

I HAVE a book in my hands "The Lady of the Three Cards and other stories" and a date with my name July 1, 1963 Saturday.

It is the acquisition of those cheap books that I bought with the money from the Sunday strike that my mother gave me.

  Sixty years have passed and I reread Pushkin. You have to be Russian to fully understand it because the great poet of Slavic letters made the art of writing an aesthetic.

All of his work is a hymn to freedom, love and beauty combined with that eutrapelia of the Greeks of reverence for human life.

  My love for Russian letters goes back a long way, in those authors I found my paradigm as a writer and journalist.

  I continue in that demand rowing against the current because yesterday I heard Vladimir Putin's speech full of reasons and patriotic sanity that the torticorous Madrid newspapers and the voice of his master have received with insults and sarcasm.

Russia enervates and excites. I fall in love

Volodya said something that is spoiling the party for those of the Brussels conspiracy that Russia is invincible. When she appears, more humiliated and defeated, she resurrects.

In "Roslavlev" one of Pushkin's stories when referring to the visit made by Madame Stael, Napoleon's spy who fell precisely defeated at Borodino (something that Joe Biden must have overlooked the short steps the one with the look arrogant and cruel smile without decomposing the very dangerous type of gesture the vera effigy of a tyrant a new Nero another Napoleon who ran in a hurry to take refuge when he was walking through the streets of Kiev and ran in full prose to take refuge when the alarm sirens sounded, all the bullies are cowards) and goes like this:

“The intelligentsia of that time extolled Napoleon with fanatical servility and mocked our failures, but look at Moscow burning on all four sides, it is the ruin of the French army… Oh, I am proud to be Russian. The whole world will be stunned by the magnitude of our sacrifice."

This is Pushkin the greatest poet of his great standard-bearer literature of the Russian soul. Yesterday while I was watching Putin in his important two-hour speech surrounded by officers, economists, politicians and soldiers (beautiful people) some of them wounded in combat are the ones who fight against evil (Zlo) the old book guarded it back in my hands of Alejandro Pushkin and I kissed him.

  Shape for not only my library but also my life.

I am sure that Russia will be victorious in its confrontation against the hidden forces and will defeat them as she defeated Hitler and Napoleon even if they have to burn Moscow again.

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