




A mí la legión este es uno de esos pocos libros que te hacen vibrar que sientan pauta y abre escuela dentro de una imperfección novelística que resulta perfección. La escribió Pedro García Suarez de un tirón entre ceniceros llenos de tabaco a la luz de un flexo y a lápiz. Fue un best seller en 1943 cuando su autor recién llegado de la guerra y mutilado la escribió en horas arrebatadas al sueño consumada su jornada laboral. Su padre fue fusilado por la horda que arrasó el palacete indiano en que moraba la familia.

García Suarez venía de una aldea próxima a Luarca y estuvo conectado con el grupo de escritores falangistas o carlistas como Evaristo Casariego que fueron purgados por el régimen franquista a causa de sus ideas avanzadas. En el caso del autor de “Legión” implicaban la revolución social.

Desdeñaban tanto a la derecha comodona y cobarde de la Ceda tanto como al Frente Popular. Ambas facciones estaban integradas por señoritos. “Luchamos para acabar con el hambre, el analfabetismo, la incultura, ignorancia y la opresión. Objetivo: la creación de una España nueva alegre y en paz”.

Por eso se alistó en la legión. En círculos eclesiales no cayó bien por sospecha de nociones sicalípticas, puterío, palabrotas.

Le pasó lo mismo a Eugenio García Serrano cuya “Diario para un macuto” fue prohibido a instancias del primado de Toledo Pla y Daniel. En desafecto con el sistema se fue a México. A otro escritor asturiano Faustino González Ayer le pasó igual, según me contaba cuando íbamos paseando por Manhattan de caballero legionario pasó a ser un jodido cojo.

Él me habló de la persecución sorda de que fueron objeto aquellos próceres que después de ganar una terrible guerra entregaron la cuchara y se largaron. El luarqués emigró a México y no volvió a escribir, nunca más se supo de él.

Los historiadores de la literatura de posguerra como Martínez Cachero en su libro sobre la novelística contemporánea lo ignora, pero Pedro García Suarez se manifiesta en este libro que a mí me parece un canto a la legión uno de los grandes literatos que ha dado al mundo la Villa Blanca que siempre fue sede de buenos narradores.

Surgen personajes inolvidables como el servidor de una ametralladora en los combates de la Universitaria que le faltaban dos falanges en los dedos lo que no le impedía manejar la “tartamuda” con suma habilidad.

 Describe el ambiente de la Ciudad de Málaga con una emoción que trasciende de sus paisajes sus gentes el habla. Si Palacio Valdés sabe interpretar el genio de Sevilla mejor que nadie, he aquí que este asturiano capta la belleza de esas tierras al sur cuando se pasea por la malagueña calle Larios.

Dos asturianos haciéndose cargo del sentido del humor andaluz que es  diferente e hiperbólico, más que el de Oviedo tan sutil, nos hacen reír. Los temas clave de este libro son el amor y la muerte. Analiza el por qué los legionarios se proclaman novios de la muerte. Bajando el pistón y en otra escala vienen el vino y las mujeres. Ya lo dice la copla:

A la legión le gusta el vino

A la legión le gusta el ron

A la legión le gustan las mujeres

A las mujeres les gusta la legión

El libro está dedicado a Millán Astray fundador del Tercio “que nació tres veces; la última sin un brazo y sin un ojo”

Con mi novela quien encontrará a la mujer fuerte me adelanté a los tiempos que vivimos



No tengo abuela ya pero este comentario de una amiga me ha llenado de orgullo. La tenía por ahí arrumbada. No se vendieron muchos ejemplares. La escribí de un tirón unas 250 páginas y su publicación en una editorial pirata fue una pesadilla.


 Ocurrió una novela dentro de una novela pero poniendo en antecedentes al que leyere creo que una mano me guiaba. Hay un soplo profético flotando por sus páginas. En algunas cláusulas no me re reconozco.


 El autor pare su obra, la lanza al corral de la vida, corta el cordón umbilical, rompe la placenta y el hijo literario se transforma en un ser independiente.  Con vida propia.


 Es una sátira de lo que está pasando. Una parábola de la gran soledad moderna, de la falta de asideros. Hemos perdido el centro. Se vive en la mentira y el disimulo sirviendo a los tres grandes dioses de la modernidad: Moloch, Mammon y Príapo, esto es la guerra, el dinero y el sexo.


 Se venera a la urna como el gran tótem. Los romanos escondían habas en la toga y emitían su veredicto echándolas en una orza que luego rompían los arúspices. El voto era personal e intransferible. Y tenía algo de hecho sagrado y litúrgico pero ahora en la sociedad global votamos entre la coacción y el pucherazo como acaba de suceder en Irlanda.


 Ha venido Mr. Muddy. ¿Quién es ese mister? Pues nada menos que Barroso el lusitano jefe de toda la hueste eurocrata. Es noticia sólo aquello que yo quiero que lo sea y se elige al que a mí me de la gana, dice el Gran Marrano el gran personaje de Quien encontrará a la Mujer Fuerte, el ojo que todo lo ve, la mente que todo lo escudriña. El que apacienta sus piaras de cerdas. El gran pastor y el gran borrego. Otra versión de Satán. Gracias a sus mañas creemos vivir en la democracia pero esto es una autocracia sometida al yugo de un tirano invisible.


La Bolsa o la vida. No. La Prensa oiga. Son las dos columnas sobre las que se alza el templo del Gran Hermano.  No se me despinta. Ya no te me escapas. Vivimos tiempos recios. De la dictadura del proletariado hemos pasado a la dictadura de los partidos políticos, a la corrupción, al mamoneo, al pelotazo. Acaban de resucitar los gigantes.


Todo eso lo puse en mi novela. Y como muestra un botón. Va este párrafo:


“el gran jefe de la gendarmería se había fugado al extranjero burlando a los topos del gran Marrano. Se había marchado a ultramar diz que en compañía de una corista o un cabo de la legión… todo eran tártagos y batidores para el Gran Filipo, sin que el Porquerizo supremo se inmutase lo más mínimo. Semejantes efluvios de corrupción eran efluvios de perfume francés para sus narices habituadas a los miasmas de la Mentira en las pocilgas. Sus palacios no eran sino zahúrdas… Iba por el mundo con una urna al hombro pero no era una urna sino un inmenso ataúd en cuyo interior se bamboleaban millones de cadáveres”


Creo haber dado a la estampa una hermosa parábola. En el libro hay muchas claves. La narración se mueve en un plano filosófico en el que salen a la luz las siguientes ideas:

-        No hay vida interior sino exterior.

-        El odio ha sustituido al amor pero el odio como todas las formas negativas no es creativo puesto que el sistema se alimenta de violencias y tiene en sus manos los poderosos medios de comunicación que son las herramientas con que esparce el miedo. Así sus súbditos están mejor controlados.

-        Atomismo. La globalización ha fomentado los separatismos y el terrorismo siguiendo la norma cesárea de divide y vencerás. Toda una paradoja. La gran unidad fomenta la desunión de los pequeños.

-        Urnas y mortajas. El hombre experimental, clonado, mentes fruto de la manipulación genética. Se lanzan iconos molde. Hay que seguir los módulos y el patrón de una imagen. Ser del montón. Esta es una especie de afán de cría de seres humanos. Ya lo dije Orwell en la granja del gran cofrade.

-        Charlatanería, legitimismo, pleitos, rábulas. La bolsa y la prensa. La política como género literario. La gran mentira se convierte en blabla pues la política nada tiene que ver con el día a día de la vida del ciudadano.

-        Ambiente de guerra pero las guerras en medio de este vértigo desatado de laicismo van a ser todas religiosas.

-        Son embargo el protagonista un diacono que se convierte a la ortodoxia mira a Cristo alzarse sobre el cosmos. Él es el centro de la estudia. Un icono de la Virgen María rasga las nubes del cielo. Se escuchan cánticos. En Rusia. De allí vendrá la salvación de la humanidad y del cristianismo. Roma está corrompida y el Vaticano es un nido de víboras. Metanoite. Convertíos.

-        La vida exige como principio elementos positivos. Nuestro amor debe de superar al odio. La venganza ha de ser sustituida por el perdón. Se llega así a una suerte de quietismo. Con un consejo siéntate a la puerta de tu casa y verás pasar el féretro del que te odia. Ten paciencia, sufre con longanimidad las adversidades y oprobios y espera la venida del reino de Dios.

-        La revolución es satánica. Los pactos con el diablo suelen abocar a la perdición de los compromisarios de tan fatídico personaje que hoy reina en el mundo. Se habla mucho del 666. pero el Señor permite estos cataclismos históricos no como castigo sino a efectos de purificación. Él sabe escribir con letras torcidas y de estos cambios suelen sacarse ventajas.



Estas son a grandes rasgos las ideas que me propuse manejar a la vista del gran giro que da el mundo a partir de 1989. Los ojos del diacono quedan clavados en la mirada de la Virgen Maria y en la escena final que tiene por marco un cementerio en un cerro ve los cuerpos gloriosos de los resucitados.


 Entre los que se encuentra su padre soldadito de la Blau quien saluda y besa a los ruskis contra los que combatió en el lago Ilmen. Sí, al cabo de esta inmensa pesadilla, el amor es posible y el perdón. Pero todo en clave de sátira y en clave de buen humor. Esto no ha de faltar en una buena novela como tampoco el lenguaje de la calle.


Yo les recomendaría esta novela como vademécum para andar por este laberinto que es la España de la transición en el finiseculo. En cuatro largos capítulos. Les aseguro que pasarán un buen rato.



Por Millán Sacramenta Artedo (seudónimo)

Madrid 1997,253 pp. En cuarto menor

Precio 8€.

Envío por correo certificado a España 4.39€

Pedidos: contactar Antonio Parra mail


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La puerta es estrecha y lleno de contradicciones y de renuncias está el Reino de los cielos. Cristo no era de este mundo estaba en el mundo vino a los suyos y los suyos y no lo recibieron. Es más difícil que un rico se salve que un camello pase por el ojo de una aguja. A esas me atengo para refutar a los tramposos y los prevaricadores a los que se arrogan virtudes que no les pertenecen. El orgullo y la soberbia matan. Los lujuriosos se arrojan al precipicio de las carnales pasiones y santifican la sodomía. Se vuelva yerma su esperma. Feministas que adoran a la serpiente. Surgen cataclismos y hay angustia entre las gentes. Ayer vi cómo un capador emasculaba a una verraco símbolo de los ateos que se tienen la tea y hacen equilibrios en la cuerda floja de la ingratitud, hijos de los abismos, pájaros de fantasía y políticos de todos los colores, bajo el predominio de lo hodierno. Otro toro que ese no vale. Vamos a unas elecciones generales en que se sabe quien será de antemano el ganador. Están engañando al pueblo con sus perversiones. Dos embajadas muñieron el enredo de convertir a esos pijoflautas y descamisados en ganadores, con su varita mágica de trocar lo blanco en negro y de convertir el agua en vino. Mientras don Tancredo se pone de pérfil, España se asemeja a las Bodas de Caná con mucha química donde te aniquilan enviandote por correo un maletín infectado de virus que inyectan en el cuerpo del que molesta células cancerigenas. ¿Ha llegado la hora del Apocalipsis? Mensajes dentro de la botella, cartas al vacío, y bostezos.

Por eso leemos, con buen criterio, a los buenos escritores rusos como Goncharov, apóstol de la indolencia y de la accidia, y nos recostamos en el diván televisivo viendo pasar imágenes. Nada se puede hacer. Nuestra voluntad está inhibida y nuestra mente alienada por los sitcoms. Mejor, no pensar. Que inventen ellos. Ahora entiendo a Unamuno.

Gogol hacía examen de conciencia sobre nuestras pesadillas diurnas y nocturnas. Monstruos imbéciles, reinas de las mañanas, vestidas de faralaes, atontadas que cantan viejas coplas que ya no inspiran a nadie.

El gran autor ruso ucraniano imbuido de espíritu mesiánico se propuso salvar al mundo.

Decepcionado el 11 de febrero de 1852 echó al fuego sus libros. Se perdieron sus mejores escritos en aquel auto de fe personal. Diez años después fallecería victima de un cáncer en medio de atroces sufrimientos. Sin embargo su arte se refleja en las obras que se salvaron de la quema las almas Muertas los Cuentos de Nochebuena. Al mundo lo salvará el látigo de un cosaco. Este genio ruso a través de la palabra tuvo una visión anticipada del edén cabalga de nuevo. En el cielo los ángeles ríen. Gogol quiso transportar el sentido del humor y la sátira a ese paraíso ortodoxo que tan bien describe a través de la fe de sus atamanes.

Tal vez, enmendándole la plana al Salvador, porque los cristos están rotos de dolor y de cansancio, no prorrumpen jamás en carcajadas, quería inculcarnos una espiritualidad amable e incluso cómica. Son lirios puros del campo, sin embargo, esos cristos SE NOS APARECEN DOLIENTES Y DERRUMBADOS POR EL MISTERIO DE LA ABNEGACIOÓN Y EL DOLOR.

letra del canon cuaresmal de san andres de creta por el patriarca cirilo de todas las rusias



Ode 1

A Helper and a Protector has become salvation to me.
This is my God, I will glorify Him.
God of my fathers
I will exalt Him for in glory was He glorified.
Have mercy on us, O God, have mercy on us.

Deliberately have I imitated blood thirsty Cain, O Lord, enlivening my flesh while murdering my soul by striking it with my evil deeds.

I have not resembled Abel in his righteousness, O Jesus, never having offered to You actions worthy of God, pure gifts, an appropriate sacrifice, an unblemished Life.

Like Cain, O my wretched soul, my offering to the Creator of all has been filthy deeds, a polluted sacrifice, and a worthless Life, and like him I now stand condemned.

You formed my flesh and bones as a Potter, O my Creator, my Redeemer and my Judge, by moulding clay into flesh and infusing in it the breath of Life. Accept me now as I return to You.

O my Saviour, I confess the sins which I have committed, the wounds which murderous thoughts, like thieves within me, have inflicted on my soul and body.

Thought I have sinned, O Saviour, I know that in Your love for mankind Your punishment is merciful and Your compassion profound. Seeing my tears You will run to me as the Father calling His lost son.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

O Trinity above all essence and worshiped as One God, take from me the heavy burden of sin, and since You are compassionate grant me tears of repentance.

Now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

O Theotokos, Hope and Protection of those who sing to you, take from me the heavy burden of sin and as one pure Lady accept me as I repent.

Ode 2

Attend O heaven and I will speak,
I will sing of Christ,
Who from the Virgin took flesh to dwell with us.
Have mercy on us, O God, have mercy on us.

Sin stripped me of the garment created for me by God, leaving me in a coat of skin.

Sensing his shame, Adam dressed himself in fig leaves, and like him I now wear a garment of shame which reveals my many passions.

A soiled garment clothes me, one shamefully stained with blood flowing from a Life of passion and love of fleshly things.

I fell beneath the weight of the passions and the corruption of my flesh, and from that moment has the Enemy had power over me.

Instead of seeking poverty of spirit I prefer a Life of greed and self gratification. Therefore, O Saviour, a heavy weight hangs from my neck.

Joseph's was a splendid coat of many colours, but mine is one of shameful thoughts, which condemns me even as it covers my flesh.

I persist in caring only for my outer garment, while neglecting the temple within me, one made in the image of God.

The woman searched her house for the lost coin until she found it. Now the beauty of my original image is lost, O Saviour, buried in passion. Come and as she did, search to recover it.

Like the prostitute I cry to You, O Saviour, that I have sinned. I alone have sinned against You! But accept my tears as You did hers when she came to anoint Your feet.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

O God of all, I sing of You as One yet Three in Person, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

O Most holy Theotokos, Virgin alone praised everywhere, pray fervently that we may be saved.

Ode 3

Establish, O Lord, my unstable heart
on the rock of Your commandments for only You are holy and the Lord.
Have mercy on us, O God, have mercy on us.

In You, the Destroyer of death, have I found the Fountain of Life, and now from the heart cry out before my death, "I have sinned. Be merciful and save me!"

I have sinned, Lord, I have sinned against You, but be merciful to me, though there is no one whose sins I have not surpassed.

I have imitated those who in the days of Noah indulged themselves, and like them I deserve to perish in a flood.

Noah's son Ham failed to conceal his father's nakedness, and even dared to look at him in his shame. And you, my soul, in your treatment of your neighbour have imitated him.

Run my soul! Run from sin, as Lot ran from the fire! Run from Sodom and Gomorrah! Run from the flame of every deceiving desire!

"Have mercy, O Lord, have mercy on me," so shall I cry to You when You come with Your angels to render to us all our deeds deserve.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

One simple and uncreated nature without beginning Whom we praise as God in Trinity, save us who in faith worship Your power.

Now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Without seed you gave birth in time to the timeless Son of the Father, O Theotokos, and, O strange wonder, you nourished Him at your breast while remaining a virgin!

Ode 4

The prophet heard of Your coming, O Lord, and was afraid that You was to be born of a virgin
and appear to men,
and he said
"I have heard the report of You and am afraid";
Glory to Your power, O Lord.
Have mercy on us, O God, have mercy on us.

Prepare yourself, my soul! Be courageous like Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, that acquiring diligence and wisdom you too may meet your God. Through contemplation may you reach the awesome depths in which He dwells and in so doing become a good steward of the Lord.

Jacob and his sons, the patriarchs, established for you, O my soul, an example in the ladder of active ascent. By his way of Life Jacob took the first step, fathering twelve sons and offering them as further rungs, which step-by-step ascend to God.

But you, my hopeless soul, have rather imitated Esau, surrendering to the crafty evil the beauty you inherited from God. In two ways, works and wisdom, have you been deceived and now is the time for you to change your ways.

Esau's consuming lust for women, his turning passion, and his soul marred by senseless pleasures, earned for him the Hebrew name "Edom" (meaning "red"), for his soul was like a flame burning with love for sin.

My soul, have you not heard of Job, who even while sitting on a dunghill was justified? Why then in times of temptation have you never imitated his courage or firmness of purpose, or endured with patience?

Once Job sat on this throne surrounded by children and greatly admired, but now lies naked on a dunghill, childless, homeless, and covered with sores. Even so, he considers his dunghill a palace and his sores precious pearls.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

I confess You as one God in Trinity, a single essence unconfused in Persons, co-enthroned and co-ruling. And I sing to You, "Holy! Holy! Holy!" Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

As a virgin you gave birth, and a virgin you remained by nature, your womb giving birth painlessly, for He Who was born of you renewed the laws of nature, since when God wills its order is overthrown.

Ode 5

Out of the night watching early for You,
enlighten me I pray, O Lover of man,
and guide me in Your commandments,
and teach me, O Saviour, to do Your will.
Have mercy on us, O God, have mercy on us.

You have heard, O my soul, how the waves and waters of the river formed a protective chamber for the baby Moses, allowing his basket of reeds to escape the cruel edict of the Pharaoh.

The midwives, though instructed by Pharaoh to kill the male infants of the Hebrews, obeyed their God instead. Now that you, my hopeless soul, have been spared death like Moses, like him also be nourished on the wisdom of the Lord.

By killing the oppressive Egyptian, Moses severed his bond to Pharaoh. But you, O my hopeless soul, have not even begun to attack the wickedness of your mind. If you have not accomplished even this much, how can you expect to pass through the time of repentance, which alone can drive away our sinful passions?

Go, my soul, and imitate the great Moses in the wilderness, that like him you may behold God present in the burning bush.

Think of the staff that Moses stretched over the waters to divide them. It is an image of the Cross of Christ whereby you, my soul, can also accomplish great things.

Aaron's faithfulness was shown by his offering an acceptable sacrifice to God. But you, my soul, like the priests Hophni and Phineas have offered only your deceitful and selfish life.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

We glorify You, O Trinity, One in essence, and we praise and adore You forever, singing, "Holy! Holy! Holy!" Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

God, the Creator of all things, became incarnate through you, O pure Virgin Mother, uniting our human nature to Himself.

Ode 6

With my whole heart, I cried unto the compassionate God,
and He heard me;
and He lifted up my soul from the depths of hell
and from corruption.
Have mercy on us, O God, have mercy on us.

The waves of my transgressions have turned back on me, O Saviour, just as once the Red Sea turned back to engulf the Egyptian forces.

Like Israel of old you have an arrogant will, O my soul, preferring gluttony and self gratification to the manna from heaven.

The Canaanites' wells can be likened to worldly philosophies, from which you, my soul, have preferred to drink rather than from the rock from which when struck by Moses there poured out a river of wisdom, the knowledge of God.

Like the arrogant Israelites in the wilderness, you prefer the comforts of Egypt and unclean food to manna, the food sent from heaven.

Water pouring from the rock when struck by Your servant Moses, prefigured Your life giving side, O Saviour, from which we saw the Water of Life.

Find the Promised Land and explore it secretly as Joshua, son of Nun, once did. See what kind of land it is and settle there, obeying the Law of God.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

"I AM the Trinity, simple and undivided in essence, yet divided in Persons. I AM also the Unity united in nature", says God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Your womb, O Theotokos, held God Who for our sakes took human form. Implore Him, the Creator of all, that through your prayers we may be justified.

Kontakion (Tone 6)

My soul, my soul, Arise!
Why are you sleeping?
The end is drawing near,
and you will be confounded,
awake then and be watchful
that Christ our God may spare you,
Who is everywhere, and fills all things.

Ode 7

We have sinned, transgressed, done wrong before You.
We have not watched or done as You have commanded us,
but do not give us up utterly, O God of our fathers.
Have mercy on us, O God, have mercy on us.

Merely for touching the Covenant Box to prevent its falling to the ground, Uzzah was struck dead by God. Avoid His anger at such presumption, O my soul, by showing true honour to holy things.

You have heard of Absalom and how he rebelled against his father David, and know how he defiled his father's bed. So why do you still imitate his wild impulses and his love of pleasures?

By following Satan your freedom has become enslaved to your body, O my soul, as when on Ahitophel's advice Absalom revolted against his father. But Christ has scattered the enemy's counsel that you might at all costs be saved.

Solomon was mighty and full of wisdom, but did wrong before the Lord when he turned to idols. And you, my soul, resembled him in your evil life.

Solomon was carried away by gratification of his lust. Alas, he who loved Wisdom now makes love to prostitutes and finds himself estranged from God. But in your misery though you have imitated him, O my soul, through your disgraceful love of luxury.

Your sin rivals Rehoboam's, who ignored the wise advisers of his father Solomon; and you have imitated Jeroboam who divided the Kingdom and turned Israel to idols. Flee such likeness and cry out to God, "I have sinned, have pity on me!"

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Simple and undivided, One in essence and nature, Light and Lights, One Holy and three Holies, God is praised as Trinity. So sing praises to Him, O my soul, and glorify the Life and Lives, the God of all.

Now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

We praise you, we bless and venerate you, O Mother of God, for from the undivided Trinity you brought forth the only Son of God and restored to us on earth the heavenly realms.

Ode 8

Him Whom the hosts of heaven glorify, Whom the Cherubim and Seraphim dread,
let every breath and creature praise, bless and magnify
throughout all ages.
Have mercy on us, O God, have mercy on us.

King Uzziah, though mighty in battle and faithful in his own observance of the Law, tolerated idolatry among the people, and for this was he struck with a dread disease. Now you, my soul, are twice as sick as he, for your life is polluted with evil thoughts and wicked deeds.

Have you not heard how the Ninevites, moved by Jonah's preaching, repented in sackcloth and ashes? Why then have you not followed their example? For in its pride your heart is harder than all that have sinned both before and after the Law.

Thrown into a well, Jeremiah lamented bitterly the fall of Zion. Only by such a life of mourning and weeping, O my soul, will you find the way to salvation.

Jonah the prophet fled to Tarshish, for he was well aware of how merciful our God is. And foreseeing the conversion of the Ninevites he feared their repentance would prove false his threat of destruction.

You have heard, O my soul, how by faith Daniel shut the mouths of the roaring lions in the den, and the three Holy Children extinguished the flames in the furnace.

I have reviewed as examples for you, O my soul, all the figures of the Old Testament. Learn to imitate the deeds of those who in righteousness loved their God, and flee from the sins of the wicked!

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

O Eternal Father, co-eternal Son, and gracious Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, O Father of the Divine Word, Word of the eternal Father, and life creating Spirit, Trinity in unity, have mercy on us.

Now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

O pure Virgin, the flesh of Emmanuel was formed within your womb as a robe of royal crimson is spun from scarlet silk. We proclaim you to be truly the Mother of our God.

Ode 9

Ineffable is the child bearing of a seedless conception,
a mother remaining pure.
For the birth of God renews nature,
so in all ages we magnify you as mother and bride of God
Have mercy on us, O God, have mercy on us.

The Devil showed stones to Christ, which he could turn into bread, then led Him to the top of a mountain to show Him at a glance all the kingdoms of this world. O my soul, fear the Devil's craftiness, watch and pray to God at every hour!

John the Baptist, that "Dove who loved the desert," the "Light which went before Christ," the "Voice crying in the wilderness", heralded the preaching of repentance. But Herod, unwilling to listen to him, sinned with Herodias. By embracing repentance, O my soul, beware yourself of falling into the snares of the Wicked One.

When John the Forerunner of grace was living in the wilderness, all the people of Judea and Samaria came out to hear him. O my soul, why have you not imitated them by confessing your sins and receiving the washing of repentance?

Marriage is honourable and the marriage bed undefiled, for Christ blessed both by His presence at the marriage in Cana. He ate and transformed water into wine, thus performing His first miracle, that you, my soul, might be transformed.

Christ strengthened a paralytic, enabling him to rise and walk. He raised from death a widow's son, and healed the servant of a Roman officer. By revealing Himself to the woman in Samaria, he made clear to you, O my soul, how to worship God in Spirit.

When a woman suffering from severe bleeding touched the hem of the Lord's garment, she received healing from Him. Just as by His words He healed lepers, gave sight to the blind, strength to cripples and hearing to the deaf and dumb, and straightened the crippled woman, all in order that you, my miserable soul, might believe and find salvation!

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

We glorify the Father, we exalt the Son, and we worship the Holy Spirit, the indivisible Trinity Who exists as One, the Light and Lights, the Life and Lives Who grants light and life to the ends of the world.

Now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

O purest Mother of God, preserve your people, for through you are we kept faithful, strengthened, and made able to overcome every temptation, trial, and tribulation.

O holy Father Andrew, pray to God for us.

O honourable Andrew, thrice-blessed Father and pastor of Crete, never cease praying to God for those who sing your praises, that He may deliver from anger, sorrow, corruption, and countless sins all of us who faithfully honour your memory.


eutanasia hoy es un día triste para los españoles cristianos quieren acabar con los viejos material sobrante son las leyes del anticristo

el virus fue creado en un laboratorio caiiforniano dicen los chino culpable Trump y el sionismo según los chinos


Covid-19 origins: Probe's Chinese team leader denies delay in publishing report is due to experts disagreeing

  • The panel of scientists is set to publish its politically sensitive report next week
  • Head of Chinese wing of the panel said lab theory would not be probed further
  • US has touted claims that the virus leaked from a secretive Wuhan virology lab 

The theory that Covid-19 leaked from a Wuhan lab has been abandoned by WHO experts investigating the origins of the pandemic, a Chinese scientist says. 

The joint WHO-Beijing panel is due to issue its politically sensitive report next week following a visit to Wuhan in January and February which raised further questions about China's transparency.  

The WHO says the report is not yet finished, but Liang Wannian, the head of the Chinese wing of the panel, told state media that the lab-leak theory had been deemed 'extremely unlikely' and would not be investigated further. 

'Future virus origins-tracing missions will no longer be focused on this area, unless there is new evidence,' said Liang. 

He added that the findings were the 'consensus' of WHO and Chinese scientists - denying that the report was delayed because of disagreements between experts. 

Liang Wannian, the head of the Chinese wing of the expert panel, says experts have agreed that it is 'extremely unlikely' that the coronavirus leaked from a Wuhan lab

Liang Wannian, the head of the Chinese wing of the expert panel, says experts have agreed that it is 'extremely unlikely' that the coronavirus leaked from a Wuhan lab 

The Wuhan Institute of Virology, pictured, has come under scrutiny since the virus was first identified in the Chinese city in December 2019 before spiralling around the world

The Wuhan Institute of Virology, pictured, has come under scrutiny since the virus was first identified in the Chinese city in December 2019 before spiralling around the world 

The highly-anticipated report is due to examine a range of theories about how the virus first jumped from animals to humans - with bats among the prime suspects. 

But Washington and others have touted theories that the outbreak was not caused by nature but by a leak or accident at a secretive Wuhan virology lab. 

The Trump administration claimed in its final days in office that some researchers at the lab had become sick in autumn 2019, before the first cases were confirmed. 

China has always denied these suggestions, and has sought to sow doubt about whether the virus originated in Wuhan at all.  

The WHO experts were tasked with finding answers but their mission to Wuhan was marred by claims of a cover-up by Chinese authorities. 

The UK and US both raised concerns about China's transparency during the WHO trip, which followed months of negotiations with Beijing. 

Liang, the Chinese expert leading Beijing's side of the panel, rejected the US claims by saying that no infections had been found earlier than December 2019. 

Asked whether the report was delayed because experts disagreed, Liang said the results of the joint study 'are the consensus of Chinese and foreign experts'.

Members of the WHO's expert panel arrive to visit a museum exhibition about China's fight against Covid-19, on a visit which raised doubts about China's transparency

Members of the WHO's expert panel arrive to visit a museum exhibition about China's fight against Covid-19, on a visit which raised doubts about China's transparency 

'We want to present a complete, rigorous and scientific report at the maximum level, so this process takes some time,' he told the state-run Global Times. 

'It is hard to expect 30 or so scientists on both sides to give clear answers to all the questions in a month's time.'

Liang asserted in his interview that 'the virus is of natural origin', saying 'it is extremely unlikely that the outbreak was caused by a laboratory leak.'

He said the experts had visited the virology institute at the centre of the lab-leak theory and claimed they had 'candid, deep communication' with experts there.    

'After their field visits and study, the experts team agreed unanimously that it is extremely unlikely that the virus leaked from the lab,' Liang said. 

'So future virus origins-tracing missions will no longer be focused on this area, unless there is new evidence.'

WHO spokesman Christian Lindmeier told reporters on Tuesday that the findings would likely be published next week, saying it was 'simply not ready' before then.  

'What we hear from the technical experts, from the mission members, is that the report most likely will come out now next week,' he added. 

Chinese security operatives keep watch outside the virology lab during the WHO panel's visit to Wuhan earlier this year

Chinese security operatives keep watch outside the virology lab during the WHO panel's visit to Wuhan earlier this year  

Lindmeier said that the team of experts, who are drafting the report with their Chinese counterparts, were still finalising the document.

'The experts are drawing it up together, and... the more people involved, the more people will have to have a say in it,' he said.

'They want to get it right. That is the important part.'

The team had initially planned to quickly publish a preliminary report, but that plan was shelved in February without a clear explanation.

WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus had subsequently promised that the full report would be published sometime this week, promising to give member states an advance peek at the conclusions.

But the epeated delays have sparked renewed criticism of the UN health body's slow response to a calls for a full and independent investigation.  

It took months to select the 10 international experts, including epidemiologists and animal health specialists, amid diplomatic wrangling with China.    

In the end, they arrived in Wuhan more than a year after the virus was first identified there before erupting around the world and killing more than 2.6million people