
An American Orthodox3/3/2019 11:06 pm
May God grant the Russian Patriarch and all other Patriarchs and bishops who concelebrated with him many years! I pray that you continue to follow the teachings, path, spirit of St. Mark of Ephesus and resist the ecumenism and lies of the Roman Catholic Church and her allies, such as the Patriarch of Constantinople! The Eastern and Western Churches are not two lungs of the True Church! There is only one True Church, only Church that has remained faithful to the Councils: The Eastern Orthodox Church! And the Patriarchs and bishops in this Liturgy are bearing witness to this Truth!

John D.2/11/2019 9:26 pm
From his(St.John Maximovitch)theological writings...The chief freedom.He is entirely immersed in the Orthodox tradition,and he is himself a source of true Orthodox theology,no kind of foreign influences or any overemphasis on one part of tradition because of some controversy.This makes him especially valuable as an authority on something which is very much discussed today in the English language:the so-called Western influence on Orthodox theology...he wrote on iconography...he emphasizes the true Orthodox iconographic style,but at the same time he is not too upset about Western-style long as they are blessed to be in the Church.-Blessed Fr. Seraphim Rose
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