


I entered the apoditeria where Messalina and Proserpina's henchmen were undressing. The locker room served as a general masturbatory for the toriondas of the cosmic network. The mares pregnant by the wind watered the Elysian fields with their hippomaniacs. Bellies, vaginas, cufros, some vertical and others square through which the bagpipes of lust appeared, comic windows of happiness and misfortune, caves of pleasure, meat that will be roasted in hell.

As I am going uncovered and nothing human is foreign to me, I heard a voice that launched all kinds of expletives against me in Russian.

−Durak, zashranets, ubliodok, bezsilni... and worse.

She was one of the yshliokis (whores) the most beautiful woman in the world. She had no comparison to her harmonious face, dark-eyed, copper-colored hair. She was Bermeja unleashing toads and snakes against me. I had not said a word to bother her. Well, I have the audacity to enter such salons with a cap and I don't spend the required coins; there are those who give them a thousand dollars to see how they ejaculate and put the cloths of the lost pulpit.

  Then they show the clients the smear of their vaginal fluids in triumph. Look patescunt; Admirable things about female physiology appear.

−How disgusting, Bermeja, valovoi; a Russian as beautiful as you showing your flesh in such a salacious and indecent way

−Durak (crazy) today is the day of the working woman.

−Well, what a job, making money by showing your pussy

I made the sign of the cross, Bermeja became angry and gave me a whole string of insults.

−I am not Russian, I am a mamon, although I speak that language, I belong to the chosen race

  −That does not give you license to insult me by spouting all kinds of obscenities at me.

She turned against me like a Eumenide.

−Faggot, late, impotent

It made me want to cry as Xto cried at the sight of Jerusalem when she prophesied that she would not remain stone upon stone and I sang with Isaiah: Jerusalem, reverteris ad Dominun deum tuum

I turned off the television understanding that that Women's party was hostile to my principles with the decisive purpose of never entering these halls of concupiscence and debauchery again.

Tomorrow I will say my mass for La Bermeja and for all the poor women submerged by the River of Babylon and its tributaries who practice the oldest trade in the world for which there is no redemption or other remedy than tolerance and compassion.

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