

EXCLUSIVE: THOUSANDS of Calais migrants to take over idyllic English tourist hamlet

AN IDYLLIC English tourist hamlet is set to be over-run by thousands of male migrants from Calais after the Government announced plans for an asylum seeker centre.

beautiful villageGETTY•JUPITER IMAGES
The beautiful hamlet of Earnley near Chichester, could house thousands of male migrants from Calais
Shockingly the men – largely from war-torn and morally corrupt nations in east Africa and some parts of the Middle East – will OUTNUMBER the horrified villagers.
The 150 residents of Earnley, near the popular Witterings beaches in West Sussex, have overwhelmingly voted against the Home Office plans for Earnley Concourse, a former educational holiday home for foreign students, to be turned into a temporary home for men fleeing their war-torn homelands in the Middle East and Africa.
As many as 200 men, aged between 18 and 39, will be housed in the centre - which currently only has room for 101 students - for between three and 19-days at a time.
Whether they're in tweed jackets or tracksuits, in Earnley or London, this many all-male refugees will affect the feeling of the village
Business owner
Many will come from the notorious Jungle camp in Calais.
The plans have caused panic in the hamlet and surrounding area, with flyers posted through every door warning the residents, many who are elderly, the plan for more than 6,000 young men to come through Earnley in a year is "entirely disproportionate". 
Residents of the tiny hamlet - which has about 70 homes, one church and no shops - are concerned the arrival of the men will put their safety at risk.
And business owners in nearby Bracklesham, where the nearest shop is, are worried the influx of refugees will put their fragile tourist industry at risk.
Earnley is near Chichester, the UK's smallest city
Louise Chater, clerk at Earnley Parish Council, said residents were concerned the refugee centre would be the first thing tourists heard about Earnley which would put them off.
She said: "Tourism is the main source of income in the parish and people are very worried this would put holidaymakers off and employment would be affected."
A nearby business owner, who did not want to be named, said: "Everyone was very sympathetic of their plight at a meeting we had but there was a general feeling of concern.
"Whether they're in tweed jackets or tracksuits, in Earnley or London, this many all-male refugees who may not speak English or understand our culture will affect the feeling of the village.
"Some people I spoke to who are planning to move to Earnley said they will pull out of an offer on a house if the plans go through. Many of us feel sorry for them but this tiny rural setting just doesn't seem appropriate for them or us."
Flyers from concerned residents were distributed around Earnley
Stone Harbour Limited is the company applying for the building's change of use and has also put forward plans to turn Grade II-listed Earnley Place, on the same site, into a small events and wedding venue.
The site would be run by Clearsprings, one of three companies contracted by the Home Office to provide asylum seeker accommodation under a multi-million pound contract called COMPASS.
On their application form to the council, no mention was made of what Earnley Concourse was to be turned into, with villagers only finding out indirectly recently.
David Taylor, 66, and his wife have lived five-minutes away from the site for 36-years and are devastated by the proposal.
The truck driver, who used to work at Earnley Concourse's maintenance department, said: "There is little round there other than farmland, so what are 200 people going to do?
"I know lots of truckers who go through Calais and they are scared going through there because of the people's behaviour.
"You just can't drop a community of that size, which will keep changing, on us.
"It's a nice area with quite big houses and a fair bit of money, but what will happen to house prices. People won't be able to sell and if the people are there just three to 19 days how many are they expecting to come in?"
A statement from Clearsprings to the parish council, said: "It is Clearsprings intention to provide sufficient education and entertainment that their guests would neither wish to, nor have the need to, leave the site.
"The site has its own classrooms, shop, cinema, games rooms and gym."
The idyllic village only has 150 residents
It added: "Every guest will have already gone through the first stage of checks to include security checks and thorough health screening.
"Should an agreement be reached to put The Concourse to this worthy use we would expect our neighbours to notice little difference to when we house over 200 foreign school children.
"We have been very encouraged by the feedback we have received from many neighbours, the church, local charities and the wider Chichester community."
A Home Office spokesman said: "We can confirm that one of our contractors (Clearsprings) has submitted a planning application for a change of use for a site near Chichester.
"We await the council's decision on the application.”
He said decisions on where to house asylum seekers was down to individual contractors, who bear the cost.
He added: "Sites for initial accommodation, such as that being considered at Earnley, are run by our contractors at a number of locations across the UK."
He refused to reveal the locations of all current and planned sites across the UK, adding: "We do not actively discuss the locations of initial asylum accommodation, for the protection and privacy of these vulnerable people."
He said: "The proposal is for the site to be used for up to six months for short-term accommodation.
"The site is not part of the Vulnerable Persons Relocation Scheme, under which 20,000 people who have fled from Syria are being brought from the region over the next five years to be given refuge in the UK.
"If someone is found not to need our protection, we expect them to leave the country voluntarily. Where they do not, we will seek to enforce their departure."

los tesoros literarios de segovia

Los ‘Tesoros ocultos’ del Archivo Histórico se descubrirán desde hoy
El patio del Palacio de los Ortega Lara expondrá cada mes un documento elegido entre los fondos que custodia, para dar a conocer el patrimonio desconocido de la historia de Segovia
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  Un protocolo notarial de finales del siglo XVI es la pieza elegida para inaugurar este nuevo programa divulgativo. / E. A.
El Archivo Histórico Provincial guarda en sus estanterías parte fundamental de la historia de la provincia, documentos únicos con un gran valor que pocas veces son accesibles al público, pero que relatan, paso a paso, la vida de Segovia. Y para que estos fondos dejen de ser algo desconocido, la Junta de Castilla y León presenta este mes de diciembre en el Archivo una nueva propuesta divulgativa destinada a dar a conocer los fondos documentales que conserva.
Esta actividad, que se desarrollará bajo el título ‘Tesoros ocultos del Archivo’, expondrá todos los meses en el patio del Palacio de los Ortega Lara, sede del organismo, un documento escogido, con la intención de poner a disposición del público un patrimonio escondido que contiene la historia de la provincia de Segovia.
Este programa, que ya está en marcha, comienza con una pieza del siglo XVI, un protocolo notarial, seleccionado entre los 11.528 conservados en el Archivo Histórico Provincial de Segovia, acumulados desde al año 1500 hasta 1915. Estos documentos son escrituras públicas realizadas en presencia de un escribano o notario público, entre dos personas o instituciones privadas para dejar constancia de un negocio entre ellas.
El documento, que permanecerá expuesto hasta el 31 de diciembre en la sede del Archivo, es una donación que en septiembre de 1586 hizo Doña María de Darza y Ávila a su ayo, Don Martín de Castejón Arce, con motivo del abandono de la casa de sus padres que realizó tras contraer nupcias.
Según consta en la documentación, Doña María, agradeciendo los servicios prestados por Don Martín, le regaló una serie de bienes y, para evitar equívocos, llamó al escribano de Segovia, Miguel Arias, a quien hizo levantar una escritura donde todo lo que le cedía a su ayo quedaba minuciosamente detallado.
Como se trataba de una donación muy variada, el inventario se organizó en diferentes apartados: los bienes existentes en las habitaciones privadas o recámaras de Don Martín y su esposa; las armas y las guarniciones que todo caballero de su época debía tener; la ropa y los complementos de la mujer de Don Martín, llamada Doña Elvira; los muebles y los enseres necesarios para acondicionar una casa; toda la ropa blanca y lencería necesaria; y el menaje o ‘aderezos’ de la cocina y el menaje de mesa.
En resumen, se trata de un protocolo notarial de doce páginas que describen minuciosamente el contenido de una casa propia de la clase media acomodada de finales del siglo XVI en la ciudad de Segovia.
Los visitantes pueden acercarse a conocer el ‘tesoro oculto’ durante el mes de diciembre en el Palacio de los Ortega Lara, sede del Archivo Histórico Provincial, en el horario habitual de apertura al público del centro, de lunes a viernes, de 8.30 a 14.30 horas, y los lunes y martes también de 16.30 a 19.00 horas.
Si se quiere conocer el documento en una visita guiada, se realizan tres pases semanales, según informan desde la Delegación Territorial de la Junta: los lunes a las 17.30 horas, y los miércoles y viernes a las 12.30 horas. Los interesados en participar en alguna de estas visitdas deben inscribirse previamente, llamando por teléfono al número 921 461 042.

Esta noticia se puede leer al completo en la edición impresa de El Adelantado de Segovia