


Live to see, our press has gone crazy. She has once again become the scoundrel as they called her in the past. You tell more lies than the gazette. That's a shot at you, because now it turns out that Putin is the bad guy in the movie, the mentor of Catalanism and the independence of those in the process. The kids from the gang scare us by saying that the Russians are coming and I start singing something from the times of the War of Independence. The Russians come by land and the English by sea and since I am Spanish I stay sitting here. They say that Putin was going to send several regiments of parachutists to the Pyrenees, but man for God, what an outrage, if Pichimont were from the KGB he would have fled to Moscow in a tank instead of inside the trunk of a car, the very coward to open it house in Waterloo and collect allowances in the European Parliament from where he directs the maneuver to scrap Spain, laughing at the judges, the government and all the relatives. I am a fugitive. Tararí that I saw you. Don't get me and there we have Sánchez kneeling on the ground in front of the infamous and cowardly cantonalist and the right saying that the Russians are to blame. Well, weren't the squad boys trained in Israel? Have the Zionists of Felipe Maraña alias Felipe Sahagún not signed a treaty with Morocco to support the usurpation of Ceuta and Melilla and the old African provinces, I mean the Sahara before Rio Muni and the Canary Islands would also be involved? The Talmud, because the end justifies the means and there is no moral value, advises in any conflict, once the damage has been perpetrated, the same one who did it and accuse the enemy of having committed it. That's what they call a Jewess. I think that many Spaniards, stunned, demoralized, scared, are smelling the toast: the psoe, vox, pp, serve the same master. He smells rotten in Denmark. We don't have a good memory for these things. That GC report is apocryphal. Spain, our homeland, is walking towards the abyss of dissolution, of destruction. It is in Brussels where the maula is. The gringos love us dearly (it's ironic) and there we have Chema Aznar smiling with the face of a rabbit, how ugly the guy is, and one, old correspondent, seeing what I've seen, it makes me want to throw in the towel. Frankly there is no way out. We have fallen into the mousetrap, they have us by the balls left and right. What a pity! Today I cry my tears for Spain

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