

 Dominica in Quinquagesima ~ II. classis

Sancta Missa

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Ante Missam

In nómine Patris,  et Fílii, et Spíritus Sancti. Amen.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son,  and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
S. Introíbo ad altáre Dei.
M. Ad Deum, qui lætíficat iuventútem meam.
S. Iúdica me, Deus, et discérne causam meam de gente non sancta: ab hómine iníquo et dolóso érue me.
M. Quia tu es, Deus, fortitúdo mea: quare me repulísti, et quare tristis incédo, dum afflígit me inimícus?
S. Emítte lucem tuam et veritátem tuam: ipsa me deduxérunt, et adduxérunt in montem sanctum tuum et in tabernácula tua.
M. Et introíbo ad altáre Dei: ad Deum, qui lætíficat iuventútem meam.
S. Confitébor tibi in cíthara, Deus, Deus meus: quare tristis es, ánima mea, et quare contúrbas me?
M. Spera in Deo, quóniam adhuc confitébor illi: salutáre vultus mei, et Deus meus.
S. Glória Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto.
M. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper: et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
S. Introíbo ad altáre Dei.
M. Ad Deum, qui lætíficat iuventútem meam.
P. I will go in to the altar of God.
S. To God who giveth joy to my youth.
P. Judge me, O God, and distinguish my cause from the nation which is not holy: deliver me from the unjust and deceitful man.
S. For Thou, O God, art my strength: why hast Thou cast me off? and why go I sorrowful whilst the enemy afflicteth me?
P. Send forth Thy light and Thy truth: they have conducted me and brought me unto Thy holy mount, and into Thy tabernacles.
S. And I will go in to the altar of God: to God who giveth joy to my youth.
P. To Thee, O God, my God, I will give praise upon the harp; why art thou sad, O my soul, and why dost thou disquiet me?
S. Hope in God, for I will still give praise to Him: the salvation of my countenance and my God.
P. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
S. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
P. I will go in to the altar of God.
S. To God who giveth joy to my youth.
V. Adiutórium nostrum  in nómine Dómini.
R. Qui fecit cælum et terram.
Confíteor Deo omnipoténti, beátæ Maríæ semper Vírgini, beáto Michaéli Archángelo, beáto Ioánni Baptístæ, sanctis Apóstolis Petro et Paulo, ómnibus Sanctis, et vobis, fratres: quia peccávi nimis cogitatióne, verbo et ópere: mea culpa, mea culpa, mea máxima culpa. Ideo precor beátam Maríam semper Vírginem, beátum Michaélem Archángelum, beátum Ioánnem Baptístam, sanctos Apóstolos Petrum et Paulum, omnes Sanctos, et vos, fratres, oráre pro me ad Dóminum, Deum nostrum.
M. Misereátur tui omnípotens Deus, et, dimíssis peccátis tuis, perdúcat te ad vitam ætérnam.
S. Amen.
M. Confíteor Deo omnipoténti, beátæ Maríæ semper Vírgini, beáto Michaéli Archángelo, beáto Ioánni Baptístæ, sanctis Apóstolis Petro et Paulo, ómnibus Sanctis, et tibi, pater: quia peccávi nimis cogitatióne, verbo et ópere: mea culpa, mea culpa, mea máxima culpa. Ideo precor beátam Maríam semper Vírginem, beátum Michaélem Archángelum, beátum Ioánnem Baptístam, sanctos Apóstolos Petrum et Paulum, omnes Sanctos, et te, pater, oráre pro me ad Dóminum, Deum nostrum.
S. Misereátur vestri omnípotens Deus, et, dimíssis peccátis vestris, perdúcat vos ad vitam ætérnam.
R. Amen.
S. Indulgéntiam,  absolutiónem et remissiónem peccatórum nostrórum tríbuat nobis omnípotens et miséricors Dóminus.
R. Amen.
P. Our help  is in the Name of the Lord.
S. Who made heaven and earth.
P. I confess to almighty God, to the blessed Mary ever Virgin, blessed Michael the Archangel, blessed John the Baptist, the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, to all the Saints, and to you, brothers, that I have sinned exceedingly in thought, word, and deed, through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault. Therefore I beseech the blessed Mary, ever Virgin, blessed Michael the Archangel, blessed John the Baptist, the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, all the Saints, and you, brothers, to pray to the Lord our God for me.
S. May almighty God be merciful to thee, and forgiving thy sins, bring thee to everlasting life.
P. Amen.
S. I confess to almighty God, to the blessed Mary ever Virgin, blessed Michael the Archangel, blessed John the Baptist, the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, to all the Saints, and to you, Father, that I have sinned exceedingly in thought, word, and deed, through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault. Therefore I beseech the blessed Mary, ever Virgin, blessed Michael the Archangel, blessed John the Baptist, the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, all the Saints, and you, Father, to pray to the Lord our God for me.
P. May almighty God be merciful to thee, and forgiving thy sins, bring thee to everlasting life.
S. Amen.
P. May the  almighty and merciful Lord grant us pardon, absolution, and remission of our sins.
S. Amen.
V. Deus, tu convérsus vivificábis nos.
R. Et plebs tua lætábitur in te.
V. Osténde nobis, Dómine, misericórdiam tuam.
R. Et salutáre tuum da nobis.
V. Dómine, exáudi oratiónem meam.
R. Et clamor meus ad te véniat.
V. Dóminus vobíscum.
R. Et cum spíritu tuo.
Aufer a nobis, quǽsumus, Dómine, iniquitátes nostras: ut ad Sancta sanctórum puris mereámur méntibus introíre. Per Christum, Dóminum nostrum. Amen.
Orámus te, Dómine, per mérita Sanctórum tuórum, quorum relíquiæ hic sunt, et ómnium Sanctórum: ut indulgére dignéris ómnia peccáta mea. Amen.
P. O God, Thou wilt turn again and quicken us.
S. And thy people shall rejoice in Thee.
P. Show us, O Lord, Thy mercy.
S. And grant us Thy salvation.
P. O Lord, hear my prayer.
S. And let my cry come before Thee.
P. The Lord be with you.
S. And with thy spirit.
Let us pray.
Take away from us our iniquities, we beseech Thee, O Lord, that we may be worthy to enter with pure minds into the Holy of Holies, through Christ our Lord. Amen.
We beseech Thee, O Lord, by the merits of Thy Saints, whose relics are here, and of all the Saints, that Thou wouldst vouchsafe to forgive me all my sins. Amen.
Ps 30:3-4
Esto mihi in Deum protectórem, et in locum refúgii, ut salvum me fácias: quóniam firmaméntum meum et refúgium meum es tu: et propter nomen tuum dux mihi eris, et enútries me.
Ps 30:2
In te, Dómine, sperávi, non confúndar in ætérnum: in iustítia tua líbera me et éripe me.
V. Glória Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto.
R. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
Esto mihi in Deum protectórem, et in locum refúgii, ut salvum me fácias: quóniam firmaméntum meum et refúgium meum es tu: et propter nomen tuum dux mihi eris, et enútries me.
Ps 30:3-4
Be my rock of refuge, O God, a stronghold to give me safety. You are my rock and my fortress; for Your name’s sake You will lead and guide me.
Ps 30:2
In You, O Lord, I take refuge; let me never be put to shame. In Your justice rescue me and deliver me.
V. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
R. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Be my rock of refuge, O God, a stronghold to give me safety. You are my rock and my fortress; for Your name’s sake You will lead and guide me.
S. Kýrie, eléison.
M. Kýrie, eléison.
S. Kýrie, eléison.
M. Christe, eléison.
S. Christe, eléison.
M. Christe, eléison.
S. Kýrie, eléison.
M. Kýrie, eléison.
S. Kýrie, eléison.
P. Lord, have mercy.
S. Lord, have mercy.
P. Lord, have mercy.
S. Christ, have mercy.
P. Christ, have mercy.
S. Christ, have mercy.
P. Lord, have mercy.
S. Lord, have mercy.
P. Lord, have mercy.
V. Dóminus vobíscum.
R. Et cum spíritu tuo.
Preces nostras, quǽsumus, Dómine, cleménter exáudi: atque, a peccatórum vínculis absolútos, ab omni nos adversitáte custódi.
Per Dóminum nostrum Iesum Christum, Fílium tuum: qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti Deus, per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum.
R. Amen.
V. The Lord be with you.
R. And with thy spirit.
Let us pray.
O Lord, we beseech You, mercifully hear our prayers; loose us from the chains of our sins and keep us from all adversity.
Through Jesus Christ, thy Son our Lord, Who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end.
R. Amen.
Léctio Epístolæ beáti Pauli Apóstoli ad Corinthios
1 Cor 13:1-13
Fratres: Si linguis hóminum loquar et Angelórum, caritátem autem non hábeam, factus sum velut æs sonans aut cýmbalum tínniens. Et si habúero prophetíam, et nóverim mystéria ómnia et omnem sciéntiam: et si habúero omnem fidem, ita ut montes tránsferam, caritátem autem non habúero, nihil sum. Et si distribúero in cibos páuperum omnes facultátes meas, et si tradídero corpus meum, ita ut árdeam, caritátem autem non habuero, nihil mihi prodest. Cáritas patiens est, benígna est: cáritas non æmulátur, non agit pérperam, non inflátur, non est ambitiósa, non quærit quæ sua sunt, non irritátur, non cógitat malum, non gaudet super iniquitáte, congáudet autem veritáti: ómnia suffert, ómnia credit, ómnia sperat, ómnia sústinet. Cáritas numquam éxcidit: sive prophétiæ evacuabúntur, sive linguæ cessábunt, sive sciéntia destruétur. Ex parte enim cognóscimus, et ex parte prophetámus. Cum autem vénerit quod perféctum est, evacuábitur quod ex parte est. Cum essem párvulus, loquébar ut párvulus, sapiébam ut párvulus, cogitábam ut párvulus. Quando autem factus sum vir, evacuávi quæ erant párvuli. Vidémus nunc per spéculum in ænígmate: tunc autem fácie ad fáciem. Nunc cognósco ex parte: tunc autem cognóscam, sicut et cógnitus sum. Nunc autem manent fides, spes, cáritas, tria hæc: maior autem horum est cáritas.
R. Deo grátias.
Lesson from the first letter of St. Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians
1 Cor. 13:1-13
Brethren: If I should speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have charity, I have become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal. And if I have prophecy and know all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith so as to remove mountains, yet do not have charity, I am nothing. And if I distribute all my goods to feed the poor, and if I deliver my body to be burned, yet do not have charity, it profits me nothing. Charity is patient, is kind; charity does not envy, is not pretentious, is not puffed up, is not ambitious, is not self-seeking, is not provoked; thinks no evil, does not rejoice over wickedness, but rejoices with the truth; bears with all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Charity never fails, whereas prophecies will disappear, and tongues will cease, and knowledge will be destroyed. For we know in part and we prophesy in part; but when that which is perfect has come, that which is imperfect will be done away with. When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I felt as a child, I thought as a child. Now that I have become a man, I have put away the things of a child. We see now through a mirror in an obscure manner, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know even as I have been known. So there abide faith, hope and charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.
R. Thanks be to God.
Ps 76:15; 76:16
Tu es Deus qui facis mirabília solus: notam fecísti in géntibus virtútem tuam.
V. Liberásti in bráchio tuo pópulum tuum, fílios Israël et Ioseph.

Ps 99:1-2
Iubiláte Deo, omnis terra: servíte Dómino in lætítia,
V. Intráte in conspéctu eius in exsultatióne: scitóte, quod Dóminus ipse est Deus.
V. Ipse fecit nos, et non ipsi nos: nos autem pópulus eius, et oves páscuæ eius.
Ps 76:15-16
You are the God Who alone works wonders; among the peoples You have made known Your power.
V. With Your strong arm You delivered Your people, the sons of Israel and Joseph.

Ps 99:1-2
Sing joyfully to God, all you lands; serve the Lord with gladness.
V. Come before Him with joyful song; know that the Lord is God.
V. He made us, His we are; His people, the flock He tends.
Munda cor meum ac lábia mea, omnípotens Deus, qui lábia Isaíæ Prophétæ cálculo mundásti igníto: ita me tua grata miseratióne dignáre mundáre, ut sanctum Evangélium tuum digne váleam nuntiáre. Per Christum, Dóminum nostrum. Amen.
Iube, Dómine, benedícere. Dóminus sit in corde meo et in lábiis meis: ut digne et competénter annúntiem Evangélium suum. Amen.
V. Dóminus vobíscum.
R. Et cum spíritu tuo.
Sequéntia +︎ sancti Evangélii secúndum Lucam
R. Glória tibi, Dómine.
Luc 18:31-43
In illo témpore: Assúmpsit Iesus duódecim, et ait illis: Ecce, ascéndimus Ierosólymam, et consummabúntur ómnia, quæ scripta sunt per Prophétas de Fílio hominis. Tradétur enim Géntibus, et illudétur, et flagellábitur, et conspuétur: et postquam flagelláverint, occídent eum, et tértia die resúrget. Et ipsi nihil horum intellexérunt, et erat verbum istud abscónditum ab eis, et non intellegébant quæ dicebántur. Factum est autem, cum appropinquáret Iéricho, cæcus quidam sedébat secus viam, mendícans. Et cum audíret turbam prætereúntem, interrogábat, quid hoc esset. Dixérunt autem ei, quod Iesus Nazarénus transíret. Et clamávit, dicens: Iesu, fili David, miserére mei. Et qui præíbant, increpábant eum, ut tacéret. Ipse vero multo magis clamábat: Fili David, miserére mei. Stans autem Iesus, iussit illum addúci ad se. Et cum appropinquásset, interrogávit illum, dicens: Quid tibi vis fáciam? At ille dixit: Dómine, ut vídeam. Et Iesus dixit illi: Réspice, fides tua te salvum fecit. Et conféstim vidit, et sequebátur illum, magníficans Deum. Et omnis plebs ut vidit, dedit laudem Deo.
R. Laus tibi, Christe.
S. Per Evangélica dicta, deleántur nostra delícta.
Cleanse my heart and my lips, O almighty God, who didst cleanse the lips of the prophet Isaias with a burning coal, and vouchsafe, through Thy gracious mercy, so to purify me, that I may worthily announce Thy holy Gospel. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Give me Thy blessing, O Lord. The Lord be in my heart and on my lips, that I may worthily and in a becoming manner, proclaim His holy Gospel. Amen.
P. The Lord be with you.
S. And with thy spirit.
Continuation  of the Holy Gospel according to Luke
R. Glory be to Thee, O Lord.
Luke 18:31-43
At that time, Jesus taking to Himself the Twelve said to them, Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem, and all things that have been written by the prophets concerning the Son of Man will be accomplished. For He will be delivered to the Gentiles, and will be mocked and scourged and spit upon; and after they have scourged Him, they will put Him to death; and on the third day He will rise again. And they understood none of these things and this saying was hidden from them, neither did they get to know the things that were being said. Now it came to pass as He drew near to Jericho, that a certain blind man was sitting by the wayside, begging; but hearing a crowd passing by, he inquired what this might be. And they told him that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by. And he cried out, saying, Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me! And they who went in front angrily tried to silence him. But he cried out all the louder, Son of David, have mercy on me! Then Jesus stopped and commanded that he should be brought to Him. And when he drew near, He asked him, saying, What would you have Me do for you? And he said, Lord, that I may see. And Jesus said to him, Receive your sight, your faith has saved you. And at once he received his sight, and followed Him, glorifying God. And all the people upon seeing it gave praise to God.
R. Praise be to Thee, O Christ.
S. By the words of the Gospel may our sins be blotted out.
Credo in unum Deum, Patrem omnipoténtem, factórem cæli et terræ, visibílium ómnium et invisibílium. Et in unum Dóminum Iesum Christum, Fílium Dei unigénitum. Et ex Patre natum ante ómnia sǽcula. Deum de Deo, lumen de lúmine, Deum verum de Deo vero. Génitum, non factum, consubstantiálem Patri: per quem ómnia facta sunt. Qui propter nos hómines et propter nostram salútem descéndit de cælis. Et incarnátus est de Spíritu Sancto ex María Vírgine: Et homo factus est. Crucifíxus étiam pro nobis: sub Póntio Piláto passus, et sepúltus est. Et resurréxit tértia die, secúndum Scriptúras. Et ascéndit in cælum: sedet ad déxteram Patris. Et íterum ventúrus est cum glória iudicáre vivos et mórtuos: cuius regni non erit finis. Et in Spíritum Sanctum, Dóminum et vivificántem: qui ex Patre Filióque procédit. Qui cum Patre et Fílio simul adorátur et conglorificátur: qui locútus est per Prophétas. Et unam sanctam cathólicam et apostólicam Ecclésiam. Confíteor unum baptísma in remissiónem peccatórum. Et exspécto resurrectiónem mortuórum. Et vitam ventúri sæculi. Amen.
I believe in one God, the Father almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things, visible and invisible.
And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God. And born of the Father, before all ages. God of God: Light of Light: true God of true God. Begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father, by whom all things were made. Who, for us men, and for our salvation, came down from heaven. And became incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary: and was made man. He was crucified also for us, suffered under Pontius Pilate, and was buried. And the third day He rose again according to the Scriptures. And ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of the Father. And He shall come again with glory to judge both the living and the dead, of whose kingdom there shall be no end.
And in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of Life, proceeding from the Father and the Son. Who together, with the Father and the Son, is adored and glorified: Who spoke by the prophets. And in one, holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. I confess one baptism for the remission of sins. And I look for the resurrection of the dead. And the life of the world to come. Amen.
V. Dóminus vobíscum.
R. Et cum spíritu tuo.
Ps 118:12-13
Benedíctus es, Dómine, doce me iustificatiónes tuas: in lábiis meis pronuntiávi ómnia iudícia oris tui.
P. The Lord be with you.
S. And with thy spirit.
Let us pray.
Ps 118:12-13
Blessed are You, O Lord; teach me Your statutes. With my lips I declare all the ordinances of Your mouth.
Súscipe, sancte Pater, omnípotens ætérne Deus, hanc immaculátam hóstiam, quam ego indígnus fámulus tuus óffero tibi Deo meo vivo et vero, pro innumerabílibus peccátis, et offensiónibus, et neglegéntiis meis, et pro ómnibus circumstántibus, sed et pro ómnibus fidélibus christiánis vivis atque defúnctis: ut mihi, et illis profíciat ad salútem in vitam ætérnam. Amen.
Accept, O holy Father, almighty and eternal God, this unspotted host, which I, Thy unworthy servant, offer unto Thee, my living and true God, for my innumerable sins, offenses, and negligences, and for all here present: as also for all faithful Christians, both living and dead, that it may avail both me and them for salvation unto life everlasting. Amen.
Deus,  qui humánæ substántiæ dignitátem mirabíliter condidísti, et mirabílius reformásti: da nobis per huius aquæ et vini mystérium, eius divinitátis esse consórtes, qui humanitátis nostræ fíeri dignátus est párticeps, Iesus Christus, Fílius tuus, Dóminus noster: Qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti Deus: per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
O God, who, in creating human nature, didst wonderfully dignify it, and still more wonderfully restore it, grant that, by the Mystery of this water and wine, we may be made partakers of His divine nature, who vouchsafed to be made partaker of our human nature, even Jesus Christ our Lord, Thy Son, who with Thee, liveth and reigneth in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God: world without end. Amen.
Offérimus tibi, Dómine, cálicem salutáris, tuam deprecántes cleméntiam: ut in conspéctu divínæ maiestátis tuæ, pro nostra et totíus mundi salúte, cum odóre suavitátis ascéndat. Amen.
In spíritu humilitátis et in ánimo contríto suscipiámur a te, Dómine: et sic fiat sacrifícium nostrum in conspéctu tuo hódie, ut pláceat tibi, Dómine Deus.
Veni, sanctificátor omnípotens ætérne Deus: et béne  dic hoc sacrifícium, tuo sancto nómini præparátum.
We offer unto Thee, O Lord, the chalice of salvation, beseeching Thy clemency, that it may ascend before Thy divine Majesty, as a sweet savor, for our salvation, and for that of the whole world. Amen.
Accept us, O Lord, in the spirit of humility and contrition of heart, and grant that the sacrifice which we offer this day in Thy sight may be pleasing to Thee, O Lord God.
Come, O almighty and eternal God, the Sanctifier, and bless  this Sacrifice, prepared for the glory of Thy holy Name.
Lavábo inter innocéntes manus meas: et circúmdabo altáre tuum, Dómine: Ut áudiam vocem laudis, et enárrem univérsa mirabília tua. Dómine, diléxi decórem domus tuæ et locum habitatiónis glóriæ tuæ. Ne perdas cum ímpiis, Deus, ánimam meam, et cum viris sánguinum vitam meam: In quorum mánibus iniquitátes sunt: déxtera eórum repléta est munéribus. Ego autem in innocéntia mea ingréssus sum: rédime me et miserére mei. Pes meus stetit in dirécto: in ecclésiis benedícam te, Dómine.
V. Glória Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto.
R. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
I will wash my hands among the innocent: and I will compass Thine altar, O Lord That I may hear the voice of praise: and tell of all Thy wonderous works. I have loved, O Lord, the beauty of Thy house and the place where Thy glory dwelleth. Take not away my soul, O God, with the wicked: nor my life with blood-thirsty men. In whose hands are iniquities, their right hand is filled with gifts. But I have walked in my innocence: redeem me, and have mercy on me. My foot hath stood in the direct way, in the churches I will bless Thee, O Lord.
V. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
R. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Súscipe, sancta Trínitas, hanc oblatiónem, quam tibi offérimus ob memóriam passiónis, resurrectiónis, et ascensiónis Iesu Christi, Dómini nostri: et in honórem beátæ Maríæ semper Vírginis, et beáti Ioannis Baptistæ, et sanctórum Apostolórum Petri et Pauli, et istórum et ómnium Sanctórum: ut illis profíciat ad honórem, nobis autem ad salútem: et illi pro nobis intercédere dignéntur in cælis, quorum memóriam ágimus in terris. Per eúndem Christum, Dóminum nostrum. Amen.
Receive, O holy Trinity, this oblation which we make to Thee, in memory of the Passion, Resurrection and Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ, and in honor of Blessed Mary, ever Virgin, blessed John the Baptist, the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, and of all the Saints, that it may avail unto their honor and our salvation, and may they vouchsafe to intercede for us in heaven, whose memory we celebrate on earth. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.
S. Oráte, fratres: ut meum ac vestrum sacrifícium acceptábile fiat apud Deum Patrem omnipoténtem.
M. Suscípiat Dóminus sacrifícium de mánibus tuis ad laudem et glóriam nominis sui, ad utilitátem quoque nostram, totiúsque Ecclésiæ suæ sanctæ.
S. Amen.

Hæc hóstia, Dómine, quǽsumus, emúndet nostra delícta: et, ad sacrifícium celebrándum, subditórum tibi córpora mentésque sanctíficet.
Per Dóminum nostrum Iesum Christum, Fílium tuum: qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti Deus, per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum.
R. Amen.
P. Brethren, pray that my Sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to God the Father almighty.
S. May the Lord receive the Sacrifice from thy hands, to the praise and glory of His Name, to our benefit and that of all His holy Church.
P. Amen.

May these offerings, O Lord, we beseech You, wash away our sins; may it sanctify the bodies and souls of Your servants for the celebration of this sacrifice.
Through Jesus Christ, thy Son our Lord, Who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end.
R. Amen.
V. Dóminus vobíscum.
R. Et cum spíritu tuo.
V. Sursum corda.
R. Habémus ad Dóminum.
V. Grátias agámus Dómino, Deo nostro.
R. Dignum et iustum est.

de sanctissima Trinitate
Vere dignum et iustum est, æquum et salutáre, nos tibi semper et ubíque grátias ágere: Dómine sancte, Pater omnípotens, ætérne Deus: Qui cum unigénito Fílio tuo et Spíritu Sancto unus es Deus, unus es Dóminus: non in uníus singularitáte persónæ, sed in uníus Trinitáte substántiæ. Quod enim de tua glória, revelánte te, crédimus, hoc de Fílio tuo, hoc de Spíritu Sancto sine differéntia discretiónis sentímus. Ut in confessióne veræ sempiternǽque Deitátis, et in persónis propríetas, et in esséntia únitas, et in maiestáte adorétur æquálitas. Quam laudant Angeli atque Archángeli, Chérubim quoque ac Séraphim: qui non cessant clamáre cotídie, una voce dicéntes:

Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus Dóminus, Deus Sábaoth. Pleni sunt cæli et terra glória tua. Hosánna in excélsis. Benedíctus, qui venit in nómine Dómini. Hosánna in excélsis.
P. The Lord be with you.
S. And with thy spirit.
P. Lift up your hearts.
S. We have lifted them up to the Lord.
P. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
S. It is meet and just.

Holy Trinity
It is truly meet and just, right and for our salvation, that we should at all times, and in all places, give thanks unto Thee, O holy Lord, Father almighty, everlasting God; Who, together with Thine only-begotten Son, and the Holy Ghost, art one God, one Lord: not in the oneness of a single Person, but in the Trinity of one substance. For what we believe by Thy revelation of Thy glory, the same do we believe of Thy Son, the same of the Holy Ghost, without difference or separation. So that in confessing the true and everlasting Godhead, distinction in persons, unity in essence, and equality in majesty may be adored. Which the Angels and Archangels, the Cherubim also and Seraphim do praise: who cease not daily to cry out, with one voice saying:

Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Sabaoth! Heaven and earth are full of Thy glory! Hosanna in the highest! Blessed is He that cometh in the Name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!
Te ígitur, clementíssime Pater, per Iesum Christum, Fílium tuum, Dóminum nostrum, súpplices rogámus, ac pétimus, uti accépta hábeas et benedícas, hæc  dona, hæc  múnera, hæc  sancta sacrifícia illibáta, in primis, quæ tibi offérimus pro Ecclésia tua sancta cathólica: quam pacificáre, custodíre, adunáre et régere dignéris toto orbe terrárum: una cum fámulo tuo Papa nostro N. et Antístite nostro N. et ómnibus orthodóxis, atque cathólicæ et apostólicæ fídei cultóribus.
We therefore, humbly pray and beseech Thee, most merciful Father, through Jesus Christ; Thy Son, our Lord, that Thou wouldst vouchsafe to accept and bless these  gifts, these  presents, these  holy unspotted Sacrifices, which in the first place we offer Thee for Thy holy Catholic Church to which vouchsafe to grant peace, as also to preserve, unite, and govern it throughout the world, together with Thy servant our Pope, and our Bishop, and all orthodox believers and professors of the Catholic and Apostolic Faith.
Meménto, Dómine, famulórum famularúmque tuarum N. et N. et ómnium circumstántium, quorum tibi fides cógnita est et nota devótio, pro quibus tibi offérimus: vel qui tibi ófferunt hoc sacrifícium laudis, pro se suísque ómnibus: pro redemptióne animárum suárum, pro spe salútis et incolumitátis suæ: tibíque reddunt vota sua ætérno Deo, vivo et vero.
Be mindful, O Lord, of Thy servants and handmaidens, N. et N. and of all here present, whose faith and devotion are known unto Thee, for whom we offer, or who offer up to Thee, this sacrifice of praise for themselves, their families and friends, for the redemption of their souls, for the health and salvation they hope for; and who now pay their vows to Thee, the everlasting, living and true God.
Communicántes, et memóriam venerántes, in primis gloriósæ semper Vírginis Maríæ, Genetrícis Dei et Dómini nostri Iesu Christi: sed et beáti Ioseph, eiúsdem Vírginis Sponsi,
et beatórum Apostolórum ac Mártyrum tuórum, Petri et Pauli, Andréæ, Iacóbi, Ioánnis, Thomæ, Iacóbi, Philíppi, Bartholomǽi, Matthǽi, Simónis et Thaddǽi: Lini, Cleti, Cleméntis, Xysti, Cornélii, Cypriáni, Lauréntii, Chrysógoni, Ioánnis et Pauli, Cosmæ et Damiáni: et ómnium Sanctórum tuórum; quorum méritis precibúsque concédas, ut in ómnibus protectiónis tuæ muniámur auxílio. Per eúndem Christum, Dóminum nostrum. Amen.
We pray in union with and honor the memory, especially of the glorious ever Virgin Mary, mother of our God and Lord Jesus Christ: as also of the blessed Joseph, her Spouse,
and of the blessed Apostles and Martyrs Peter and Paul, Andrew, James, John, Thomas, James, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Simon, and Thaddeus; Linus, Cletus, Clement, Xystus, Cornelius, Cyprian, Lawrence, Chrysogonus, John and Paul, Cosmas and Damian, and of all Thy Saints, through whose merits and prayers, grant that we may in all things be defended by the help of Thy protection. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

Hanc ígitur oblatiónem servitútis nostræ, sed et cunctæ famíliæ tuæ,
quǽsumus, Dómine, ut placátus accípias: diésque nostros in tua pace dispónas, atque ab ætérna damnatióne nos éripi, et in electórum tuórum iúbeas grege numerári. Per Christum, Dóminum nostrum. Amen.

We therefore beseech Thee, O Lord, graciously to accept this oblation of our service, as also of Thy whole family;
and to dispose our days in Thy peace, preserve us from eternal damnation, and rank us in the number of Thine Elect. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.
Quam oblatiónem tu, Deus, in ómnibus, quǽsumus, bene  díctam, adscríp  tam, ra  tam, rationábilem, acceptabilémque fácere dignéris: ut nobis Cor  pus, et San  guis fiat dilectíssimi Fílii tui, Dómini nostri Iesu Christi.
Which oblation do Thou, O God, vouchsafe in all respects, to bless,  approve,  ratify,  make worthy and acceptable; that it may be made for us the Body  and Blood  of Thy most beloved Son Jesus Christ our Lord.
Qui prídie quam paterétur, accépit panem in sanctas ac venerábiles manus suas, elevátis óculis in cælum ad te Deum, Patrem suum omnipoténtem, tibi grátias agens, bene  díxit, fregit, dedítque discípulis suis, dicens: Accípite, et manducáte ex hoc omnes.
Who, the day before He suffered, took bread into His holy and venerable hands, and with His eyes lifted up towards heaven unto Thee, God, His almighty Father, giving thanks to Thee, He blessed  it, broke it and gave it to His disciples saying: Take and eat ye all of this,




Símili modo postquam cenátum est, accípiens et hunc præclárum Cálicem in sanctas ac venerábiles manus suas: item tibi grátias agens, bene  díxit, dedítque discípulis suis, dicens: Accípite, et bíbite ex eo omnes.

In like manner, after He had supped, taking also this excellent chalice into His holy and venerable hands He blessed  , and gave it to His disciples, saying: Take and drink ye all of this,


Hæc quotiescúmque fecéritis, in mei memóriam faciétis.


As often as ye do these things, ye shall do them in remembrance of Me.

Unde et mémores, Dómine, nos servi tui, sed et plebs tua sancta, eiúsdem Christi Fílii tui, Dómini nostri, tam beátæ passiónis, nec non et ab ínferis resurrectiónis, sed et in cælos gloriósæ ascensiónis: offérimus præcláræ maiestáti tuæ de tuis donis ac datis, hóstiam  puram, hóstiam  sanctam, hóstiam  immaculátam, Panem  sanctum vitæ ætérnæ, et Cálicem  salútis perpétuæ.

Wherefore, O Lord, we Thy servants, as also Thy holy people, calling to mind the blessed Passion of the same Christ, Thy Son, our Lord, and also His Resurrection from the dead and His glorious Ascension into heaven: do offer unto Thy most excellent Majesty of Thine own gifts, bestowed upon us, a pure  Host, a holy  Host, an unspotted  Host, the holy  Bread of eternal life, and the Chalice  of everlasting salvation.

Supra quæ propítio ac seréno vultu respícere dignéris: et accépta habére, sicúti accépta habére dignátus es múnera púeri tui iusti Abel, et sacrifícium Patriárchæ nostri Abrahæ: et quod tibi óbtulit summus sacérdos tuus Melchísedech, sanctum sacrifícium, immaculátam hóstiam.

Upon which vouchsafe to look with a propitious and serene countenance, and to accept them, as Thou wert graciously pleased to accept the gifts of Thy just servant Abel, and the sacrifice of our patriarch Abraham, and that which Thy high priest Melchisedech offered to Thee, a holy Sacrifice, and unspotted Victim.
Súpplices te rogámus, omnípotens Deus: iube hæc perférri per manus sancti Angeli tui in sublíme altáre tuum, in conspéctu divínæ maiestátis tuæ: ut, quotquot ex hac altáris participatióne sacrosánctum Fílii tui Cor  pus, et Sán  guinem sumpsérimus, omni benedictióne cælésti et grátia repleámur. Per eúndem Christum, Dóminum nostrum. Amen.
We most humbly beseech Thee, almighty God, command these offerings to be borne by the hands of Thy holy Angels to Thine altar on high, in the sight of Thy divine majesty, that as many as shall partake of the most holy Body  and Blood  of Thy Son at this altar, may be filled with every heavenly grace and blessing. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.
Meménto étiam, Dómine, famulórum famularúmque tuárum N. et N., qui nos præcessérunt cum signo fídei, et dórmiunt in somno pacis. Ipsis, Dómine, et ómnibus in Christo quiescéntibus locum refrigérii, lucis, et pacis, ut indúlgeas, deprecámur. Per eúndem Christum, Dóminum nostrum. Amen.
Remember also, O Lord, Thy servants and handmaids N. and N., who are gone before us with the sign of faith, and rest in the sleep of peace. To these, O Lord, and to all that rest in Christ, grant, we beseech Thee, a place of refreshment, light, and peace; Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.
Nobis quoque peccatóribus fámulis tuis, de multitúdine miseratiónum tuárum sperántibus, partem áliquam et societátem donáre dignéris, cum tuis sanctis Apóstolis et Martýribus: cum Ioánne, Stéphano, Matthía, Bárnaba, Ignátio, Alexándro, Marcellíno, Petro, Felicitáte, Perpétua, Agatha, Lúcia, Agnéte, Cæcília, Anastásia, et ómnibus Sanctis tuis: intra quorum nos consórtium, non æstimátor mériti, sed véniæ, quǽsumus, largítor admítte. Per Christum, Dóminum nostrum.
To us also, Thy sinful servants, confiding in the multitude of Thy mercies, vouchsafe to grant some part and fellowship with Thy holy Apostles and Martyrs, with John, Stephen, Matthias, Barnabas, Ignatius, Alexander, Marcellinus, Peter, Felicitas, Perpetua, Agatha, Lucy, Agnes, Cecilia, Anastasia, and with all Thy Saints, into whose company we beseech Thee to admit us, not weighing our merits, but pardoning our offenses. Through Christ our Lord.
Per quem hæc ómnia, Dómine, semper bona creas, sanctí  ficas, viví  ficas, bene  dícis et præstas nobis.
Per ip  sum, et cum ip  so, et in ip  so, est tibi Deo Patri  omnipoténti, in unitáte Spíritus  Sancti,
omnis honor, et glória.
Per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum.
R. Amen.
By Whom, O Lord, Thou dost ever create, sanctify,  quicken,  bless,  and give unto us all these good things.
By Him,  and with Him,  and in Him  is to Thee, God the Father  almighty, in the unity of the Holy  Ghost,
all honor and glory.
P. World without end.
S. Amen.
Preparatio Communionis

Orémus: Præcéptis salutáribus móniti, et divína institutióne formáti audémus dícere:

Pater noster, qui es in cælis. Sanctificétur nomen tuum. Advéniat regnum tuum. Fiat volúntas tua, sicut in cælo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidiánum da nobis hódie. Et dimítte nobis débita nostra, sicut et nos dimíttimus debitóribus nostris. Et ne nos indúcas in tentatiónem:
R. Sed líbera nos a malo.
S. Amen.
Preparation for Communion
Let us pray. Instructed by Thy saving precepts, and following Thy divine institution, we are bold to say:
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation.
M. But deliver us from evil.
P. Amen.
Líbera nos, quǽsumus, Dómine, ab ómnibus malis, prætéritis, præséntibus et futúris: et intercedénte beáta et gloriósa semper Vírgine Dei Genetríce María, cum beátis Apóstolis tuis Petro et Paulo, atque Andréa, et ómnibus Sanctis, da propítius pacem in diébus nostris: ut, ope misericórdiæ tuæ adiúti, et a peccáto simus semper líberi et ab omni perturbatióne secúri.
Per eúndem Dóminum nostrum Iesum Christum, Fílium tuum.
Qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti Deus.
V. Per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum.
R. Amen.
Pax Dómini sit semper vobíscum.
R. Et cum spíritu tuo.
Deliver us, we beseech Thee, O Lord, from all evils, past, present, and to come; and by the intercession of the Blessed and glorious ever Virgin Mary, Mother of God, and of the holy Apostles, Peter and Paul, and of Andrew, and of all the Saints, mercifully grant peace in our days, that through the assistance of Thy mercy we may be always free from sin, and secure from all disturbance.
Through the same Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord.
Who with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost liveth and reigneth God,
P. World without end.
S. Amen.
P. The peace  of the Lord be  always with  you.
S. And with thy spirit.
Hæc commíxtio, et consecrátio Córporis et Sánguinis Dómini nostri Iesu Christi, fiat accipiéntibus nobis in vitam ætérnam. Amen.
May this mixture and consecration of the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ be to us who receive it effectual unto eternal life. Amen.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccáta mundi: miserére nobis.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccáta mundi: miserére nobis.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccáta mundi: dona nobis pacem.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, grant us peace.
Dómine Iesu Christe, qui dixísti Apóstolis tuis: Pacem relínquo vobis, pacem meam do vobis: ne respícias peccáta mea, sed fidem Ecclésiæ tuæ; eámque secúndum voluntátem tuam pacificáre et coadunáre dignéris: Qui vivis et regnas Deus per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
O Lord Jesus Christ, who saidst to Thine Apostles: Peace I leave you, My peace I give you: regard not my sins, but the faith of Thy Church; and vouchsafe to grant her that peace and unity which is agreeable to Thy will: Who livest and reignest God, world without end. Amen.
Dómine Iesu Christe, Fili Dei vivi, qui ex voluntáte Patris, cooperánte Spíritu Sancto, per mortem tuam mundum vivificásti: líbera me per hoc sacrosánctum Corpus et Sánguinem tuum ab ómnibus iniquitátibus meis, et univérsis malis: et fac me tuis semper inhærére mandátis, et a te numquam separári permíttas: Qui cum eódem Deo Patre et Spíritu Sancto vivis et regnas Deus in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, who, according to the will of Thy Father, with the cooperation of the Holy Ghost, hast by Thy death given life to the world; deliver me by this Thy most sacred Body and Blood, from all my iniquities and from all evils; and make me always cleave to Thy commandments, and suffer me never to be separated from Thee, Who livest and reignest, with the same God the Father and the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen.
Percéptio Córporis tui, Dómine Iesu Christe, quod ego indígnus súmere præsúmo, non mihi provéniat in iudícium et condemnatiónem: sed pro tua pietáte prosit mihi ad tutaméntum mentis et córporis, et ad medélam percipiéndam: Qui vivis et regnas cum Deo Patre in unitáte Spíritus Sancti Deus, per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
Let not the partaking of Thy Body, O Lord, Jesus Christ, which I, though unworthy, presume to receive, turn to my judgment and condemnation; but let it, through Thy mercy, become a safeguard and remedy, both for soul and body; Who with God the Father, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, livest and reignest God, world without end. Amen.
Panem cæléstem accípiam, et nomen Dómini invocábo.
V. Dómine, non sum dignus, ut intres sub tectum meum: sed tantum dic verbo, et sanábitur ánima mea.
V. Dómine, non sum dignus, ut intres sub tectum meum: sed tantum dic verbo, et sanábitur ánima mea.
V. Dómine, non sum dignus, ut intres sub tectum meum: sed tantum dic verbo, et sanábitur ánima mea.
I will take the Bread of heaven, and will call upon the Name of the Lord.
V. Lord, I am not worthy that Thou shouldst enter under my roof; say but the word, and my soul shall be healed.
V. Lord, I am not worthy that Thou shouldst enter under my roof; say but the word, and my soul shall be healed.
V. Lord, I am not worthy that Thou shouldst enter under my roof; say but the word, and my soul shall be healed.
Corpus Dómini nostri Iesu Christi custódiat ánimam meam in vitam ætérnam. Amen.
The Body of our Lord Jesus Christ preserve my soul unto life everlasting. Amen.
Quid retríbuam Dómino pro ómnibus, quæ retríbuit mihi? Cálicem salutáris accípiam, et nomen Dómini invocábo. Laudans invocábo Dóminum, et ab inimícis meis salvus ero.
Sanguis Dómini nostri Iesu Christi custódiat ánimam meam in vitam ætérnam. Amen.
What return shall I make to the Lord for all He has given to me? I will take the chalice of salvation, and call upon the Name of the Lord. Praising I will call upon the Lord, and I shall be saved from my enemies.
The Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ preserve my soul unto life everlasting. Amen.


Quod ore súmpsimus, Dómine, pura mente capiámus: et de múnere temporáli fiat nobis remédium sempitérnum.
Corpus tuum, Dómine, quod sumpsi, et Sanguis, quem potávi, adhǽreat viscéribus meis: et præsta; ut in me non remáneat scélerum mácula, quem pura et sancta refecérunt sacraménta: Qui vivis et regnas in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
Grant, O Lord, that what we have taken with our mouth, we may receive with a pure mind; and from a temporal gift may it become to us an eternal remedy.
May Thy Body, O Lord, which I have received, and Thy Blood which I have drunk, cleave to my bowels; and grant that no stain of sin may remain in me, who have been fed with this pure and holy Sacrament; Who livest and reignest for ever and ever. Amen.
Ps 77:29-30
Manducavérunt, et saturári sunt nimis, et desidérium eórum áttulit eis Dóminus: non sunt fraudáti a desidério suo.
Ps 77:29-30
They ate and were wholly surfeited; the Lord had brought them what they craved: they were not defrauded of that which they craved.
S. Dóminus vobíscum.
R. Et cum spíritu tuo.
Quǽsumus, omnípotens Deus: ut, qui coeléstia aliménta percépimus, per hæc contra ómnia adversa muniámur.
Per Dóminum nostrum Iesum Christum, Fílium tuum: qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti Deus, per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum.
R. Amen.
Post Communion
P. The Lord be with you.
S. And with thy spirit.
Let us pray.
We beseech You, almighty God, that we who have received the Bread of heaven, may by it be protected from all adversity.
Through Jesus Christ, thy Son our Lord, Who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end.
R. Amen.
S. Dóminus vobíscum.
M. Et cum spíritu tuo.
P. The Lord be with you.
S. And with thy spirit.
V. Ite, Missa est.
R. Deo grátias.
V. Go, the Mass is ended.
R. Thanks be to God.
Pláceat tibi, sancta Trínitas, obséquium servitútis meæ: et præsta; ut sacrifícium, quod óculis tuæ maiestátis indígnus óbtuli, tibi sit acceptábile, mihíque et ómnibus, pro quibus illud óbtuli, sit, te miseránte, propitiábile. Per Christum, Dóminum nostrum. Amen.
May the performance of my homage be pleasing to Thee, O holy Trinity: and grant that the Sacrifice which I, though unworthy, have offered up in the sight of Thy Majesty, may be acceptable to Thee, and through Thy mercy, be a propitiation for me, and for all those for whom I have offered it. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Benedícat vos omnípotens Deus,
Pater, et Fílius,  et Spíritus Sanctus.
R. Amen.
P. May almighty God the Father, Son,  and Holy Ghost,
bless you.
S. Amen.
V. Dóminus vobíscum.
R. Et cum spíritu tuo.
Inítium +︎ sancti Evangélii secúndum Ioánnem
R. Glória tibi, Dómine.
Ioann. 1, 1-14.
Iunctis manibus prosequitur:
In princípio erat Verbum, et Verbum erat apud Deum, et Deus erat Verbum. Hoc erat in princípio apud Deum. Omnia per ipsum facta sunt: et sine ipso factum est nihil, quod factum est: in ipso vita erat, et vita erat lux hóminum: et lux in ténebris lucet, et ténebræ eam non comprehendérunt.
Fuit homo missus a Deo, cui nomen erat Ioánnes. Hic venit in testimónium, ut testimónium perhibéret de lúmine, ut omnes créderent per illum. Non erat ille lux, sed ut testimónium perhibéret de lúmine.
Erat lux vera, quæ illúminat omnem hóminem veniéntem in hunc mundum. In mundo erat, et mundus per ipsum factus est, et mundus eum non cognóvit. In própria venit, et sui eum non recepérunt. Quotquot autem recepérunt eum, dedit eis potestátem fílios Dei fíeri, his, qui credunt in nómine eius: qui non ex sanguínibus, neque ex voluntáte carnis, neque ex voluntáte viri, sed ex Deo nati sunt. Genuflectit dicens: Et Verbum caro factum est, Et surgens prosequitur: et habitávit in nobis: et vídimus glóriam eius, glóriam quasi Unigéniti a Patre, plenum grátiæ et veritátis.
R. Deo grátias.
P. The Lord be with you.
S. And with thy spirit.
The beginning +︎ of the holy Gospel according to John
R. Glory be to Thee, O Lord.
John 1, 1-14

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him, and without Him was made nothing that was made: in Him was life, and the life was the Light of men; and the Light shineth in darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.
There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. This man came for a witness, to testify concerning the Light, that all might believe through Him. He was not the Light, but he was to testify concerning the Light.
That was the true Light, which enlighteneth every man that cometh into this world. He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not. He came unto His own, and His own received Him not. But as many as received Him to them He gave power to become sons of God, to them that believe in His Name, who are born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. Here all kneel. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us: and we saw His glory, the glory as of the Only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.
R. Thanks be to God.
Orationes Leonis XIII
S. Ave María, grátia plena, Dóminus tecum, benedícta tu in muliéribus et benedíctus fructus ventris tui, Iesus.
O. Sancta María, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatóribus, nunc et in hora mortis nostræ. Amen.
S. Ave María, grátia plena, Dóminus tecum, benedícta tu in muliéribus et benedíctus fructus ventris tui, Iesus.
O. Sancta María, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatóribus, nunc et in hora mortis nostræ. Amen.
S. Ave María, grátia plena, Dóminus tecum, benedícta tu in muliéribus et benedíctus fructus ventris tui, Iesus.
O. Sancta María, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatóribus, nunc et in hora mortis nostræ. Amen.

O. Salve Regína, Mater misericórdiæ, vita, dulcédo, et spes nostra, salve. Ad te clamámus, éxsules fílii Evæ. Ad te suspirámus geméntes et flentes in hac lacrymárum valle. Eia ergo, Advocáta nostra, illos tuos misericórdes óculos ad nos convérte. Et Iesum, benedíctum fructum ventris tui, nobis, post hoc exílium, osténde. O clemens, o pia, o dulcis Virgo Mária.
S. Ora pro nobis, sancta Dei Génitrix.
O. Ut digni efficiámur promissiónibus Christi.

S. Orémus. Deus, refúgium nostrum et virtus, pópulum ad te clamántem propítius réspice; et intercedénte gloriósa, et immaculáta Vírgine Dei Genitríce María, cum beáto Ioseph, eius Sponso, ac beatis Apóstolis tuis Petro et Paulo, et ómnibus Sanctis, quas pro conversióne peccatórum, pro libertáte et exaltatióne sanctæ Matris Ecclésiæ, preces effúndimus, miséricors et benígnus exáudi. Per eúndem Christum Dóminum nostrum. Amen.

O. Sancte Míchaël Archángele, defénde nos in prǽlio; contra nequítiam et insídias diáboli esto præsídium. Imperet illi Deus, súpplices deprecámur: tuque, Princeps milítiæ Cæléstis, sátanam aliósque spíritus malígnos, qui ad perditiónem animárum pervagántur in mundo, divína virtúte in inférnum detrúde. Amen.

S. Cor Iesu sacratíssimum.
O. Miserére nobis.
S. Cor Iesu sacratíssimum.
O. Miserére nobis.
S. Cor Iesu sacratíssimum.
O. Miserére nobis.
Leonine Prayers
P. Hail Mary, full of grace; The Lord is with thee; Blessed art thou amongst women, And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
A. Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
P. Hail Mary, full of grace; The Lord is with thee; Blessed art thou amongst women, And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
A. Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
P. Hail Mary, full of grace; The Lord is with thee; Blessed art thou amongst women, And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
A. Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

A. Hail, holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness, and our hope. To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve. To thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn then, most gracious Advocate, thine eyes of mercy towards us. And after this our exile, show unto us the blessed Fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.
P. Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God.
O. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

P. Let us pray. O God, our refuge and our strength, look down in mercy on Thy people who cry to Thee; and by the intercession of the glorious and Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of God, of St. Joseph her Spouse, of Thy blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, and of all the Saints, in mercy and goodness hear our prayers for the conversion of sinners, and for the liberty and exaltation of our holy Mother the Church. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

A. Holy Michael Archangel, defend us in the day of battle; be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. -- May God rebuke him, we humbly pray: and do thou, Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God thrust down to hell Satan and all wicked spirits, who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.

P. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus,
A. Have mercy upon us.
P. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus,
A. Have mercy upon us.
P. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus,
A. Have mercy upon us.





Esta mañana a las 10 falleció Mari Carmen Alemán Artiles a los 71 años, funcionaria del Ministerio de Trabajo. Guapa camarada, hija del general laureado don Antonio Alemán. Siento una tristeza muy grande pues estuve en oración toda la noche rogándole a la Virgen que ella puso entre las enredaderas del jardín central que la salvara, pero no pudo regresar a la vida después del infarto pulmonar. Hizo crisis su rápida enfermedad. Quiero expresar mi más afligido pésame a su esposo Luis Fernandez Villamea, gran periodista y compañero de tan tas fatigas, y a sus hijos Pedrito, Luisito y Antoñito asi como a sus hermanos el capitán de la Armada Virgilio Alemán Artiles y al coronel de infantería Carlos Alemán Artiles y a su hermana Ana Alemán Artiles. Hoy se ha ido algo de nuestra vida. Se ha muerto una camarada y vecina. Dios la tenga en su gloria. Espero que la muerte no sea el final. Hoy es velada en el tanatorio de Villanueva de la Cañada. Mañana será enterrada en el cementerio del Pardo en el panteón familiar

Божественная литургия 19 февраля 2023, Сретенский монастырь, г. Москва










Me miro en el espejo zarkalo

Aquel que estaba en la sala

Frente al vasar y la pared de la cómoda

Por navidad estirábamos la Poderosa

Mesa de nogal

Y venían los curas del concejo

Al convite

Parroquias y campanas de la aldea

El humo de los cigarros puros

El poso del café con gotas

Salíamos a la galería

Se erguía la palmera

Dando sombra al hórreo

En el espejo yacían imágenes olvidadas

De la vida en familia conservada

Cuando vino el general desde la Habana

Las cartas de amor en el arca

Los besos y la brisa de las mañanas

Los pasos sobre el tillado de roble

Por el camino

Calella arriba subía cantando la noche

El espejo esparcía imágenes luminosas

Nos contaba su historia

Nunca se quiebre aquel espejo

Sobre la cómoda

Es mal presagio


domingo, 19 de febrero de 2023




Time of wars and persecutions in the prologue of the Second Coming according to Saint Luke


"At that time, Jesus said to his disciples: when you hear of wars and seditions, do not be frightened; all this should happen first, but the end will not come immediately. People will rise up against people and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be great earthquakes and plagues and famines and terrors and signs in the firmament, but before this happens, they will lay their hands on you and persecute you, delivering you to the synagogues, you will be imprisoned and brought before the judges for my name and this will happen to you for testimony.

Do not afflict yourselves with what you will have to depose before the magistrates. Because I will give you a mouth and wisdom that your adversaries will not be able to resist or contradict. You will be betrayed by your relatives and relatives who will denounce and kill you. You will find yourself hated because of me, but not a single hair will fall from your head. In your patience you will emerge triumphant and you will possess the truth of your souls.


This gospel text was sung in Spanish churches for many centuries to celebrate the feast of the holy martyrs Emeterio and Celedonio, two imperial soldiers who were ordered by the prefect of Calahorra Daciano to shoot arrows by order of Emperor Diocletian in the year 304. by refusing to burn incense to the idols

It seems to me that this evangelical parenetic has a very current context in the times of war Ukraine and cataclysms like the one in Syria (the Christian church was born in Antioch).

Más información sobre este texto de origenPara obtener más información sobre la traducción, se necesita el texto de origen

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Taimi o taua ma sauaga i le amataga o le Afio Faalua Mai e tusa ai ma le Saint Luka


“O ona po ia, na fetalai atu ai Iesu i ona soo, Pe a outou faalogo i taua ma fouvalega, aua tou te matatau; e tatau ona muamua o ia mea uma, ae le oo mai loa le iuga. e i ai mafui‘e tetele, ma mala, ma oge, ma mea mata‘utia, ma fa‘ailoga i le vanimonimo, ‘ae le‘i o‘o mai lea mea, latou te fetagofi atu o latou lima ‘iā te ‘outou, ma fa‘asauā ‘iā te ‘outou, e tu‘uina atu fo‘i ‘outou i sunako, e tu‘uina atu fo‘i ‘outou i le fale puipui ma ta‘ita‘iina i luma o fa‘amasino ‘ona o a‘u. igoa ma o le a tupu lenei mea ia te oe mo se molimau.

‘Aua ne‘i fa‘atigāina ‘outou i mea e tatau ‘ona ‘outou lafoa‘i i luma o fa‘amasino. Auā ‘ou te foa‘iina atu ‘iā te ‘outou le gutu ma le poto e lē mafaia e o ‘outou fili ‘ona tete‘e pe tete‘e mai. O le a fa'alataina oe e lou 'āiga ma lou 'āiga e ta'uleagaina ma fasioti 'iā te oe. E ‘ino‘ino ‘iā te oe ‘ona o a‘u, ‘ae lē pa‘ū se lauulu e tasi mai lou ulu. I lo outou onosai o le a outou tulai manumalo ai ma o le a outou mauaina le upumoni o outou agaga.


O lenei tusitusiga o le talalelei na usuina i ekalesia Sipaniolo mo le tele o seneturi e faamanatu ai le tausamiga a le au paia maturo Emeterio ma Celedonio, e toalua fitafita emeperoa na faatonuina e le taitai o Calahorra Daciano e fana aū e ala i le poloaiga a le Emeperoa Diocletian i le tausaga 304. e ala i le musu. e faamu mea manogi i tupua

E foliga mai ia te aʻu o lenei evagelical panetic o loo i ai se tulaga sili ona lata mai i taimi o taua Ukraine ma cataclysms pei o Suria (o le ekalesia Kerisiano na fanau i Anetioka)



Zeit der Kriege und Verfolgungen im Prolog der Wiederkunft nach Lukas


„Damals sagte Jesus zu seinen Jüngern: Wenn ihr von Kriegen und Aufständen hört, erschrickt nicht; das alles soll zuerst geschehen, aber das Ende wird nicht sofort kommen. Menschen werden sich gegen Menschen erheben und Königreich gegen Königreich. Und Es wird große Erdbeben und Seuchen und Hungersnöte und Schrecken und Zeichen am Firmament geben, aber bevor dies geschieht, werden sie ihre Hände auf dich legen und dich verfolgen, dich den Synagogen ausliefern, du wirst eingesperrt und für mich vor die Richter gebracht Namen und dies wird dir zum Zeugnis geschehen.

Belasten Sie sich nicht mit dem, was Sie den Richtern vorlegen müssen. Denn Ich werde dir einen Mund und eine Weisheit geben, denen deine Widersacher nicht widerstehen oder widersprechen können. Sie werden von Ihren Verwandten und Verwandten verraten, die Sie denunzieren und töten werden. Du wirst wegen mir gehasst werden, aber kein einziges Haar wird von deinem Kopf fallen. In deiner Geduld wirst du triumphierend hervorgehen und die Wahrheit deiner Seele besitzen.


Dieser Evangeliumstext wurde viele Jahrhunderte lang in spanischen Kirchen gesungen, um das Fest der heiligen Märtyrer Emeterio und Celedonio zu feiern, zwei kaiserliche Soldaten, die vom Präfekten von Calahorra Daciano im Auftrag von Kaiser Diokletian im Jahr 304 angewiesen wurden, Pfeile zu schießen um den Götzen Weihrauch zu verbrennen

Mir scheint, dass diese evangelikale Parenetik in Zeiten des Krieges in der Ukraine und Katastrophen wie Syrien (die christliche Kirche wurde in Antiochien geboren) einen sehr aktuellen Kontext hat.



Время войн и гонений в прологе Второго пришествия по Евангелию от Луки


«В то время Иисус сказал ученикам Своим: когда услышите о войнах и мятежах, не пугайтесь; всему этому должно быть прежде, но конец не тотчас придет. Поднимутся люди на людей и царство на царство. будут великие землетрясения и моры, и глады, и ужасы, и знамения на тверди, но прежде чем это произойдет, возложат на вас руки и будут преследовать вас, предавая в синагоги, вы будете заключены в темницы и предстанете перед судьями за мое имя, и это произойдет с вами для свидетельства.

Не утруждайте себя тем, что вам придется низложить перед магистратами. Потому что Я дам вам уста и мудрость, которым ваши противники не смогут противостоять или опровергнуть. Вас предаст родня и родня, которые осудят и убьют вас. Ты окажешься ненавидимым из-за меня, но ни один волос не упадет с твоей головы. В своем терпении вы одержите победу и обретете истину своих душ.


Этот евангельский текст на протяжении многих веков распевался в испанских церквях в честь праздника святых мучеников Эметерио и Целедонио, двух императорских воинов, которым префект Калаорры Дачиано приказал пустить стрелы по приказу императора Диоклетиана в 304 г., отказавшись кадить идолам

Мне кажется, что эта евангельская паренетика имеет очень актуальный контекст во времена войны на Украине и катаклизмов вроде Сирии (христианская церковь зародилась в Антиохии).



Tiempo de guerras y persecuciones en el prólogo de la Segunda Venida según san Lucas


"en aquel tiempo dijo Jesús a sus discípulos: cuando oyeren hablar de guerras y sediciones, no os asustéis; conviene que todo eso acontezca primero, pero no vendrá enseguida el fin. Se levantará gente contra gente y reino contra reino. Y habrá grandes terremotos y pestes y hambres y espantos y señales en el firmamento. Pero antes de que suceda esto, pondrán sobre vosotras sus manos y os perseguirán entregándoos a las sinagogas, seréis encarcelados y llevados ante los jueces por mi nombre y os sucederá esto para testimonio.

No os aflijáis de cuanto habréis de deponer ante los magistrados. Porque yo os daré boca y sabiduría a la que no podrán resistir ni contradecir vuestros adversarios. Seréis traicionados por vuestros deudos y parientes que os denunciarán y matarán. Os hallaréis odiados por mi causa pero no caerá de vuestra cabeza un solo cabello. En vuestra paciencia saldréis triunfantes y poseeréis la verdad de vuestras almas.


Este texto del evangelio se cantó en las iglesias españolas durante muchos siglos para celebrar la fiesta de los santos mártires Emeterio y Celedonio dos soldados imperiales que mandó asaetear el prefecto de Calahorra Daciano por orden del emperador Diocleciano año 304. al negarse a quema incienso a los ídolos

A mí me parece que esta parenética evangélica tiene un contexto muy actual en los tiempos de guerra Ucrania y cataclismos como el de Siria (la iglesia cristiana nació en Antioquía)







Jimmy Carter, oldest living former U.S. president, placed in hospice care

Former President Carter smiling
Former President Carter teaching Sunday school at Maranatha Baptist Church in Plains, Ga., in 2019. 

Former U.S. President Carter has been placed in hospice care, deciding to avoid additional “medical intervention,” the Carter Center announced Saturday.

The 98-year-old former president made his decision following a series of hospital visits, according to the Carter Center, a nonprofit group set up to carry out charitable activities supported by the former president and former First Lady Rosalynn Carter.

“After a series of short hospital stays, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter today decided to spend his remaining time at home with his family and receive hospice care instead of additional medical intervention. He has the full support of his family and his medical team,” the Carter Center said in a statement.

“The Carter family asks for privacy during this time and is grateful for the concern shown by his many admirers,” the nonprofit said.

The statement did not say why Carter had been in and out of the hospital.

Carter is currently the oldest living former U.S. president. He was elected in 1976 and served a single four-year term, throwing himself into philanthropic activities in the years that followed.

Всенощное бдение 18 февраля 2023 года, Сретенский монастырь, г. Москва





A candle burns on the table for the reposed, weeping waxen tears. My heart also weeps vaguely... how are you over there? How are you?...

Give rest, O Lord!...

Then a familiar plot, dusted with snow. Well hello my dear! Here we are, we’ve finally made it here on ancestor Saturday.

“Mama, mama, is that your grandma?”

Do you see—my two sons. They look just like you. And my husband, the priest, serving a litia on your grave. Everything has come together in my life just as you dreamed. Only, we can’t invite you over, we can talk about our daily difficulties and problems, I can’t listen to your advice… But you didn’t even make it to our wedding, and you dreamed of it so… But we won’t talk about the sad things.

Give rest, O Lord!

I remember every little detail of every corner of your apartment. A huge book shelf, where you spent so much time, a long, dark corridor, icons in wooden cases. My memory obligingly also preserves the inimitable aroma of herbal tea, our long sitting together, and searching the stars at night. And I also remember how we would go every evening at the summerhouse to watch the sunset over the river.

And our favorite park… Meandering walks tearing me away from my usual daily rush, the rustling of tall pine trees and the singing of birds. Sakharov, Solzhenitsyn, Vyshnevskaya, Rastropovich, Pogudin… You never ran out of things to talk about.

Now I see everything that seemed mundane and ordinary in a completely different light…

Give rest, O Lord!...

And you know, I stopped dreaming about you only recently. Exhaustion and lack of sleep took the upper hand. But before that, for several years in a row I would dream with enviable consistency the same thing: that you are alive. I would chide you saying, “You frightened me!” and talk, talk, talk… telling you everything. Then I would suddenly wake up. Such was the work of my subconscious…

Give rest, O Lord!...

You looked death in the face long before it came, when you were hit with the terrible diagnosis of cancer. The doctors said there was no chance. But you survived. It was God’s miracle. And you lived nearly twenty years after that. Almost twenty years of “new” life, in which Christ and His Church occupied first place.

I remember how you came to the conclusion, sighing, “After all, what happiness it is to be able to walk to church yourself and pray!” And how you suffered the price of those words…

Give rest, O Lord!

Death. It came without warning. Like a thunderbolt across a clear sky—grandpa’s phone call, a taxi, the ambulance doctor with a death statement. And then, as in a fog, the forty days.

On that day, as usual on the feast of one of our favorite saints—the Healer Panteleimon—a trip to a holy spring in his honor had been planned. Liturgy in the morning, Holy Communion… and after the meal you were no longer with us. Perhaps that is how it should have been for someone who for so many years had prayed for a “peaceful end”? And you always added, “Lord forbid that I ever be a burden on anyone in my old age, that they should have to take care of me.” You are no longer here, and no one is taking care of you.

Give rest, O Lord!...

When I was a teenager you would often take me with you to another town, to your parents’ grave. I just didn’t get it: Why are you talking with stone slabs in a graveyard? Oh, alright, I thought, everyone has their quirks.

Well, you know, lately I’ve been suffering from the same quirk…

Ksenia Manyakova
Translation by OrthoChristian.com




Sermon on Ancestor Saturday, Meat-fare Week


In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit!

For he is not a God of the dead, but of the living: for all live unto him (Lk. 20:38), said Christ the Savior to the Sadducees, who did not believe in the resurrection of the dead.

Beloved in Christ brothers and sisters! The Holy Orthodox Christian Church, firmly believing in these true words of the Savior, always preaches this undeniable truth for all to hear—that a person’s life does not end at death. What do we see dying? Only the body, which is taken from the earth and again returns to earth. The flesh decomposes and turns to dust, while the person himself, with all of his senses and his whole immortal soul, continues to live, only crossing from this world into the next world beyond the grave. It would follow that our association between the living and the dead is not disrupted by death but continues to exist.

Based on this truth, the Church always, beginning with Old Testament times and especially in New Testament times, Apostolic times, has performed and continues to perform commemorations and prays for our reposed brothers in the faith. In offering daily prayers for its reposed children, the Holy Church encourages all the faithful do this, so that they would with one voice and one heart offer fervent prayers to the Throne of God, asking that He give rest in blessed places to the souls of our relatives who have fallen asleep. We are moved to prayer for the reposed by our Christian love, which unites all in Jesus Christ in one brotherhood. Those reposed in our faith are our neighbors, whom God commands us to love as we love ourselves. For God did not say, “Love your neighbors while they live on earth. It would follow that the Lord does not limit love of neighbor to this earthly existence, but extends it also to the eternal world beyond the grave. But how if not by commemoration, if not by prayer can we prove our love for those who have passed over into life beyond the grave? Each of us desires that our close ones would not forget us and would pray for us after our departure. So that this would come to pass, we ourselves must commemorate the deadWith what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again (Mt. 7:2) says the Savior. Therefore those who commemorate the dead the Lord will commemorate, and people who have departed this world will also remember them. Great is the consolation and reward for someone who saves his neighbor from temporary misfortune, but much greater is the reward and consolation awaiting someone who through his prayers helps his reposed neighbor to receive forgiveness of sins and pass from the dark dungeons of hell into the bright and blessed habitations.

Do the reposed need our prayers? Yes, they do, because prayer brings great benefit to them. The fact of the matter is that after death there are two eternities: either the eternal blessedness of the righteous, or the eternal torments of sinners. We also know that there is no man who has lived on earth who has never sinned. Therefore it is also decidedly true that we are born in sins, that we live our lives in sins, and in sins do we finish our earthly existence. But do all who have sinned offer complete and sincere repentance before death? After all, death can overtake a person in a state of serious illness, when he’s lost his memory and his emotional powers are completely exhausted. It’s obvious that a person in such a state cannot remember his deeds and repent of them—and so he dies in his sins. Death often strikes unexpectedly, and if the person has not repented at all, he will also depart with his sins. Then he can no longer help himself by any means. A person can only change his lot while he is alive, by doing good works and praying for his salvation to the Lord. So, in such cases prayer for the dead is very necessary and brings them great benefit.

Many of our close ones have long since left the earth, but our loving hearts cannot forget them, long for them, perhaps even more than for the living. In like manner the reposed also look in our direction from the other world, burning with love for those here who were especially close to their hearts. If one of these dead has attained justification before God, then answering our love with mutual love he sends down heavenly help to us; but those who have not attained justification can receive great help from our prayers to ease their lot beyond the grave. The time will come when we will see them. How joyful it will be to hear those words of gratitude for our prayers! They will say, “You remembered me, you did not forget me, and helped me in my time of need. I thank you.” And on the contrary, how bitter it will be to hear the reproach for those who did not pray for the dead! “You did not remember me, you did not pray for me, you didn’t help me in my time of need, and I reproach you for this.”

The state of the reposed is like that of a man swimming along a very dangerous river. Prayer for the reposed is like saving rope that a person throws to his drowning neighbor. If somehow the gates of eternity would be opened before us and we could see these hundreds and thousands of millions of people striving painfully for a peaceful harbor, what heart would not be stricken and overwhelmed at the sight of those people of one faith and family, wordlessly calling for our prayerful help!

Just how needed prayer is for the reposed, how there really does exist a connection with the world beyond the grave can be seen from the amazing but true story I will now tell you from the life of one of the parishes of our Russian Church. In the village of Lysogorka, the priest died. Another priest was sent to replace him—a young priest, who unexpectedly died at his first service there, right in the altar. Yet another priest was sent, but the same thing happened to him—on the first day of his service there, after they sang the Our Father and the verse before Communion, the priest did not come out of the altar with the Holy Gifts for a long time, and when the church warden went into the altar he saw the priest lying dead in full vestments at the Holy Throne. All were horrified when they learned of this mysterious death, and not knowing its cause, said that some onerous sin must burdening this parish if the victims of it are two young and completely innocent lives. Rumors about this spread throughout the region, and no other priests could be persuaded to come and serve at that parish.

Only one elder-monk agreed. “I am going to die anyway. I’ll go and serve the first and last Liturgy—no one will be orphaned by my death.”

During the service, when they were finishing the singing of the Our Father, the survival instinct nevertheless demanded its rights, and the elder asked that both the side doors and the Royal Doors be opened. During the verse before Communion he saw at behind the Holy Throne some sort of silhouette. This silhouette waxed more and more sharply, and then suddenly beyond the Throne the dark image of a priest dressed in vestments could be seen, bound hand at foot with chains.

Shivering with fear, the monk mixed up the words of the prayer. But after a little while he regained his composure, strengthened himself in spirit and went out to commune the faithful. It was clear to all that something strange had happened to him.

But the phantom continued standing there, rattling his chains and with fettered hands pointed to a case on the altar.

At the end of the Liturgy the hieromonk called in the warden and they opened the case, in which there turned out to be… commemoration lists. What happened is that the reposed priest had been given commemoration lists and he had set them aside for another time without reading them. Now the elder understood the reason for the vision and began serving daily Pannikhidas [services for the dead] and reading the accumulated lists of names.

On the next Sunday he served a Liturgy for the reposed for the soul of the dead priest. When they sang the verse before Communion, the silhouette of the dead priest appeared once more. But this time he was no longer tragic and terrible as he was the first time, but with a bright and happy face and no chains on his hands and feet. After the serving elder-hieromonk received Holy Communion the phantom moved, bowed to the ground before him and disappeared.

We can see by this example how prayers for the reposed bring them benefit and relieve their lot. And it is no coincidence that we are talking about this today. It is because today the Holy Church marks a special day called Meat-fare Ancestor Saturday, and gathers the Orthodox for common prayer before the Throne of God for our brothers in the faith who have departed to eternal life. And tomorrow the Holy Church remembers the terrible Second Coming of the Lord and the end of the world.

Rousing its members to be prepared for the Last Judgment, the Holy Church asks us to pray to the Righteous Judge for our reposed relatives, that they may be forgiven all their sins, and may the path from the dark underworld be cleared for them to the bright habitations of the Heavenly Father.

Dear brothers and sisters, let us offer up prayers to Christ God, and cry out with our whole hearts: With the saints give rest, O Christ to the souls of Thy servants, where there is neither sickness nor sorrow, nor sighing, but life everlasting. Amen.

Archimdrite Kirill (Pavlov)
Translation by Nun Cornelia (Rees)





Not a single question has so troubled the human mind throughout the entire existence of man as the question of the immortality of the soul, life beyond the grave. Before we begin to unpack this subject, we must say that even for the present time it is the most urgent question, the difficulty of which the greatest philosophers and thinkers recognize. But we shall be guided not only by our own reason, but mainly by Holy Scripture.

I know that having chosen this question as the subject of today’s talk with you, I will run up against prejudices and various teachings of the present time and will have to swin against the stream of modern philosophers. From beginning of Christianity’s existance, not a single era has been less filled with the awareness of eternity as the current one. The thoughts of modern generations surrounding us are focused on the present hour, on the realm of the visible world. The question that will serve as the subject of today’s talk does not at first glance seem like anything real or relative. This view troubles me a little, my efforts feel pointless, my theological and philosophical knowledge seem inadequate, and I’m as if ready to step down from this lofty Church cathedra in mute silence, but nonetheless without loss of energy. The thoughts of modern generations, as I have already said, are directed at the present hour, to the realm of the visible world. But Christianity is not a religion of epochs or hours; it is unchanging in its dogmatic and moral truths. The Christian religion concerns human souls, and not the tastes of the times, different persons or schools, trends and tendencies. Christianity was founded upon a strong foundation that is unshakeable, and it does not seek support in the reigning thoughts of the present day. It seeks and finds support in the sufferings and constant strivings of mankind.

The future life has been rejected by many and throughout all times, and it is being rejected in our own time. Some approach the coffin of a dead man only in order to take his body as something no longer needed, even hazardous, and bury it in the graveyard. Not a single prayer leaves their lips, not a single divine word illumines their sadness; and what are prayers and divine words to them when they don’t believe in God and life beyond the grave. Others—believers—see off the dead in hope of meeting again in life beyond the grave. Some say to themselves: Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die (1 Cor. 15:32), and if they sometimes did accept that there is a future life, then they did so out of practical materialism. Others work out their salvation in fear and trembling. Some insist that with death, everything ends for a person. According to their opinion there is no soul in man, and what we call the soul, in their words, dies along with the body. This is said only by those who, along with the soul, reject the existence of God also. The main characteristic of such people is carelessness—they live without a thought for anything, they are not interested in anything from the realm of the higher and spiritual; they live for the most part lawlessly, striving for only one thing: how to live better, more comfortably, and have more fun; to live as long as life satisfies them, even though it’s filled with all manner of lies, unrighteousness, wickedness and deceit. That is why the existence of God and the soul is for them but an unpleasantry that hinders their broad life from flowing as it flows—and that is why they reject God and the soul. They recognize that lawlessness must be answered for, and so they placate themselves and say that there is no God and no such thing as as an immortal soul. Their view of God and the soul flatters their sinful and corrupt nature, it gives them the daring to eat, drink, and be merry, for according to their opinion tomorrow they will die anyway, and there is no life over there beyond the grave, no soul, and no account to anyone for their deeds.

But let them talk and insist on this. We know that there is a soul and that it is immortal. This is confirmed to us by Holy Scripture. In the book of Ecclesiastes in the Old Testament it says, Man goeth to his long home (that is, after bodily death)… Then shall the dust (that is, the body) return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it (Eccl. 12:5, 7). The same is written in the book of the Wisdom of Solomon: But the righteous live for ever, and their reward is with the Lord; the Most High takes care of them (Wis. 5:15).

All the Old Testament righteous ones also believed in the immortality of the human soul (and it follows that they also believed in life after death). But the immortality of the human soul is especially clearly felt in the New Testament There it is written plainly: And fear ye not them that kill the body, and are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him that can destroy both soul and body in hell (Matt. 10:28); God is not a God of the dead but of the living (Matt. 22:32). Those Christians who died and attained the resurrection of the death, Neither can they die any more: for they are equal to the angels, and are the children of God, being the children of the resurrection (Lk. 20:35–36). This is why our Lord Jesus Christ many times repeated and said to His disciples and followers, Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal (Matt. 6:19–20). Or read the twenty-fifth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew about the ten virgins—about the five wise and the five foolish virgins, how He warns His followers to store up oil along with their burning lamps, so that the lamps would not go out and the Bridegroom would not come to them unawares. Here is revealed the moment of the Last Judgment. If there were no life beyond the grave, or what is the same, if the human soul were not immortal, then why would Christ the Savior have warned His followers about the coming Judgment?

Besides the words of Holy Scripture of the Old and New Testaments, we are also convinced of the immortality of the human soul by the meetings between the souls of the dead with living people. These meetings always happened throughout the times of the Old and New Testaments. We can be convinced of this by the lives of Moses, King Saul, Prophet Samuel, and others. But we won’t cite examples here from the Old Testament. We will take for example the relatively recent past. Two hundred years ago, Russia boasted its famous scholar, Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov. While sailing (from Holland) to Russia on a ship, he had the following dream. He could see before him the boundless Arctic Sea, on which he often travelled in his childhood, and on the sea he noticed a boat with his father the fisherman seated in it. A fierce storm broke out, and the waves of the sea were about to swallow his beloved father. Lomonosov wanted to rush toward his father to help him, but his hands went numb. The boat was dashed against the rocks near an island and was shattered to pieces. Lomonosov was presented with a terrifying scene. His father was struggling with the giant waves of the cruel sea. He was immersed in the water for a minute and then rose to the surface and shouted, “Mikhailo!” but soon again was immersed in the water and disappeared from sight. A few minutes later he was thrown onto the shore. Lomonosov immediate woke up. The dream that he just had shook him terribly, and he decided in his soul that his father really had drowned in the sea, and having been thrown to the shore by the waves, was lying there, unburied.

When he arrived in Petersburg, with great difficulty he found some men from his native region and asked about his father’s fate. They told him that at in early spring his father had set out to sea with his comrades, but four months had passed and there was no word of them. Disquieted in soul, Lomonosov wanted to go himself to the island he had seen in his dream and which he knew from childhood, but he was not released from Petersburg. Then he asked the local fishermen to go to that island, and if they should find his father, to bury him. And truly, the fishermen found the body of Lomonosov’s father in the place he had directed them to, and they buried him. Isn’t it clear from this that the soul of the father had appeared to his own son in a dream to tell him about his pre-death suffering and after-death pressures due to the fact that he remained unburied and without prayers? This is what the famous Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov himself believed.

The souls of the dead appear not only in dreams, but also plainly. The immortality of the human soul appears here more precisely and is revealed even more clearly. Here a person sees the dead with his own eyes as the living, and because he knew the reposed one well before his death, he cans say unmistakably that he sees precisely that friend or relative.

The aims of the souls of the dead’s appearance to the living can vary. Very often they appear in order to improve in one way or another their condition in the afterlife. For, as all we Orthodox Christians know, the prayers of the living, especially the prayers of the Church, bring great benefit to the souls of the dead—they relieve their onerous lot if they are suffering torments in the afterlife for their sinful earthly life. But sometimes the souls of the dead come by God’s will to earth for the benefit of one or another relative, wishing to provide him some spiritual benefit. Most often they appear to those relatives who have begun to live a bad life—godless or dissipated. In this case, one way or another they help their relative to correct himself, to step once again upon the path of truth. Or they may appear in order to do some good for their close relative that they didn’t manage to do before their death. Thus, the soul without a body appears for a brief time as if to continue the work he began in his life in the body.

Sometimes the souls of the dead appear to relatives simply out of the feeling of kinship, as if pining for them. Obviously, after its departure from the body the soul doesn’t lose for a certain time the connection it had with them while in the body, and at God’s will, they somehow show that connection. Moreover, the dead not rarely bring by their appearance some mundane profit, clear up one or another perplexity that they had not done during their earthly life, or show them where they should receive some profit for themselves.

After close family, the closest person is always a friend or benefactor. People have a sincere attachment and gratitude to friends and benefactors. A person’s soul, which never dies, is immortal, after its departure from the body also keeps these feelings and not rarely appears from the world beyond the grave to its friends and benefactors in order to witness its friendship or gratitude to them.

If time allowed I could tell you about many different cases of the souls of the dead appearing to living people. From these appearances, along with the testimony of God’s word, it is clear that a person’s soul does not die after its departure from the body, but lives and will live eternally—in other words, the human soul is immortal. And if the soul is immortal, then whoever has faith in its immortality should be prepared for this; he should arrange his life on earth so that the soul would be prepared for its future life. Earthly life can last only a few decades and is only the beginning of a person’s life—the main, real life will come afterwards and lasts not some decades, but a countless number of years, eternally. This is what every Christian must think about. Each of us must have faith that death is not the end, but only the beginning of life, and therefore we must prepare in advance, in a timely manner for it. It can come at any time. The curtain may close today or tomorrow, and each will go to the place of no return. There will be the reward for all that was done during this brief earthly life.

Brothers! Believe in life beyond the grave, believe in the immortality of the human soul, believe that after death you will live eternally. If you do not believe in this, then you do not believe that the Lord Christ resurrected, and then your faith is in vain. Beware of false teachings and false teachers, who preach and see in death total destruction of the human soul. This is particularly noticeable in our age. But let this age be troubled, trying in the name of reason to base its belief on eternal life; let it find its defense for its deeds in apologists more eloquent than Russo or thinkers more profound and penetrating than Plato. We Christians can await their results without fear. I will remind you only of the final discourse of the greatest of the ancient philosophers with his disciples in the prison in Athens. Socrates was dying, poison was coursing through the great sage’s veins, and his members were growing cold. His disciples, leaning toward him, asked him with worried gaze what is being presented to him after this world; and he, a perspicacious genius, a lofty and sincere soul, had tried to lift the curtain; he tried to show that the human soul is immortal. And with his failing voice he reminded them of all the proof of this great truth! But to what did his efforts lead? Did he reveal this desired truth? Alas! The great genius and philosopher could only say, “Perhaps…” He imagined the future as dark, unclear; and on the eve of his trial words broke from his lips that were filled with melancholy: “If destruction is my lot, I would just the same prefer life, for I have experienced that the best day of my life is not worth one night of tranquil sleep.” This is how the efforts of one of the greatest philosophers and geniuses ended.

But modern philosophy, just like ancient philosophy, has taken a false path. It thought to base belief in the immortality of the human soul through its own efforts. It is sufficient to recall the deaths of such as Roland, Valase, Leba, Condorcet,1 and others. There was no voice of eternity to be heard there.

Philosophy will never be able to base faith in eternal life. And the human soul cannot be satisfied with a single philosophical theory. Needed is a voice from heaven that would proclaim eternal life; and there was this Voice, and we came to believe in Him with our whole soul and whole heart. This Voice encouraged us and all sanely-thinking mankind. But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel (2 Tim. 1:10). Beginning with Jesus Christ, sanely-thinking mankind confesses its faith in life eternal. Beginning with Him, this faith has possessed the hearts of millions of people throughout all ages with such miraculous power, that they went to torments as to a feast—however, not in order to be rid of life like a Hindu who kills himself, and not in order to taste the delights of a sensual paradise, like the followers of Mohamed, but in order to enter into the life of truth, sanctity, and love. We, faithful to Christ God, shall together with the longsuffering Job say, For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God: Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another; though my reins be consumed within me (Job 19:25–27).

In reading through the New Testament of our Lord Jesus Christ I found the words, “eternal life” forty times in it. And I can confirm beyond any doubt that the Savior placed the goal of eternal life in His teaching. Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness (Matt. 6:33), He said. But how could we seek the Kingdom of God if there were no life beyond the grave? The Kingdom of God and His righteousness begins here, within us; but it will be full and eternal after death, for our abode is in the heavens (Phillip. 3:20), but here, on earth we are strangers. This life is a life of waiting, we are temporary travelers seeking for the quiet eternal harbor of heaven. I do not understand the state of the soul of those people who complete their earthly path with all its difficulties without God and His help, without faith and hope. In the most difficult moments of life, in the worst sufferings, there was and is in my heart a triumphant hope, which strengthens me on this thorny path. I consider thus: I do not belong totally to the earth, my earthly life is temporary, but I can suffer, for I know that my sufferings have an aim, which eternity explains to me. I also know that whom God has mercy upon, him does he teach. With this conviction I can suffer. Suffer also, you my brothers, in the hope that your suffering will lead you to the goal. Sew after you and around you your living hope, disperse this hope in the nights of doubt, preach the future life, without which this earthly life would be most senseless, unnecessary, and aimless. Let us believe that now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept (1 Cor. 15:20). Amen.

Delivered in the Kineshma Metropolia, February 8, 1910.

St. Mardarije (Uskoković)
Translation by OrthoChristian.com


 Monsieur Macron


Monsieur Macron

Verdammter Teufel

Voues etes marié avec un garçon

Du verdammter Frosch

Befürwortung eines Atomkriegs

Ihr seid Freunde des Teufels

Wer zerstört die Welt

Wenn Sie ballistische Raketen abfeuern

Gegen Moskau

Bald wirst du Paris zerstört sehen

Du bösartiges Tier


Sie sind der Abschaum des Judentums

Mit Zelensky als Reisebegleiter

Dies ist die bittere Stunde

Vom Untergang Europas

Beleidige Mutter Russland nicht

Aus der Ukraine Hände weg


Samstag, 18. Februar 2023



Месье Макрон

гребаный дьявол

Voues etes marié avec un garçon

Ты кровавая лягушка

Пропаганда ядерной войны

Вы друзья с дьяволом

Кто разрушает мир

Если вы стреляете баллистическими ракетами

Против Москвы

Скоро ты увидишь разрушенный Париж.

Вы злобное животное


Вы отбросы еврейства

С Зеленским в качестве попутчика

Это горький час

Падения Европы

Не оскорбляй матушку Россию

От Украины руки прочь


суббота, 18 февраля 2023 г.



señor macron

maldito diablo

Voues etes marié con un garçon

maldita rana

Abogar por la guerra nuclear

Eres amigo del diablo

Quien destruye el mundo

Si disparas misiles balísticos

contra moscú

Pronto verás París destruido

Tu animal vicioso


Eres la escoria de la juderia

Con Zelensky como compañero de viaje

Esta es la hora amarga

De la caída de Europa

No insultes a la Madre Rusia

Desde Ucrania manos fuera


sábado, 18 de febrero de 2023





Monsieur Macron

Fucking devil

Voues etes marié avec un garçon

You bloody frog

Advocating nuclear war

You are Friends wth the devil

Who destroys the world

If you shoot ballistic missiles

Against Moscow

Soon you ´ll see Paris destroyed

You vitious animal


You are the scum of the Jewry

With Zelensky as travelling companion

This is the bitter hour

Of Europe´s downfall

Don’t insult Mother Russia

From Ukraine hands off


Saturday, 18 February 2023