



Santa Gran Duquesa Tatiana Nikolaevna RomanovaHoly Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna RomanovaJune 11 (May 29 according to the old calendar) this year was the 127th anniversary of the birth of the second daughter of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna—Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna Romanova.

Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna was born on June 11 (May 29), 1897 and was the second child of the Romanov Imperial couple.

“1897, May 29. The second bright, happy day in our family life: at 10:40 a.m., the Lord blessed us with a daughter, Tatiana,” St. Nicholas II wrote in his diary.

The newborn was baptized by the Imperial Family’s father-confessor, Protopresbyter John Yanyshev, on June 8 of the same year at the church of the Grand Palace of Peterhof. During the sacrament, the Empress Dowager Maria Feodorovna, the newborn’s grandmother, awarded the Order of St. Catherine to the Grand Duchess.

Tatiana was one of the four daughters of St. Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. Grand Duchesses Olga (b. 1895) and Tatiana were informally called the “elder pair”, while the sisters Maria (b. 1899) and Anastasia (b. 1901) were nicknamed the “younger pair”.

La gran duquesa Tatiana Nikolaevna con su madreGrand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna with her motherPrincess Tatiana looked like Empress Alexandra Feodorovna.

“Tatiana Nikolaevna se parecía mucho a su madre: era alta y delgada”, recuerda A. A. Taneyeva (Vyrubova), amiga íntima de la familia real. “El emperador me dijo que Tatiana Nikolaevna le recordaba mucho a la emperatriz por su carácter y sus modales”.

El jefe de la Cancillería de la Corte, el teniente general A. A. Mosolov, comparándola con su hermana mayor Olga, escribió:

“Tatiana era más alta, más delgada y más esbelta que su hermana, su rostro era alargado, toda su figura era más elegante y aristocrática, y su cabello era un poco más oscuro que el de la mayor. En mi opinión, Tatiana Nikolaevna era la más hermosa de las cuatro hermanas”.

Grandes duquesas Olga y Tatiana RomanovGrandes duquesas Olga y Tatiana Romanov“Tatiana Nikolaevna tenía veinte años, era rubia oscura, delgada y elegante. Era el opuesto de su hermana mayor. Era retraída, reservada, centrada e independiente. Su ámbito de acción eran las tareas domésticas, la costura y la vida doméstica cotidiana. Gracias a estos rasgos de su carácter, ella, y no Olga Nikolaevna, era considerada la hija mayor de la familia. Se parecía a su madre más que todas las demás hermanas y era su mejor amiga y consejera”, escribió el investigador NA Sokolov sobre la princesa Tatiana Nikolaevna.

Los cortesanos apreciaron la profunda naturaleza de Tatiana Nikolaevna, una persona íntegra, junto con su excepcional amabilidad y simpatía. Graciosa y muy femenina, se ganó el corazón de la gente con su belleza e inteligencia. Tímida por naturaleza y exteriormente reservada, era de carácter reservado, por lo que los extraños a menudo la acusaban de ser arrogante y orgullosa, lo cual no era cierto. La princesa tenía una compostura asombrosa; se destacaba por su organización y firmeza de propósito. Tatiana desarrolló un sentido del deber y una inclinación por el orden.

La princesa Tatiana era una líder entre los niños reales y ayudó a sus padres a criarlos.

“Ella... siempre detenía a las hermanas y les recordaba el testamento de su madre, por lo que la llamaban constantemente 'institutriz'”, escribió AA Taneyeva.

Cuando la emperatriz o su hermano Alexei estaban enfermos, Tatiana, al igual que las otras hermanas, los cuidaba con cariño. Según sus contemporáneos, debido a la enfermedad de su madre, Tatiana a menudo tenía que ocuparse de la casa y mantener el orden en ella. Le encantaba bordar y tejer, cosía blusas para ella y sus hermanas y sabía hacer hermosos peinados. Todos los que entraron en contacto cercano con la Familia Real testificaron que Tatiana era muy práctica y se enfrentaba rápidamente a diversas situaciones de la vida.

Demos la palabra a quienes conocieron íntimamente a las Grandes Duquesas.

Pierre Gilliard con sus alumnas, las grandes duquesas Olga y Tatiana, en Livadia, 1911Pierre Gilliard con sus alumnas, las grandes duquesas Olga y Tatiana, en Livadia, 1911    

Pierre Gilliard , que enseñó francés a los hijos del zar, escribió:

“Tatiana Nikolaevna era de naturaleza más bien reservada, de voluntad fuerte, pero menos abierta y espontánea que su hermana mayor. Era menos inteligente por naturaleza que Olga, pero esta desventaja la compensaba su gran coherencia y su carácter sereno. Era muy bella, aunque carecía del encanto de Olga Nikolaevna… Con su belleza y su capacidad natural para comportarse perfectamente en la alta sociedad, eclipsaba a su hermana, que se preocupaba menos por su propia persona y era menos llamativa. Sin embargo, estas dos hermanas se amaban entrañablemente; solo había un año y medio de diferencia de edad, lo que naturalmente las unió.”

La dama de compañía de la emperatriz María Feodorovna, S. Ya. Ofrosimova, recordó escenas del pasado durante la emigración:

“A mi derecha está sentada la gran duquesa Tatiana Nikolaevna. Es una gran duquesa de pies a cabeza, ¡qué aristocrática y regia es! Su rostro está pálido y sin brillo, sólo sus mejillas se ven un poco rosadas, como si un satén rosado se estuviera abriendo paso por debajo de su fina piel. Su perfil es inmaculadamente hermoso, como si estuviera esculpido en mármol por el cincel de un gran artista. Sus ojos están muy separados, lo que le da a su rostro original y distintivo... Se ríe con menos frecuencia que sus hermanas. A veces su rostro tiene una expresión concentrada y severa. En esos momentos se parece a su madre. Hay rastros de intensa reflexión y a veces incluso de tristeza en los rasgos pálidos de su rostro. Siento sin palabras que hay todo un mundo cerrado y original dentro de ella”.

SK Buxhoeveden, Olga y Tatiana Nikolaevna, 1914SK Buxhoeveden, Olga y Tatiana Nikolaevna, 1914    

La baronesa SK Buxhoeveden escribió sobre Tatiana Nikolaevna:

“Tenía rasgos bellos y regulares… Poseía una mezcla de sinceridad, franqueza y perseverancia, junto con una inclinación por la poesía y las ideas abstractas… tenía una mente práctica heredada de su madre la Emperatriz y un enfoque detallado para todo.”

AA Vyrubova, Alexandra Fedorovna y Yu. A. DehnAA Vyrubova, Alexandra Fedorovna y Yu. A. Dehn    

Yulia von Dehn, amiga de la zarina, recordó:

“La gran duquesa Tatiana Nikolaevna era tan encantadora como su hermana mayor, pero a su manera… Tenía un carácter poético y anhelaba la amistad verdadera… Era fresca, frágil y pura como una rosa”.

“Era una joven de carácter desarrollado y de carácter abierto, honesto y puro… Ayudaba a su madre a superar la enfermedad, hacía las tareas domésticas y cuidaba de Alexei Nikolaevich. Era inteligente, culta y le encantaba ocuparse de la casa”, así la describió el coronel E. S. Kobylinsky, comandante del destacamento especial en Tsarskoye Selo.

AA Taneyeva recordó:

“Todos la amaban: la familia, los tutores y los que estaban en los hospitales militares”.

Todos los autores de memorias coinciden en que, de las cuatro hermanas, Tatiana era la más cercana a su madre: siempre intentaba prodigarle cuidados y atenciones y escucharla. Su profesor de inglés, Charles Gibbes (más tarde archimandrita Nicolás), testificó: “En mi opinión, la emperatriz amaba a Tatiana más que a sus otras hijas”. Esta opinión la compartía la tutora Claudia Bitner: “Era la persona más cercana a la emperatriz. Eran dos amigas”.

Tatiana recibió una excelente educación en casa. Sabía idiomas extranjeros, leía mucho, incluso literatura espiritual, tocaba el piano a la perfección y dibujaba bastante bien. Asistía al teatro y a conciertos con sus padres. Tatiana era la comandante del regimiento de caballería de Ulan, por lo que se consideraba una ulana y estaba muy orgullosa de ello. Junto con el emperador participaba en los desfiles militares, sentada elegantemente en la silla de montar.

Alejandro I KarađorđevićAlejandro I KarađorđevićEn 1914, cuando la gran duquesa Tatiana cumplió diecisiete años, la familia comenzó a hablar sobre su posible matrimonio. Entre los pretendientes se encontraba el hijo del rey serbio Pedro I, Alejandro. Para conocer a la princesa, él y su padre llegaron a San Petersburgo y casi acordaron su futuro matrimonio, pero estalló la Primera Guerra Mundial e impidió la boda. A pesar de esto, Tatiana y Alejandro continuaron carteándose.

Durante la Primera Guerra Mundial, Tatiana, junto con su madre y su hermana Olga, trabajó como enfermera en el Hospital Tsarskoye Selo, donde curaba heridas purulentas y ayudaba en las operaciones. TE Melnik-Botkina, hija del médico Eugene Botkin, que atendió a la zarina y al zarévich Alexei, recuerda:

“Me maravilla su capacidad de trabajo”, me decía mi padre sobre la Familia Real. “La Gran Duquesa Tatiana Nikolaevna, por ejemplo, antes de ir al hospital militar se levanta a las siete de la mañana para recibir una lección, luego van las dos a hacer vendajes, luego desayunan, reciben otra lección, visitan a todos los enfermos y, al caer la noche, se ponen inmediatamente a bordar o a leer”.

Tatiana Eugenievna BotkinaTatiana Eugenievna Botkina    

También recordó:

“El doctor Derevenko, que tenía grandes expectativas para sus enfermeras, me dijo después de la Revolución que rara vez había conocido a una enfermera quirúrgica tan tranquila, hábil y capaz como Tatiana Nikolaevna”.

Jefe de la Cancillería de la Corte Imperial, Teniente General Alexander Alexandrovich MosolovJefe de la Cancillería de la Corte Imperial, Teniente General Alexander Alexandrovich MosolovA. A. Mosolov escribió sobre las grandes duquesas Olga y Tatiana:

“No sólo cumplían funciones de enfermeras ordinarias en el pleno sentido de la palabra, sino que también ayudaban con gran habilidad en operaciones complejas... Tatiana era la más seria y contenida de todas.”

Ella iba al hospital militar todos los días, incluso el día de su onomástico.

Unas semanas después del estallido de la Primera Guerra Mundial, la Gran Duquesa creó el Comité de Su Alteza Imperial la Gran Duquesa Tatiana Nikolaevna para el Socorro Temporal de las Víctimas de la Guerra. El Comité proporcionó ayuda a los civiles afectados por la guerra, facilitó el envío de refugiados a su patria, ayudó a encontrar empleo a quienes podían trabajar, admitió a los inválidos en asilos y pagó prestaciones a los refugiados con las donaciones recaudadas.

Santa Gran Duquesa Tatiana Nikolaevna RomanovaSanta Gran Duquesa Tatiana Nikolaevna RomanovaEn nombre de la princesa Tatiana, su llamamiento fue publicado en los periódicos:

“La guerra ha devastado y dispersado a millones de nuestros civiles: refugiados desafortunados, sin hogar y hambrientos, buscan comida. El Gobierno, las instituciones públicas y nacionales, los benefactores privados y mi Comité están ayudando a los refugiados, pero su necesidad es tan grande que sólo la nación entera puede cubrirla.

“Por favor, gente generosa, abrigad espiritual y físicamente a los refugiados y confortadlos sabiendo que comprendéis su dolor desesperado. Tened presente el testamento del Señor: Porque tuve hambre, y me disteis de comer; tuve sed, y me disteis de beber; fui forastero, y me recogisteis” (Mt. 25:35). 9 de noviembre de 1915, Tsarskoye Selo. TATIANA.”

La princesa se tomó muy en serio la tragedia en la que había sumido a Rusia la Primera Guerra Mundial. He aquí la carta de Tatiana, fechada el 15 de agosto de 1915, dirigida a sus padres:

“Rezo todo el tiempo por ustedes dos, mis queridos, para que Dios los ayude en este momento terrible. No puedo expresar cuánto lo siento por ustedes, mis amados. Es una pena no poder ayudarlos... Los bendigo, mis amados padres. Los beso a ustedes y a mi querido papá muchas veces... Su querida y fiel hija Tatiana”.

Tatiana era, en efecto, una hija cariñosa y obediente, como lo demuestran sus cartas. He aquí otra carta escrita el día de Navidad de 1916:

“Mi preciosa y querida Mamá, estoy rezando para que Dios te ayude ahora en este momento terrible y difícil. Que Él te bendiga y te proteja de todo mal, mi queridísima ángel y Madre...”

El oficial Semión Pavlov, que fue tratado en el Hospital Tsarskoye Selo, hizo observaciones interesantes:

“Si la Gran Duquesa Olga encarnaba la feminidad y el encanto especial, la Gran Duquesa Tatiana era sin duda la encarnación del coraje, la energía y la fuerza... La Gran Duquesa Tatiana evocaba un sentimiento de profundo respeto...”

Dmitry Yakovlevich Malama con el uniforme de la promoción de graduados del Cuerpo de Pajes de Su Majestad Imperial, 1912Dmitry Yakovlevich Malama con el uniforme de la promoción de graduados del Cuerpo de Pajes de Su Majestad Imperial, 1912El corneta de la Guardia Real del Regimiento de Caballería de Lanceros, Dmitri Yakovlevich Malama, que se sometió a tratamiento en el Hospital Tsarskoye Selo, estaba enamorado de la princesa Tatiana. Parece que Tatiana también lo amaba. La emperatriz también tenía una actitud benévola hacia el joven: le escribió a su marido:

“Mi pequeño Malama pasó una hora conmigo anoche, después de cenar en casa de Anya... Debo admitir que podría ser un excelente yerno. ¿Por qué no le gustan los príncipes extranjeros?”

Según sus familiares, al enterarse de la ejecución de la Familia Real, Dmitry Malama comenzó a buscar la muerte deliberadamente y fue asesinado en el verano de 1919 en un ataque de caballería cerca de Tsaritsyn.

Después de la Revolución de Febrero, Tatiana y su familia fueron arrestados en Tsarskoye Selo. El zar y sus hijas tuvieron que crear un huerto en el parque y cultivar verduras para sobrevivir. Serraban árboles muertos en el bosque para la estufa. San Nicolás II escribió en su diario el día del cumpleaños de su hija:

“La querida Tatiana cumplió veinte años. Por la mañana salí a dar un largo paseo con todos los niños. Al mediodía hubo un servicio religioso. Por la tarde pasamos tres horas en el jardín, dos de las cuales pasé trabajando en el bosque”.

Ese día no hubo una gran recepción en palacio con motivo del cumpleaños de la Gran Duquesa Tatiana.

Un poco más atrás se sienta la hija mayor de San Nicolás II, la gran duquesa Olga, seguida por el emperador Nicolás II, el zarévich Alexei y las grandes duquesas Tatiana, María y Anastasia. TobolskUn poco más atrás se sienta la hija mayor de San Nicolás II, la gran duquesa Olga, seguida por el emperador Nicolás II, el zarévich Alexei y las grandes duquesas Tatiana, María y Anastasia. Tobolsk    

El 1 de agosto de 1917, la familia del ex emperador Nicolás II fue exiliada a Tobolsk. A continuación, se incluye un extracto de la carta que Tatiana envió desde Tobolsk a su dama de honor, Margarita Khitrovo:

“Todo lo que le hacen a nuestra pobre Patria es muy doloroso y triste, pero hay una esperanza: que Dios no nos abandone y haga entrar en razón a estos locos”.

El 22 de abril de 1918, por orden de Moscú, se decidió trasladar a los prisioneros reales de Tobolsk a Ekaterimburgo. Sin embargo, debido a la grave enfermedad del zarevich, toda la familia no pudo ir a Ekaterimburgo. El emperador, la zarina y la princesa María fueron allí, mientras que el enfermo Alexei quedó al cuidado de sus hermanas. Tatiana se hizo cargo de la casa. El coronel E. S. Kobylinsky recordó:

“Tras la marcha del emperador y la emperatriz de Tobolsk, casi nadie se percató de la superioridad de Olga Nikolaevna. Siempre que se necesitaba algo, todos recurrían a Tatiana: “Como dice Tatiana Nikolaevna…”

Cuando el zarevich Alexei se sintió un poco mejor, las princesas, sus tutores y sus sirvientes se dirigieron a Ekaterimburgo bajo vigilancia. Al llegar el tren a Ekaterimburgo, los niños reales, el marinero Klimenty Nagorny (el asistente personal del zarevich) y varios sirvientes fueron conducidos a los vagones que los esperaban. El inglés Charles Sidney Gibbes (más tarde archimandrita Nicolás) escribió en sus memorias que a través de la ventanilla de un vagón había visto a Tatiana Nikolaevna, hundida hasta los tobillos en el barro, con una pesada maleta en una mano y el querido perro del zarevich en la otra. Nagorny quiso ayudarla, pero el guardia lo apartó bruscamente.

En la Casa Ipatiev, en el lugar de la ejecución de la Familia RealEn la Casa Ipatiev, en el lugar de la ejecución de la Familia Real    

Durante la persecución, la familia real se mantuvo especialmente unida y mantuvo su fe inquebrantable a través de todas las dificultades y sufrimientos. El último día de su vida, Alexandra Feodorovna escribió lo siguiente en su diario:

“Todos salieron a caminar durante media hora por la mañana… Cuando se fueron, Tatiana se quedó conmigo y leímos juntos los libros de los profetas Abdías y Amós...”

En los momentos difíciles de la dura prueba, la Gran Duquesa Tatiana no se desanimó. La última anotación en su diario, hecha en Ekaterimburgo, fue una cita de San Juan de Kronstadt:

“Vuestro dolor es indescriptible, el dolor del Salvador en el Huerto de Getsemaní por los pecados del mundo es inmensurable; unid vuestro dolor al Suyo y en esto encontraréis consuelo.”

Nicolás II, Alejandra Feodorovna, sus hijos, el doctor Botkin y tres sirvientes fueron fusilados. Tatiana no murió inmediatamente, las balas fueron obstaculizadas por diamantes cosidos en sus corsés. Fue rematada con bayonetas.

El 20 de agosto de 2000, la Gran Duquesa Tatiana, junto con el Emperador Nicolás II y la Emperatriz Alejandra Feodorovna, sus hermanas Olga, María, Anastasia y su hermano el Zarévich Alexei fueron canonizados como Nuevos Mártires de Rusia en el Consejo de Obispos Jubilar de la Iglesia Ortodoxa Rusa. Anteriormente, en 1981, fueron canonizados por la ROCOR.

¡Santos Mártires Reales, rogad a Dios por nosotros!

Fragmento de la pintura de la bóveda de la Catedral de la Resurrección del Monasterio Sretenski de Moscú. En el centro están los Mártires Reales. Foto: Chebotar Alexander Mircevic / temples.ruFragmento de la pintura de la bóveda de la Catedral de la Resurrección del Monasterio Sretenski de Moscú. En el centro están los Mártires Reales. Foto: Chebotar Alexander Mircevic / temples.ru  

Maria Tobolova
Traducción de Dmitry Lapa



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Moscow, July 10, 2024


Yesterday, July 9, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia celebrated the Liturgy at the Dormition Monastery in the city of Tikhvin, Leningrad Region. Yesterday was the feast of the Tikhvin icon of the Mother of God, the “Protectress of the Russian north”. During a fraternal meal after the Liturgy, His Holiness shared his thoughts on the synergy and unity of Church, state, and society, Pravoslavie.ru reports.

“The future of the country largely depends on our combined work and its results,” he emphasized.

“It is absolutely clear that Russia has chosen a unique path of civilizational development,” stated His Holiness. “It is astonishing that at the end of an era that began in the 19th century and raged in the 20th century, it is Russia that has become the true restraining force (cf. 2 Thess. 2:7), as the Holy Scripture says. The restraining force is what is capable of stopping the advent of total evil, which in the word of God is associated with the appearance of the Antichrist. And total evil aims to subjugate and destroy the human race.”

“When we talk about this topic, our Western partners often do not understand what we are talking about, or they think it is about some messianism that Russia attributes to itself. But this is not the case at all!” noted His Holiness Patriarch Kirill. “The family is being destroyed where it should have been strengthened. Shameful relationships between people, which Holy Scripture says is a grave sin, are now being considered normal. And if sin becomes the norm, what does that mean? It means the advent of the one who wants to erase the boundaries between good and evil, sin and sanctity.”

“I am far from saying that apocalyptic times are upon us. All this is in God's hands,” said His Holiness. “It is impossible to collapse all human civilization, destroy all countries, peoples, and cultures in one moment. Therefore, the escalation of evil happens gradually. But it is crucial that at each stage of the escalation of evil, there are good works, and the restraining force operates! And we know that first and foremost, the restraining force is faith in the Lord and Savior, as well as religious faith in general.”

“That is why our task is to ensure that in our country, and as much as possible throughout the Orthodox world, people do not lose the ability to distinguish between good and evil. For this, the Church must fulfill its prophetic mission,” emphasized His Holiness Patriarch Kirill. “What does this mean? A prophet is one who proclaims God’s truth. So, we need to have the courage, strength, and boldness to proclaim God’s truth. That means providing commentary on the development of society and culture that proceeds not from our own church-organizational interests, but by our concern for the salvation of the human race, for the salvation of our flock.”

“Of course, our struggle is not against flesh and blood, as the apostle Paul teaches, but against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the high places (cf. Eph. 6:12). And how should we fight? Of course, by celebrated the Divine services, by educating the people, but at the same time, by having intellectual and spiritual strength, we must resist the diabolical ideas that have already enslaved a significant part of the world, and we must prevent them from enslaving our people.”

His Holiness also noted that the Orthodox Christians of Russia must pray for their civil authorities, included the president.

“To our great happiness, probably through the prayers of the saints who have shone forth in the Russian land, today we have at the head of the state a person who clearly understands everything that the Church is talking about. He clearly understands that the advance of total evil will be destructive not only for Russia but for all human civilization. Therefore, our collective task is to pray for our President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, to support him, because the Lord has sent in this difficult time a person capable not just of withstanding the difficulties, but of mobilizing the country to have the strength to resist the advance of total evil,” His Holiness Patriarch Kirill asserted.

Nevertheless, he said, the Church as the main role in restraining evil in the world.

“But a special role belongs to the Church, everyone must be aware of this,” continued the Primate. “Metropolitans, archbishops, bishops, priests, and our parish activists and laity must all be aware of our collective responsibility for the future of the country and the future of the human race.”

But all of this depends on us, he emphasized.

“Today, Russia is the restraining force, and if we do not preserve our faith, human civilization will come to an end,” warned the Primate. “May God grant us to perceive our faith, our belonging to the Orthodox Church not just as an ethnocultural tradition. Baptizing a child, dying eggs on Easter—this is not yet Orthodoxy. Therefore, today we need a renewal of our faith. I address our intelligentsia, our people: We must understand that belonging to the Orthodox Church is a necessary condition for the salvation of the country, the salvation of the people, and perhaps, through Russia’s strength, the salvation of all human civilization.”

“My wish to everyone—to the secular authorities, to our hierarchs who bear special concern for the salvation of human souls, to all our people, including our youth—is that we be together. We must be of one mind. And the foundation of this unity must be love for the Motherland and faith in God. If we lose faith in God, there will be no love for the Motherland, and consequently, there will be no Russia. Let us firmly mark this in our consciousness: faith in God, love for the Motherland, and the future of our beautiful country!” concluded His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia.


See also


 fe ortodoxa


June 14/27 was the 125th anniversary of the birth of the third daughter of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna—Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna Romanova.

Blessed are the pure in heartfor they shall see God (Mt. 5:8).

Holy Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna RomanovaHoly Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna RomanovaThe charming Russian princess, Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna Romanova, was the third daughter in the family of the holy Emperor Nicholas II and his wife, the holy Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. She was born on June 14/27, 1899 at the lower dacha in Peterhof, the Royal Family’s summer residence. On that memorable day 101 cannon shots announced to people that a daughter had just been born in the Imperial Family. The Tsar wrote in his diary:

“It’s a happy day: The Lord has given us a third daughter, Maria, who was born safely at 12:10!”

The girl was born strong and healthy. The family had been waiting for the heir to the throne, and therefore the family members, and with them the whole of Russia, were disappointed by the birth of a girl. Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna (1875–1960) described the event as follows:

“It’s a pity that it is not a son. Poor Alix!”

And Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom wrote to her grandchildren:

“I regret the third girl for the country. I know that an heir would be more welcome than a daughter.”

Two weeks later, on June 27 according to the old calendar, the royal princess was baptized at the church of the Grand Palace in Peterhof. In Baptism the newborn was named Maria in honor of Equal-to-the-Apostles St. Mary Magdalene, and her grandmother, Empress Dowager Maria Feodorovna, became her godmother. During the Baptism a strand of her hair was cut off, rolled up in wax and thrown into the font—the wax ball sank, which was considered a good sign. One of the guests, admiring the girl, compared her to an angel, and thenceforth her family would call her affectionately, “our little angel”.

Maria at the age of about fourMaria at the age of about fourMashenka1 grew up cheerful and lively, and she was very kind. Margaretta Eagar, who served as a nanny to the royal daughters, recalled that the girl had a merry character from infancy and constantly smiled at others. In early childhood, Masha, who was a lover of animals, obtained a Siamese cat, and later a white mouse. Contemporaries described Maria as a girl who was too big for her age, with light brown hair and large dark blue eyes, which were referred to in the family as “Masha’s saucers”. At home she was called “Mashenka”, “Marie”, “Mary”, “Mashka”, “our kind plump Tyutya” and “Dumpling Tutu”. She was especially beloved by her aunt, the Emperor’s sister Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna (1882–º1960).

The princess was very lovely and charming; she was an artless and sweet creature with an easy temper, but not strong-willed. She was completely subjected to the will of her younger sister Anastasia. Maria was always involved in pranks invented by her younger sister. The naughty girls loved to turn on the gramophone at full volume and have fun to the fullest: jumping, dancing and laughing. The Tsarina was not pleased with this behavior, since her reception room was below the room of the “younger pair” (as Maria and Anastasia were nicknamed), and loud music distracted her from work, so she would send a lady in waithing to calm the mischievous girls down.

In her reminiscences, Margaretta Eagar described an incident when Maria stole several vanilla buns (which she adored) from her parents’ tea table. Her mother wanted to punish the “little imp” by ordering her to go to bed earlier than usual, but the Tsar objected, saying, “I feared she would soon have wings, like an angel! I am very relieved to see that she is a human child.”

The courtiers noted that Maria took after Emperor Alexander III. Like her grandfather, the girl was physically very strong. At the request of her brother Alexei, when he could not move on his own due to illness, she would carry him from the bed to the sofa in her arms. At the age of eighteen she easily lifted their English teacher Charles Gibbes (later Archimandrite Nicholas) off the floor for a joke.

Maria was always happy to be of service to her siblings. Sometimes it seemed to her that her sisters did not love her, and she complained to her mother about it. The Tsarina would write back to her:

“My dear Mashenka! Your letter has saddened me very much. Dear child, you must promise me never again to think that no one loves you. How could this thought come into your mind, darling? Get it out of your head quickly! We all love you dearly… Remember that you are just as dear to us as the other four, and that we love you with all our hearts.”

Maria spoke to her mother about faith and the Church more often than the other children and shared her religious experiences with her:

“After the prayer I had a feeling as if I had come from confession—such a pleasant, Heavenly feeling.”

Maria had a flair for drawing, was good at sketching, but had no interest in school subjects. The Grand Duchess’s success in studies was so-so. She also had a bent for languages, but she was fluent only in English and Russian; she spoke French fairly well, but her German remained poor. By the way, the French tutor Pierre Gilliard wrote of Maria:

“Maria Nikolaevna was a real beauty, perhaps too big for her age. She shone with bright colors and good health, and she had large, wonderful eyes. Her tastes were very modest, and she was the epitome of cordiality and kindness; her sisters probably took advantage of it a little.”

Roses. Grand Duchess Maria’s drawingRoses. Grand Duchess Maria’s drawingPrincess Maria was very approachable. General M.K. Diterikhs wrote:

“Maria was capable and loved to talk to everyone, especially to simple folk. While walking in the park, she used to start conversations with soldiers of the guard, asking them questions and remembering perfectly well the names of their wives, how many children and how much land each of them had, etc. She always had a lot of common topics to talk about with them.”

Maria was passionate about their family’s summer trips on the yacht Standart, and knew all the sailors by name, along with their wives and children.

The princess loved children very much. One day she confessed to their nanny Miss Eagar that she dreamed of marrying an ordinary soldier and having twenty children.

“In the family she was the simplest, most affectionate and friendly,” the investigator N.A. Sokolov wrote. “By nature she was a typical mother. Her sphere was small children. Most of all she loved to care for and fuss over them.”

According to contemporaries’ reminiscences, Mashenka Romanova was the Emperor’s most beautiful daughter. Her physical beauty seemed to come from the beauty of her soul. The Empress’ lady-in-waiting Sophia Yakovlevna Ofrosimova wrote about Princess Maria:

“She can safely be called a Russian beauty. Tall, plump, with bushy and silky eyebrows and with bright red cheeks on her open Russian face, she is especially dear to the Russian heart. As you look at her you involuntarily imagine her dressed in a Russian boyar sleeveless summer dress; snow–white muslin sleeves are seen around her arms, with semiprecious stones on her breast that rises as she breathes, and a kokoshnik with rolling pearls above her high white forehead. Her eyes light up her whole face with a special, radiant luster; At times they… seem black, long eyelashes cast a shadow over the bright red of her delicate cheeks. She is cheerful and brisk, but has not yet awakened for life; she must have the immense energy of a true Russian woman hidden inside her.”

The Tsarina’s friend Yulia Dehn used to say that Maria was not as lively as her sisters, but she had a developed worldview and always knew what she wanted and why. Like her sisters, Maria was never haughty in her high rank and always rushed to help her neighbors. She felt someone else’s sorrows keenly and always tried to reconcile everyone.

Her cousin, Louis Mountbatten, fell in love with Maria when the Russian Imperial Family paid an official visit to England in 1909. And until his death in 1979, although already married, he always kept a portrait of the murdered Russian princess on his desk.

At the age of fourteen, young Maria met the naval officer Nikolai Dmitrievich Demenkov. He was from a noble family in which the men had always devoted their lives to the Navy. At the age of twenty-five he graduated from the Marine Corps and in 1913 arrived in Livadia to guard the Royal Family. After one summer vacation, Demenkov was sent to a Consolidated Regiment to guard the royal children further. The amiability between the young man and the princess was mutual, and everybody in their close circles knew about it. St. Nicholas II encouraged Maria’s friendship with Demenkov, but did not consider the young man as his future son-in-law. In his view, Maria was still a child, and it was too early to speak about her possible marriage. The girl signed her letters to her father as “Mrs. Demenkova”. Her father would reply: “I am glad for you that N.D. stayed in Tsarskoye Selo...” Maria’s close association with Demenkov ended in 1916 when the officer went to the front. Before he left, Maria had sewn him a shirt. They did not see each other again, although they corresponded. The girl continued to write to him even from Tobolsk. In her last postcard to him Maria wrote:

“My warmest greetings to you on your name day and I wish you all the best in life. It’s very sad that we haven’t heard from you for so long. How are you?.. We remember the time of fun, games and Ivan. What are you doing? Give my regards to everyone who remembers us. Sending you our love. May God keep you. M. November 22, 1917.”

Princess Maria’s farewell card. Photo: Saltkrakan.livejournal.comPrincess Maria’s farewell card. Photo: Saltkrakan.livejournal.com    

Nikolai Demenkov lived a long life in exile, but never married. He died in Paris in 1950. Nikolai gave the shirt sewn by Maria to a museum.

In 1914, the Romanian heir to the throne, Carol, fell in love with the Grand Duchess. A year later he asked Nicholas II for her hand in marriage, but he refused decisively, saying that Maria was too young.

She was fifteen when the First World War broke out. During the war Maria and Anastasia visited wounded soldiers in the hospitals, which, according to a custom, were named after both Grand Duchesses. They sewed linen for soldiers and their families, prepared bandaging material and were very sorry that they could not, due to their young age, become army nurses, like Grand Duchesses Olga and Tatiana. The younger sisters’ duty was to entertain wounded soldiers; they read aloud to them, played cards with them, and held small concerts. Maria wrote to her father at the front:

“The concert in our hospital was a great success… My Demenkov was a perfect dear and introduced us to all the actors...”

Nikolai Demenkov (far left) greets the Grand Duchesses at the entrance to the hospitalNikolai Demenkov (far left) greets the Grand Duchesses at the entrance to the hospital    

Many of the soldiers who were treated at Maria Hospital had fond memories of that time.

“Dear Maria!” the Tsarina wrote to her daughter. “Please distribute these icons to all the officers at the Grand Palace from me. Unwrap them... if there are too many of them, give me back the extra ones. I am also sending bread: blessed prosphora and unconsecrated bread—they should heat it up and eat it… I hope you will send me a letter. May God bless and protect you. Thousands of kisses from your old Mom, who is missing you very much.”

It was very hard for Empress Alexandra Feodorovna during the days of the February Revolution in 1917. The children, except Maria, had come down with measles and were lying with a fever, her husband had not yet returned from the Headquarters, and the rebel troops were approaching Peterhof. At that time, Grand Duchess Maria was her Mother’s only support. From Maria Nikolaevna’s letter to the Emperor:

“March 3rd. Our dearest and most beloved Father! I am with you mentally and in prayer all the time... Now I am with Maman almost all day long, because I am the only one who is still well and able to walk. I also sleep together with her to be closer in case I need to say something or someone wants to see her...”

From left to right: Grand Duchesses Maria, Olga, Anastasia and Tatiana during house arrest in Tsarskoye Selo. Spring of 1917From left to right: Grand Duchesses Maria, Olga, Anastasia and Tatiana during house arrest in Tsarskoye Selo. Spring of 1917    

Alexandra Feodorovna wrote to her husband:

“Our four children are still ill—only Maria is on her feet. She is calm, but my ‘helper’ is losing weight without showing everything she feels.”

“I will never forget the night when the few loyal regiments (the Consolidated, His Majesty’s Convoy, the Guards Crew and the Artillery) surrounded the palace, as rioting soldiers with machine guns, threatening to smash everything into smithereens, were marching in droves through the streets towards the palace,” Anna Vyrubova testified. “The Tsarina with Maria Nikolaevna came out to the regiments that were about to leave the palace. And they would probably have left that night if it hadn’t been for the Empress and her brave daughter, who walked calmly around the soldiers until twelve o’clock, cheering them up with kind words and forgetting the mortal danger to which they were exposed.”

Maria walked and smiled at the soldiers, especially the sailors, without betraying her fear. The young princess would show exactly the same courage in the trials that awaited her soon. A few days after that terrible night, having caught a cold, Maria herself came down with double pneumonia and a temperature over forty. Her illness took a serious turn, and Dr. Botkin feared for her life. But the Grand Duchess’ naturally strong body overcame the serious illness.

Then the Provisional Government exiled the Royal Family to Tobolsk. And here Maria Nikolaevna charmed everyone she met. She even managed to win over the prison officers. She was admired by the Commissioner of the Provisional Government V.S. Pankratov... All of Maria Nikolaevna’s letters from prison are imbued with love and compassion for her loved ones, sorrow, and memories of the past.

“We are always happy when we are allowed to go inside the church,” she wrote to her friend in the spring of 1918. “But it is a great shame that we have never been able to venerate the relics of St. John of Tobolsk.”

It was Maria, the strongest of the sisters, who accompanied her parents during the move from Tobolsk to Ekaterinburg. The other princesses could not immediately join them owing to the Tsarevich’s illness.

This gentle girl never gave in to danger and did not tolerate rudeness. While her sisters Olga and Tatiana almost fainted from the insults of the Red Army soldiers guarding the Ipatiev house, she would rebuke the offenders harshly, and her courage earned their respect.

Maria was martyred at the age of nineteen with her whole family on the night of July 16–17, 1918. She was standing behind her mother at the time of the execution. Together with her parents, sisters and brother, Maria was canonized among the New Martyrs of Russia at the Jubilee Bishops’ Council of the Russian Orthodox Church in August 2000. Earlier, in 1981, they were canonized by ROCOR. In 2010, the cruise ferry acquired by the Russian St. Peter Line shipping company was named in honor of Maria Romanova—Princess Maria.

Today Christians pray to the Royal Passion-Bearers, seeking their help in strengthening the family and raising children in the faith and piety; many seek their help in studying. Their names are also invoked for the prosperity of Russia.

Maria Tobolova
Translation by Dmitry Lapa


 ثانه را تبرئه کنید (PIS) با نگاهی به کانال انگلیسی ما ALBION را از دست خواهیم داد

با کمک خدا و دریبی کردن بچه هایمان از کوئینتا دل چوپته، تیم انگلیسی را در برلین غرق خواهیم کرد.

فینال برلین ما قیمه انگلیسی را درست می کنیم. اما مراقب هری کین باشید، او در پریدن به داخل استخر و گرفتن پنالتی ها از آستین خود متخصص است.

من کاری را انجام می دهم که آن ملوان بزرگ دون بلاس د لزو از چشم آن غافل شده بود.

 نصف پا و یک دست بود اما توپ‌ها و آلت تناسلی‌اش دست نخورده بود و وقتی می‌خواست مثانه‌اش را تبرئه کند، آلت تناسلی‌اش را بیرون می‌آورد و شروع می‌کرد به خراشیدن رو به انگلیس.

ادرار کردن... ادرار کردن و پاشیدن آب کدر روی کناره گالن او جاری شد. دون بلاس مثل یک پدر کلیسا عصبانی بود.

و من فکر می کنم این چیزی است که قرار است یکشنبه در برلین اتفاق بیفتد.

ما به یاری خدا تیم انگلیس را غرق می کنیم زیرا یاسمین لمال، افشاگر این قهرمانی، مانند یک فرزند پیامبر واقعی فوتبال بازی می کند.

آه مراکش، مراکش همیشه، همان مراکشی که در دشواری های تاریخی ما را از دردسر بیرون می آورد، هرچند گاهی با ما جنگ می کند!

با گارد مور دشمنان اسپانیا را شکست دادیم. آنها مؤمن ترین سربازان هستند.

 موریتوهای ما صبور هستند، آنها استقامت زیادی دارند و با "فوسیلا" که پدرم که یک گروهبان منظم بود، معجزه می کنند.

حالا این موریتوهایی که با پستانک بین لب‌هایشان فوتبال بازی می‌کنند و با نی با توپ می‌جنگند، همان‌هایی هستند که با نیزه‌ای پشت سر رهبر و در ژیک سفید آماده سوار می‌شوند:

(لمال، نیکو ویلسون، کسی که با قایق به اسپانیا آمد یا از حصار پرید) مدافعان انگلیسی را روی الاغ خود می نشیند، اگر هری کین خسته با مجموعه ای از حقه های تمام نشدنی خود با پریدن به سمت ما نیاید. استخر.

 ما دزدان دریایی را گلوله باران خواهیم کرد، انتقام شکست شکست ناپذیر را در برلین خواهیم




Je fais ce que ce grand marin Don Blas de Lezo manquait d'un œil.

 Une demi-jambe et il manquait mais ses couilles et son pénis étaient intacts et quand il allait disculper sa vessie, il sortait son pénis et commençait à pisser face à l'Angleterre.

Pipi… pipi et une éclaboussure d'eau trouble coula sur le côté de son galion. Don Blas était énervé comme un père d'église.

Et je pense que c'est ce qui va se passer dimanche à Berlin.

Nous allons couler l'équipe anglaise avec l'aide d'Allah car Yasmine Lamal, la révélation de ce championnat, joue au football en vrai fils de prophète.

Ah le Maroc, toujours le Maroc, celui qui nous sort du pétrin dans nos difficultés historiques même si parfois il nous fait la guerre !

Avec la garde maure, nous avons vaincu les ennemis de l'Espagne. Ce sont les soldats les plus fidèles.

 Nos Moritos sont patients, ils ont beaucoup d'endurance et ils font des merveilles avec la « fusilla », comme disait mon père, qui était sergent des Réguliers.

Or ces Moritos qui jouent au football avec une tétine entre les lèvres et jonglent avec les roseaux avec le ballon sont les mêmes que ceux qui chevauchaient derrière le leader avec une lance à la main, jaique blanc :

(Lamal, Niko Wilson, celui qui est venu en Espagne en bateau ou a sauté la clôture) fera asseoir les défenseurs anglais sur le cul, si Harry Kane, épuisé, ne vient pas à nous avec un répertoire de ses astuces inépuisables en sautant dans la piscine.

 Nous bombarderons les pirates, nous vengerons la défaite des Invincibles à Berlin

 膀胱無罪 (PIS) 看看英語頻道我們將擊敗 PERFIDIAL ALBION














 Entlasten Sie die Blase (PIS), indem Sie auf den englischen Kanal schauen. Wir werden den perfiden Albion besiegen


BERLIN-FINALE. Wir machen das englische Hackfleisch. Aber seien Sie vorsichtig mit Harry Kane, er ist ein Experte darin, in den Pool zu springen und Strafen aus dem Ärmel zu nehmen

Ich tue, was dem großen Seemann Don Blas de Lezo ein Auge gefehlt hat.

 Er hatte ein halbes Bein und war einarmig, aber seine Hoden und sein Penis waren intakt, und wenn er seine Blase entlasten wollte, holte er seinen Penis heraus und begann mit dem Gesicht zu England zu pissen.

Pisse... Pisse und ein Spritzer trübes Wasser floss über die Seite seiner Galeone. Don Blas hat gepisst wie ein Kirchenvater.

Und ich denke, das wird am Sonntag in Berlin passieren.

Wir werden die englische Mannschaft mit Allahs Hilfe vernichten, denn Yasmine Lamal, die Offenbarung dieser Meisterschaft, spielt Fußball wie ein wahrer Sohn eines Propheten.

Ach, Marokko, immer Marokko, das uns aus unseren historischen Schwierigkeiten herausholt, auch wenn es manchmal Krieg gegen uns führt!

Mit der maurischen Garde besiegten wir die Feinde Spaniens. Sie sind die treuesten Soldaten.

 Unsere Moritos sind geduldig, sie haben viel Ausdauer und sie vollbringen Wunder mit der „Fusila“, wie mein Vater, der Sergeant der Regulars war, sagte.

Nun sind diese Moritos, die mit einem Schnuller zwischen den Lippen Fußball spielen und mit dem Ball mit Schilfrohren jonglieren, die gleichen wie diejenigen, die mit einem Speer im Anschlag hinter dem Anführer ritten, weißer Jaique:

(Lamal, Niko Wilson, derjenige, der mit einem Boot nach Spanien kam oder über den Zaun sprang) wird die englischen Verteidiger auf den Arsch sitzen lassen, wenn der erschöpfte Harry Kane nicht mit einem Repertoire seiner unerschöpflichen Tricks zu uns kommt, indem er hineinspringt der Pool.

 Wir werden die Piraten beschießen, wir werden die Niederlage der Unbesiegbaren in Berlin rächen




I do what that great sailor Don Blas de Lezo did, he was missing an eye.

Half a leg and he was one-handed but his balls and cock were whole and when he was going to exonerate his bladder he took out his cock and started to pee facing England.

Pee… pee and a little splash of murky water flowed over the side of his galleon. Don Blas was pissing like a father of the church.

And I think that is what is going to happen on Sunday in Berlin.

We are going to sink the English squadron with the help of Allah because Yasmine Lamal, the revelation of this championship, plays football like a true son of a Prophet.

Ah Morocco, always Morocco, the one who gets us out of trouble in our historical difficulties even though sometimes it makes war on us!

With the Moorish guard we defeated the enemies of Spain. They are the most faithful soldiers.

Our Moors are long-suffering, have a lot of endurance and do wonders with the “fusila”, which my father said was a sergeant of the Regulars.

Now these little Moors who play football with a pacifier between their lips and juggle the ball with rushes are the same as those who rode behind the leader with a lance in hand, white jaique:

(Lamal, Niko Wilson, the one who came to Spain in a boat or jumped the fence) will make the English defenders sit on their asses, if the exhausted Harry Kane does not come to us with a repertoire of his inexhaustible tricks by jumping into the pool.

We will shell the pirates, we will avenge the defeat of the Invincible in Berlin




Я делаю то, чего не хватало у великого моряка дона Бласа де Лесо.

 Половина ноги, и он был одноруким, но его яйца и пенис были целы, и когда он собирался реабилитировать свой мочевой пузырь, он вынимал пенис и начинал мочиться лицом к Англии.

Пи… пи, и брызги мутной воды потекли по борту его галеона. Дон Блас злился, как отец церкви.

И я думаю, именно это произойдет в воскресенье в Берлине.

Мы собираемся потопить сборную Англии с помощью Аллаха, потому что Ясмин Ламаль, откровение этого чемпионата, играет в футбол, как истинный сын Пророка.

Ах, Марокко, всегда Марокко, которое выручает нас из неприятностей в наших исторических трудностях, хотя иногда оно и ведет с нами войну!

С помощью мавританской гвардии мы разгромили врагов Испании. Они самые верные солдаты.

 Наши морито терпеливы, у них много выносливости и они творят чудеса с «фузилой», о чем говорил мой отец, который был сержантом регулярных войск.

Теперь эти морито, играющие в футбол с соской во рту и жонглирующие тростью с мячом, такие же, как и те, кто ехал за вожаком с копьем наперевес, белым хайком:

(Ламаль, Нико Уилсон, тот самый, который приехал в Испанию на лодке или перепрыгнул через забор) заставит английских защитников сесть на задницы, если к нам не придет измученный Гарри Кейн с репертуаром своих неисчерпаемых трюков, прыгая в бассейн.

 Мы обстреляем пиратов, мы отомстим за поражение «Инвинсибла» в Берлине