A trumpet and a drum sounded in his memory, and a rubber ball bounced around in his brain and landed in the sand. Play in the net and hide among the stones. The wise men of that time were poor men, but what an illusion it was to look out onto the porch of a Roman bridge and see if those monarchs were coming from the East on horseback!
Dad left them some garlic soup and a couple of glasses of brandy on the windowsill, because in Segovia there were insane snowfalls those winters and the roofs of the houses were decorated with dripping icicles.
- Won't they freeze in these snowfalls and sleet, Mom? - Juanita el Silvinete asked her mother.
- - NO. My life. They come to worship the God Child, and the fire they carry in their souls carries them.
- The boy was not very convinced.
- His father, Don Nicanor, acted as a mediator in the conversation.
- During the war in Teruel, I was colder, and here I am.
"Mother added it to the menu so that the royal guests could have chorichillo and a few pieces of lean meat left over from the slaughter." This keeps them GOING.
- Silvinete was convinced by this maternal explanation: the Magi bring fire to the soul, and that warmed their hearts.
- Silvinete is now an eighty-year-old man and looks at the bridge of Valdevilla, over which Mesta's herds passed and the wise men rode up on their camels with their pages, at their mule caravans, at the artols overflowing with gifts for children who were good, he sees them coming, hoping that then there will be no disappointments and problems that life brings. That trip was an illusion. Pure illusion and transparent innocence.
The ball his father gave him was pierced with a knife by a madman when it fell on a fence while playing, telling him that the Three Kings were his parents. The sword split, stories and comics disappeared in places, but the sky was full of songs:
- The shepherds and the kings went together to fetch firewood to warm the baby born on Christmas Eve.
- Life passed very quickly. His parents died. Suffering and sadness covered his face with wrinkles. He turned gray. However, even when she was eighty years old and remembered her childhood, Epiphany night still remained for Silvinete a magical night full of openness and purity.
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