



Cuco cuquiello

rebiquín de escoba

ya me dirás

cuanto me queda

para mi boda

luces magnas

noches sagradas

del mes de enero

cuando la gata del Roxu

tuvo ya el celo

la noche es día

en la Concha de Artedo.

Y al rescoldo

de la chimenea

que templa los huesos frios

de la provecta senectud

Cantemos a los caldos

de las Caldas

de Narcea

El vino vitrix es vida

Gaudeamus igitur.

Doy besinos al xarro

cada trago

un recuerdo

de la mocedad

del ayer

Cada ósculo un consuelo

Vinum bonum

alarga la vida

del viellu.

Cuco cucliellu

rabicán de escoba

cantando en mi huerto

dime cuanto queda

para mi entierro.

Oyendo tus silbos sonoros

quedo trashoguero

al amor de la lumbre

en la tarde de enero

Asciende el humo

miro extasiado consumirse

el tuero que fue rama

del árbol caído en el monte

mientras brama

la mar toda

en el hondón del Cudillero

 El triste testimonio de los hermanos de La Soledad: “Se nos rompe el alma de no poder procesionar”

La Soledad podrá ser venerada a lo largo de toda la semana en su capilla

La Semana Santa comienza y las hermandades se preparan para venerar a sus imágenes en compañía de todos los fieles. Este sábado comenzó la veneración pública de la imagen de Nuestra Señora de La Soledad, en el día en el que se celebraría el tradicional besamanos. El entorno de la Soledad ha sido decorada para la ocasión por los hermanos de capilla, el grupo de camareras, los representantes de la catedral, el hermano mayor, las hermanas de paso, la jefa de paso y los dos jefes de paso de la hermandad.

La devoción mariana con más seguimiento de Salamanca, en los últimos años era visitada por más de 10.000 personas. Este año se están llevando a cabo medidas especiales para evitar aglomeraciones, por lo que será expuesta a lo largo de toda la semana y no solo un día.

Thank you for watching

Todos los hermanos hacen turnos para controlar aforo, vigilar el recorrido y asegurarse de que se guardan la distancia social.




Sofia, March 26, 2021

Photo: mitropolia-sofia.orgPhoto: mitropolia-sofia.org    

In Bulgaria, the feast of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos is also celebrated as the Christian holiday of women and mothers. On the occasion of the double feast this year, the Metropolis of Sofia honored a number of women health workers for their “dedicated care for human health and life … in the fight against the coronavirus.”

With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Neofit, Sofia clergy distributed red roses and icons to all the women working at the Pirogov University Hospital and the Military Medical Academy in the capital providing round-the-clock care for the sick, reports the diocesan press service.

The clergy conveyed the gratitude and well-wishes of Pat. Neofit, emphasizing that the Church appreciates their work and prays for them daily. “On this day, we decided to express our gratitude for the flowers in our lives, such as women. We wish you to be alive and healthy, loved and appreciated,” said Archimandrite Siluan, abbot of the St. Petka Monastery in Bistristsa, just south of the capital.

“We heal the bodies, and you heal the souls! Thank you!” said Dr. Snezha Bakharova, head of one of the COVID departments at Pirogov Hospital.

In his epistle for the feast of the Annunciation, in addition to expounding upon the theological and spiritual meaning of the day, Pat. Neofit also drew attention to the heroic Christian struggles of mothers:

For the holy Orthodox Church, this day is also a day of paying homage and respect to the woman, to the Christian woman, who with love and zeal for God and God’s house builds her family up as a little church of God and raises and educates her children in the spirit of Christ ‘s love and of the virtues bequeathed to us by Christ the Savior, guided faithfully by the example of the holy family of the Most Holy Virgin and of her own, in her obedience to God’s will. Let us pay tribute to those around us who every day imperceptibly combine prayer with their motherly care for us, who are a true support to their families and to our entire Church community. Let us greet them from the bottom of our hearts by repaying their love with love, care with care, devotion with devotion. Let us be inspired by their zeal, patience, and self-sacrificing devotion, and give them what they deserve and not begrudge them any time and attention.

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STABAT MATER letra himno en latin de la liturgia del Viernes de dolores escriuto por Celano en el siglo XIII


Stabat sancta María, cœli Regína et mundi Dómina, juxta Crucem Dómini nostri Jesu Christi dolorósa.
Thren 1:12
O vos omnes, qui tránsitis per viam, atténdite et vidéte, si est dolor sicut dolor meus.

Stabat Mater dolorósa
Juxta Crucem lacrimósa,
Dum pendébat Fílius.

Cujus ánimam geméntem,
Contristátam et doléntem
Pertransívit gládius.

O quam tristis et afflícta
Fuit illa benedícta
Mater Unigéniti!

Quæ mærébat et dolébat,
Pia Mater, dum vidébat
Nati pœnas íncliti.

Quis est homo, qui non fleret,
Matrem Christi si vidéret
In tanto supplício?

Quis non posset contristári,
Christi Matrem contemplári
Doléntem cum Fílio?

Pro peccátis suæ gentis
Vidit Jesum in torméntis
Et flagéllis súbditum.

Vidit suum dulcem
Natum Moriéndo desolátum,
Dum emísit spíritum.

Eja, Mater, fons amóris,
Me sentíre vim dolóris
Fac, ut tecum lúgeam.

Fac, ut árdeat cor meum
In amándo Christum Deum,
Ut sibi compláceam.

Sancta Mater, istud agas,
Crucifixi fige plagas
Cordi meo válida.

Tui Nati vulneráti,
Tam dignáti pro me pati,
Pœnas mecum dívide.

Fac me tecum pie flere,
Crucifíxo condolére,
Donec ego víxero.

Juxta Crucem tecum stare
Et me tibi sociáre
In planctu desídero.

Virgo vírginum præclára.
Mihi jam non sis amára:
Fac me tecum plángere.

Fac, ut portem Christi mortem,
Passiónis fac consórtem
Et plagas recólere.

Fac me plagis vulnerári,
Fac me Cruce inebriári
Et cruóre Fílii.

Flammis ne urar succénsus,
Per te, Virgo, sim defénsus
In die judícii.

Christe, cum sit hinc exíre.
Da per Matrem me veníre
Ad palmam victóriæ.

Quando corpus moriétur,
Fac, ut ánimæ donétur
Paradísi glória.

 Esta es una de las mejores novelas que leí en mi vida, acaso la mejor,

Hora 25
por Vintila Horia, publicada el año 1954 bajo el seudonimo de Virgil Georgiu. Destripa el mito del Holocausto porque no fueron solo judíos los que murieron en los campos. Los hubo de todas las nacionalidades austriacos, húngaros, checos, estonios, noruegos y en en el frente de batalla perecieron treinta millones de rusos, quince millones de alemanes, franceses e ingleses y norteamericanos entre elloscerca de doce millones. y otra idea que hay que tener en cuenta Hitler no solo fue el culpable de la guerra mundial. había fuerzas ocultas

Cartagena puerto de mar


Ah Cartagena mía mirando al mar tirreno

Nuestra armada contra todos domó al turco

puso fuga al inglés

echó a pique a los quingombós

la marinería zarpa a lejanos mares

un hidalgo pasea por la calle

un periodista entrevista a Miguel de Cervantes

recién liberado

por un fraile con cerquillo y ceceante

de los baños de Argel vengo madre

y a los álamos de Castilla

los menea el aire

roma augusta

en el anfiteatro

Amilcar Barca en su trono

y un barco negrero Ong

que transporta inmigrantes

arriba rebosante de negras parturientas

España para ellos es la tierra prometida

son los nuevos esclavos

nuestros marinos no bloquean los mares

obedecen las ordenes del gran hermano

Antes de romper amarras

me tomo un café

en un alegre tupis

en cuyas mesas se sentaron Viullamil, Concas y Cervera, Gracina, Churruca y Suances

insignes lobos de mar avezados capitanes

El cartagenero huele a mar

y a broncas ordenanzas del almirante

los mejores mareantes aquí posaron

raudal de españolía

y por España derramaron su sangre

una alegre bandada de escolares

sale del museo romano

son la esperanza de España


izo el pabellón de combate

proa al viento con mi pluma

tajando los mares

navego de bolina

y contracorriente


aun resuenan en san ginés los ecos de la música polifónica de Tomás de Vitoria que fue de esta clerecía 




On the Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas


Brethren, today we celebrate a great Father of our Church and champion of Orthodoxy: Gregory Archbishop of Thessaloniki, the Palamas. His memorial is ordained by the Holy Church on the second Sunday of the Fast to indicate that, in St. Gregory, the Triumph of Orthodoxy over heresies (which we celebrated last Sunday) continues. St. Gregory did not introduce new doctrines to Orthodox theology; he simply mounted a defense of the treasured, mature, dogmatic tradition. Not everything that is ancient is venerable or honorable—indeed, many heresies are ancient. We must discern the Truth in all things. The Truth is eternal and immutable. The Orthodox theologians simply expand on this essence—they never add or subtract from it. St. Paul commands Christians to pray without ceasing. This is the total unification of the soul to Christ, wherein we can confess with the Apostle Paul: “It is not I who live, but Christ who lives in me.” It is not enough for a man to be born of water and the spirit, that is, to receive the holy sacraments of Baptism and Chrismation; it is necessary to not “quench” the Spirit. It is necessary to “abide in the vine.” How do we accomplish this? Through the constant memory of God: through the conscious knowledge that our life is His, and we must live for Him! “And that I live not for myself alone, but for Thee, my Master and Benefactor”, as we read in the Post-Communion prayers.

And yet it is not possible to abide in the vine or to confess that I am a new man in Christ if I do not show the gifts of the Spirit in the flesh. If I preach to others while I myself am a servant of sin, I run in vain. It’s important to be circumspect, for, as we are taught, “the days are evil.” Sin abides in the world, and as the Lord tells us, the αρχον, the leader or prince of this world is the evil one. He will consistently, through history, engage a portion of humanity unto his service. And these unfortunate ones knowingly, but perhaps mostly unconsciously, will aid and abet his will. This is evidenced through history. In our times we see it manifest in those who refuse to submit to Christ, and to the Gospel, and to the teachings of the Church. There are those outside of the Church who display this spirit of rebellion, and those within the Church—clergy and laity alike—who in their dispositions display symptoms of this rebellion. In all things, it is important to submit to the Truth, which is Christ. To hear His eternal voice echoing in the pages of the Gospel. And to become, ourselves, living Gospels through the sanctification which flows through the Holy Mysteries. Therefore, at each opportunity, tired or not, inconvenienced or not, we should cease making excuses as to the road, or as to the journey, or as to the elements, in the words of St. John Chrysostom. Let us be men and women of mature, principled Christian convictions. In the Great Canon we heard, “Come, let us pass over the unstable river of time.” Time. It has its limit, it runs by us, the days turn into months and years and then we will all face the eternal judgment seat. And it is unstable: we live in an unstable reality wherein at any moment the worse could occur. We must center on Christ so we may pass all these trials and be vouchsafed to worthily stand before the Son of Man. We must remain united in Christ. And whoever is not united to Christ now... how can he claim Salvation? Having known and willingly ignored the Church’s commandments, how can such a one inherit the Kingdom?

St. Gregory Palamas teaches us how one may be united with Christ, he shows us the road wherein the Pauline saying, It is Christ who lives in me becomes an incarnate reality for us. And this occurs in prayer. Prayer is a simple matter. We require God’s mercy. It is a popular tradition for people to phone the priest, or perhaps a monastery, to explain a particular problem or issue and request prayers. This is fine and pious. Once, one monk told me that it isn’t absolutely necessary to go into such details. God knows the need of each one and his or her circumstances. We must run to “Him... who knows each one and his circumstances, who knew each one from his mother’s womb” (Liturgy of St. Basil). His mercy is all that we require for the soul’s healing and unification with Christ. What better prayer, or what more beautiful prayer could there be than the following prayer: Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me, a sinner? Though brief, it contains the whole evangelical truth. It confesses Jesus Christ is the Lord God, it confesses that we are sinners, and it confesses that we are in need of mercy. The mercy, the grace of God is what enlivens and quickens. It is God’s attribute; it is what lowers to Hades and Raises again (Lenten Matins). The word for oil and mercy in Greek is the same word. The Good Samaritan—Christ—pours oil (mercy) on the wounds of the man fallen amidst the robbers (the demons and sin). Are we not this wounded man? Does Christ not mercifully heal our wounded-by-pride nature? And yet, how can He accomplish His work if He does not find us to be willing participants and co-workers in the furthering of His Kingdom? At Holy Thursday we will hear, “I no longer call you servants, I call you friends.” If our God calls us friends, why do we not desire to enter into this friendship of communion with Him? Could it be possible that, should we continue in the idleness we prayer to be delivered from in St. Ephraim’s Lenten Prayer, we may neglect so great a salvation?

The hesychastic, mystical Tradition of the Orthodox Church as defended by St. Gregory Palamas is our recourse and aid in our predicament. We are caught in a cycle of passions and sins. Seeking union with Christ is the salvific answer to the soul’s wounded condition. Despite the evident scriptural and patristic evidence that supports hesychasm—“If a man loves me and does my commandments my Father and I will come and make our abode in him”—hesychasm historically faced an onslaught from the rational thinkers of St. Gregory’s time, particularly those Greeks affiliated with western positions, many of whom eventually ended their lives within the Latin Church. One such man was St. Gregory’s principal opponent, Barlaam. Barlaam of Calabria was a Greek by birth; whether he converted to Orthodoxy or was born Orthodox is a matter of debate. The crux of the matter is that having gained imperial favor in the East, Barlaam set in motion an intricate attempt to discredit Orthodox monasticism. St. Gregory rose as a champion of Orthodoxy against Barlaam, and in a series of writings called the Triads, St. Gregory defends the age-old Orthodox positions. Namely, that the union of God and man - Theosis - via the conquering of the passions, stillness in the heart (Hesychasm means “stillness” from the Greek, ησυχία), unceasing prayer... which leads to apathy (dispassion) and finally, θεωρία wherein one beholds Christ, envisioning His uncreated energy by beholding the Uncreated Light—in the measure that one can handle—as the disciples did on Mount Tabor at the Transfiguration. This, in other words, is Salvation. Notice that salvation is not a consequence of a certain number of pious works, being a “good person” or being “nice” or “polite”. Salvation is not the consequence of living a personal faith, in the sense that no amount of personal prayer (if it is divorced from the sacramental life of the Church) or the following of “online services” can save.

The Church is Liturgy and Liturgy is the incarnation of Christ and His Kingdom in the world. In the Liturgy, Christ is manifest in the Eucharistic elements. He is consumed but never exhausted, sanctifying those who partake of Him in fear and love. Therefore, Liturgy is absolutely indispensable to our Christian life and our process of Theosis. I fear, however, that in our age of “me”, where every man and woman has become a self-proclaimed expert on a host of issues both ecclesiastical and not, we run the real risk of a “parallel” “at-home” “Orthodoxy” being created wherein believers “condition” themselves to living a pseudo-Church life divorced from any real parish. The Liturgy was the focal point of village life in the average European village, East and West. Today, Christ is not the focus but man has made himself his own god and he is the focus of everything. The pride of life infects fallen man and deceives him into placing a roster of items and pastimes before Liturgy. Christian, you have a holy obligation without fail to attend the Liturgy piously and to commune of the Holy Mysteries. If the old men and women of nineteenth century Greece could walk eight hours one way through mountains, at night, to attend a Liturgy in some heremitic chapel, then what excuse do we have today? We have absolutely no excuse. I have never understood how children can be sent to play hockey at five a.m., how they can get to school by 8:45 a.m. without fail, and yet Liturgy is too much, it’s too complicated, and it’s too early. The devil will create one thousand excuses for you to keep you and your children away from Christ in the Liturgy. No more, no less.

Salvation is the incarnation of the God-Man in the heart and the heart’s turning toward the God-Man in a union of intimate prayer and communion. And none of this, it must be emphasized, is practiced apart from the Church’s sacramental life. On the contrary, hesychasm and the unceasing prayer is a natural consequence of living the sacramental ecclesial life of Orthodoxy. The practice of the noetic prayer complements the sacraments: it does not replace them. Rather, the practice of the Jesus prayer—Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me—places the soul in the proper disposition to worthily commune of the Holy Mysteries unto sanctification and deification-Theosis. This is the exact concept that St. Gregory defended against the heretical Barlaam. Today, we must be imitators of the holy fathers not only in words, but also in deeds. Let us heed the example of St. Gregory as we seek to live our Orthodoxy sacramentally in the Liturgy, having as our aid the prayer, Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me. If we live such a sacramental life, then at our personal judgment we will experience Christ not as fire but as mercy. Do we wish to meet Christ in His mercy, in the heavenly kingdom, which is the eternal liturgy? Then, sanctifying our souls with the constant mention of His Name, let us stick as bees around a honeycomb to the Church's sacramental life, to the Divine Liturgy, in all sincerity, and in all piety. Through the prayers of St. Gregory, may we acquire such love and desire to meet Christ in the Liturgy, and in the ceaseless invocation of His Holy Name. May God’s mercy cover us all as we approach the mid-point of the Lenten Season as we journey within the Ark of Salvation, the Church, to the Feast of Feasts, the Holy Pascha.


 Open letter to my English ex from an Spaniard worried about Covid

dear Mrs Parra

I feel sorrowful about my past, my sins, my doubts, my errors. Two wrongs dont make a right you use to say. Forget the past I am a bit scared about the present with the bombarding of news about the pest Covid. I would like to know if your are well. I survived but I dont dare to use other means of comnnication than my blog, since I was turned off. Probably you are married again and my petition of news could be embarrasing to your family. I married. I thougt I was unworthy and you were in a new relation. I did but this is true I have been very un happy. You ere always in my mind and I cannot get rid of those memories. Merry England was the best part of my days near you Probabily you are right and I should pay for my mistakes. I hope you are well in good spirits. All my love. So many stories I have inside me that my pen is unable to convey them in  here, they dont fit in a simple letter. 

In any case if you want any thing contact. I am here at your service. Anyway stay well, excuse my daring and SALUTEM PLURIMAM (lots of healthy days)



Han ganado

Me lo dijo la vez una rusa

Luché contra el veredicto

Se ha cumplido

Entrego mis armas

Pero no mi pluma

Antes me refugié en el vino

No era sabia la medida

Yo me ciño el cíngulo de la plegaria

Dios perdone mis pecados

La soberbia tal vez

Y la cupiditas sapiendi

¿Para que tantos libros

Que físicamente me engordaron

Y socialmente me hicieron un perdedor?

¿Tengo mi alma en mi almario?

Me pusieron la túnica blanca de los locos

Caminé por el desierto dando voces

Sin que nadie me escuchara

Lloro mis pecados

Entre ellos la glotonería

Un poco de lujuria atormentada e irreal

np voene mal

pero es whisful thinking

Nunca la hipocresía

Fumo mi pipa

Y canto los salmos

Obedezco la señal de los tiempos

Del Zeitgeist

Manos arriba

Durante muchos años di coces al aguijón

Siguiendo a Xto

Por rebelde lo crucificaron

Cansado de mi soledad

Y de que me tomen por loco

Enarbolo bandera blanca

Soy un perdedor

Que ganará el Reino de los Cielos

Por su paciencia

bandera blanca enarbolando voy

via dolorosa del Golgotha