







En los años 80 yo era un gran lector y admirador de Palacio Valdés, redacté un cuaderno para estampar la biografía del gran novelista asturiano cuyos libros leía en alta voz a mi mujer añorando la tierrina. El propósito no se consumó pero un día fui a Entralgo y conseguí entrevistar a su nieta que padecía de Alzheimer. Su marido creyendo que éramos mi cuñado Carlos y yo unos a nos persiguió con un cuchillo. Bajamos de naja las escaleras. El peligro bien vale este testimonio. Ella debió de ser una bella y aristocrática mujer






Dulce Casilda

Virgen toledana

Cristiana manumitida

Por el rey musulmán

Llevabas pan queso y cebollas

Para los cristianos prisioneros

En tu regazo

Dijote el Almazán

Que llevas ahí

Abriste tu delantal

Y se derramaron las rosas

El odio se convirtió en amores

Y en el campo nacieron las flores




LONG LIFE JAPAN In my adolescence I read the life of Admiral Togo, one of the great sailors on earth. He admired his samurai strength. Nowadays, thanks to the satellite, I usually watch Japanese TV broadcasts beautiful reports that inspire calm and tranquility in this world of vertigo in which we Westerners live. Although I am pro-Russian in many respects the conflict of the Kuril Islands that should be returned to the great country of the Rising Sun hurts me. They were seized for spoil of war but I think the matter is in the process of being resolved. The industriousness, courtesy and sweetness, good manners and education of the Japanese character, as well as his firmness, is something that we should imitate because we Spaniards have become tacky, stupid and stupid. Where is the old nobility of those sailors from Elcano who went around the world for the first time and whom Togo, an excellent navigator, tried to imitate? Every August 6 I wear a flower on my lapel and light a candle in memory of the one hundred THOUSAND dead in Nagasaki and Hiroshima. The Japanese with their tenacity knew how to overcome defeat and humiliation and today they are a paradigm country worthy of imitating one of the great technological powers of the world. Like Rome, JAPAN BASTION OF TOLERANCE makes all the gods their own, even the strangers, and that made them very tolerant in matters of devotions. They never had wars of religion like in Europe. I would like to be a samurai. long life Japan!




En mi adolescencia leí la vida del almirante Togo uno de los grandes marinos que hubo en la tierra. Me admiró su fortaleza de samurai. Actualmente gracias al satélite suelo ver las emisiones de la TV nipona hermosos reportajes que me inspiran calma y sosiego en este mundo de vértigo en que vivimos los occidentales.

 Aunque soy prorruso en muchos aspectos me duele el conflicto de las Islas Kuriles que debieran ser devueltas al gran país del Sol Naciente. Fueron arrebatadas por despojo de guerra pero creo que el asunto está en vías de solución.

 La laboriosidad, cortesía y dulzura, buenas maneras y educación del carácter japonés, así como su firmeza, es algo que debiéramos imitar porque los españoles nos hemos vuelto chabacanos, papanatas y ramplones. 

¿Dónde está la vieja hidalguía de aquellos marinos de Elcano que dio la primera vuelta al mundo y a los cuales Togo eximio navegante trató de imitar? Todos los 6 de agosto yo me pongo una flor en la solapa y enciendo una candela en memoria de los cien MIL muertos de Nagasaki e Hiroshima. Los japoneses con su tenacidad supieron sobreponerse a la derrota y a la humillación y hoy son un país paradigma digno de imitar una de las grandes potencias tecnológicas del mundo.

 Al igual que Roma JAPÓN BASTIÓN DE TOLERANCIA hace suyos a todos los dioses incluso a los desconocidos y eso les hizo muy tolerantes en materia de devociones.

 Nunca tuvieron guerras de religión como en Europa. Yo quisiera ser un samurai. ¡viva Japón!


Я заканчиваю читать длинный и волнующий роман Троята «Рюкзак и пепел» - свидетеля обвинения войны на Восточном фронте 1914 года в чистейшем толстовском стиле. Общей нитью является падение и разрушение буржуазной семьи Педроградо, которая рушится одновременно с имперским двуглавым орлом, растоптанным революционерами. Русские, за которыми стоит богатая устная литература - эсказки, раскасат - предки, склонны к драматургии и имеют совершенно другой способ романизации. Первый вывод, который я сделал после долгого бдения по изучению столь эффективно описанных персонажей (Мигель и Оспат, два военнопленных, которые пытаются сбежать от немецкого лагера, один изрешечен охраной, но Николас спасен; Таня, женщина из первый, кто прелюбодействует с Володей, который стреляет в себя, не умирает, и хирург кладет на него стеклянный глаз, Чичисиков, макиавеллистский запутанный человек, настраивающий печатный станок для распространения революционной пропаганды, Нина, героическая медсестра, которая признается в любви доктору Васильев in articulo mortis и Николас, храбрый лейтенант Барин, который отказывается стрелять в своих русских братьев, присоединяется к агитаторам, командующим пулеметным отделением Хочкина, но в конечном итоге разочаровывается поведением толпы, которая убивает не только генералов, но и священников и других. ризницы, сжигание церквей, кражи, убийства, изнасилования и т. д.) заключается в том, что революция, подобная Сатурну, в конечном итоге пожирает своих собственных детей. Галерея персонажей потрясающая. Все они заставляют читателя завибрировать. Троят рассказывает о трогательных сценах, когда этот казачий капитан гусар готовится броситься в толпу, к нему приближается девушка, у нее есть букет роз для него, и он выражает свою позицию, приказывая своему отряду не атаковать. Похмуренный щавель, гусар падает с коня и линчеван толпой, кричащей «Долой царя». Однако, когда революционеры устраивают мешок, пытаясь остановить священника, и начинают звонить в колокола, некоторые крестятся. Загадки русского народа, угнетаемого самодержавием, но глубоко христианского. Один из 17 был вдохновлен швейцарскими банкирами, евреями и самим кайзером. Россию унижают и обижают. Керенский был шарлатаном, но когда в один из петербургских вечеров распространился слух, что злой Распутин воскликнул, что монах, который властвовал над царской семьей и якобы спал с царицей, был убит Юсупофом, все присутствующие бросили ура в воздух и тосты с шампанским. Был час тьмы. Многие верующие поддержали слова Христа на Голгофе, мой Господь и мой Бог, почему Ты оставил меня? Бог молчал, он был наверху, но далек от страданий, преследований, жестокости, убийств и голода тех, кто внизу. Автор объясняет это апокалиптической теорией Жакомо Де Фьори. Человечество вступило в иную эпоху. Если Ветхий Завет - это время Отца, а Новый - время Сына, в двадцатом веке началось ВРЕМЯ ДУХА, это то, что происходит прямо сейчас, когда церкви закрыты или превращены в бары, дискотеки или гаражи, боязливые священники, епископы превратились в волков в овечьей шкуре и в Ватиканском отступничестве и ереси, силе социальных сетей, покорности и подчинении политиков скрытой силе. Так что они перестали быть государственными деятелями и стали менеджерами. Ссоры, разобщенность, сомнения, претензии, грубый феминизм, ложь, клевета, позор и неразбериха повсюду, но давайте не унывать в своей вере. Будем терпимыми и настойчивыми. Это время Духа, и Дух говорит, что Священные Писания дуют, когда он хочет и как хочет. Глобальные организации прямо сейчас совершают настоящую революцию белых воротничков. Все, что произошло до 1989 года, игнорируется. История подавляется и имплантируется Память, которая всегда более мстительна и управляема. Ура этому армянину, который писал по-французски, но его стиль, его темп были чрезвычайно русскими. Думаю, его имя придется связать с именами Пушкина, Гоголя, Досотевского, Гоголя, Андреева, Тургенева, Толстого, Чехова, Лемертова. Это сила литературы сырой. Воскресенье, 19 декабря 2021 г.




Termino de leer la extensa y palpitante novela de Troyat “El macuto y la ceniza” testigo de cargo del frente oriental guerra de 1914 en el más puro estilo Tolstoi.

El hilo conductor es la caída y destrucción de una familia burguesa de Pedrogrado que se desploma a la par que el águila bicéfala imperial pisoteada por los revolucionarios

Los rusos que tienen detrás un acerbo de literatura oral  — eskazki, raskasat— ancestral son aptos para el drama y poseen una forma diferente de novelar de forma total.

La primera conclusión que saco tras la larga vigilia estudiando a personajes tan eficazmente descritos (Miguel y Ospat los dos prisioneros de guerra que tratan de escapar de un Läger alemán, el uno es acribillado a balazos por los guardianes pero Nicolás se salva; Tania la mujer del primero que comete adulterio con Volodia el cual se pega un tiro no muere y el cirujano le pone el ojo de cristal, Chichisikov el maquiavélico muñidor de enredos, el cual monta una imprenta para difundir propaganda revolucionaria, Nina la enfermera heroica que declara su amor al doctor Vasiliev in articulo mortis y Nicolás el barín valiente teniente que se niega a disparar contra sus hermanos  rusos, se une a los agitadores al mando de una sección de ametralladoras Hochkin, pero acaba decepcionado por el comportamiento de la chusma que mata no sólo a generales sino a popes y sacristanes, incendia las iglesias, roba, mata, viola etc.,) es que la revolución como Saturno acaba devorando a sus propios hijos. La galería de personajes es impresionante. Todos hacen vibrar al lector.

Troyat relata escenas conmovedores como aquel cosaco capitán de húsares a punto de cargar contra la multitud se le acerca una niña le tiene un ramo de rosas y depone su actitud, ordenando a su escuadrón no cargar.

Una cabriola de su alazán y el húsar cae del caballo y es linchado por la multitud al grito de “Abajo el zar”.

No obstante, cuando los revolucionar realizan una saca tratando de detener a un pope y empiezan a tocar las campanas algunos se santiguan. Enigmas del pueblo ruso oprimido por los autócratas pero profundamente cristiano. La del 17 fue inspirada por los banqueros suizos, los judíos y el propio kaiser. Rusia humillada y ofendida.

Kerensky un charlatán pero cuando en una velada de Petersburgo cunde la voz de que Rasputin el maligno monje exclaustrado que tenía dominada a la familia real y supuestamente se acostaba con la zarina fue asesinado por Yusupof todos los presentes lanzan un hurra al aire y brindan con champán.

Era la hora de las tinieblas.

Muchos creyentes hacían suyas las palabras de Cristo en el calvario Señor mío y Dios mío por qué me has abandonado.

Dios callaba, estaba arriba pero lejos del sufrimiento, los vejamenes, la crueldad, el asesinato y el hambre de los de abajo. El autor lo explica con la teoría apocalíptica de Jacomo De Fiori.

La humanidad entraba en una era diferente.

Si el Viejo Testamento es el tiempo del Padre y el Nuevo el tiempo del Hijo, en el siglo XX empezaba el TIEMPO DEL ESPÍRITU esto es lo que está pasando ahora mismo con las iglesias cerradas o convertidas en bares discotecas o garajes los curas medrosos, los obispos convertidos en lobos con piel de oveja y en el VATICANO la apostasía y la herejía, el poder de las redes sociales, la aquiescencia y sumisión de los políticos a los poderes ocultos. Por lo que han dejado de ser estadistas para convertirse en managers.

 Gresca, desunión, dudas, reivindicaciones, feminismo crudo, mentiras, calumnias, infamias y confusión por doquier, pero no desfallezcamos en nuestra fe.

Seamos tolerantes y perseverantes. Es el tiempo del Espíritu y el Espíritu dicen las escrituras sopla cuando quiere y como quiere.

Los globales manejan ahora mismo una revolución total de guante blanco. Todo lo que aconteciera antes de 1989 queda sobreseído. Se suprime la Historia y se implanta la Memoria que siempre suele estar más manipulada y vindicativa. Un hurra por este armenio que escribía en francés pero su estilo, su tempo, era tremendamente ruso. Creo que su nombre tendrá que estar unido al de Pushkin, Gogol, Dosotyevski, Gogol, Andreiev, Turguenev, Tolstoi, Chejov, Lemertov. Es el poder de la literatura en carne viva.


Sunday, December 19, 2021 










Revealed: The Channel migrant welcomed to Britain and put up in an Ibis hotel, who stands accused of raping and murdering a 13-year-old girl in Vienna

At a popular tourist haunt in Vienna, the handsome Afghan refugee in a blue denim shirt and shorts poses by the side of a bridge overlooking the riverboats on the Danube Canal.

The picture of him looking relaxed and confident was taken last summer, just weeks before he became the prime suspect in a crime that has shocked Austria: the drugging, rape and suffocation of 13-year-old schoolgirl Leonie Walner, whose slim body was found wrapped in a roll of carpet dumped under a tree in central Vienna.

Within hours of the terrible discovery, Rasuili Zubaidullah had run away, dodging Austrian police. 

He fled hundreds of miles to Dunkirk in France, evading a pan-European manhunt for him before boarding a trafficker's boat across the Channel to Britain.

Arriving in Dover on the Kent coast, he duped immigration officials by claiming asylum using a false name and was put up by the Government in the Ibis hotel in Whitechapel, East London, which is being used to house migrants.

'Rebel' Leonie Walner, pictured, who was seen on CCTV with a group of refugees. Next week, Zubaidullah, who celebrated his 23rd birthday in October, will face a London extradition hearing when Austria demands his return to Vienna for questioning about what court papers state is Leonie's 'murder' during the early hours of Saturday, June 26, at a refugees' apartment in the city. Her battered corpse was found just 330 yards from the apartment by a passer-by at 6.55am that morning

'Rebel' Leonie Walner, pictured, who was seen on CCTV with a group of refugees. Next week, Zubaidullah, who celebrated his 23rd birthday in October, will face a London extradition hearing when Austria demands his return to Vienna for questioning about what court papers state is Leonie's 'murder' during the early hours of Saturday, June 26, at a refugees' apartment in the city. Her battered corpse was found just 330 yards from the apartment by a passer-by at 6.55am that morning

Acting on a tip-off from Austrian authorities, British police found him hiding in a room at the hotel in late July, little more than a month after Leonie's life had been snuffed out.

Next week, Zubaidullah, who celebrated his 23rd birthday in October, will face a London extradition hearing when Austria demands his return to Vienna for questioning about what court papers state is Leonie's 'murder' during the early hours of Saturday, June 26, at a refugees' apartment in the city.

Her battered corpse was found just 330 yards from the apartment by a passer-by at 6.55am that morning.

The Mail has seen Leonie's official autopsy records, which include DNA samples linking her abused body to Zubaidullah and a group of young male refugees from his country living in Austria, as well as to the apartment and the roll of carpet.

We have tracked his path out of Austria through the city of Innsbruck and across Western Europe by train and bus as he escaped justice with one thing in mind: to reach the UK and evaporate into the overstretched asylum system.

At a popular tourist haunt in Vienna, the handsome Afghan refugee in a blue denim shirt and shorts poses by the side of a bridge overlooking the riverboats on the Danube Canal. The picture of him was taken last summer, just weeks before he became the prime suspect in a crime that has shocked Austria: the drugging, rape and suffocation of 13-year-old schoolgirl Leonie Walner, whose body was found wrapped in a roll of carpet dumped under a tree in central Vienna. Within hours of the discovery, Rasuili Zubaidullah had run away, dodging Austrian police

At a popular tourist haunt in Vienna, the handsome Afghan refugee in a blue denim shirt and shorts poses by the side of a bridge overlooking the riverboats on the Danube Canal. The picture of him was taken last summer, just weeks before he became the prime suspect in a crime that has shocked Austria: the drugging, rape and suffocation of 13-year-old schoolgirl Leonie Walner, whose body was found wrapped in a roll of carpet dumped under a tree in central Vienna. Within hours of the discovery, Rasuili Zubaidullah had run away, dodging Austrian police

In northern France this week, Afghans waiting to board boats to Britain remembered Zubaidullah, who walked into a Dunkirk migrant camp on July 8, 12 days after Leonie died. 

'I shared a tent with him when he stayed overnight,' said Shinwari Kuchi, 35, a former Afghan soldier. 'He talked about his plan to pay £3,000 to Kurdish traffickers to cross the Channel. He was intent on Britain.

'He had just arrived when I met him in the charity food queue. He had nowhere to sleep, so I said 'come into mine [tent]'. He didn't talk much but when I woke in the morning he had disappeared. I never spotted him again and he didn't say he was on the run.'

Ten days later, on July 18, Zubaidullah managed to enter Britain under false pretences on a trafficker's boat. 

He is one of almost 27,000 migrants, the majority of them young men, of various nationalities and with backgrounds that often remain a mystery, who have sailed on rickety crafts from the French coast this year and been given refuge here in hotels, hostels and former Army camps.

Their mass arrival has sparked security worries because of the way in which criminals and those intent on doing us harm can arrive seeking asylum and stay here unnoticed.

Alp Mehmet, the chairman of Migration Watch UK, said this week that the asylum system fails from the moment a boat carrying migrants reaches our shores.

'The Border Force has no way of checking the identity or background of those coming in,' he said. 'The migrants routinely destroy their documents, they give false names, and there are so many young men there is scarcely time to interview them before they are able to enter Britain and be put up in accommodation at the taxpayers' expense.

'If you are a genuine refugee, why would you hide your identity or pretend to be someone you are not when you arrive after a difficult Channel crossing wanting sanctuary?'

But what of Zubaidullah? He has had multiple brushes with the Viennese authorities, who say he was listed for deportation from Austria in October 2017 after arriving two years earlier as a teenager from Afghanistan and providing no adequate reason to have left his native land.

He was one of more than 1.5 million migrants from the Middle East, Africa and South Asia who seized their chance to move to the West after Angela Merkel, then the German Chancellor, threw open her country's doors to Syrians fleeing civil war.

But despite the deportation order on his file, Zubaidullah was never thrown out of Austria. 

Only last year, he was convicted and sentenced to nine months in jail there for drug-trafficking. Once again, he was not made to leave when he was released earlier this year.

He continued to live a life of easy pleasures, according to Vienna media reports, and was seen partying in the spring at the cafes and bars lining the Danube canal, and at nearby Prater, an amusement park with a giant Ferris wheel.

The area draws thousands of tourists, is a favourite meeting place for young Viennese, and has a reputation for drug-taking and 'anything goes' behaviour.

It was there, near the canal, that he and three other young Afghan refugees, aged between 16 and 23, met young Leonie in the early hours of that Saturday in June.

Leonie was breaking the rules by being there. Her 40-year-old mother Melanie, a nurse who works night shifts, and her paramedic father Hennes, 39, had set her a curfew. They had told her always to be back by 9.30pm at the family home in Wiener Neustadt, 40 miles from Vienna.

The girl has been described by her distraught parents as a 'free spirit and a rebel'. They say she was kind and loved her pets, but family friends say she was 'gullible and naive', and liked the bright lights and the attention of men.

She often disappeared for days without her parents knowing. She told friends on social media she wanted to 'run away from home', according to the Austrian media. And that fateful June weekend, she had set her heart on a night-time visit to the Danube Canal party zone.

At 11.30 on the Friday night, some hours before she was killed, she was with her 15-year-old best friend in Wiener Neustadt and told her she wasn't going home.

She then wrote a text message to a male acquaintance, a 27-year-old salesman almost twice her age, asking: 'Are you going to Vienna with me?'

He drove her to the capital, where they visited the Danube Canal area. Then he left her there alone in the middle of the night.

Zubaidullah is said to have fled Austria after Leonie's body was found propped up by a tree in central Vienna in June. Leonie's parents are filing an official complaint against Austria because of the authorities' failure to deport refugees who have not won asylum but continue freely to live there

Zubaidullah is said to have fled Austria after Leonie's body was found propped up by a tree in central Vienna in June. Leonie's parents are filing an official complaint against Austria because of the authorities' failure to deport refugees who have not won asylum but continue freely to live there

Leonie's fate was sealed. Dark-haired and dressed in checked trousers and a T-shirt under a cream sweater, she was spotted on CCTV cameras meeting the group of Afghan refugees, then walking along a street in Vienna.

One of the group was a 16-year-old who'd entered Austria illegally via Romania in April this year. 

He is believed to have been instrumental in persuading Leonie to go to the apartment, which is some three miles from the party zone, at around 2am.

What happened in the next few hours to the lone schoolgirl? 

Reports on Leonie's death that were prepared for Vienna's public prosecutor say she was raped multiple times and died 'violently' of drug poisoning and suffocation by pressure on her throat. She was given what is described as a lethal overdose of 11 Ecstasy tablets, and had smoked cannabis joints before suffering 'severe sexual abuse' by several men.

At some point that night, as the drugs took their toll and the violent assaults on her continued, it is thought her heart stopped.

The DNA results allegedly indicate Rasuili Zubaidullah was at the apartment, and that he and the other men sexually assaulted Leonie, leaving her with significant bruising.

The Austrian government has promised to track down those involved in the girl's 'barbaric' death. 

After the nationalities of the suspects were revealed, the country's EU minister, Karoline Edtstadler, declared: 'People who seek refuge in Austria but trample on our values and express this in actions have no place here.'

Unlike much of the rest of the European Union and Britain, Austria has said it will continue deporting Afghans who have failed in their asylum requests, putting them on flights back to the capital Kabul, despite the country's takeover by the Taliban.

Meanwhile, Leonie's parents are filing an official complaint against Austria because of the authorities' failure to deport refugees who have not won asylum but continue freely to live there.

In interviews with the Austrian media, her mother, Melanie, has expressed bewilderment and grief over her child's fate: 'My little one trusted a 16-year-old and that was her death sentence.'

She added: 'Why were these people still in the country? Why were they not expelled? Where are the politicians in charge? We want to know that.'

These are difficult questions that are unlikely to concern convicted drug dealer Rasuili Zubaidullah when he appears by video link from a British prison at an interim extradition hearing in London's Westminster Magistrates' Court next Wednesday afternoon.

The final case to decide whether he will be sent back to Vienna is scheduled for January.

The extradition court papers state that Austria, in the meantime, will continue to fight to stop him being freed to walk the streets in their country because he is expected to 'abscond' and could simply disappear.

That may be some comfort, at least, to Leonie's grieving parents and the Austrian government. For the time being, at least.

Additional reporting: JAMES FRANEY