



Fiestas estudiantiles

En Moscú

Misa solemne en san Petersburgo

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Dos obispos y dos curas

Un monje de dos metros de alto

Una gran barriga

Y una enorme cruz temporal

Consagró el pan y el vino

Vino la epiclesis

En medio de preciosos

Himnos y letanías

en honor de la mártir devorada en el Circo Maximo

por los leones del emperador Severo

Tres acólitos moviendo el incensario

Rojas casullas

Para honrar a una virgen romana

Que es patrona de Rusia

Leo a Berdiaev el gran profeta

Que anunció la muerte del humanismo

Una nueva era

Ha comenzado

Nos salvará Rusia

Aunque esta idea no les guste

A mucha gentuza

 EL AKATHISTOS CANTO A LA VIRGEN MARIA QUE AYUDA EN LAS PANDEMIAS Y LUCHAS DE LA VIDA (ha de cantarse de pie, composición griega del siglo VII)


Un arcángel excelso

Fue enviado del cielo

A decir Dios te salve María

Contemplándote oh Dios hecho hombre

Por virtud de su angélico anuncio

Extasiado quedó ante la Virgen

Y así le cantaba

Salve por ti resplandece la dicha

Salve por ti se eclipsa la pena

Salve levantas a Adán el caído

Salve rescatas el llanto de Eva

Salve cima encumbrada

A la mente del hombre

Salve abismo insondable

A los ojos del ángel

Salve tú eres de veras

El trono del rey

Al que todo sostiene

Salve lucero que el sol nos anuncia

Salve regazo del Dios que se encarna

Salve por ti la creación se renueva

Salve por ti el Creador nace niño

Salve Virgen y esposa


Conociendo la santa que era a Dios consagrada

El arcángel Gabriel le decía

“Tu mensaje es arcano a mi oído

Y difícil resulta a mi alma;

Insinúas de Virgen el parto




Deseaba la Virgen 

Comprender el misterio

Y al heraldo divino pregunta

“¿Podrá dar a luz humana criatura

Una virgen? Responde te ruego”

Y así le cantaba:

Salve guía del eterno consejo

Salve a la prenda del sagrado misterio

Salve primer milagro de Xto

Salve compendio de todos los dogmas

Salve celeste escalera

Por do Dios ha bajado

Salve puente que llevas

A los hombres al Cielo

Salve de angélicos coros

Solemne portento

Salve de turba infernal

Lastimero flagelo

Salve inefable

Que la luz alumbraste

Y a ninguno dijiste el secreto

Salve pues del docto rebasas la ciencia

Salve que al fiel iluminas la mente

Salve Virgen y Esposa


La virtud de lo alto

La cubrió con su sombra

E hizo madre a la esposa inviolada

Aquel seno por Dios fecundado

Germinó cual fértil arada

Para todo el que busca la gracia




Con el Niño en su seno

Presurosa María

A su prima Isabel visitaba

El pequeño en el seno materno

Exultó al oír el saludo

Y con saltos de gozo 

A la Virgen clamaba:

Salve tallo del verde retoño

Salve rama del fruto incorrupto

Salve al pío arador tú cultivas

Salve tú pariste al que planta la vida

Salve campo fecundo

De gracia copiosa

Salve mesa repleta de dones divinos

Salve prado germinante de toda delicia

Salve tú que al alma preparas

Asilo seguro

Salve incienso de grata plegaria

Salve ofrenda que al mundo concilias

Salve clemencia de Dios para el hombre

Salve del hombre d Dios confianza

Salve Virgen y Esposa


Con la mente en tumulto

Inundado de dudas

El prudente José se debate

Te conoce cual Virgen intacta

Desposorios secretos sospecha

Y al saber que es acción del Espíritu exclama:



Los pastores oyeron

Los angélicos coros

Que al Señor hecho hombre cantaban

Para ver al Pastor van corriendo

Un Cordero inocente contemplan

Que del pecho materno se nutre

Y a la Virgen cantaban:

Salve nutriz del pastor y cordero

Salve aprisco de fieles cabañas

Salve barrera a  flores hostiles

Salve portón del Paraíso 

Salve por Ti con la tierra

Exultan los cielos

Salve por Ti con los cielos 

Se alegra la tierra

Salve de apóstoles boca

Que nunca enmudece

Salve de mártires fuerza

Que nadie somete

Salve de fe inconcuso cimiento

Salve fulgente estandarte de gracia

Salve por Ti es despojado el averno

Salve por Ti revestimos la gloria

Salve Virgen y Esposa


Observando la estrella que dios les guiaba

Sus fulgores siguieron

Los magos

Era antorcha segura

En su ruta

Los condujo ante el Rey poderoso

                     Y al llegar

Hasta él cantaban



Contemplaban los magos

Entre brazos maternos

Al que al hombre plasmó con sus manos

Comprendieron que era Él su Señor

A pesar de nacer entre pajas

Presurosos le ofrecen sus dones

Y a la madre proclaman

Salve madre del sol sin ocaso

Salve aurora del místico día

Salve Tú apagas hogueras de errores

Salve Dios Trino al creyente revelas

Salve derribas del trono al tirano enemigo

Salve nos muestras a Cristo el Señor y el Amigo

Salve nos has liberado de bárbaros ritos

Salve que nos liberaste del barro

Salve destruyes el culto del fuego

Salve extingues las llamas del vicio

Salve camino de la santa templanza

Salve alegría de todas las gentes

Salve Virgen y Esposa


Portadores y heraldos de Dios eran los magos

De regreso allá en Babilonia

Se cumplía el oráculo antiguo

Cuando todos hablaban de Xto

Sin pensar en la espada de Herodes

Que no cantaba



A Egipto iluminas con luz verdadera

Persiguiendo el error tenebroso

A tu paso caían los dioses

No pudiendo, Señor, soportarte

Y los hombres salvados a la Virgen cantaban:

Salve levantas al género humano

Salve humillas a todo el infierno

Salve conculcas engaños y errores

Salve impugnas del ídolo el fraude

Salve oh mar que sumerge al cruel enemigo

Salva oh fuente de Vida

Que aplacas la sed del sediento

Salve columna de fuego

Que guía en tinieblas

Salve generosa nube que cubres el mundo

Salve que diste el maná verdadero

Salve manjar de delicias

Salve tierra de Dios prometido

Salve a los pechos do fluyen la miel y la leche del manjar divino

Salve Virgen y Esposa


Simeón el anciano

Al final de sus días

De aqueste mundo dejaba la sombra

Fuiste a él a presentarle a tu Niño

Y al ver en Él al Dios poderoso

Admiró el arcano designio

Y gritaba;



Renovó el Excelso de este mundo las leyes

Cuando vino a habitar en la tierra

Germinando en un seno incorrupto

Conservando tal cual era en el parto

Asombrados por tal prodigio a Ti madre te cantamos:

Salve azucena de intacta belleza

Salve corona de noble firmeza

Salve la suerte futura revelas

Salve la angélica vida revelas

Salve frutal exquisito que nutre a los fieles

Salve rama frondosa que a todos cobija

Salve llevaste en el seno a Quien guía al errante

Salve al mundo trajiste al que libra al esclavo

Salve plegaria ante el juez verdadero

Salve tú eres la paz del sendero

Salve atavío que cubre al desnudo

Salve del hombre supremo deseo

Salve Virgen y Esposa


Ante el parto admirable alejados del mundo

Al cielo elevamos la mente

El Altísimo vino a la tierra

Con la humilde semblanza de un pobre

Que enaltece en su gloria

Al que canta:



Habitaba la tierra

Y llenaba los cielos

La palabra de Dios infinita

Su bajada a nosotros

No cambió su morada suprema

Y en el parto divino

Este himno se escuchaba:

Salve mansión que contiene al inmenso

Salve dintel del supremo misterio

Salve de Dios inequívoco anuncio

Salve del fiel amoroso orgullo

Salve carroza del santo que portan querubes

Salve sitial al que adoran sin fin serafines

Salve Tú uniste dos cosas opuestas

Salve tú a la vez fuiste virgen y madre

Salve por Ti fue borrada la culpa

Salve por Ti Dios abrió el paraíso

Salve tú que eres la llave del reino de Cristo

Salve esperanza de bienes eternos

Salve Virgen y Esposa


Todo el orden angélico asombrado contempla

El misterio de Dios encarnado

Y al Señor al que nadie se acerca hecho hombre sus ojos admiran

Al verle caminar por humanos caminos




Oradores sagrados como peces se callan

Ante Ti madre del Verbo Divino

Y se preguntan cómo es posible parir sin dejar de ser virgen

El prodigio admiramos tus fieles que con fe proclamamos:

Salve sagrario de la sapiencia infinita

Salve dispensa de la providencia

Salve por Ti desfallecen autores de mitos

Salve disuelves enredos de agudos sofistas

Salve rellenas las redes de los pescadores

Salve que alejas la honda ignorancia

Y nos llenas de paciencia suprema

Salve navío del que busca salvarse

Salve puerto del mar de la vida

Salve Virgen y Esposa


Por salvar todo el orbe el divino alfarero

Al mundo bajó porque quiso

Ser Dios y nuestro pastor supremo

Por nosotros se hizo humilde cordero

Que a todos nos trata de iguales



Virgen madre de Xto

Baluarte de vírgenes

El divino Hacedor a ti te dispuso

Como seno del Verbo encarnado

Y en tu honor este himno cantamos

Salve columna de sacra pureza

Salve umbral de vida perfecta

Salve madre de la nueva progenie

Despensa de la gracia divina

Salve de nuevo engendraste al nacido en deshonra

Salve talento infundiste al hombre insensato

Salve anulaste a Satán seductor de las almas

Salve nos diste al Señor guía del casto

Salve regazo de nupcias divinas

Salve unión de los fieles con Xto

Salve de vírgenes madre y maestra

Salve a la que al Esposo conduce las almas

Salve Virgen y Esposa


Impotente es el canto 

Que alabar presumiera

De tu gracia caudal infinito

Como inmersa de arena en la playa

Puede ser nuestro himno al Rey Santo

Que otorga los dones

Al que lo alaba



Como antorcha luciente del que yace en tinieblas

Resplandece la luz de la Señora María

Llama de luz increada

Que de fulgor inunda las mentes

Y conduce a la ciencia celeste


Salve rayo del sol verdadero

Salve destello de luz sin ocaso

Salve fulgor que ilumina la llama

Salve cual trueno a enemigos aterra

Salve depósito de sagrados misterios

Salve de ti brotaron caudalosos arroyos

Salve figura eres Tú figura de salubre piscina

Que limpia las manchas de nuestros pecados

Salve fuente que lava las almas

Salve copa que vierte alegría

Salve fragancia del ungüento de Xto

Salve huésped del sagrado banquete

Salve Virgen y Esposa


Por querer perdonarnos el pecado primero

El que paga las deudas de todos

A sus prófugos errantes

Busca el asilo

De los exilados

Mas, rasgando el quirógrafo antiguo del cielo escucha su canto



Celebrando tu parto

A una voz te alabamos

Como templo viviente del Espíritu Santo

Que quiso encerrarse en tu útero

Y que santa y glorioso te ha hecho

Desde su trono alto

Y así te cantamos:

Salve tienda del Verbo divino

Salve más grande eres que el gran santuario

Salve arca que dora el Espíritu

Tesoro de vida como tal te alabamos

Salve diadema preciosa de reyes devotos

Salve orgullo de sacros ministros

Salve firmísimo alcázar de toda la Iglesia

Salve muralla invencible del imperio de Xto

Salve por Ti enarbolamos trofeos

Salve por Ti sucumbió el adversario

Salve remedio eficaz de mi carne

Salve inmortal salvación de mi alma

Salve Virgen y Esposa


Digna de toda loa

Madre Santa del Verbo Divino

El más santo de todos los santos

Nuestra ofrenda recibe en esta plegaria que te canto

Salva al mundo de

todo peligro

Y del castigo inminente libera

A los tristes enfermos y desgraciados

Amén. Aleluya

Traducido del griego por ANTONIO PARRA GALINDO, periodista y diácono

Madrid  25 de enero de 2021 en la fiesta de la conversión de San Pablo

Аудио-трансляция. Песнопения братского хора Святогорской Лавры 25.1.21 г.

Неделя по Богоявлении. Литургия

Неделя 33-я по Пятидесятнице, по Богоявлении. Проповедь прот. Виктора Са...

Аудио-трансляция. Песнопения братского хора Святогорской Лавры 24.1.21 г.



Joe Biden attends his first D.C. mass as President alongside granddaughters Finnegan, 21, and Maisy, 20, and Hunter - who stops motorcade on way back to grab coffee and bagels

  • Biden picked Holy Trinity Catholic Church in DC's Georgetown neighborhood for his first Mass as president 
  • He was accompanied by son Hunter and granddaughters Finnegan, 21, and Maisy, 20
  • Dozens of supporters gathered outside the church and gleefully greeted the new president 
  • As he left the church Biden waved to his fans and told reporters the service was 'lovely' 
  • He and his family then stopped off at the Call Your Mother deli on their way back to the White House
  • Holy Trinity was famously attended by John F Kennedy, America's only other Catholic president 
  • On Sunday the church was adorned with a Black Lives Matter banner 

President Joe Biden attended Mass for the first time since taking office, worshipping Sunday at the church he frequented when he was vice president.

Biden, the nation's second Catholic president, picked Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Washington's Georgetown neighborhood, a few miles from the White House. It's where the nation's only other Catholic president, John F Kennedy, often went to Mass.

Biden entered through the front, where a Black Lives Matter banner was hanging on one side and a banner with a quote from Pope Francis was on the other: 'We cannot tolerate or turn a blind eye to racism and exclusion in any form and yet claim to defend the sacredness of every human life.'

The president, in a brief exchange with reporters, said the service was 'lovely'. He was accompanied to church by his son, Hunter, and two of his grandchildren, Finnegan, 21, and Maisy, 20.

His motorcade made a brief stop on the way back to the White House for carryout from Call Your Mother, a popular deli near the church. The president remained in his armored vehicle, while his son picked up the order.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters on Friday that Biden had not yet settled on a home church in the nation's capital, but said that she expected Biden will continue to regularly attend services during his presidency.

President Joe Biden attended Mass for the first time since taking office on Sunday at Holy Trinity Catholic Church in DC

President Joe Biden attended Mass for the first time since taking office on Sunday at Holy Trinity Catholic Church in DC

Biden was joined by his son Hunter, granddaughters Finnegan and Maisy, and a number of Secret Service agents

Biden was joined by his son Hunter, granddaughters Finnegan and Maisy, and a number of Secret Service agents  

A large crowd gathered across the street from the church to greet the Biden clan as they arrived for Mass

A large crowd gathered across the street from the church to greet the Biden clan as they arrived for Mass

The president, in a brief exchange with reporters, said the service was 'lovely'

The president, in a brief exchange with reporters, said the service was 'lovely'

Biden and his son Hunter step out of Holy Trinity with masks on after attending Mass on Sunday morning

Biden and his son Hunter step out of Holy Trinity with masks on after attending Mass on Sunday morning

Biden's motorcade made a brief stop on the way back to the White House for carryout from Call Your Mother, a popular deli near the church. The president remained in his armored vehicle, while his son Hunter (pictured) picked up the order

Biden's motorcade made a brief stop on the way back to the White House for carryout from Call Your Mother, a popular deli near the church. The president remained in his armored vehicle, while his son Hunter (pictured) picked up the order

Biden cheered as he departs Georgetown church for Sunday service
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At home in Delaware, Biden and his wife, Jill, were regulars at St Joseph on the Brandywine in Greenville. They alternated between the Saturday and Sunday services depending on their travel schedules throughout the 2020 campaign. 

Catholic faithful have an obligation to attend Sunday services, but church teaching allows for the commitment to be fulfilled by attending a service on the evening of the preceding day.

The newly-sworn in Democrat certainly has plenty of parish choices in Washington: Four Catholic churches sit within two miles of the White House; Holy Trinity is a bit farther.

On the morning of his inauguration Wednesday, Biden and his family, along with Democratic and Republican leaders of Congress, attended a service at one of those churches, the Cathedral of St Matthew the Apostle. The church hosted Kennedy's funeral service in 1963.

Biden waves to supporters as he and granddaughters Finnegan and Maisy arrived at Mass on Sunday morning

Biden waves to supporters as he and granddaughters Finnegan and Maisy arrived at Mass on Sunday morning

The newly-sworn in Democrat certainly has plenty of parish choices in Washington: Four Catholic churches sit within two miles of the White House; Holy Trinity (pictured Sunday) is a bit farther

The newly-sworn in Democrat certainly has plenty of parish choices in Washington: Four Catholic churches sit within two miles of the White House; Holy Trinity (pictured Sunday) is a bit farther

With the coronavirus still surging in the capital city, Biden is bound to see small crowds wherever he goes. Sunday was no different, as dozens of supporters gathered outside Holy Trinity

With the coronavirus still surging in the capital city, Biden is bound to see small crowds wherever he goes. Sunday was no different, as dozens of supporters gathered outside Holy Trinity

People wave at Biden's motorcade after he left Holy Trinity on Sunday morning

People wave at Biden's motorcade after he left Holy Trinity on Sunday morning

Supporters photograph the Biden family as they slip into Mass on Sunday at Holy Trinity

Supporters photograph the Biden family as they slip into Mass on Sunday at Holy Trinity

With the coronavirus still surging in the capital city, Biden is bound to see small crowds wherever he goes. 

For the time being, rules in the District of Columbia limit gatherings at houses of worship to 25 percent of capacity or 250 people, whichever is less.

Previous presidents have made a wide variety of worship choices - or none. 

Not far from the White House is New York Avenue Presbyterian, which maintains the pew where Abraham Lincoln once worshipped. 

Even closer is St John's Episcopal Church, walkable across Lafayette Square from the White House for the presidents who have made a historic practice of worshipping there at least once.

St John's was thrust into the headlines this summer when police forcibly dispersed protesters so President Donald Trump could pose with a Bible outside its butter-yellow front doors. 

But its status as the 'Church of Presidents' dates to James Madison, and it's accustomed to the special scrutiny that comes with hosting commanders in chief. 

Trump, who frequently spent Sundays at his namesake golf club in northern Virginia, was not a regular churchgoer.

President Bill Clinton and his wife, Hillary, became members of Foundry United Methodist Church, a short drive from the White House that also counted the 19th president, Rutherford B Hayes, as a member.

President Jimmy Carter, who in post presidency life taught Sunday school, worshipped dozens of times at Washington's First Baptist Church during his time in the White House.

At home in Delaware, Biden and his wife, Jill, were regulars at St Joseph on the Brandywine in Greenville

At home in Delaware, Biden and his wife, Jill, were regulars at St Joseph on the Brandywine in Greenville 

Biden waves to fans as he departs from his first Sunday Mass since being sworn in as president

Biden waves to fans as he departs from his first Sunday Mass since being sworn in as president

Biden was escorted to and from the church with a motorcade and multiple Secret Service agents

Biden was escorted to and from the church with a motorcade and multiple Secret Service agents

A traffic jam ensued after Biden's motorcade pulled away from the church on its way back to the White House

A traffic jam ensued after Biden's motorcade pulled away from the church on its way back to the White House

While Biden attended church, top members of his administration made the rounds on news networks to tout his vaccination plan - after a new poll found that nearly nine in 10 voters say the roll-out isn't going well. 

The president vowed before taking his post in the White House – and immediately after – that he would get 100 million shots administered within his first 100 days in office. 

But on Sunday his pick for Health and Human Services secretary, Xavier Becerra, couldn't give a straight answer on when every American who wants a vaccine will be able to obtain one.  

'The Biden administration is saying the federal government will have a much heavier hand. So give that, what is the timeline, what is the goal for people to get fully vaccinated – anybody who wants it – to have one?' CNN's Dana Bash asked Becerra on 'State of the Union'. 

'Well it's a partnership hand, it won't be a heavy hand because we have to work with our state and local partners and –' Becerra started, but was cut off by Bash.

'Can you give me a timeline?' she interjected.

'Well I first have to be sworn in to give you a timeline,' Becerra dodged, before claiming the Biden administration will always give 'straight-shot' information.

Xavier Becerra, Joe Biden's pick for Health and Human Services secretary, couldn't give a straight answer on when every American who wants a vaccine will be able to get one during a CNN interview on Sunday (pictured) as nearly nine in 10 voters say the roll-out isn't going well

Xavier Becerra, Joe Biden's pick for Health and Human Services secretary, couldn't give a straight answer on when every American who wants a vaccine will be able to get one during a CNN interview on Sunday (pictured) as nearly nine in 10 voters say the roll-out isn't going well

A CDC tally updated at 1pm Saturday showed that 20,537,990 vaccines have been administered in the US to date - less than half of the more than 41.4 million already distributed to states. 

When Biden took office on January 20, that tally stood at roughly 16.5 million, suggesting that his administration has thus far kept up with its plan to vaccinate one million people per day. 

The president's team is putting the onus on predecessor Donald Trump for not developing a good plan to distribute vaccines after two different vaccines, from Moderna and Pfizer, were approved for emergency use by the FDA toward the end of his administration.

'We need more vaccines, we need more vaccinators and we need more vaccine sites,' Biden's White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain told NBC on Sunday.

He added that the difference between Biden and Trump's administrations is that the current White House will take responsibility for combating the virus.

'We're going to own this problem and work closely with states,' he said. 

In his interview with CNN, Becerra painted a bleak picture of America's ongoing coronavirus crisis, saying: 'The plane is in a nosedive, and we've got to pull it up and you're not going to do that overnight.

'It won't happen overnight. We can do better. We can not only control COVID, but get us back to real normality.'

It came as the US surpassed a grim milestone of 25 million coronavirus cases on Sunday, with more than 417,900 deaths.