
que pasen unafeliz nochebuena mis lectores los que me aman y los que me detestan




leo en la bellísima liturgia tridentina "rorate coeli de super et nubes pluant justum, colomanini popule meus" (abríos nubes y lloved al Justo de Israel. Consuelote pueblo mío yo estoy aquí) es la misa de la vigilia de Nochebuena.

Cortos días de luz cenital, cuando parece que el sol se apaga, pero en las almas resplandece el amor, la añoranza por los que se fueron y la esperanza de un hombre nuevo y renovado después de la pandemia. Cristo es la salud el alfa y omega del abecedario de nuestros cortos día humanos pero ÉL ESTÁ EN LA HISTORIA.

En una pobre gruta de Belén se produjo su primera llegada.

En la segunda venida vendrá con pompa y esplendor como Rey universal y como Juez; el Maestro de Justicia sentará las costuras a los malos y premiará a los buenos.

Venid benditos de mi Padre, y enviará a los condenados preditos al fuego eterno. Aunque la circunstancias y coyunturas de este segundo Advenimiento no lo sabía ni Él. Porque pertenece a los designios misteriosos del Padre que está en lo Cielos cuando creó el mundo

Esta es la fe del credo de Nicea sin remilgos aunque soy pecador, me gusta el vino y de mozo anduve en no pocos desvaríos.

Creo que es el sentido de la Noche de Paz del "Stille nacht" que hemos cantado muchas veces y del Adeste fideles" que nos congregaba cabe el portal.

 Paz a los buenos y a los malos a los creyentes y a los ateos, a ricos y pobres, a los tibios y a los fervorosos, a los judíos y a los mahometanos, a los sintoístas japoneses y a los indios brahmánicos, a las vírgenes del Señor y a esas pobres perdidas que se masturban coram pópulo en la red, a las madres que sufren a los que mueren y a los que nacen, a píos e impíos. Ese sea el mensaje de la expectación mesiánica de una humanidad que avanza y retrocede mirando a las estrellas. Hoy cuenta la Agencia Europea del Espacio que sus telescopios han logrado captar la imagen de un ángel que desplegaba sus alas en el polo norte del planeta Marte. No sé

si será espejismo o fantasía pero como mensaje de Navidad está bien, A los rumanos que residen en Asturias les digo "Caucun ferixit", a los franceses "bon Noel" y a los servios "Christos rasdaet", "frohlich Weihnachten" para los alemanes o "Bon natale" al italiano y puxa Asturias el principado del amor y del buen. Buena pascua a todos, Xtus natus est nobis. El ángel marciano creo que miraba esta noche para Monsacro.


 What Hull and East Yorkshire prisoners will be eating for Christmas Dinner

The Ministry of Justice has revealed what dishes prisoners can look forward to on Christmas Day

Nigel was found dead at HMP Humber
HMP Humber

Coronavirus has changed Christmas Day beyond recognition.

But provided supermarket shelves are not emptied this week Christmas dinner with all the trimmings should still be on the nation's tables, including in East Yorkshire's prisons.


Inmates may not be celebrating with their families, but menu details from the Ministry of Justice show they can still look forward to turkey, spouts, Christmas pudding and much more.

Here is what those doing time in HMP Hull, HMP Humber and HMP Full Sutton can expect to tuck into on Christmas Day.

To get the Hull Live headlines every day, simply pop your email address into the sign-up box just beneath the picture at the top of this article.



Image of Christmas 'angel' complete with a halo and wings is snapped by European Space Agency's Mars Express orbiter on planet's south pole

  • A high-res stereo camera snapped what looks like a winged angel near the pole
  • The ethereal shape is made by dune fields composed of dark, rocky minerals
  • Steep cliffs make the outline of a heart next to the haloed messenger
  • In summer, Mars' mile-thick polar ice cap is at its lowest level of the year

Christmas might not be an earthbound holiday, according to a startling image from the surface of Mars taken by a European Space Agency satellite.

The ESA's Mars Express captured what looks like an angel, complete with halo and wings, near the Red Planet's southern pole.

The satellite's high-resolution stereo camera also snapped what looks like a stylized heart by the angel's side.

The ethereal images are merely coincidental, the agency insists, caused by geological features unique to the polar region.

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The ESA's Mars Express captured what looks like an angel, complete with halo and wings, near the Red Planet's southern pole.  The ethereal shape is visible, the agency says, because of the pattern and composition of nearby dune fields, which are rich in dark, rocky minerals

The ESA's Mars Express captured what looks like an angel, complete with halo and wings, near the Red Planet's southern pole.  The ethereal shape is visible, the agency says, because of the pattern and composition of nearby dune fields, which are rich in dark, rocky minerals

'The defined wings of an angelic figure, complete with halo, can be seen sweeping up and off the top of the frame in this image from Mars Express' High Resolution Stereo Camera, while a large heart sits just right of center,' the agency said.

'These shapes appear to jump out of the light tan — or, in the spirit of the season, eggnog-colored! — surface of Mars,'

Mars' south pole, directly out of the frame, is typically covered by an ice cap a mile thick.

Since it's summer in the planet's lower hemisphere, though, the frigid sheet is at its lowest level of the year.

A stylized heart appears next to the angel on Mars' south pole. According to the European Space agency, the valentine is the result of an escarpment — a line of cliffs or steep slopes created by erosion — that's separated from the dunes below.

A stylized heart appears next to the angel on Mars' south pole. According to the European Space agency, the valentine is the result of an escarpment — a line of cliffs or steep slopes created by erosion — that's separated from the dunes below.

The Christmas 'angel' was spotted near the south pole of Mars, between Ultimata Lingula, where the polar cap meets the surrounding plains, and and Ultima Chasma

The Christmas 'angel' was spotted near the south pole of Mars, between Ultimata Lingula, where the polar cap meets the surrounding plains, and and Ultima Chasma

The angelic shape is visible because of the pattern and composition of nearby dune fields, which are rich in dark, rocky minerals like pyroxene and olivine. 

Scientists aren't sure why the dunes are scattered all across Mars—the current theory is the minerals were originally much deeper under the surface and were expelled by ancient volcanic activity.

Ongoing erosion and impacts have only brought the cocoa-colored minerals even further to the surface and distributed them across the planet.

A topographic view of the angel and heart.  Seeing angels, human faces and other familiar images on inanimate objects is called pareidolia and it's common when it comes to the Red Planet

A topographic view of the angel and heart.  Seeing angels, human faces and other familiar images on inanimate objects is called pareidolia and it's common when it comes to the Red Planet

The High Resolution Stereo Camera aboard the European Space Agency's Mars Express orbiter has captured more than angelic shapes. In 2019, it photographed the first geological evidence of interconnected water reservoirs deep beneath the surface of the planet.

The High Resolution Stereo Camera aboard the European Space Agency's Mars Express orbiter has captured more than angelic shapes. In 2019, it photographed the first geological evidence of interconnected water reservoirs deep beneath the surface of the planet. 

Seeing angels, human faces and other familiar scenes on inanimate objects is called pareidolia and it's hardly uncommon when it comes to Mars. 

In the 1970s, conspiracy theorists were certain a 'face' was spotted by one of the Viking orbiters, but it was again shown to be a chance alignment of mineral dunes.

More recently, natural features that look like domes and other manmade structures have  been photographed.

The European Space Agency says the valentine heart is actually the result of an escarpment — a line of cliffs or steep slopes created by erosion — that is separated from the dunes beneath.


Pareidolia is the psychological response to seeing faces and other significant and everyday items in random stimulus.

It is a form of apophenia, when people see patterns in random, unconnected data.

There have been multiple occasions when people have claimed to see religious images and themes in unexpected places.

On the red planet, one of the most famous is the 'face on Mars' spotted by one of the Viking orbiters in 1976.

This was later proven to just be a chance alignment of sand dunes.

The angel's hand, which looks like it is reaching to the left, is a large sublimation pit, a seasonal feature that forms as ice turns to gas and leaves empty pockets and depressions in the planetary surface.

Less than 15 percent of the ice cap is water ice, the rest is dry ice, solid carbon dioxide, which sublimates in the warm season and turns from a solid to a gas.

Sublimation pits have been seen on Pluto.

The angel's head and halo are formed by an impact crater, the agency said, created when a meteorite collided with Mars' crust.

'As this impactor hit, it dug down into the surface, revealing the numerous layered deposits that make up the southern polar region,' according to the ESA. 'These subsurface layers can be glimpsed in other areas where the surface has been disturbed – areas that are clearly identifiable in the associated topographic view due to their notably low elevation – and hint at the long, complex, interesting history of this part of Mars.'

In September 2020, Mars Express found signs of new ponds of salty liquid water buried beneath the ice at the south pole.

Mars Express entered orbit around the planet in December 2003.

In March 2019, ESA scientists reported the orbiter had detected the first geological evidence of interconnected water reservoirs deep beneath the surface.

Previous research theorized about a groundwater system, but this analysis illustrated how extensive it was based on features that experts say could only have been carved by water.  

Geologists at Utrecht University in the Netherland found features that indicate the presence of water at depths of 13,000-16,000 feet.

They including channels etched into crater walls, valleys carved out by groundwater, fan shaped sediment deposits and ridged terraces in crater walls that would have been made by standing water.

Clays, carbonates, and silicates— minerals linked to the emergence of life on Earth—were also observed, 

'Early Mars was a watery world, but as the planet's climate changed this water retreated below the surface to form pools and 'groundwater,' said lead author Francesco Salese.

In September, Mars Express found evidence of several ponds of salty liquid water beneath the ice at the south pole.  


en rusia se construyen iglesias en España se cierran o se profanan




Se consuma el adviento 

El humo de mi cachimba habla 

Mañana es Navidad día de luz y de perdón 

Graciun ferixit 

No hundió Pfriend en sus carnes la partesana 

Cuando descubrió en los senos y nalgas  

De su mujer renegrones 

Una vez que se desnudó 

Moratones de la traición 

Señales del adulterio 

Ella juró y perjuró 

Pfriend Culcan lloró y clamó 

Por su virilidad herida 

La aborreció 

Al poco ella tuvo un aborto 

El dolor de aquel verano 

Lo ahogó 

Pfriend en vino 

Que n palió la punzada  

En el corazón 

Anduvo perdido dos días con dos noches vagando por la urbe 

Se arrodilló ante un confesor 

Y el buen pope de largas barbas moradas se mofaba 

Acarició el hierro  

El marido burlado 

Tenía que ajustar cuenta 

Con el amante de Társila 

Desplegó su navaja 

Pero se dio cuenta de que él no era un asesino 

Mitte gladium in vaginam 

Guarda el sable en su vagina, hijo no te pierdas, 


Escuchó una voz aquella noche del peor estío 

Comprendió entonces por qué las matan 

Los esposos vengativos 

Pero él no 

Dios comprenso su misericordia con la tranquilidad 

Pero desde aquel instante del vergonzoso eritema 

Sobre la piel blanca 

La repudió 

Llamándose a parte 

El sexo no es más que un acto fisiológico 

Pensó algo sin importancia 

La espada del arcángel san Miguel 

Se interpuso en su camino 

Dese entonces vive Pfriend Culcan 

El emigrante pobre de Timisoara en tranquilidad 

Y deshonra 

Sus días transcurren entre schnaps y aguardiente 

Se dio al vino 

Pero nadie pudo culparle de uxoricidio 

Vive con ella 

Duermen en camas separadas 

Graciun ferixit feliz Noel 

Culcan, my friend, creo que eres un héroe 

Es de cristianos perdonar