

He announced a terrible time without too much tenderness and passed the hand of the new inquisitors by the back. Aldous Huxley spoke for an entire era announcing the possibility of an unredeemed world of blacklists and of new propagators of slogans and words in the ear with masonic irons without tolerating sarcasm and turning the joy of living into a crime. A time in which irony would be penalized by fines by the great priests of unilateral Thought and the encomenderos of persecution and torture using formulas from trusted writers, their rhapsodists, their criers, their politicians. Isn't that happening in what used to be the old Yugoslavia – this was published in the Burgos newspaper on November 5, 1994? Aldous Huxley turns one hundred years old and we don't know if he was apocalyptic. Much truth in his writings. They make you think.

It may be that his ephemeris, which is very uncomfortable and itchy for those who are proclaiming the end of utopia, turns out to be irreverent and they think about suppressing it because we are attending a kind of black mass in which they want to offer a holocaust to intelligence; this ceremony is nothing but a vestige of the old medieval hordelia and the burning of books in the public square.

It is about erasing the memory of rewriting history. Inane exercise because from the palimpsests the eradicated letter reappears, the uncomfortable name, the Name of the Rose. The name of Aldous Huxley London 1894–California 1963 is as uncomfortable as Orwell's in 1984, since it provoked many torn garments among the panegyrists of Reagan and Thatcher. With their irony Huxley burns like Eric Blair Orwell's real name, in prophetic resonance, they denounced the abuses of a superdeficient society under the surveillance of the Supercofrade with great highways of information coming and going where opinion is taboo and hardly You can think on your own, that the great journalistic trusts would emerge as the heart of the matter, a kind of truth courts and news offices where what is to be known is managed. This one yes. This not. Quid libet et illibet. The subtle manipulation of the thing. These taifa kingdoms are ruled by very arrogant authentic midas of communication who supervise ideas and consciences and charge the cheap of fear. In France a new individual began to emerge le penseur en congé, the journalist without a newspaper. He came one and kicked us all out. He started the great rout, the dispersal and manipulation operation. The British gentleman, a brave voice denouncing chaos, frail in health and half blind, had a lynx-like vision of what was to come in the future. As the father of the scientific utopian novel. Brave New World was just sarcasm, but there were plenty of critics who took the play seriously. Begin to be as if the past did not exist and of course the future would not exist either. Knock on memory. One hundred years after his birth, the work of this great apocalyptic English author is a warning to all those who try to suppress memory. Spontaneous generation does not occur in nature. Nor is there a clean slate to the whole. Huxley sensed what was coming more than a century in advance. Cybernetic freedoms could plunge the human race into the greatest of tyrannies. The powerful use "their freedom" to violate Freedom and that Freedom belongs to others, although they do not respect it. Consequently, we would have economic blockades, blackmail, invasions. local wars.

Instantaneous communication by default would bring the terrifying incommunicability of the human being. And among individuals, families, nations. Dark time. The return to the noble savage and the Rousseauian Emile would mean the annihilation of two millennia of Christianity and Don Cesar Vidal was yet to arrive, the pseudo who hides his faith and goes to demonstrations with a rabbi's hat. Man a wolf to man. Brute force would prevail. No ideas here. We return to the urban jungle making a clean slate of all social achievements for the sake of a supposed economic liberalism promoting universal brotherhood. The blacks would arrive in Berlin with a poster on their lapel whose sign said Europe the paradise. And the great invasion of rafts and cayucos on our boundaries was about to be announced. One told me at the Seven Chimneys; they will come to die at our door and that colleague from the press office had a prophetic inflammation of the category of Huxley. The law of the inverted pyramid turns the world upside down and the truth upside down. This dangerous game of erasing memory gave rise to the origin of the Nieztschianinian superman. They criticize the Nazis but these Zionists are much like them. They are children of the great Z. A new lumpen is being created that is young and urban. It is good that there are many ana

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