMIU

Brazhkin Alexander Vladimirovich

Brazhkin Alexander Vladimirovich

Teniente comandante  Aryapov Rashid Ramisovich  - comandante del TG DD, nacido en 1971, VVMIU

Aryapov Rashid Ramisovich

Aryapov Rashid Ramisovich

Capitán de tercer rango  Shavinsky Ilya Vyacheslavovich  - comandante del ETD, nacido en 1969, VVMIU

Ilya Shavinsky

Ilya Shavinsky

Capitán de tercer rango  Nikolay Anatolyevich Belozerov  - comandante de ETG, nacido en 1968, VVMIU

Nikolay A. Belozerov

Nikolay A. Belozerov

Teniente senior  Vitaly Evgenievich Kuznetsov  - Ingeniero ETG-1, nacido en 1976, VVMIU

Kuznetsov Vitaly Evgenievich

Kuznetsov Vitaly Evgenievich

Teniente mayor  Maxim Rvanin  - ingeniero ETG-2, nacido en 1975, VVMIU

Rvanin Maxim Anatolievich

Rvanin Maxim Anatolievich

Capitán de tercer rango  Andrey Valentinovich Milyutin  - Comandante del DJ, nacido en 1972, VVMIU

Milyutin Andrey Valentinovich

Milyutin Andrey Valentinovich

Teniente-comandante  Vitaly Mikhailovich Solorev  - Comandante del Departamento de Aviación Civil, nacido en 1974, VVMIU

Solorev Vitaly Mikhailovich

Solorev Vitaly Mikhailovich

Teniente-comandante  Sergei Sergeevich Kokurin  - Comandante del TG DZh, nacido en 1973, VVMIU

Kokurin Sergei Sergeevich

Kokurin Sergei Sergeevich

Teniente  Denis Stanislavovich Kirichenko  - Ingeniero DZh, nacido en 1976, VVMIU

Kirichenko Denis Stanislavovich

Kirichenko Denis Stanislavovich

Suboficial superior  Kuznetsov Viktor Viktorovich  - capataz del equipo de turbinas, nacido en 1972, Kursk

Viktor Kuznetsov

Viktor Kuznetsov

Suboficial superior  Kazaderov Vladimir Alekseevich - técnico de turbinas, nacido en 1967, Lipetsk

Kazaderov Vladimir Aleksevich

Kazaderov Vladimir Alekseevich

Suboficial  Ishmuratov Fanis Malikovich  - técnico de turbinas, nacido en 1974, República de Bashkiria, pueblo Bakhtigariev

Ishmuratov Fanis Malikovich

Ishmuratov Fanis Malikovich

Suboficial superior  Borisov Andrey Mikhailovich  - Técnico de GA DD, nacido en 1970, región de Ryazan, p. Percino

Borisov Andrey Mikhailovich

Borisov Andrey Mikhailovich

Suboficial  Aleksey Gennadievich Balanov  - capataz del equipo de bodega, nacido en 1978, República de Chuvashia, p. Anastasovo

Balanov Alexey Gennadievich

Balanov Alexey Gennadievich

Suboficial  Ivanov Vasily Elmarovich - capataz del equipo de electricistas, nacido en 1977, República de Mari El, pueblo Chuksollo

Ivanov Vasily Elmarovich

Ivanov Vasily Elmarovich

Suboficial  Shablatov Vladimir Gennadievich  - técnico eléctrico, nacido en 1977, Yoshkar-Ola

Shablatov Vladimir Gennadievich

Shablatov Vladimir Gennadievich

Suboficial superior  Tsymbal Ivan Ivanovich  - técnico eléctrico, nacido en 1970, región de Lugansk, pueblo Makartetino

Tsymbal Ivan Ivanovich

Tsymbal Ivan Ivanovich

Suboficial superior  Gorbunov Evgeny Yurievich  - técnico diésel, nacido en 1964, región de Nizhny Novgorod, asentamiento de Zavolzhye

Gorbunov Evgeny Yurievich

Gorbunov Evgeny Yurievich

Suboficial  Khivuk Vladimir Valerievich  - técnico, nacido en 1974, región de Kursk, p. Belitsa, st. Plantación de piñas

Khivuk Vladimir Valerievich

Khivuk Vladimir Valerievich

Suboficial  Baibarin Valery Anatolyevich  - capataz del equipo de bodega, nacido en 1975, región de Chelyabinsk, Kopeysk

Baybarin Valery Anatolievich

Baybarin Valery Anatolievich

Suboficial  Bochkov Mikhail Alexandrovich  - técnico de sentinas, nacido en 1977, Sebastopol

Bochkov Mikhail Alexandrovich

Bochkov Mikhail Alexandrovich

Sargento mayor jefe de buque del servicio contratado  Gessler Robert Alexandrovich  - comandante del escuadrón turbinista, nacido en 1978, República de Bashkiria, asentamiento de Zapadny

Gessler Robert Alexandrovich

Gessler Robert Alexandrovich

Suboficial del segundo artículo del contrato de servicio  Sadovoy Vladimir Sergeevich  - comandante del escuadrón turbinista, nacido en 1979, región de Nizhny Novgorod, asentamiento de Yuganets

Sadovoy Vladimir Sergeevich

Sadovoy Vladimir Sergeevich

Sailor  Kubikov Roman Vladimirovich - turbinista, nacido en 1978, Kursk

Roman Kubikov

Roman Kubikov

Sailor  Nekrasov Alexey Nikolaevich - turbinista, nacido en 1981, región de Kursk, asentamiento Tim

Alexey Nekrasov

Alexey Nekrasov

Sailor  Martynov Roman Vyacheslavovich - turbinista, nacido en 1981, República de Komi., Ukhta

Martynov Roman Vyacheslavovich

Martynov Roman Vyacheslavovich

Sailor  Sidyukhin Viktor Yurievich - turbinista, nacido en 1980, República de Komi., Ukhta

Sidyukhin Viktor Yurievich

Sidyukhin Viktor Yurievich

Sailor  Borisov Yuri Alexandrovich - turbinista, nacido en 1981, República de Komi., Pueblo de Blagoevo

Borisov Yuri Alexandrovich

Borisov Yuri Alexandrovich

Sailor  Naletov Ilya Evgenievich  - turbinista, nacido en 1981, región de Vologda, pueblo Ivachino

Naletov Ilya Evgenievich

Naletov Ilya Evgenievich

Suboficial del segundo artículo del contrato de servicio  Anikeev Roman Vladimirovich  - especial. hold, nacido en 1978, v. Vidyaevo

Roman Anikeev

Roman Anikeev

Suboficial jefe del servicio por contrato  Mainagashev Vyacheslav Vissarionovich  - especial. Hold, nacido en 1976, República de Khakassia, asentamiento de Nizhny Kurlugash

Mainagashev Vyacheslav Vissarionovich

Mainagashev Vyacheslav Vissarionovich

Sailor  Korkin Alexey Alekseevich - especial hold, nacido en 1981, Arkhangelsk

Alexey Korkin

Alexey Korkin

Suboficial jefe del servicio de contrato  Alexander Valentinovich Neustroev  - electricista, nacido en 1979, región de Tomsk. el pueblo de Loskutovo

Alexander Neustroev

Alexander Neustroev

Suboficial 1 artículo del contrato de servicio  Zubaidulin Reshid Rashidovich - electricista, nacido en 1979, región de Chelyabinsk, asentamiento de Mezhozerny

Zubaidulin Reshid Rashidovich

Zubaidulin Reshid Rashidovich

Sailor  Dryuchenko Andrey Nikolaevich - electricista, nacido en 1979, ciudad de Severodvinsk

Dobchenko Andrey Nikolaevich

Dryuchenko Andrey Nikolaevich

Sailor  Larionov Alexey Alexandrovich - Hold, nacido en 1981, República de Komi, ciudad de Emva

Loginov Alexey Alexandrovich

Larionov Alexey Alexandrovich

Sailor  Shulgin Alexey Vladimirovich - sentina, nacido en 1981, región de Arkhangelsk, Kotlas

Alexey Shulgin

Alexey Shulgin

Sailor  Tryanichev Ruslan Vyacheslavovich - espera, nacido en 1980, Cherepovets

Ruslan Tryanichev

Ruslan Tryanichev

Sailor  Staroseltsev Dmitry Vyacheslavovich - espera, 1980, Kursk

Dmitry Staroseltsev

Dmitry Staroseltsev

Sailor  Khalepo Alexander Valerievich - turbinista, nacido en 1981, República de Komi, p. Ust-Lyzha

Khalepo Alexander Valerievich

Khalepo Alexander Valerievich

Sailor  Loginov Igor Vasilievich  - turbinista, nacido en 1980, República de Komi, pueblo de Blagoevo

Alexey Yurievich Kolomeytsev marinero  - turbinista, nacido en 1980, República de Komi, Pyt-Yakh

Kolomiytsev Alexey Yurievich

Kolomiytsev Alexey Yurievich


Capitán de tercer rango  Sadkov Aleksandr Evgenievich  - comandante del BC-7, nacido en 1967, TOVVMU

Sadkov Alexander Evgenievich

Sadkov Alexander Evgenievich

Teniente-comandante  Loginov Sergey Nikolaevich  - comandante de la GAG, nacido en 1973, TOVVMU

Loginov Sergey Nikolaevich

Loginov Sergey Nikolaevich

Teniente mayor  Andrey Vladimirovich Korovyakov  - Ingeniero GAG-1, 1976, VVMURE

Andrey Korovyakov

Andrey Korovyakov

Teniente mayor  Korobkov Alexey Vladimirovich  - ingeniero GAG-2, nacido en 1975, VVMURE

Alexey Korobkov

Alexey Korobkov

Teniente comandante  Mikhail Olegovich Radionov  - comandante de la VG, nacido en 1973, VVMUPP

Radionov Mikhail Olegovich

Radionov Mikhail Olegovich

Teniente mayor  Erakhin Sergey Nikolaevich  - ingeniero VG, nacido en 1977, VMIRE

Erakhin Sergey Nikolaevich

Erakhin Sergey Nikolaevich

Teniente  Gudkov Alexander Valentinovich  - Comandante del GRR, nacido en 1977, KVVMU

Gudkov Alexander Valentinovich

Gudkov Alexander Valentinovich

Suboficial superior  Igor Vladimirovich Fedorichev  - capataz del equipo de radiometristas, nacido en 1973, región de Tula, Olchisin

Igor Fedorichev

Igor Fedorichev

Suboficial  Tavolzhansky Pavel Viktorovich  - técnico GAG, nacido en 1976, región de Belgorod, p. Klimenki

Tavolzhansky Pavel Viktorovich

Tavolzhansky Pavel Viktorovich

Suboficial  Paramonenko Viktor Aleksandrovich  - técnico GAG, nacido en 1973, Nikolaevsk

Paramonenko Victor Alexandrovich

Paramonenko Victor Alexandrovich

Suboficial  Zubov Alexey Viktorovich  - técnico GAG, nacido en 1974, región de Dnipropetrovsk, Pavlograd

Alexey Zubov

Alexey Zubov

Suboficial  Mikhail Aleksandrovich Belov  - técnico de la Inspección Estatal de Aviación, nacido en 1974, región de Nizhny Novgorod, Bogorodsk

Belov Mikhail Alexandrovich

Belov Mikhail Alexandrovich

Suboficial  Gryaznykh Sergey Viktorovich  - técnico VG, nacido en 1978, Severodvinsk

Gryaznykh Sergey Viktorovich

Gryaznykh Sergey Viktorovich

Suboficial superior  Vlasov Sergei Borisovich  - técnico del GR RR, nacido en 1957, p. Vidyaevo

Vlasov Sergey Borisovich

Vlasov Sergey Borisovich

Servicio médico

Capitán del servicio médico  Stankevich Aleksey Borisovich  - jefe del servicio médico, nacido en 1974, Academia de Medicina Militar

Alexey Stankevich

Alexey Stankevich

Suboficial  Romanyuk Vitaly Fedorovich  - paramédico, nacido en 1971, Sebastopol

Romanyuk Vitaly Fedorovich

Romanyuk Vitaly Fedorovich

Servicio quimico

Capitán de tercer rango  Vyacheslav Alekseevich Bezsokirny  - jefe del servicio químico, nacido en 1970, SVVMIU

Bezsokirny Vyacheslav Alekseevich

Bezsokirny Vyacheslav Alekseevich

Suboficial  Troyan Oleg Vasilievich  - técnico x / s, 1971, Bakú

Troyan Oleg Vasilievich

Troyan Oleg Vasilievich

Suboficial  Rychkov Sergey Anatolyevich  - técnico x / s, nacido en 1965, Tashkent

Rychkov Sergey Anatolievich

Rychkov Sergey Anatolievich

Alto guardiamarina  de uñas Khasanovich Khafizov  - primer profesor de la clase de trabajo en frío , nacido en 1960, República de Bashkiria, p. Flojo

Clavo Khafizov Khasanovich

Clavo Khafizov Khasanovich

Servicio de suministro

Alto orden  oficial de Vasily Vasilievich Kichkiruk  - suboficial del equipo de suministro, nacido en 1967, la región de Zhitomir, p. Viejo Maidan

Kichkiruk Vasily Vasilievich

Kichkiruk Vasily Vasilievich

Suboficial superior  Belyaev Anatoly Nikolaevich  - instructor de cocina superior, nacido en 1954, región de Ryazan, asentamiento Proletarsky

Belyaev Anatoly Nikolaevich

Belyaev Anatoly Nikolaevich

Sargento mayor del buque principal del servicio  contratado Yansapov Salovat Valerievich  - comandante del departamento de kokov , nacido en 1977, República de Bashkiria, Ishimbay

Yansapov Salovat Valerievich

Yansapov Salovat Valerievich

Marinero  Vitchenko Sergey Aleksandrovich  - cocinero, nacido en 1980, región de Leningrado, Kirovsk

Vitchenko Sergey Alexandrovich

Vitchenko Sergey Alexandrovich

Marinero  Evdokimov Oleg Vladimirovich  - cocinero, nacido en 1980, Kursk

Oleg Evdokimov

Oleg Evdokimov

Parte secreta

Suboficial  Samovarov Yakov Valerievich  - jefe de la unidad secreta, nacido en 1977, región de Arkhangelsk, asentamiento de Lupovetsky

Samovarov Yakov Valerievich

Samovarov Yakov Valerievich

Suboficial superior  Erasov Igor Vladimirovich  - SPS, nacido en 1965, Voronezh

Erasov Igor Vladimirovich

Erasov Igor Vladimirovich


Teniente mayor  Borisov Arnold Yurievich  - Ingeniero principal de la Fuerza Aérea del Ministerio de Defensa, 1976, VVMUPP

Gadzhiev Mamed Ismailovich  - representante de la planta Dagdizel, nacido en 1958, República de Daguestán, p. Gruñir


 LEO a Sebastian Brunner, un clérigo austriaco al que denominan padre del antisemitismo- Fue un teologo y escritor de más de cien libros. Su obra se centra en la época del emperador Francisco José al que acusa de rendirse ante el poder sionista. 

No soy antijudío porque rezo todos los días los salmos del Rey David y el Libro de Job para mi consuelo, pero la obra de este abate del  siglo XIX ofrece preguntas inquietantes que tienen que ver con el mundo actual sujeto a una ristra de transformaciones tecno-psicológicas: digitalización, globalización, cristiano fobia, control de los medios de comunicación, las universidades, las editoriales, la medicina, la judicatura o la supresión del pasado. Bajo el pontificado de Pio IX y de León XIII la Iglesia católica se rindió a los poderes prácticos. El bajo clero seguía con el pueblo pero la jerarquía y el Vaticano despliegan una política claudicante de pactos y consensos a manos del Kulturkampf.  Eran los tiempos del cardenal Rampola el enviado de Roma.

Hoy la iglesia española los obispos conferenciantes vuelven a revivir aquellos tiempos del pasado en el tiempo del josefismo. ¿Están vendiendo el Evangelio por un plato de lentejas? En la cátedra de Pedro se sienta un jesuita y en Constantinopla oficia de un patriarca que es adlatere del NOM bajo cuyas instrucciones se incoa un pavorosa cisma dentro del ecumenismo autocéfalo bizantino. 

El imperio austrohúngaro cayó a causa de las discrepancias autonómicas. Austria dejó de ser el mundo feliz proyectado bajo el cetro de los Habsburgo. Se desmembró. Hungría siguió su camino al igual que las bukovinas serbios y croatas y parte de Ucrania.

 Los dacios rumanos y las minorías germánicas de los Cárpatos también lograron independencia. Brunner un abate listo y sabio lo denunció en sus libros acusando a los obispos de dejar a la grey sobre los dientes del lobo. La cobardía de la Santa Sede quedaría al descubierto en su política de hacer encaje de bolillos.

Observo que el nazismo pudo ser una fatal consecuencia de este estado de cosas. Que llevaría a la humanidad a la hecatombe de la segunda guerra mundial. los alemanes no fueron los únicos malos y responsables aunque la jugada gracias a los poderosos medios de comunicación de los "narigudos" sea perfecta a la hora de echar balones fuera y culpar a otros de tanta sangre derramada. 

Baste recordar que el Führer era austriaco educado en el catolicismo y en su juventud respiró estas ideas propaladas por este sacerdote austrohungaro. Ni quito ni pongo rey pero todas estas cosas invitan a la reflexión. 

Ahora en España van ganando los judíos y siguiendo el camino de la Felix Austria se desmiembra. Una estema que acabará con la nación con más solera de Europa. Para la mano que mece la cuna los Borbones constituyen un enemigo menos temible que los Habsburgo herederos de Carlomagno y del Sacro Imperio germánico en una palabra los promotores de la catolicidad. Lo que más me indigna es la dejación del episcopado hispano. 

Tiraron el báculo. No hay cayado ni perro pastor como en los tiempos napoleónicos cuando el Papa Pio VI por conservar la sede perdió la "fede" (un dicho italiano). En el Vaticano el pontífice reinante lanza el grito e sálvese quien pueda.

Nos hallamos en una encrucijada histórica





You woke up, opened your eyes, and reached for … your phone? “To sing the song of glory to… the Internet.” The morning prayer rule will wait, for we can make time for it—later, as it can surely be read one way or another during our morning commute.” Will our soul ever remain uninvolved in what is the one thing needful?

In the days of my youth, a row of digits would only march along the surface of a school board or hopped around the square-ruled pages of our workbooks. In today’s world, anywhere you look, people are faceless but the blue screens are instead reflected in the pupils of their eyes. A “digit” of today reminds of the bygone era: the Pythagoras times are back again.1

What’s wrong then?

There is nothing new about this problem, and it is quite banal. At the beginning of the new millennia, the Orthodox faithful in Russia awaited the end times as the Individual Taxpayer Number (or “INN” in Russian) was being introduced. Numbers again! They feared that the people of God would be stamped with a unique number like cattle and it would deprive them of salvation. The years went by… fortunately, we can still roam free and enjoy our personal freedoms, “looking for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the ages to come.” Yet, the reality of life did change—man had changed it, It has become so bleak and boring, so unadaptable to the ever-expanding avalanche of our daily needs. To deal with it, the reality was enhanced with some add-on features. The notorious “digit” came to help, and the modern telecom technologies are at the bottom of it. Lo and behold, virtual reality was born, the area where we exist today, with varying degrees of our involvement.

Off to our new life and new problems! We are equipped with an armload of modern tools and we consider it blessing to use them. However, mankind is really good at distorting every useful thing while using it. So it has happened with the internet-based technology—the average users have become unconsciously addicted to their devices and are fully dependent on the enactors of the new civilization. Well, but these fine folk have their own ideas about what to do with mankind, and their plans are beyond us, the ordinary netizens. For a few years now, various web resources have published articles about the existence of an all-out digital control of mankind. In particular, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia2 has voiced his opinion about this issue indicating that the Church is examining the problem on the highest level. Conferences are being held on the problem of digitalization;3 activists organize campaigns for online privacy and the regulation of the distribution of personal data,4 which users of personal mobile technologies voluntarily transfer to web aggregators, which in turn share them with the state authorities. Not only people’s private life, but their religious, cultural, familial, political, and social values are going under surveillance. The new world needs unification—when individual values, ideas, and convictions are made more uniform and less meaningful. Society doesn’t need an original thinker capable of expressing his opinion—what for? Let’s better dwell in an illusion of personal exceptionalism that can be easily adjusted, when necessary, by way of covert information manipulation using electronic devices as sticks sans carrots.

Digitalization and the people

As C. S. Lewis said, man is abolished.5 It can be understood as global depersonalization and objectification. Men’s values are viewed merely from the perspective of financial gain and labor output. We actively pursue these changes, voluntarily consenting to the “terms of service” agreements and accepting the conditions that we have no time to examine in great detail. What does it mean? It implies that we accept a certain package of services and features not even needed in the majority of cases, but we pay for them either with personal data or money. Now, our movements get tracked by satellites from space, or via the geolocation systems that learn about the stores we last visited and purchases we made using our bank cards. The trajectory of movements can be easily reconstructed even without a smartphone in your pocket: the cameras in the big cities instantly recognize your face while you are walking along the street, use public transportation, or ride the underground.

Another example. You visited a news portal, checked for some interesting news and skipped others, then browsed online for a couple of things, but your device has already transferred the browsing history to the corresponding companies and it became a part of big data.6 At this point, a marketing company will use targeted advertising trying to oversell in its block of ads those products we were interested in before, whereas a major retailer we frequent to make purchases will receive the data about our shopping preferences.

One more example. We are going on a long-distance trip by train. We need to send the passport scans to our friend who is taking care of our tickets. We forward the photos by one of the messenger apps and, from now on, your information is cataloged in the database of the company that owns the app.

Going forward, each and every person is going to be valued only as a useful source of statistical data

Going forward, each and every person is going to be valued only as a useful source of statistical data. What is that information for? As a starting point, it is necessary to stimulate the cash flow of the globalization giants. Going one-step up, it is needed for the general data accumulation at the ever-expanding worldwide database about every one of us. This data, at a certain moment in the world’s history, will likely allow the manipulation of society and its separate units.

In 2020, we witnessed how governments around the globe were actively stockpiling information by introducing pass admittance regimes in major cities, developing new norms of social interplay. Let’s take, for example, the infamous mask and glove regimen. It has become a new reality of today’s life—we live with it and identify the passersby by the presence or absence of these required attributes in all spheres of social interaction. They have become the new identity markers of the twenty-first century. It has become so much easier to distinguish a “proper” citizen from a strange one simply by their appearance. This kind of identification sets up a scene for precedents, including acts of cruelty, aggression, disengagement, and all sorts of phobias.

What now?

In connection with the pandemics, we have a truly questionable experience of remote functioning within various segments of society—major areas of human activities were moved online: remote work, online education, online church services, online fitness, and online theatres… The list goes on and on. On the one hand, without digitalization, the functioning of key areas of vital human activities would have been impossible. On the other hand, the evaluation of qualitative changes of our relationships shifting online over the last ten months has brought to light significant setbacks in the areas of education and people’s work efficiency. Without getting into a deep argument about these aspects of life, let’s recall the words of Aristotle, who said that man is a social animal, and it is impossible for him to develop as a healthy individual outside social medium.

Meanwhile, the Moscow Region is about to issue QR- code permits to its vaccinated residents.7 The rumors are that the owners of those certificates will be able to move freely around the country and abroad: “You have your QR-code—modern, civilized, easy, and it’s with you everywhere.” Here is your freedom and your comfort. You need neither gloves nor masks; you can just go on with your life flashing the code around. It is yet another marker, rhetorically expanding our options but practically limiting them even further. It is going to be difficult to move around the country without them, or especially abroad. At the same time, Moscow’s metro has a plan to introduce a face recognition fare payment system.8 It will allow us to be in step with times, they say! Allow the big city to get to know you, face to face…

Now let’s look at the details. It is so convenient to handle things requiring your identity verification consent by simply using the eye’s retina or a fingerprint, since no password or additional security identification is needed. Nothing other than close contact. Advanced technology for identity verification has become another routine task in our lives, and we don’t give much thought to how a mere ten years ago these shrewd tricks could only be found in movies… By all means, we are walking the plank of a technological advancement process. Walking where? Straight into the abyss. But even so, we’ve sweetened our doomed march by keeping things we hold dear. There is nothing sweeter for a man than the comforts and petty conveniences of everyday life. Our resolve to set up a fight for “fools’ gold” is truly astounding. It is so easy to limit your horizon to the size of a 6” screen or keep the bundle of your life’s knowledge safe in the cloud drive. It is equally sweet and easy to deny history the right to teach us a lesson or two. As one wise rabbi once said, “The nations of the earth have a short memory.” Or, how we forgot about any understanding of freedom and spiritual life in today’s world, feeling free in a cyberspace yet unregulated. Isn’t it better to let the questionable “mentors” of a new era teach our kids and us how to be aligned with the new moral standards, where acid hair color, primitive, animal-like behavior, deliberate lifestyle minimalism annoyingly persistent among the big city youth, casual relations and promiscuity, or gender equality are just a walk in the park compared to the ideas of digital immortality and digital Armageddon. Behind all of this, can anyone ever gain sight of a man in all his pristine sincerity and beauty? The Lord will have an answer on that special Day.

What happens next?

The further, the deeper. The promises of digital space development mean a whirlwind of rebuilding social relations in the area of economics, law, and politics. For instance, the leading Russian analysts, looking into the nearest future, pointed out the following predictions: An increase in the potential of AI will likely lead to rising unemployment, cyber warfare, and totalitarian rule of cyber superpowers. There is absolutely no need for the “rise of the machines”. People alone will commit the most horrendous atrocities on Earth.

Igor Ashmanov, the leading AI specialist in Russia, has spoken concisely about the impossibility of an emergence of AI-powered machines on the global stage:

“Looking from a metaphysical point of view, the occurrence of consciousness cannot be an accident or automatic process … once someone creates a machine well-suited to reasoning, perfectly resembling a human mind and designed to be manipulated, demons will immediately settle there, as this is exactly what they want. Why would God all of a sudden think it His job to light the “spark of the image of God” in this machine, inhabit its mind with reasoning and will, or, to put simply, breathe a soul into it? Have the atheists, the AI developers, reached an agreement with Him? I don’t think so.9

What is to be done?

It is best to seek answers on hot issues by the measure of timeless truths. Man is known for the ability to think and act if guided by the feeling of freedom. Christians, in particular, possess true freedom; it permeates the New Testament. Therefore, when we place emphasis on microchipping, electronic concentration camps, or totalitarian control systems, we are most likely held away from some truly substantive issues of our spiritual lives. Any interference into the space of our private lives against our wishes will favor our salvation at the Last Judgment. What’s most important is that we must strive to protect our purity of heart and clarity of mind so that we could always be held responsible for our words and actions. We should also learn loyalty while struggling through the thorns and thistles of everyday routine, so that at the end of our lives we would have enough boldness left to remain faithful to God.

Speaking of digital space, it seems appropriate to cite St. Paul: All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any (1 Corinthians 6:12). An extensive assortment of technical devices at our disposal presents an endless potential that could be used in spiritual life. We have an opportunity to join our fellow believers in prayer from anywhere in the world, without personal interaction. We can tap into the Church Tradition and study it in depth, exploring rare examples of church literature and hymnography, or uncover the vast reserves of Christian and world culture that elevate the soul of a man, allowing him to mature as an individual. It gives us the chance to interact with church historians and discover the unknown in our Orthodox faith, its historical events and influential figures. With the new technology, Christianity gains new opportunities. The only question to answer is how we are going to use them.

Virtual reality has become a part of our life, but it shouldn’t force personal prayer experience out of it

Virtual reality has become a part of our life, but it shouldn’t force personal prayer experience out of it. Naturally, we’ve heard so much about it… Yet, we dedicate only a fraction of our time, inner strength, or desire, to prayer. Meanwhile, those who have ever, even indirectly, experienced the “breath of the Holy Spirit,” akin to the publican who was aware of his unworthiness and didn’t dare to step any further inside the temple (see: Luke 18:13), most probably know that, without our direct appeal to Heaven or a great effort in an attempt to rise above ourselves, we end up living in the dark pit of despair without any exit in sight, no matter how much time and money we spend on visits to psychotherapists or clinical psychiatrists. Prayer is so much more encompassing and deep than the life of man, for it allows him to connect with the Giver of life. What do we need from the Internet? A stable connection. A stable connection with God is so much more important. It is good if we can pray in a quiet place. By all means, a mental silent prayer, or “Hesychasm”, is the lot of the saints. In our case, we can begin with something simple as this: silence—the exercise that makes it possible to “know yourself.”

Oddly enough, digital space is where one can find silence. “Where are you, Adam?” is a documentary film describing the life of the monastics at the Athonite Dochariou monastery, but there’s more to it. In a special way, it offers us the chance to be immersed in the life of the monastics. As viewers of this film, we are able to intercept silence within us. This film-contemplation, the example of sincere and simple art made using modern movie-making technology, reveals how Christians are capable of enriching the digital space allotment fallen to them. Let’s hope our effort pays off, and we will provide the solution for people to remain human in a technology-flattened world. To a certain extent, the digital future and identity of a Christian depend on our effort and decisiveness.

Herman Bondin
Translation by Liubov Ambrose
