

LIVE RUBIALES WITH TWO COJONES The cybernetic mass of the great ruling Sanhedrin tears their clothes and cries out to heaven for a kiss without consequences, a way of saying congratulations, but these self-righteous pudicious who dirty the networks of sex and violence tear their clothes spoiling the party. No one here talks about that FUCK SPAIN with which the English goalkeeper was dispatched when she stopped Hermoso's penalty and hides the patriotism with which the English lionesses were received at Heathrow airport. But Spain and I are like that Mrs. Eduardo Marquina dixit. I would join the fuck Spain of the British archer but not the real and eternal Spain that suffers, works, endures the wick and walks fearfully through the seas of history under the yoke of Soros and all that pseudo-democratic patulea, moaning under the weight of the torticera nets. Rubiales' gesture when tempting his soft parts is a proclamation of two balls, Spanish fury and that the fagot from Iceta does not come to fill our heads with morality and tarnish a victory of these eleven pigs that left the Spanish flag very high in Sydney . With two balls this is with a pair of ovaries. Let's put an end to the media sanhedrin that wants to ruin our party and I remember Becquer's kiss: For a look, a world, for a smile, a sky and for a kiss... My God, I don't know what I would give for a kiss from you, Jeny

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