


My entire life since the great fascism/Zionist persecution began was a coming and going to the Moyano hill behind the botanist's gate. There were the most diverse novels, poetry, history and philosophy books. My house is a wonderful paper prison in which I take refuge. I'm watching them come, stationed in the embrasure of my foxhole.

Ruidavets was the king of mambo.

The new obscurantists (they throw songs against their roof) 'overlook an inescapable fact: Spain was for centuries, together with Russia, the leading bibliographic power in the world.

  Planeta, Austral, Destino, Plaza y Janés, Lara, Doncel, Edelvives, Castalia and all those publishers specialized in the pocket book, Molino, El Ciervo, based in Barcelona constituted the Olympus of Hispanic literature and the greatest splendor the boom Paradoxically, supreme and evil that despite all these corners of our venal politics occurred during the times of Francoism.

Then we were freer, we wrote better and in schools the Spanish language was studied, which has become derogatory in what they call Language, a term that is too abstruse and ridiculous.

  With it the devil shows us his tongue. It is dirty and the Ministers of Culture from both areas, to the left or right, Esperanza Aguirre, Carmen Calvo, made us bald. But what is that, girls. Is that what the Ursulines taught you in the fee-paying schools to show off your chichi and sell Spanish culture for a plate of lentils?

  Since 1975 we have witnessed a slow but disturbing process of de-Spanishization. I don't want to mention the riff-raff because I'm horrified by the name they pulled the strings. With this we have become more brutal, more intolerant, more ladino.

There is a whole program of cretinization, the stupider the better and the one who whines the most is a caper and they persecute those of us who put up with it as if we were rats.

They want to turn us into meek sheep of the great fold, bleating through the open fields at the mercy of wolves outside and mastiffs and attack dogs inside.

I can attest that the literary quality of the productions of the era of the Democrats of all the vidorra took a dip.

  Authors like Cela, Tomás Salvador, Delibes, Arbó, Ramón Carnicer, etc. are no longer found. Those of the '68 generation, in which I include myself, led by Jesús Torbado, Umbral, Torrente Ballester and some others, were the last from the Philippines.

Now it is difficult to write incorrectly with Biscayan concordances and even with spelling mistakes. Let's take a look at our digital newspapers and TV text signs to persuade ourselves that what I say is not an error.

Berdiaev points out that the new sociological illiteracy represents a return to the Middle Ages. To the dark times.

  Borreguil illiteracy is imposed.

The sheep that bleats and continues docilely bowing its head in the footsteps of the ram is easier to govern than the surly one. I know that the goat always throws the bush but these people want a digital world governed by minds with flat encephalograms.

Whoever emerges is sent to the outer darkness, virtual death, or they send him a drone. Everything will blow up.

Proudly, I have to say that with my comings and goings to the Madrid book slope, negotiating and putting up with the unscrupulous booksellers, I not only managed to survive but also gave a cut to these cocoons of organized lying following the example of that passage from Estebanillo, that Jew who managed to deceive the Jews of the Nice synagogue by selling them the false bones of a relative burned by the inquisition. Hehe hahaha. "I knew how to deceive those who deceive everyone," he says.

Books may not help you succeed today, but they were my defense, the defensive armband with which I protected myself from so much bullshit, from so much son of a bitch that I found along the way. I have defeated the diabolical and Masonic host. Praise Jesus Christ. Of course I cannot conceive a world without books. It would be equivalent to returning to barbarism.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

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